department: Economics
Campus de Cergy
+33 (0)1 34 43 31 83
Macroeconomics and International Economics

Radu Vranceanu is Professor of Economics at ESSEC Business School and a research fellow with THEMA (CNRS) research center. He holds a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Paris II, HDR, and is widely recognized as having special expertise in the theory of expectations and the analysis of informational inefficiencies, which he has applied to various fields including financial and banking crises, monetary and public debt policies, research management, labor contracts, defense and health economics. He is also a contributor to research in experimental economics. In 2000-2001 Radu Vranceanu worked for the UN Economic Commission for Europe; he also served as a Dean for Research of ESSEC Business School for many years. Since 2020, he has been the ESSEC representative for scientific integrity (RIS).


  • 1999: HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France)
  • 1994: Doctorate in Economics (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas France)
  • 1991: DEA in Applied Economics (Institut d’Etudes Politiques France)
  • 1984: Graduate degree in business and economics (Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti Romania)
Other Academic Appointments
    • 2020 – Now : Referent for scientific integrity (ESSEC Business School France)
Other appointments
    • 2016 – Now : President of the Deontological Committee (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2015 – 2018 : Department head (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2014 – 2015 : Associate Dean for Faculty (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2003 – Now : Research fellow with THEMA (UMR 8184) CNRS (Université Cergy-Pontoise France)
    • 2001 – 2014 : Dean for Research (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2000 – 2001 : Economic Affairs Oficer (ONU Switzerland)
Full-time academic appointments
    • 2001 – Now : Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 1998 – 2001 : Associate Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 1994 – 1998 : Assistant Professor (ESSEC Business School France)

Journal articles


Book chapters

Conference Proceedings

Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference

Working Papers

Press article, video or other popular media


Thesis co-director

  • 2011 – 2016 : Four essays on finance and the real economy (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 2012 : Social contacts and matching in the labour market: theoretical and empirical essays (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas France)
  • 2009 : Trois essais sur les tranferts de fonds des migrants (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France)
  • 2007 : Choix intertemporels : un modèle comportemental d’escompte quasi-hyperbolique (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 2005 : Efficacité des relations contractuelles face aux défaillances du système de brevet biotechnologique (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France)
  • 2004 : Economic and financial analyses of pension funds (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France)
Other activities
Professional activities
  • Member of a professional association, of an expert group or of a board of directors
    • 2017 – 2023: External member of the Scientific Committee of the Burgundy School of Business ( France)
    • 2010 – 2011: President Elect of the ITFA
  • Consulting
    • 2006 – 2006: Independent Expert for the European Commission and the OSB Consulting (Austria) – Peer Review on “Incentives for indefinite contracts in Spain”
    • 2005 – 2005: Financing defense firms in France (and Europe), a study under the coordination of M. Guille et J. Belin, Paris 2 University, financed by the French Ministry of Defense
    • 2003 – 2004: IER and EU financed project: “Romanian monetary policy and institutions: Meeting the EU challenge”
    • 2002 – 2002: IER and EU financed project: Deregulating International Movements of Capital in Romania
    • 2001 – 2001: IER and World Bank supported project : Romanian Monetary Policy 1995-2001
Research activities
  • Member of an academic association
    • 2015 – 2019: Member of the WES Expert Group (Economic Analysis http://www.cesifo-group.de/)
    • 2009 – Now: Member of Association Française d’Economie Expérimentale ( France)
  • Editorial Board Membership
    • 2007 – Now: Board of the journal – Global Economy Journal
    • 2002 – 2003: Editorial board membership – Economic Systems
  • Reviewer for a journal
    • Reviewer for Business and Society; Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility; Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Labour Economics; Nature Human Behaviour; Plos One; Review of International Economics
  • 2005 : BEN LAKHDAR C. (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Thesis co-director, Efficacité des relations contractuelles face aux défaillances du système de brevet biotechnologique
  • 2007 : MANGOT M. (ESSEC Business School), Thesis co-director, Choix intertemporels : un modèle comportemental d’escompte quasi-hyperbolique
  • 2009 : NAIDITCH C. (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Thesis co-director, Trois essais sur les tranferts de fonds des migrants
  • 2011 : PEIA Oana (ESSEC Business School), Thesis co-director, Four essays on finance and the real economy
  • 2004 : ROMANIUK K. (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Thesis co-director, Economic and financial analyses of pension funds
  • 2012 : VALAT E. (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas), Thesis co-director, Social contacts and matching in the labour market: theoretical and empirical essays