department: Management
Campus de Cergy
+33 (0)1 34 43 30 25
Health and Medicine – International Law – Management
Personal links
Other activities
- 2012: Case Writing and Course Development Seminar (Harvard Business School United States of America)
- 2011: Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning (Harvard Business School United States of America)
- 1990: Graduate IPM (now CIPD) (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development United Kingdom)
- 2003: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Université de Toulouse France)
- 1996: Doctorat of Sciences in Management (Université de Toulouse France)
- 1993: DEA of Sciences in Management (Université de Toulouse France)
- 1991: MSc, Est-West Exchanges (Essca School of Management France)
- 1990: MSc in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom)
- 1989: Maîtrise in Economics (Université Grenoble Alpes France)
Other Academic Appointments
- 2011 – Now : Academic Director for Apprenticeship (ESSEC Business School France)
- 2005 : Visiting Professor – Center for International Studies (Université du Missouri United States of America)
- 2004 – 2005 : Visiting Professor – Center for HR Strategy (Université Rutgers United States of America)
- 2003 – Now : Academic Co-Director (co-creator) for the Executive Part Time Master Program in HRM (ESSEC Business School France)
Full-time academic appointments
- 2007 – Now : Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
- 2001 – 2007 : Associate Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
- 1998 – 2001 : Assistant Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
Other appointments
- 2000 – 2003 : Chair, Department of Human Resource Management (ESSEC Business School France)
- 2000 : Visiting Scholar (Wharton School United States of America)
- 2016 : The book « La cogestion des carrières », received a label from the Collège de Labellisation des Ouvrages de Recherche en Sciences de Gestion of FNEGE.
- 2015 : 2015 Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence: Outstanding Paper, for “Boundaryless career drivers – exploring macro-contextual factors in location decisions,” Journal of Global Mobility.
- 2010 : International Human Resource Scholarly Research Award
Journal articles
- DOLAN, S.L., BELOUT, A., CERDIN, J.L. et CASADEMUNT, J. (2024). Towards the Building of Organisational Resilience: Uncovering the Key Features. European Business Review, pp. 58-69.
- STAHL, G.K., AKKAN, E., REICHE, B.S., HAJRO, A., ZELLMER-BRUHN, M., LAZAROVA, M. … ZANDER, L. (2024). Linking institutional context to the community and career embeddedness of skilled migrants: The role of destination- and origin-country identifications. Journal of International Business Studies, In press.
- LORDET, S. et CERDIN, J.L. (2022). Comment les start-up RH sont en passe de devenir des acteurs incontournables des transformations. Liaisons Sociales, (228), pp. 46-47.
- BRISCOE, J.P., KAŠE, R., DRIES, N., DYSVIK, A., UNITE, J.A., ADELEYE, I. … ZIKIC, J. (2021). Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130, pp. 103612.
- LAZAROVA, M., DIMITROVA, M., DICKMANN, M., BREWSTER, C. et CERDIN, J.L. (2021). Career satisfaction of expatriates in humanitarian inter-governmental organizations. Journal of World Business, 56(4), pp. Art.-101205.
- CERDIN, J.L., LIAO, Y. et SHARMA, K. (2020). The Role of Temporal Focus, Dispositional Employability, and Training on the Perceived Internal Career Prospects of Talents. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(9), pp. 1106-1133.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2019). Mobilité et GRH à l’international. Personnel, (598), pp. 59-61.
- KAŠE, R., DRIES, N., BRISCOE, J.P., COTTON, R.D., APOSPORI, E. et CERDIN, J.L. (2018). Career Success Schemas and Their Contextual Embeddedness: A Comparative Configurational Perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(3), pp. 422-440.
- DICKMANN, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2018). Exploring the Development and Transfer of Career Capital in an International Governmental Organization. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(15), pp. 2253-2283.
- BONACHE, J., BREWSTER, C., SUUTARI, V. et CERDIN, J.L. (2017). The Changing Nature of Expatriation. Thunderbird International Business Review, 20(7), pp. 1468-1486.
- CERDIN, J.L., SHARMA, J.K. et LIAO, Y. (2017). The Role of Perceived Career Prospects and International Orientation in Determining Job Satisfaction of MNE Employees: A Moderated Mediation Model. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(1).
- CERDIN, J.L. (2016). How to Succeed in Asia as an Expatriate. Reflets Hors-Série ESSEC Knowledge, (2), pp. 36-38.
- THOMAS, D.C., LIAO, Y., CERDIN, J.L., PEKERTI, A.A., RAVLIN, E.C. et STAHL, G.K. (2015). Cultural Intelligence: A Theory-Based, Short Form Measure. Journal of International Business Studies, 46(9), pp. 1099–1118.
- LAZAROVA, M., CERDIN, J.L. et LIAO, H.A. (2014). The Internationalism Career Anchor: A Validation Study. International Studies of Management and Organization, 44(2), pp. 9-33.
- DICKMANN, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2014). Boundaryless Career Drivers – Exploring Macro-Contextual Factors in Location Decisions. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 2(1), pp. 26-52.
- CERDIN, J.L. et BREWSTER, C. (2014). Talent Management and Expatriation: Bridging Two Streams of Research and Practice. Journal of World Business, 49(2), pp. 245-252.
- BREWSTER, C., BONACHE, J., CERDIN, J.L. et SUUTARI, V. (2014). Exploring Expatriate Outcomes. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), pp. 1921-1937.
- CERDIN, J.L., ABDELJALIL DINE, M. et BREWSTER, C. (2014). Qualified Immigrants’ Success: Exploring the Motivation to Migrate and to Integrate. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(2), pp. 151-168.
- CERDIN, J.L. et SELMER, J. (2014). Who is a Self-Initiated Expatriate? Towards Conceptual Clarity of a Common Notion. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(9), pp. 1281-1301.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2014). The Impact of Expatriates’ Career Characteristics on Career and Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave: An Objective and Subjective Fit Approach. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), pp. 2033-2049.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2013). Communautés apprenantes, le défi du savoir à la portée de tous. RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, (50), pp. 36.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2012). Réussite de la mobilité internationale : l’impact des caractéristiques individuelles liées à la carrière. Question(s) de Management, 1(1), pp. 11-24.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Savoir gérer une carrière internationale. Gestion – Revue Internationale de Gestion, 37(3), pp. 19-27.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Les compétences interculturelles : un défi pour la sélection et la formation des employés expatriés. Gestion – Revue Internationale de Gestion, 37(2), pp. 6-14.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2011). L’expatriation comme choix de carrière. Gestion – Revue Internationale de Gestion, 36(3), pp. 27-34.
- CERDIN, J.L. et MORLEY, M.J. (2010). Intercultural competence in the international business arena. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(8), pp. 805-809.
- ZIKIC, J., BONACHE, J. et CERDIN, J.L. (2010). Crossing national boundaries: A typology of qualified immigrants’ career. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(5), pp. 667-686.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2010). Career anchors: a comparison between organization assigned and self-initiated expatriates. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(4), pp. 287–299.
- CALIGIURI, P., COLAKOGLU, S., CERDIN, J.L. et KIM, M.S. (2010). Examining Cross-Cultural and Individual Differences in Predicting Employer Reputation as a Driver of Employer Attraction. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 10(2), pp. 137-151.
- STAHL, G., CHUA, C.H., CALIGIURI, P. et CERDIN, J.L. (2009). Predictors of Turnover Intentions in Learning-driven and Demand-driven International Assignments: The Role of Repatriation Concerns, Satisfaction with Company Support, and Perceived Career Advancement Opportunities. Human Resource Management, 48(1), pp. 89-109.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2009). Career Anchors and Expatriation. HRM Review, pp. 12-17.
- COLLE, R., CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2009). Les attentes des cadres relatives aux espaces de choix RH. Gestion 2000, 26(2), pp. 139-164.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2009). Vers une définition multidimensionnelle de la réussite de la mobilité internationale. Revue Management & Avenir, 2009/5(25), pp. 55-78.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2009). Career and International Assignment Fit: Toward an Integrative Model of Success. Human Resource Management, 48(1), pp. 5-25.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2008). Le développement des managers globaux. Personnel, (492), pp. 44-45.
- THOMAS, D., ELRON, E., STAHL, J., EKELUND, B., RAVLIN, E. et CERDIN, J.L. (2008). Cultural Intelligence: Domain and Assessment. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 8(2), pp. 123-143.
- LAZAROVA, M.B. et CERDIN, J.L. (2007). Revisiting Repatriation Concerns: Organizational Support versus Career and Contextual Influences. Journal of International Business Studies, pp. 404-429.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2007). Deciphering Career Anchors in Expatriation. PKU Business Review, pp. 30-32.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2006). La gestion de la mobilité internationale des salariés. Les Cahiers Français, pp. 44-50.
- GABEL, R.S., DOLAN, S.L. et CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Cultural Adjustments for Success in Global Assignments. Career Development International, pp. 375-395.
- SOM, A. et CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Vers quelles innovations RH dans les entreprises françaises ? Une étude exploratoire. Gestion 2000, pp. 143-159.
- CERDIN, J.L., COLLE, R. et PERETTI, J.M. (2005). La fidélisation des salariés par l’entreprise à la carte. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, pp. 2-21.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DUBOULOY, M. (2005). Expatriation et responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise : une approche psychanalytique. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, pp. 36-56.
- PERETTI, J.M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2004). Quel DRH aujourd’hui pour préparer l’avenir : de la GRH au DHS. RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, pp. 18-19.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DUBOULOY, M. (2004). Expatriation as a Maturation Opportunity: A Psychoanalytical Approach Based on “Copy and Paste”. Human Relations, pp. 957-981.
- STAHL, G.K. et CERDIN, J.L. (2004). Global Careers in French and German Multinational Corporations. Journal of Management Development, pp. 885-902.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2004). Les carrières dans un contexte global. Revue Management & Avenir, pp. 155-175.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PRALY, B. (2003). Panorama de la gestion des RH dans les PME. RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, pp. 26-27.
- CERDIN, J.L., MARBOT, E. et PERETTI, J.M. (2003). Vers une définition du sentiment de fin de vie professionnelle. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, pp. 14-28.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). International Diffusion of HRM Practices: The Role of Expatriates. Beta Scandinavian Journal of Business Research, pp. 48-58.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). Les atouts de l’e-recrutement. Revue de la Gendarmerie Nationale, pp. 102-105.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). L’expatriation innovante. RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, pp. 26-27.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2002). Les jeunes diplômés et l’e-recrutement. Personnel, pp. 10-15.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2001). Internet versus voie postale : comparaison de deux méthodes de collecte de données en GRH. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, pp. 39-53.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2001). Trends and Emerging Values in Human Resource Management in France. International Journal of Manpower, pp. 216-225.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2000). Les déterminants de l’adaptation des cadres français expatriés. Revue Française de Gestion, pp. 58-66.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2000). Recrutement et sélection des expatriés. Gestion 2000, pp. 87-101.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2000). Réussir l’expatriation. Personnel, pp. 30-32.
- CERDIN, J.L. (1999). Expatriés dans le monde. Personnel, pp. 41-48.
- CERDIN, J.L. (1998). L’adaptabilité des cadres français expatriés. Gestion 2000, pp. 57-70.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2015). La cogestion des carrières [Label FNEGE 2016]. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), 232 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2007). S’expatrier en toute connaissance de cause. Eyrolles, 171 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). L’expatriation. Éditions d’Organisation, 344 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). Psychologie du travail et comportement organisationnel. Gaëtan Morin Editeur, 484 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2000). Gérer les carrières. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), 221 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. (1999). La mobilité internationale : réussir l’expatriation. Éditions d’Organisation, 299 pages.
Book chapters
- RAMBOARISON-LALAO, L., MADANAMOOTHOO, A., CERDIN, J.L. et BREWSTER, C. (2023). African female migrants, family-planning decision-making and work–family balance: the influence of culture and religion. Dans: Yvonne Kallane, Joanne Mutter, Heidi Collins eds. Research Handbook of Global Families: Implications for Theory and Practice. 1st ed. Cheltenham, Northampton Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 161-181.
- CERDIN, J.L. et AKKAN, E. (2023). Cultural intelligence and the pursuit of a global career. Dans: David Thomas, Yuan Liao eds. Handbook of Cultural Intelligence Research. 1 ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 290-309.
- CERDIN, J.L., BREWSTER, C. et RAMBOARISON-LALAO, L. (2021). Talent Management and Migration. Dans: Ibraiz Tarique (ed.). The Routledge Companion to Talent Management. 1st ed. Routledge, pp. 187-200.
- RAMBOARISON-LALAO, L. et CERDIN, J.L. (2020). L’approche enracinée en GRH : quelles perspectives pour la recherche sur la carrière et la mobilité africaine à l’international ? Dans: Kamdem E., Chevalier F., Payaud M. A. eds. La recherche enracinée en management: Contextes nouveaux et perspectives nouvelles en Afrique [Label FNEGE 2021]. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 61-74.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2019). LVMH: Career Development through International Mobility. Dans: Paul N. Gooderham, Birgitte Grøgaard, Kirsten Foss eds. Global Strategy and Management Theory and Practice. 1st ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- ZHANG, K.Y. et CERDIN, J.L. (2019). Le modèle chinois de l’apprentissage : l’esprit de l’artisanat. Dans: Jean-Luc Cerdin, Jean-Marie Peretti eds. L’apprentissage et sa réussite: regards croisés des différents acteurs. 1st ed. ISTE Editions, pp. 183-190.
- SHARMA, J.K. et CERDIN, J.L. (2019). Pour une recherche sur l’apprentissage. Dans: Jean-Luc Cerdin, Jean-Marie Peretti eds. L’apprentissage et sa réussite : regards croisés des différents acteurs. 1st ed. ISTE Editions, pp. 251-262.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2019). Gestion Internationale des Ressources Humaines. Dans: Jacques Igalens (ed.). Master Ressources Humaines [Label FNEGE 2020]. 3 ed. ESKA, pp. 400-434.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DOLAN, S. (2018). Des mobilités sans frontières. Dans: Une vision des ressources humaines sans frontières. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 233-241.
- BREWSTER, C., CERDIN, J.L. et SHARMA, J.K. (2018). Global Talent Management in the Not-for-Profit Sector. Dans: Competencies and (Global) Talent Management. 1st ed. Springer, pp. 1-24.
- CERDIN, J.L., SHARMA, J.K., TARIQUE, I. et PURPURA, C. (2018). Talent Management in Mission-Driven Organizations. Dans: HRM in Mission Driven Organizations: Managing People in the Not for Profit Sector. 1st ed. Springer, pp. 237-277.
- CERDIN, J.L. et BREWSTER, C. (2018). Management of People in Mission-Driven Organizations: Current State and Future Directions. Dans: HRM in Mission Driven Organizations: Managing People in the Not for Profit Sector. 1st ed. Springer, pp. 279-294.
- SELMER, J., ANDRESEN, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2017). Self-Initiated Expatriates. Dans: Research Handbook of Expatriates. 1st ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 187-201.
- DICKMANN, M., CERDIN, J.L. et MAYRHOFER, W. (2016). Global Careers in European MNEs – Different Career Patterns in Europe? Dans: International Human Resource Management. 1st ed. Routledge, pp. 297-328.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2016). International Migration and International Human Resource Management. Dans: International Human Resource Management. 1st ed. Routledge, pp. 237-256.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2015). Cahier du praticien : Développer le capital humain via la cogestion des carrières. Dans: Manageor. 1st ed. Dunod, pp. 522-524.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2014). Défis pour la gestion de la mobilité internationale de demain. Dans: Ressources Humaines et responsabilités sociétales. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 86-93.
- MARTIN, G. et CERDIN, J.L. (2014). Employer Branding and Career Theory: New Directions for Research. Dans: Strategic Talent Management: Contemporary Issues in International Context. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press, pp. 151-176.
- CERDIN, J.L. et SHARMA, J.K. (2014). Inpatriation as a Key Component of Global Talent Management. Dans: Global Talent Management – Challenges, Strategies, and Opportunities. 1st ed. Springer, pp. 79-92.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2013). LVMH: Career Development through International Mobility. Dans: International Management: Theory and Practice. 1st ed. Blackwell, pp. 264-285.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2013). Les compétences interculturelles : un défi pour la sélection et la formation des employés expatriés. Dans: Gestion des carrières. 1st ed. HEC Montreal, pp. 582-596.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DUBOULOY, M. (2013). Expatriation et responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise : une approche psychanalytique. Dans: Une autre image de l’organisation : Mise en perspective analytiques. 1st ed. L’Harmattan, pp. 105-148.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2013). Savoir gérer une carrière internationale. Dans: Gestion des carrières. 1st ed. HEC Montreal, pp. 597-610.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2013). Gestion Internationale des Ressources Humaines. Dans: Master Ressources Humaines. 1st ed. ESKA, pp. 425-456.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DELTENRE, S. (2012). Employabilité responsable : de la cogestion des carrières à la performance RSE. Dans: L’encyclopédie de l’audit du social et de la responsabilité sociétale. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 309-318.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Motivation of Self-Initiated Expatriates. Dans: Self-Initiated Expatriation: Individual, Organizational, and National Perspectives. 1st ed. Routledge, pp. 59-74.
- THOMAS, D.C., STAHL, G., RAVLIN, E.C., POELMANS, S., PEKERTI, A. et CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Development of the Cultural Intelligence Assessment. Dans: Advances in Global Leadership: Volume 7. 1st ed. Emerald, pp. 155-178.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Accompagner le développement international des organisations et de leurs salariés. Dans: Tous DRH (4e édition). 1st ed. Eyrolles, pp. 187-198.
- CERDIN, J.L., LOOS BAROIN, J. et VINCENT, S. (2012). L’égalité des chances, le socle fondateur de la diversité chez Veolia Environnement. Dans: L’encyclopédie des diversités. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 230-237.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2011). L’expatriation comme choix de carrière : comment faciliter son succès ? Dans: Gestion de sa vie professionnelle. 1st ed. Presses de l’Université du Québec, pp. 192-204.
- FENTON-O’CREEVY, M., GOODERHAM, P., CERDIN, J.L. et RØNNING, R. (2011). Bridging Roles, Social Skill and Embedded Knowing in Multinational Organizations. Dans: Politics and Power in the Multinational Corporation: The Role of Institutions, Interests and Identities. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press, pp. 101-136.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2011). Les carrières en devenir. Dans: La gestion des ressources humaines en devenir. 1st ed. L’Harmattan, pp. 57-73.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2011). Tous leaders globaux. Dans: Tous leaders. 1st ed. Eyrolles, pp. 89-94.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2011). De l’expatriation traditionnelle aux nouvelles formes de’expatriation : Une gestion d’alternatives. Dans: GRH et mondialisation : nouveaux contextes, nouveaux enjeux. 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 221-240.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2010). MC-ALPHA-CO Mobilité internationale : un vrai métier. Dans: Pratiques de GRH dans les pays francophones. 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 259-266.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2010). L’intelligence culturelle : La mobilité internationale au service de la conquête clients. Dans: Optimisez votre conquête client. 1st ed. Eyrolles, pp. 209-216.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2010). La perspective personnelle. Dans: Management et métier : vision d’experts. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 91-100.
- CERDIN, J.L. et MENDITTE, E. (2009). Management des talents : Vers l’intégration du recrutement et de la gestion des carrières. Dans: Tous talentueux. 1st ed. Eyrolles, pp. 251-258.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DENIAU, I. (2009). La gestion des talents au service de la stratégie. Dans: Tous talentueux. 1st ed. Eyrolles, pp. 259-269.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2008). Careers and Expatriation. Dans: International Human Resource Management: A European Perspective (2nd edition). 1st ed. Routledge, pp. 192-215.
- CERDIN, J.L. et BIRD, A. (2008). Careers in a Global Context. Dans: Handbook of Research in International Human Resources. 1st ed. LEA, pp. 207-227.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2007). Gestion Internationale des Ressources Humaines. Dans: Master Ressources Humaines. 1st ed. ESKA, pp. 421-451.
- COULATY, B. et CERDIN, J.L. (2006). Internationalisation et diversité. Dans: Tous différents. 1st ed. Éditions d’Organisation, pp. 227-234.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Les attentes des expatriés et des internationaux. Dans: Tous reconnus. 1st ed. Éditions d’Organisation, pp. 213-223.
- TAKAGI, J. et CERDIN, J.L. (2004). Internationalizing French Management Education: A Contextual Analysis of Strategies in French Business Schools. Dans: The Cutting Edged of International Management Education. 1st ed. Information Age Publishing, pp. 37-62.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2004). L’expatriation : un temps de carrière particulier. Dans: La gestion des carrières. Enjeux et perspectives. 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 265-282.
- BELOUT, A., DOLAN, S. et CERDIN, J.L. (2003). Le “commitment” organisationnel : du management rationnel au management par circonstances. Dans: La motivation au travail dans les services publics. 1st ed. L’Harmattan, pp. 403-428.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). LVMH: Career Development through International Mobility. Dans: International Management: Cross-boundary Challenges. 1st ed. Blackwell, pp. 316-335.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2001). Les personnes au centre de l’entreprise. Dans: Invitation au management. 1st ed. PUF, pp. 359-457.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2001). Favoriser la mobilité internationale. Dans: Tous DRH. 1st ed. Éditions d’Organisation, pp. 171-193.
- CERDIN, J.L., SAINT-ONGE, S. et SAVIGNY, X. (2000). La rémunération des expatriés : défis et pratiques de gestion. Dans: Les rémunérations : quelles politiques pour l’an 2000 ? 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 293-309.
- PERETTI, J.M. et CERDIN, J.L. (1997). Les cadres français expatriés : principaux déterminants d’une adaptation réussie. Dans: GRH face à la crise : GRH en crise ? 1st ed. Presses HEC, pp. 342-356.
Conference Proceedings
- STAHL, G., AKKAN, E., REICHE, S., CAPRAR, D.V., ZIKIC, J., RICHTER, N. … ZELLMER-BRUHN, M.E. (2022). Immigrants’ Identity Orientations: Predicting the Integration Success of Highly Qualified Migrants. Dans: 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Seattle: Academy of Management Proceedings.
- RAMBOARISON-LALAO, L., MADANAMOOTHOO, A., CERDIN, J.L. et BREWSTER, C. (2018). WLB and the Family Decision Amongst African Female Migrants. Dans: 78th Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management.
- SHARMA, J.K. et CERDIN, J.L. (2018). Capitalizing on Differences: Dynamic Capabilities-Based Global Talent Management Strategies for Managing Heterogeneous Global Talent. Dans: Proceedings of EURAM18: Research in Action – Accelerating Knowledge Creation in Management. European Academy of Management (EURAM).
- CERDIN, J.L., SHARMA, J.K. et LIAO, Y. (2017). The Role of Perceived Career Prospects and International Orientation in Determining Job Satisfaction of MNE Employees: A Moderated Mediation Model. Dans: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2014). L’employabilité responsable au cœur de la gestion des carrières. Dans: 16ème Université de Printemps de l’Institut Audit Social. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS).
- CERDIN, J.L. et DICKMAN, M. (2011). Expatriation Success in an Inter-Governmental Organization. Dans: 2011 AOM Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings. Academy of Management.
- CERDIN, J.L., ABDELJALIL DINE, M. et BREWSTER, C. (2011). Qualified Immigrants’ Success: Exploring the Motivation to Migrate and to Adjust. Dans: Proceedings of the EURAM Conference. European Academy of Management (EURAM).
- DICKMAN, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2011). Un-Intelligent Careers: Career Capital Behaviour In An International Governmental Organization. Dans: Proceedings of the EURAM conference. European Academy of Management (EURAM).
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2011). The Impact of Individual Career Characteristics on International Assignment Success. Dans: Proceedings of the VIII International Workshop on Human Resource Management. University of Cadiz, Pablo de Olavide University.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DICKMAN, M. (2010). Individual and organizational outcomes of global mobility in an inter-governmental organization. Dans: Proceedings of the AIB Conference 2010. Academy of International Business.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LAZAROVA, M. (2010). International mobility and global careers. Dans: Academy of Management Meeting. Academy of Management.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2009). S’expatrier seul ou être expatrié par son organisation : mêmes motivations et orientations de carrière. Dans: AGRH 20e Congrès : Méthodes émergentes et recherche en GRH (CD-Rom). Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH).
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2009). Career Anchors of Assigned and Self-initiated Expatriates. Dans: Proceedings of the VII International Workshop on Human Resource Management (CD-Rom). Human Resource Management.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LAZAROVA, M. (2009). Perceptions of International Mobility. Dans: Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the AIB. Academy of International Business.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2009). Motivation and Career Orientation of Assigned and Self-initiated Expatriates. Dans: Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the AIB. Academy of International Business.
- ZIKIC, J., BONACHE, J. et CERDIN, J.L. (2008). Boundary Translation: Typology of Immigrant Career Adaptation & Boundarylessness. Dans: Proceedings of the EIASM 4th workshop on expatriation. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM).
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2008). Career Anchors and Motivation: A Comparison Between Self-initiated Expatriates and Organization Assigned Expatriates. Dans: Proceedings of the EIASM 4th workshop on expatriation. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM).
- STAHL, G.K., CHUA, C.H., CALIGIURI, P., CERDIN, J.L. et TANIGUCHI, M. (2008). Predictors of Turnover Intentions in Learning-Driven and Demand-DrivenInternational Assignments. Dans: Best Papers Proceedings of the AOM 2008 Conference. George Washington University.
- FENTON-O’CREEVY, M., CERDIN, J.L. et GOODERHAM, P. (2008). Bridging Roles, Social Skill, and Embedded Knowing in Multinational Organisations. Dans: Proceedings of the 24th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium: Upsetting Organizations. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).
- THOMAS, D., STAHL, J., RAVLIN, E., POELMANS, S., PEKERTI, A. et CERDIN, J.L. (2008). Development of the Cultural Intelligence On-Line Assessment Centre. Dans: Proceedings of the 24th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) : Upsetting Organizations. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2008). La réussite de la mobilité internationale : perspective individuelle et organisationnelle. Dans: 10ème Université de Printemps de l’Audit Social: Audit social & gouvernance des entreprises. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 79-92.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2008). L’impact de la carrière sur la réussite individuelle de la mobilité internationale. Dans: 5èmes Journées d’Etude sur les Carrières : Les Carrières. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 2-18.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2008). Carrière et réussite de la mobilité internationale. Dans: Actes de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH).
- ABDELJALIL, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2007). Vers une modélisation de la réussite des étrangers hautement qualifiés en France. Dans: Actes du 18ème Congrès de l’AGRH : Outils, modes et modèles. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH).
- CERDIN, J.L., FRENTON-O’CREEVY, M. et GOODERHAM, P. (2007). The Role of Expatriates in Diffusing HRM Practices across the MNC: An Agency Perspective. Dans: Proceedings of the 9th International Human Resource Management Conference: Bringing the Country Back in: The Importance of Local Knowledge in a Global Economy. Academy of International Business.
- CERDIN, J.L. et COLAKOGLU, S. (2007). Towards a Model of Mentoring Relationships: The Impact of National Culture Differences. Dans: Proceedings of the VI International Workshop on Human Resource Management. Universidad de Cadiz.
- ABDELJALIL, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2006). Les étrangers hautement qualifiés au coeur de la diversité culturelle dans les entreprises en France. Dans: Journées internationales sur la diversité : Richesse et diversité. IAE de Corse.
- COLLE, R., CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2006). Réussir l’articulation vie privée-vie professionnelle : une approche par la personnalisation de la GRH. Dans: Actes des 4èmes Journées sur la carrière. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 57-73.
- CERDIN, J.L. et KOLAKOGLU, S. (2006). Mentoring and Career Success: The Impact of National Culture. Dans: Actes des 4èmes Journées d’Etudes sur la Carrière. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 41-55.
- LAZAROVA, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Revisiting Repatriation Concerns: Organiaztional Support vs. Career and Contextual Influence. Dans: Local Roots, Global Links. Academy of International Business, pp. 92.
- GABEL, R., DOLAN, S. et CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Emotional Intelligence and Cross-cultural Adjustment as Predictor of Managerial Success in Global Assignment. Dans: Vth International Workshop Human Resource Management. Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
- COLLE, R., CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2005). La “GRH” à la carte” : facteur de la performance économique et sociale. Dans: Performances économiques et performances sociales à l’heure de la R.S.E. ESSEC Business School, pp. 263-277.
- DOLAN, S., SHMUELI, R. et CERDIN, J.L. (2005). The Impact of Emotional Intelligence Competencies on Cultural Adjustment and Respective Success of Globally Assigned Managers. Dans: Management, Knowledge and Flexibility. Proceedings of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 4th International Conference. Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- COLLE, R., CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2004). La mesure des attentes des salariés vis-à-vis de l’entreprise à la carte : vers une typologie. Dans: Actes du 15ème Congrès Annuel de l’AGRH. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 757-784.
- DOLAN, S.L., DIEZ PINOL, M., CERDIN, J.L. et GOSSELIN, E. (2004). A Comparative Study of Quebec vs. French University Students: An Exploratory Analysis of Work and Life Values of Future Managers. Dans: Actes du 15ème Congrès Annuel de l’AGRH : La GRH mesurée. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 801-830.
- COLLE, R., CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2004). La mesure des attentes des salariés vis-à-vis de l’entreprise à la carte : vers une typologie. Dans: Actes du 15ème Congrès Annuel de l’AGRH : La GRH mesurée. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 757-784.
- MARBOT, E., CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2004). La notation sociale en France : 30 ans d’histoire. Dans: Compétitivité et normes sociales internationales. ESSEC Business School, pp. 249-254.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2004). Is Internet Data Collection a Trustworthy Alternative to Traditional Postal Surveys in Management Research? Dans: Proceedings of the First International Co-sponsored Conference Research Methods Division. Academy of Management. Crossing Frontiers in Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. ISEOR, pp. 77-92.
- CERDIN, J.L., COLLE, R. et PERETTI, J.M. (2003). L’entreprise à la carte : une innovation pour fidéliser. Dans: Actes du 14ème Congrès AGRH – GRH : Innovons ! Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 577-600.
- CERDIN, J.L. et SOM, A. (2003). Strategic Human Resource Management Practices: An Exploratory Survey of French Organizations. Dans: Proceedings of the 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management: Exploring the Mosaic Developing the Discipline. Interesource Group Publishing.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). The Expatriate as a Vehicle for HR Practices. Dans: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Human Resource Management in the New Economy. Universidad de Cadiz.
- CERDIN, J.L. et DUBOULOY, M. (2003). Expatriation et responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise : une approche psychanalytique. Dans: Actes de la 5ème Université de Printemps de l’IAS. ESSEC Business School, pp. 91-106.
- SOM, A. et CERDIN, J.L. (2003). Vers quelles innovations RH dans les entreprises françaises ? Dans: Actes de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, AGRH-ANDCP. Financial Management Association (FMA).
- SOM, A. et CERDIN, J.L. (2003). Vers quelles innovations RH dans les entreprises françaises ? Dans: Actes de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH).
- BELOUT, A., CERDIN, J.L. et DOLAN, S. (2002). Le “commitment” organisationnel face au “downsizing” : vers quelles stratégies de GHR ? Dans: XIIIème Congrès Annuel de l’AGRH – Actes de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines. Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), pp. 163-177.
- CERDIN, J.L., FADDOUL, M. et HADDAD, C. (2002). GRH au Liban : quelques éclairages. Dans: 4ème Université de Printemps de l’Audit Social : Relations Euro-méditerranéennes – Audit Social et mise à niveau des entreprises et institutions. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 69-76.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2001). Les jeunes diplômés et l’e-recrutement. Dans: Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 85-90.
- CERDIN, J.L., CHEVIGNY (DE), J. et GIMENEZ, J. (2001). Suivi des accords 35 heures : vers l’e-35 heures. Dans: 19ème Université d’été de l’Audit Social : Audit-Social. Com. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 75-84.
- BENRAISS, L., CERDIN, J.L., MARBOT, E. et PERETTI, J.M. (2001). Etude de l’influence de l’équité sur la satisfaction des employés : cas d’une PME Marocaine. Dans: Stratégies et ressources humaines. Actes de la 3ème Université de Printemps de l’Audit Social. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 23-30.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2001). Human Resource Management in France: Emerging Issues. Dans: Third International Symposium: Human Resource Managemen t Research – Human Resource Management: In What Ways Have We Changed? Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2000). Audit du choix des expatriés. Dans: Actes du colloque : 2ème Université de Printemps de l’Audit Social – Audit social et progrès du management. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 99-108.
- CERDIN, J.L., MARBOT, E. et PERETTI, J.M. (1999). Autonomie et Gestion des Ages. Dans: 10ème Congrès de l’AGRH. Financial Management Association (FMA), pp. 297-310.
- CERDIN, J.L., MARBOT, E. et PERETTI, J.M. (1999). Audit de l’âge. Dans: 17ème Université d’Eté de l’Audit Social. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 65-77.
- CERDIN, J.L., MARBOT, E. et PERETTI, J.M. (1999). Gérer les carrières par les pyramides. Dans: Journées Thématiques “Gestion des Carrières”. Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur les Organisations et la Gestion (CEROG), pp. 35-50.
- CERDIN, J.L. (1999). Audit de la rémunération des expatriés. Dans: 1ère Université de Printemps de l’Audit Social. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), pp. 23-32.
Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference
- CERDIN, J.L. et VERBRUGGEN, M. (2022). Taking charge while taking care? The effect of gender and children on proactive career behaviors. Dans: 2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Seattle.
- STHAL, G. et CERDIN, J.L. (2022). Immigrants’ Identity Orientations: Predicting the Integration Success of Highly Qualified Immigrants. Dans: Workshop on Expatriation. Sigtuna.
- STAHL, G., CERDIN, J.L., HAJRO, A., AKKAN, E., REICHE, S., CAPRAR, D. … RICHTER, N. (2021). Migrants’ Identity Orientations: The Missing Link in Predicting the Integration Outcomes of International Skilled Migrants. Dans: 47th EIBA Conference 2021. Madrid.
- LAZAROVA, M., DIMITROVA, M., BREWSTER, C., DICKMANN, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2019). Career Management, Hardship Locations, and Career Motivation: What Influences IGO Expatriates’ Career Success? Dans: AIB 2019 Annual Meeting.
- CERDIN, J.L., HAAK-SAHEEM, W., RAMBOARISON, L. et BREWSTER, C. (2019). Successful Migrant entrepreneurship: A social Identity perspective. Dans: 2019 Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM).
- LAZAROVA, M., DICKMANN, M., DIMITROVA, M., BREWSTER, C. et CERDIN, J.L. (2018). Expatriation Success in an Inter-Governmental Organization: Career Outcomes in Easy and Hardship Duty Stations. Dans: 15th International Human Resource Management Conference (IHRM 2018).
- CERDIN, J.L., SHARMA, J.K. et LIO, Y. (2017). The Role of Perceived Career Prospects and International Orientation in Determining Job Satisfaction of MNE Employees: A Moderated Mediation Model. Dans: EURAM 2017: Making Knowledge Work.
- RAMBOARISON, L., MADANAMOOTHOO, A., CERDIN, J.L. et BREWSTER, C. (2017). Exploring the Influence of Culture and Religion in the Procreation Decisions of African Females in France. Dans: 7th Atlas AFMI – Association Francophone de Management International (Francophone Association of International Business).
- CERDIN, J.L. et SHARMA, J.K. (2016). The Role of Perceived Career Prospects and International Orientation in MNE Employees’ Job Satisfaction. Dans: EIASM 2016: 6th Workshop on Expatriation.
- CERDIN, J.L. et SHARMA, J.K. (2016). MNE Employees’ Perception and International Orientation as Predictors of Job satisfaction. Dans: Academy of International Business (AIB) 2016 Annual Meeting.
- CERDIN, J.L., LAZAROVA, M. et DICKMANN, M. (2016). Expatriation Success in an Inter-Governmental Organization. Dans: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2016: Manageable Cooperation.
- CERDIN, J.L. et SHARMA, J.K. (2015). In Search of Greener Pastures: Migration Motivations of Talents and Talent Management Practices in Nepal. Dans: Academy of International Business (AIB) 2015 Annual Meeting.
- CERDIN, J.L. et WURTZ, O. (2015). A Preliminary Investigation of Subsidiary Performance through Expatriate Compensation and Benefits. Dans: 2015 European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM).
- CERDIN, J.L. (2015). Researching the Ignored: Lower-Qualified Migrants and Expatriates. Dans: Academy of International Business (AIB) 2015 Annual Meeting.
- RAMBOARISON, L., BREWSTER, C. et CERDIN, J.L. (2015). In the Search for a Good Work-Life Balance, Do Religion and Culture of Origin Impact on African Women SIE’s Decision to Have Children in France? Dans: 1st Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation.
- CERDIN, J.L., BRISCO, J. et MAYROFER, W. (2014). Minding the Gap: Addressing Discrepancies Between Career Aspirations and Realities? Dans: 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- THOMAS, D.C., LIAO, Y., AYCAN, Z., CERDIN, J.L., PEKERTI, A.A. et RAVLIN, E.C. (2014). Measuring Cultural Intelligence: Validation of a New Scale. Dans: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB).
- CERDIN, J.L. et EL WAHIDI EL ALAOUI, M. (2014). Exploring Career Agency during Self Initiated Repatriation: A Study of Highly Skilled Moroccan Home Returners. Dans: 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM).
- LAZAROVA, M., CERDIN, J.L. et LIAO, E.Y. (2013). The Internationalism Career Anchor: A Validation Study. Dans: AIB 2013 Annual Meeting.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2013). The Impact of Expatriates’ Career Characteristics on Career and Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave. Dans: EURAM 2013.
- CERDIN, J.L. et LE PARGNEUX, M. (2012). How Do Individual Career Characteristics Impact International Mobility Success? An Objective and Subjective Fit Approach. Dans: EIASM 5th Workshop on Analyses of Expatriation.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Hardship Careers in the UN: What Drives Humanitarian Workers On? Dans: 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Exploring City Attractiveness: Drivers to Work in a Southeast Asian City. Dans: AIB 2012 Annual Meeting.
- SELMER, J. et CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Who Is and Who Is Not a Self-Initiated Expatriate? Dans: EURAM 2012.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). To Study Abroad, Motives To Return and Career Perceptions: An Exploratory Study of Moroccan Repatriates. Dans: EURAM 2012.
- DICKMANN, M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2011). Bounded and Unbounded Careers in Singapore: Assessing Attraction Factors of Locals and Foreigners to Live in the Southeast Asian Capital. Dans: Proceedings of the 27th EGOS Colloqium in Gothenburg.
- CERDIN, J.L. (1999). Recherche en gestion des ressources humaines et Internet.
- CERDIN, J.L., CHANDON, J.L. et WAXIN, M. (1999). The Adaptability of the French Expatriates: A Confirmatory Analysis.
Book editor
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. [Eds] (2020). The Success of Apprenticeships. 1 ed. London, Hobokon: Wiley.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. [Eds] (2019). L’apprentissage et sa réussite: regards croisés des différents acteurs. ISTE Editions, 284 pages.
- BREWSTER, C. et CERDIN, J.L. [Eds] (2018). HRM in Mission Driven Organizations: Managing People in the Not for Profit Sector. Springer, 14 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. [Eds] (2004). Compétitivité et normes sociales internationales. ESSEC Business School, 388 pages.
- GUERRERO, S., CERDIN, J.L. et ROGER, A. [Eds] (2004). La gestion des carrières. Enjeux et perspectives. Vuibert, 423 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. [Eds] (2002). Relations Euro Méditerranéennes : audit social et mise à niveau des entreprises et des institutions. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), 230 pages.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. [Eds] (2001). Stratégies et Ressources Humaines. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), 240 pages.
Published cases
- CERDIN, J.L. et WODETZKI, B. (2012). Michael Page: who needs an HR department ? ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L. et WODETZKI, B. (2012). Michael Page : a-t-on besoin d’une direction RH ? ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2011). Paul: recruiting a chief financial officer (CFO) for SUB. ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2011). Paul: Recrutement d’un DAF pour SUB. ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). LVMH: career development through international mobility. ESSEC Business School.
Book reviews
- CERDIN, J.L. (2009). The Handbook of Cross-cultural Management Research. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Royaume-Uni.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2006). Power Mentoring: How Successful Mentors and Protégés Get the Most Out of Their Relationships. Manageris, États-Unis.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Grow Your Own Leaders. Manageris, États-Unis.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). Developing Global Executives. Manageris, États-Unis.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2001). Gérer les carrières. Ressources Humaines & Management, France.
- CERDIN, J.L. (1999). Right from the Start. Manageris, États-Unis.
Working Papers
- BREWSTER, C., ROMBOARISON-LALAO, L. et CERDIN, J.L. (2018). Theorizing Career Success for Low Status Migrants. Henly Business School.
- SOM, A. et CERDIN, J.L. (2003). Vers quelles innovations RH dans les entreprises françaises. ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L. et SOM, A. (2003). Strategic Human Resource Management Practices: An Exploratory Survey of French Organisations. ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2001). Vers la collecte de données via Internet : Cas d’une recherche sur l’expatriaton. ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L. (1999). International Adjustment of French Expatriate Managers. ESSEC Business School.
- CERDIN, J.L., SAINT-ONGE, S. et SAVIGNY, X. (1999). La rémunération des expatriés : défis et pratiques de la gestion (Compensation of expatriates : challenges and practices).
Conference proceedings editor
- CERDIN, J.L., GUERRERO, S. et ROGER, A. (2006). Réussite et carrières (Actes de colloque). Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), France.
- PERETTI, J.M. et CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Performances économiques et performances sociales à l’heure de la R.S.E. ESSEC Business School, France.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2003). Audit social et responsabilité de l’entreprise. ESSEC Business School, France.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2002). Relations Euro-méditerranéennes : Audit social et mise à niveau des entreprises et des institutions – Actes de la 4ème Université de Printemps de l’IAS. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), Liban.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2000). Audit social et innovation – Actes de la 18ème Université d’Eté de l’I.A.S. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), France.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (2000). Audit social et progrès du management – Actes de la 2ème Université de Printemps I.A.S. & A.G.E.F. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), France.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (1999). Audit social dans un contexte global. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), France.
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERETTI, J.M. (1999). Audit social et compétitivité de l’entreprise. Institut International de l’Audit Social (IAS), France.
Prefaces of a book
- CERDIN, J.L. et PERRETI, J.M. (2019). Introduction. Dans: L’apprentissage et sa réussite: regards croisés des différents acteurs. 1st ed. ISTE Editions, pp. 5-8.
- CERDIN, J.L. et BREWSTER, C. (2018). Management of People in Mission-Driven Organizations. Dans: HRM in Mission Driven Organizations: Managing People in the Not for Profit Sector. 1st ed. Springer, pp. 1-13.
Book collection editor
Press article, video or other popular media
- CERDIN, J.L. (2012). Intelligence culturelle. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2006). Quelle protection sociale à l’international ? RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2006). Face au retour : frustré ou proactif ? RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2006). Ancres de carrière : larguez les amarres ! RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2006). Expérience internationale : ceux qui en ont et les autres. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Expatriation et évaluation : attention au biais culturel. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2005). Sécurité et expatriation : l’affaire de tous. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2004). “Non assistance à personne en mobilité” : danger ! RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2004). “Money, money, money” : la théorie du chauffeur de taxi. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2004). L’énigme de la disposition des personnes envers la mobilité internationale. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2004). Devient-on riche en s’expatriant ? RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). L’équité dans un contexte international. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). Hauts potentiels et mobilité internationale : une question de talents. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). Voici venu le temps de l’impatriation. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). Le retour d’expatriation : talon d’Achille de la mobilité internationale ? RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2003). A la recherche du gène global. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). Expérience étrangère versus expatriation. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). La formation interculturelle est-elle utile ? RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). L’expatriation a-t-elle un avenir ? RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). L’expatriation : un histoire de couple ! RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2002). La gestion des ressources humaines et l’international. RH Info.
- CERDIN, J.L. (2000). Strategies for Assisting Expat Spouses. Net Expat Newsletter, pp. 4.
Research activities
Editorial Board Membership
- 2022 – Now: Editorial board membership – Human Resource Management
- 2018 – Now: Editorial board membership – Human Resource Management Review
- 2018 – 2019: Editorial board membership – Human Resource Management Journal
- 2017 – Now: Editorial board membership – Journal of World Business
- 2013 – Now: Editorial board membership – International Journal of Human Resource Management
- 2013 – Now: Editorial board membership – Question(s) de Management
- 2013 – Now: Editorial board membership – Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research
- 2009 – Now: Editorial board membership – Thunderbird International Business Review
- 2008 – Now: Editorial board membership – Journal of Managerial Psychology
- 2007 – 2019: Editorial board membership – Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal
- 2006 – 2022: Editorial board membership – Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines
- 2005 – Now: Editorial board membership – Revue multidisciplinaire sur l’emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail
- 2005 – 2019: Editorial board membership – Gestion 2000
- 2004 – Now: Editorial board membership – Revue Management & Avenir
- 2004 – Now: Editorial board membership – Management revue (mrev). Socio-Economic Studies
Senior or Associate Editor
- 2016 – 2020: Associate editor – International Journal of Human Resource Management
- 2013 – 2014: Associate editor – International Journal of Human Resource Management
Function in an academic association
- 2009 – 2012: Academy of Management (AOM) – USA, Car Representative at large
- 1963 – 2014: Co-chair of the Career Group, Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH) – France
- 1963 – Now: Member and co-chair of the Track on Expatriation, European Academy of Management – (EURAM)
Member of an academic association
- 1963 – Now: Chartered MCIPD, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) – UK
- 1963 – Now: Member, Academy of International Business (AIB) – USA
- 1963 – Now: Member, EGOS
Reviewer for a journal
- Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal; Academy of Management Review; Career Development International; European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee; Gestion – Revue Internationale de Gestion; Group and Organization Management; Human Resource Management; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Organizational Behavior; Journal of World Business; Management; Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations; Revue Française de Gestion
Professional activities
- 1991 – Now: Consulting in International Mobility, Careers and Recruiting
- 2011 : SHARMA Kushal (ESSEC Business School), Thesis director, The large appeal of managing a small number of talented employees: an exploration of the evolution of talent management