Emeritus Professor
department: Marketing
Campus de Cergy
+33 (0)1 34 43 30 43
Marketing Models – Consumer Behavior – Marketing Strategy

Prior to joining ESSEC Business School in January 1980, Albert Bemmaor was on the faculty of the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. Over the past five decades, he has published regularly in top-tier journals, with a focus on mathematical models of consumer behavior, the adoption of technological innovations and market response models. His work has been applied and extended in a variety of areas, including the diffusion of social networks, physics (see the work by Chaula and Kaur 2018), geology (i.e., the prediction of natural resources – see the research by Guseo and colleagues at the University of Padua, Italy), economics (see, the description of noise in Di Tillio, Ottaviani, and Sorensen, Econometrica, 2021), medicine (see, e.g. Mennemeyer and colleagues, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Oxford U. Press, 2015 and Guseo Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2016) and hydraulics among others. His diffusion model, the gamma/shifted Gompertz (G/SG) model, at times called "Bemmaor's model", has turned into a classic model of diffusion about 20 years after its development and it has become a keyword. Up to now, the model has been adopted by Wolfram Language, the programming language of Mathematica, by SAS software, and immplemented in ExtraDistr and Diffusion, two packages in R library. The consumer behavior with attrition model, Gamma-Gompertz/NBD,  is implemented in CLVTools, another package in the R library.  His work has been used by companies such as Google (see Goerg and colleagues 2015) and Orange (see, e.g., Scaglione, Giovannetti and Hamoudia, International Journal of Forecasting, 2015). Albert Bemmaor teaches courses on the measurement of the marketing performance in the Master in Management Grande Ecole program, on product management in the undergraduate program(Bachelor in Business Administration) and on marketing models in the doctoral program. In 2000, he received a prize from the French Marketing Association (AFM) for his "Outstanding Contribution to Methodology".  Since 2005, he has been a member of the Nomination Committee for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.


  • 1978: Ph.D. in Management (Purdue University United States of America)
  • 1973: MBA (Columbia University United States of America)
  • 1971: MSc. in Management (ESC Marseille France)
Full-time academic appointments
    • 2021 – Now : Emeritus Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 1980 – 2021 : Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
Other Academic Appointments
    • 2004 : Visiting Professor, Institute of Management, University of Vienna, Austria, March 2001 and May 2004 (Université de Vienne Austria)
    • 2001 : Visiting Professor (Université de Vienne Austria)
    • 1982 : Visiting Scholar (Stanford Graduate School of Business United States of America)
    • 1978 – 1980 : Assistant Professor (Université de Chicago United States of America)


  • 2021 : Invited by Amity University in Delhi to give an online lecture to the faculty and students on its eleven campuses in India and abroad, which represents 175,000 individuals. (Amity University)
  • 2017 : Certificate of Outstanding Contribution to Reviewing, International Journal of Research in Marketing
  • 2016 : Keynote Speaker, PsyCHIC (Psychology, Consumer Heterogeneity, Information and Communication) Workshop, University of Paris 13 (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (XIII), France)
  • 2016 : Outstanding reviewer, International Journal of Research in Marketing
  • 2014 : Top 10% most published authors over the past 50 years at Journal of Marketing Research (Source: “The Topical History of JMR,” Journal of Marketing Research, Feb’ 2014). Ranked seventh in centrality parameter in an influential community among more than 30,000 scholars in quantitative marketing (Customers’ Needs and Solutions, 2015, pp. 91-104). (Sage Publications)
  • 2005 : Since 2005, Member of the Nomination Committee of the Nobel Prize in Economics on a steady basis (Committee of the Nobel Prize in Economics)
  • 2005 : Member of the Selection Committee for the Best Paper published in International Journal of Research in Marketing (European Marketing Academy)
  • 2002 : Ranked among the top reviewers at Marketing Science
  • 2000 : Award received from the French Marketing Association (AFM) for: Outstanding Contribution to the Methodology (Contribution Exceptionnelle à la Methodologie) (Association Française de Marketing, France)
  • 1998 : Chair of the Selection Committee for the Best Article Published in International Journal of Research in Marketing (European Marketing Academy)
  • 1990 : Ranked among the top reviewers at Recherche et Applications en Marketing (Sage Publications)

Journal articles

Book chapters

Conference Proceedings

Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference

Working Papers


Thesis referee

  • 2024 :
  • 2016 : Strategies de Transition de Service dans les Marchés Industriels (HEC Paris France)
  • 2011 : Econometric Advances in Diffusion Models (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam )
  • 2006 : Analogical Reasoning as a Design Support Principle for Weakly-Structured Marketing Problems (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Netherlands)
  • 1997 : Variety Seeking and the Sensitivity to In-Store Promotions (Antwerp Management School Belgium)


  • 2019 – Now : Product management (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 2015 – Now : Marketing Performance (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 2007 – Now : Marketing Models (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 1980 – 2015 : Marketing Research (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 1984 – 1994 : Collecting and interpreting marketing data (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 1984 – 1988 : Seminar on Methods of New Product Development (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 1982 – 1988 : Decision-making in marketing (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 1980 – 1983 : Advertising (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 1980 – 1983 : Consumer Behavior (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 1978 – 1979 : Doctoral seminar in marketing models (Université de Chicago United States of America)
  • 1978 – 1979 : Analytical marketing strategy (Université de Chicago United States of America)
  • 1978 – 1979 : Market communications (Université de Chicago United States of America)

Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics

  • 2007 – Now : Introductory statistics (ESSEC Business School France)


  • 1980 – Now : Seminar on research methodology (ESSEC Business School France)

Thesis co-director

  • 2010 – 2016 : Three Essays on Dynamic Models with Applications to Marketing and Finance (ESSEC Business School France)
Other activities
Research activities
  • Organization of a conference or a seminar
    • 2014 – 2014: Co-organizer (with H. Plassman, S. Atalay and F. Sotgiu) of the 35th Anniversary of the ESSEC/HEC/INSEAD seminar ( France)
    • 2007 – 2007: Co-organizer of the Third German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing (with L. Hildebrandt and U. Wagner) (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2007 – 2007: Co-organizer of the Ninth Seminar on Transportation, entitled “Discrete Choice Models: Applications to Marketing and to Transportation” (with A. de Palma and N. Picard), Cergy-Pontoise (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2004 – 2004: Co-organizer of the 25th Anniversary of the ESSEC/HEC/INSEAD seminar, Cergy-Pontoise (March 4, 2004), with G. Laurent and M. Sarvary ( France)
    • 2003 – 2003: Co-organizer of a conference on “Bridging the Gap Between Marketing Models and Managers”, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, with P. H. Franses.
    • 1980 – Now: Co-organizer of the ESSEC/HEC/INSEAD Annual Seminar
  • Other editorial activity
    • 2009 – 2009: Editors of a special section (in an issue): BEMMAOR, A.C., HILDEBRANDT, L. and WAGNER, U., “New Models for Marketing” International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 26, No. 2
    • 1999 – 2000: Member of the Scientific Committee of Recherche et Applications en Marketing
  • Editorial Board Membership
    • 2008 – 2014: Editorial board membership – Business Research, Journal of the German Association for Business Research
    • 1988 – 2009: Editorial board membership – International Journal of Research in Marketing
    • 1985 – 2014: Editorial board membership – Recherche et Applications en Marketing
  • Other academic activity
    • 2004 – 2005: Listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in American Education, 6th Edition
  • Role as an expert or appraisor in a research organization
    • 2003 – Now: Reviewer of research proposals submitted to the Belgian National Foundation of Scientific Research (F.R.S.-F.N.R.S.)
    • 2002 – Now: Reviewer of research proposals submitted to the Belgian Research Foundation – Flanders (Fonds voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek: FWO)
    • 2001 – Now: Reviewer of research proposals submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation (Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique)
  • Member of an academic association
    • 1980 – Now: Member of Association Française du Marketing (AFM)
    • 1978 – Now: Member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
    • 1976 – Now: Member of the Econometric Society
    • 1976 – Now: Member of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
    • 1976 – Now: Member of the American Statistical Association (ASA)
  • Reviewer for a journal
    • Reviewer for Computational Statistics and Data Analysis; IMA Journal of Management Mathematics; International Journal of Forecasting; Journal of Forecasting; Journal of Interactive Marketing; Journal of Marketing; Journal of Marketing Research; Journal of Product and Brand Management; Management Science; Marketing Letters; Marketing Science; The Polish Statistician
Professional activities
  • Consulting
    • 1988 – Now: Consultant to leading market research firms (1988-, 2005- ), and to a leading service firm (1994) ( France)
  • 2006 : ALTHUIZEN Niek (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam), Thesis referee, Analogical Reasoning as a Design Support Principle for Weakly-Structured Marketing Problems
  • 1997 : CAMPO Katia (Antwerp Management School), Thesis referee, Variety Seeking and the Sensitivity to In-Store Promotions
  • 2024 : CHUANQI X. , Thesis referee,
  • 2010 : MULLICK Shantanu (ESSEC Business School), Thesis co-director, Three Essays on Dynamic Models with Applications to Marketing and Finance
  • 2016 : NEZAMI Mehdi (HEC Paris), Thesis referee, Service Transition Strategies in Industrial Markets
  • 2011 : PEERS Yuri (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam), Thesis referee, Econometric Advances in Diffusion Models
  • 2007 : ZHENG Li (ESSEC Business School), Thesis director, The Diffusion of Internet Use Across China: Spatiotemporal Models with Policy Implications