Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233
#_id: "B00000330"
#_source: array:39 [
"bid" => "B00000330"
"academId" => "2063"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"fullName" => "Philippe LORINO"
"lastName" => "LORINO"
"firstName" => "Philippe"
"title" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur éminent émérite"
"en" => "Distinguished Emeritus Professor"
"email" => ""
"status" => "ACTIF"
"campus" => "Campus de Cergy"
"departments" => []
"phone" => "+33 (0)1 34 43 30 08"
"sites" => []
"facNumber" => "2063"
"externalCvUrl" => ""
"googleScholarUrl" => ""
"facOrcId" => ""
"career" => array:10 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2268
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2017-05-01"
"endDate" => null
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur éminent émérite"
"en" => "Distinguished Emeritus Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2269
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1981-01-01"
"endDate" => "1983-12-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Professional appointments"
"fr" => "Positions professionnelles"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Conseiller technique au Cabinet du Ministre"
"en" => "Technical Adviser to the Minister"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ministère de l'industrie"
"en" => "Ministère de l'industrie"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2270
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1984-01-01"
"endDate" => "1986-12-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Professional appointments"
"fr" => "Positions professionnelles"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur Général adjoint de l'Industrie"
"en" => "Deputy Managing Director of Industry"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ministère de l'industrie"
"en" => "Ministère de l'industrie"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2271
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1987-01-01"
"endDate" => "1992-12-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Professional appointments"
"fr" => "Positions professionnelles"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chef de projet à la Direction Financière"
"en" => "Project Manager in the Financial Department"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "BULL"
"en" => "BULL"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2272
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2000-09-01"
"endDate" => "2008-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur"
"en" => "Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2273
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2000-09-01"
"endDate" => "2003-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other Academic Appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions académiques"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur du Master « Gestion et Dynamique des Organisations »"
"en" => "Director of the Master « Gestion et Dynamique des Organisations »"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2274
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2013-01-01"
"endDate" => "2017-05-01"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur éminent"
"en" => "Distinguished Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2275
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1998-09-01"
"endDate" => "2012-12-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur"
"en" => "Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2276
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1993-01-01"
"endDate" => "1998-09-01"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur associé"
"en" => "Associate Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2277
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1979-10-01"
"endDate" => "1981-06-30"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Professional appointments"
"fr" => "Positions professionnelles"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Conseiller Commercial à l'Ambassade de France au Mexique"
"en" => "Commercial Attaché at the French Embassy in Mexico"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ministère des Affaires étrangères"
"en" => "Ministère des Affaires étrangères"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"diplomes" => array:5 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2235
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "1992"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Doctorat in Managerial Science"
"fr" => "Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne"
"en" => "Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2237
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "1992"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "HDR"
"fr" => "HDR"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne"
"en" => "Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2234
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "1975"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Graduate"
"fr" => "Diplômé"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Mines ParisTech"
"en" => "Mines ParisTech"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2238
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "1972"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Graduate engineer"
"fr" => "Ingénieur diplômé"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "École Polytechnique"
"en" => "École Polytechnique"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2232
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "CERT"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Certificats"
"en" => "Certificates"
"year" => "1988"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "APICS Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)"
"fr" => "APICS Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "American Production and Inventory Control Society"
"en" => "American Production and Inventory Control Society"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"bio" => array:2 [
"fr" => """
<p>Interventions d'expertise à EDF, Gaz de France, France Télécom, Renault, Arcelor, Hydro-Québec, Jet Services, Banque Caixa, SAT-Sagem, SNCF, MMA, sur les problèmes de management par processus, déploiement de la stratégie dans les systèmes de gestion, pilotage des performances, gestion stratégique des performances et des compétences, apprentissage collectif, maîtrise organisationnelle du risque.</p>\n
<p>De 2010 à 2014 : Membre du Conseil d'Orientation pour l'Evolution des Métiers et de l'Emploi de la SNCF.</p>\n
<p>Depuis 2009: Membre du Groupe Permanent d'Experts de l'Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire.</p>\n
<p>Enseignant (2000-2008) et Directeur (2000-2003) du master « Gestion et Dynamique des Organisations » à l'Université Paris X - Nanterre.</p>\n
<p>1987 à 1992 : Directeur à la Direction Financière du Groupe Bull.</p>\n
<p>1988 à 1989 : membre du Conseil Scientifique de Renault.</p>\n
<p>1989 à 1992 : Président Europe du programme international de recherche en contrôle de gestion "Cost Management System" du consortium CAM-I regroupant 50 groupes industriels américains et européens.</p>\n
<p>1983 à 1987 : Directeur Général adjoint de l'Industrie au Ministère de l'Industrie ; supervision de la Sûreté des Installations Nucléaires.</p>\n
<p>1984 à 1987 : Administrateur de Péchiney, du Commissariatà l'Energie Atomique, de la Banque Worms, de l'Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche.</p>\n
<p>1981 à 1983 : Conseiller Technique au Cabinet du Ministre de l'Industrie.</p>\n
<p>1979 à 1981 : Conseiller Commercial à l'Ambassade de France au Mexique.</p>
"en" => """
<p>Consulting at EDF, Gaz de France, France Télécom, Renault, Arcelor, Hydro-Québec, Jet Services, Banque Caixa, SAT-Sagem, SNCF, MMA, about process-based management, strategy deployment into management systems, performance management, strategic management of performances and competences, collective learning, organizational control of risk.</p>\n
<p>2010 to 2014: Member of French Railways "Conseil d'Orientation pour l'Evolution des Métiers et de l'Emploi".</p>\n
<p>Since 2009: Member of the permanent Group of Experts of the French National Authority for Nuclear Safety (Groupe Permanent d'Experts de l'Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire).</p>\n
<p>Professor (2000-2008) and Director (2000-2003) of the Master « Gestion et Dynamique des Organisations » at Paris X - Nanterre University.</p>\n
<p>1987 to 1992 : Director in the Financial Department of Groupe Bull.</p>\n
<p>1988 to 1989 : Member of the Scientific Board of Renault.</p>\n
<p>1989 to 1992 : Chair for Europe of the international research program in Manufacturing Management Control "Cost Management System" of CAM-I consortium (50 American and European manufacturing companies).</p>\n
<p>1983 to 1987 : Directeur Général adjoint de l'Industrie, in the French Ministry of Industry (including the supervision of Nuclear Safety).</p>\n
<p>1984 to 1987 : Member of the Board of Péchiney, Commissariatà l'Energie Atomique, Banque Worms, Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche.</p>\n
<p>1981 to 1983 : Technical Adviser of the Minister of Industry.</p>\n
<p>1979 to 1981 : Commercial attaché at the French Embassy in Mexico.</p>
"department" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et contrôle de gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"industrrySectors" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"researchFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Contrôle de gestion - Théorie organisationnelle - Ethique des affaires et philosophie"
"en" => "Management Control - Organizational Theory - Business Ethics & Business Philosophy"
"teachingFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Contrôle de gestion - Théorie organisationnelle - Autre domaine"
"en" => "Management Control - Organizational Theory - Other teaching domain"
"distinctions" => array:1 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2278
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2019-07-06"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "EGOS Book Award 2019 pour l'ouvrage "Pragmatism and Organization Studies", 35th Annual European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Conference, Edimbourg"
"en" => "EGOS Book Award 2019 for the book "Pragmatism and Organization Studies", at the 35th Annual European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Conference in Edinburgh"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"teaching" => array:11 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2264
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => null
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Exploring organizational design experiments. A pragmatist perspective on"
"en" => "Exploring organizational design experiments. A pragmatist perspective on"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Co-directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis co-director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Delft University of Technology"
"en" => "Delft University of Technology"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Pays-Bas"
"en" => "Netherlands"
+lang: "fr"
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2263
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2018"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "A partir des concepts pragmatistes, transformer l'ingénierie des processus clients."
"en" => "A partir des concepts pragmatistes, transformer l'ingénierie des processus clients."
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2262
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2011"
"endDate" => "2017"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The role of the public in the French nuclear sector. The case of 'local information commissions'(CLIS) for nuclear activities in the west of France"
"en" => "The role of the public in the French nuclear sector. The case of 'local information commissions'(CLIS) for nuclear activities in the west of France"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2260
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2008"
"endDate" => "2017"
"program" => "PHD (MS BAR + PhD)"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Epistémologie"
"en" => "Epistemology"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Autre discipline"
"en" => "Other Discipline"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2257
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1993"
"endDate" => "2017"
"program" => "Grande Ecole - Master in Management"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cours Fondamental de Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Core Course in Management Control"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2258
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2001"
"endDate" => "2014"
"program" => "Grande Ecole - Master in Management"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Contrôle de gestion approfondi: plans, projets et gestion du temps"
"en" => "Advanced Management Control: Plans, Projects and Time Treatment"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2261
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2006"
"endDate" => "2010"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Institutional Change in the Making/The Case of Socially Responsible Investment"
"en" => "Institutional Change in the Making/The Case of Socially Responsible Investment"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Co-directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis co-director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2266
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2009"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La genèse organisationnelle du risque d'accident sur les chantiers de construction : une approche dialogique de l'activité collective organisée."
"en" => "La genèse organisationnelle du risque d'accident sur les chantiers de construction : une approche dialogique de l'activité collective organisée."
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2265
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2008"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le contrôle circulaire. Une approche socio-organisationnelle du contrôle des relations inter-firmes"
"en" => "Le contrôle circulaire. Une approche socio-organisationnelle du contrôle des relations inter-firmes"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Co-directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis co-director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School"
"en" => "IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2259
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2003"
"endDate" => "2008"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Structure et dynamique des techniques de gestion"
"en" => "Organization and dynamics of management techniques"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
10 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2267
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2007"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Intégration de systèmes d'instruments et développement de systèmes d'activités :"
"en" => "Intégration de systèmes d'instruments et développement de systèmes d'activités :"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
"otherActivities" => array:19 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2236
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1984-01-01"
"endDate" => "1987-12-31"
"year" => null
"uuid" => "501"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'une association professionnelle, d'un groupe d'experts ou d'un conseil d'administration"
"en" => "Member of a professional association, of an expert group or of a board of directors"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du Conseil d'Administration : Pechiney, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Banque Worms"
"en" => "Member of the Board of Directors : Pechiney, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Banque Worms"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2239
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2011-09-01"
"endDate" => "2011-12-31"
"year" => null
"uuid" => "502"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Consulting"
"en" => "Consulting"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Mission d'expertise auprès du Club Management et Marketing de l'Union Sociale pour l'Habitat (France) USH sur la Gestion des Performances Globales"
"en" => "Expertise mission for Club Management et Marketing of the Social Housing Union (France) USH about Global Performance Management."
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2240
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2014-01-01"
"endDate" => "2015-12-31"
"year" => null
"uuid" => "502"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Consulting"
"en" => "Consulting"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Conférences auprès de l'entreprise Orange sur le lean management"
"en" => "Conferences at Orange company about lean management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2241
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2015-09-01"
"endDate" => "2015-11-30"
"year" => null
"uuid" => "502"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Consulting"
"en" => "Consulting"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Mission d'expertise auprès d'EDF (Electricité de France) à propos des besoins de renforcement de compétences en gestion de la performance (managers de premier et second niveaux)"
"en" => "Expertise mission at EDF (Electricité de France) about the needs of competence reinforcement in performance management (first and second level managers)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2242
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2015-05-01"
"endDate" => "2015-10-31"
"year" => null
"uuid" => "502"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Consulting"
"en" => "Consulting"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Mission d'expertise auprès de Orange sur “Performance management and customer-centred strategy”"
"en" => "Expertise mission at Orange about “Performance management and customer-centred strategy”"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2243
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1950-04-10"
"endDate" => null
"year" => null
"uuid" => "501"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'une association professionnelle, d'un groupe d'experts ou d'un conseil d'administration"
"en" => "Member of a professional association, of an expert group or of a board of directors"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du Comité Scientifique de l'Observatoire des Cadres (syndicat CFDT)"
"en" => "Member of the Scientific board of the Observatoire des Cadres (CFDT trade union)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2244
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1950-04-10"
"endDate" => null
"year" => null
"uuid" => "501"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'une association professionnelle, d'un groupe d'experts ou d'un conseil d'administration"
"en" => "Member of a professional association, of an expert group or of a board of directors"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du Conseil d’Orientation Stratégique des carrières, SNCF"
"en" => "Member of Conseil d’Orientation Stratégique des carrières, French Railways (SNCF)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2245
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1950-04-10"
"endDate" => null
"year" => null
"uuid" => "502"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités professionnelles"
"en" => "Professional activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Consulting"
"en" => "Consulting"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Création de nouvelles méthodes et pratiques de contrôle pour Electricité de France (EDF), France Télécom, Renault, French Railways, Usinor Sacilor, Rockwell, Hydro-Québec."
"en" => "Design of new control methods and practices for Electricité de France (EDF), France Télécom, Renault, French Railways, Usinor Sacilor, Rockwell, Hydro-Québec."
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2246
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1950-04-10"
"endDate" => null
"year" => null
"uuid" => "202"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Fonction dans une association académique"
"en" => "Function in an academic association"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du Comité de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité"
"en" => "Member of "Association Francophone de Comptabilité" Board"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2247
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1950-04-10"
"endDate" => null
"year" => null
"uuid" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Services"
"en" => "Services"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre de la direction du Master Recherche "Gestion et Dynamique des Organisations" Université Paris X - ESSEC - Ecole Polytechnique - Ecole des Mines de Paris - ESCP-EAP."
"en" => "Member of the management of the Master Recherche "Gestion et Dynamique des Organisations" Université Paris X - ESSEC - Ecole Polytechnique - Ecole des Mines de Paris - ESCP-EAP."
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
10 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2248
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1950-04-10"
"endDate" => null
"year" => null
"uuid" => "R1_101"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Participation au comité scientifique d'une conférence ou reviewer pour une conférence"
"en" => "Participation in scientific commissions or reviewer for a conference"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du groupe permanent du séminaire international de l'“Organizations, Artifacts and Practices” (OAP) et membre du comité scientifique du 4th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) workshop à Rome"
"en" => "Member of the standing group of the “Organizations, Artifacts and Practices” (OAP) international workshop and member of the scientific committee of the 4th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) workshop in Rome"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
11 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2249
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "1999-01-01"
"endDate" => "2000-12-31"
"year" => "1999"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
12 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2250
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2014-01-01"
"endDate" => "2019-12-31"
"year" => "2014"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Finance Contrôle Stratégie"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Finance Contrôle Stratégie"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
13 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2251
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2011-01-01"
"endDate" => "2011-12-31"
"year" => "2011"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Gérer et Comprendre"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Gérer et Comprendre"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
14 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2252
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2016-01-01"
"endDate" => null
"year" => "2016"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Gérer et Comprendre"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Gérer et Comprendre"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
15 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2253
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2014-01-01"
"endDate" => "2016-12-31"
"year" => "2014"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Organization Studies"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Organization Studies"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
16 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2254
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2018-01-01"
"endDate" => null
"year" => "2018"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Organization Studies"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Organization Studies"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
17 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2255
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2011-01-01"
"endDate" => "2016-12-31"
"year" => "2011"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Revue Française de Gestion"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Revue Française de Gestion"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
18 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2256
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2018-01-01"
"endDate" => "2018-12-31"
"year" => "2018"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Revue Française de Gestion"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Revue Française de Gestion"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"theses" => array:7 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2279
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2010"
"startDate" => "2006"
"endDate" => "2010"
"student" => "ARJALIÈS de la LANDE Diane-Laure"
"firstJob" => "Assistant Professor - Ivey Business School at Western University"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Institutional Change in the Making/The Case of Socially Responsible Investment"
"en" => "Institutional Change in the Making/The Case of Socially Responsible Investment"
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Co-directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis co-director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2280
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2007"
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2007"
"student" => "HABRAN Y."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Intégration de systèmes d'instruments et développement de systèmes d'activités :"
"en" => "Integration of systems of instruments and development of activity systems: the case of commercial performance control in a bank."
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2281
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2017"
"startDate" => "2011"
"endDate" => "2017"
"student" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
"firstJob" => "Directrice académique adjointe Management et Gestion des Organisations - ESSEC Executive Education"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The role of the public in the French nuclear sector. The case of 'local information commissions'(CLIS) for nuclear activities in the west of France"
"en" => "The role of the public in the French nuclear sector. The case of 'local information commissions'(CLIS) for nuclear activities in the west of France"
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2282
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2008"
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2008"
"student" => "MOUREY D."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le contrôle circulaire. Une approche socio-organisationnelle du contrôle des relations inter-firmes"
"en" => "Le contrôle circulaire. Une approche socio-organisationnelle du contrôle des relations stratégiques inter-firmes dans le secteur de la grande distribution."
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Co-directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis co-director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School"
"en" => "IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2283
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2018"
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2018"
"student" => "PAILLET M."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "A partir des concepts pragmatistes, transformer l'ingénierie des processus clients."
"en" => "On the basis of pragmatist concepts, transformation of the customer processes."
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2284
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2009"
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2009"
"student" => "TRICARD B."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La genèse organisationnelle du risque d'accident sur les chantiers de construction : une approche dialogique de l'activité collective organisée."
"en" => "Organizational genesis of accident risk on building sites: a dialogical approach to organized collective activity."
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2285
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => null
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => null
"student" => "WEGENER F."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Exploring organizational design experiments. A pragmatist perspective on"
"en" => "Exploring organizational design experiments. A pragmatist perspective on organizational designing."
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Co-directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis co-director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Delft University of Technology"
"en" => "Delft University of Technology"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Pays-Bas"
"en" => "Netherlands"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:25.000Z"
"contributions" => array:212 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2287
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3879"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3879"
"slug" => "3879-le-projet-cost-management-system-et-ses-fondements-du-cam-i"
"yearMonth" => "1990-01"
"year" => "1990"
"title" => "Le projet "Cost Management System et ses fondements" du CAM-I"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et COHENDET, P. (1990). Le projet "Cost Management System et ses fondements" du CAM-I. Dans: <i>Gestion industrielle et mesure économique (approche et applications nouvelles)</i>. 1st ed. Economica."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "COHENDET P."
"ouvrage" => "Gestion industrielle et mesure économique (approche et applications nouvelles)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
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"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2289
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1072"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1072"
"slug" => "1072-efficience-x-et-cogestion"
"yearMonth" => "1996-07"
"year" => "1996"
"title" => "Efficience-X et cogestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1996). Efficience-X et cogestion. <i>Personnel</i>, pp. 10-11."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:12"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "10-11"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le pilotage de l'entreprise est un système non-déterministe, du fait de la complexité et de l'instabilité : chaque acteur dispose de sa propre marge d'interprétation. La cohérence et la pertinence de ces interprétations individuelles fondent ce que Harvey Leibenstein appelle "efficience-X". Celle-ci exige un nouveau contrat social qui clarifie les règles du jeu, assez proche de la cogestion à l'allemande."
"en" => "Complexity and instability make performance steering within companies a non-deterministic system : each actor has a margin of free interpretation of what performance is. The coherence and the relevance of such individual interpretations are the basis for "X-efficiency" described by Harvey Leibenstein. "X-efficiency", requires a social contract to make the rules of the game clear : someting like German co-management."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2291
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1100"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1100"
"slug" => "1100-enquete-sur-le-facteur-x-lautonomie-de-lactivite-pour-le-management-des-ressources-humaines-et-pour-le-controle-de-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "1999-05"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "Enquête sur le facteur X. L'autonomie de l'activité pour le management des ressources humaines et pour le contrôle de gestion"
"description" => "PEYROLLE, J.C. et LORINO, P. (1999). Enquête sur le facteur X. L'autonomie de l'activité pour le management des ressources humaines et pour le contrôle de gestion. <i>Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines</i>, pp. 173-186."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PEYROLLE J.C."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "173-186"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "A partir du cas concret de Dynastar, entreprise fabriquant des skis, les auteurs constatent que l'autonomie des acteurs est de plus en plus souvent un facteur de progrès économique considérable, le facteur X, en rupture avec la tradition taylorienne du contrôle et de la normalisation. Ils en déduisent que, dans la majeure partie des situations, l'activité n'est de fait pas contrôlable. Or l'activité productrice de valeur et de savoir, l'activité-apprentissage, est une zone d'ombre des sciences de gestion, qui se sont construites sur une définition fonctionnelle de l'activité humaine, réduisant celle-ci à la mesure de son output. Cette simplification devient inopérante et remet la gestion face à la nécesssité de construire des concepts et des pratiques intégrant la valeur cognitive de l'activité et l'autonomie de l'acteur."
"en" => "On the basis of the concrete case Dynastar, a firm which manufactures skis, the authors observe that actors' autonomy is more and more often a decisive factor for economic improvement, the X-factor, breaking taylorian control and standardization traditions. From those observations they deduce that Activity is actually not controllable. Activity as value-creation and learning is relatively unexplored by Management Sciences. Business studies are based upon a functional definition of Activity, which reduces it to its output flow. Such a simplification becomes useless. It challenges Management Sciences: it is necessary to build Management theories and practices which address the cognitive dimension of Activity and the actor's autonomy."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2288
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5323"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5323"
"slug" => "5323-a-pragmatic-analysis-of-organizational-learning-and-non-learning-the-role-of-management-and-control-systems-the-case-of-group-bull-in-1987-1992"
"yearMonth" => "1999-06"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "A Pragmatic Analysis of Organizational Learning and Non-learning: The Role of Management and Control Systems. The Case of Group Bull in 1987-1992"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1999). A Pragmatic Analysis of Organizational Learning and Non-learning: The Role of Management and Control Systems. The Case of Group Bull in 1987-1992."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2292
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1253"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1253"
"slug" => "1253-from-the-analysis-of-verbal-data-to-the-analysis-of-organizations-organizing-as-a-dialogical-process"
"yearMonth" => "2014-05"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "From the Analysis of Verbal Data to the Analysis of Organizations: Organizing as a Dialogical Process"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). From the Analysis of Verbal Data to the Analysis of Organizations: Organizing as a Dialogical Process. <i>Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science</i>, 48(4), pp. 1-11."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Action collective"
1 => "Dialogisme"
2 => "Médiation"
3 => "Peirce"
"updatedAt" => "2023-09-06 13:53:51"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1-11"
"volume" => "48"
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'analyse des tours de parole dans la conversation et de leurs implications sur le temps (le locuteur ne peut pas complètement anticiper les effets futurs de son énoncé) et la socialité (le discours est coproduit par les divers locuteurs plutôt que produit par le seul individu qui a la parole) peut fournir une base utile pour analyser les processus organisants complexes et l'action collective : l'acteur ne peut pas complètement anticiper les futurs effets de ses actes et l'acte est coproduit par des acteurs multiples. Cette transposition de classes d'interaction verbales à des classes d'interaction plus larges met en évidence la performativité des discours, l'importance de la situation, le rôle des médiations sémiotiques pour instancier dans l'échange dialogique des "fantômes" temporellement et spatialement distants, et la relation dissymétrique entre les tours de parole successifs, du fait de l'irréversibilité temporelle."
"en" => "The analysis of conversational turn-taking and its implications on time (the speaker cannot completely anticipate the future effects of her/his speech) and sociality (the speech is co-produced by the various speakers rather than by the speaking individual) can provide a useful basis to analyze complex organizing processes and collective action: the actor cannot completely anticipate the future effects of her/his acts and the act is co-produced by multiple actors. This translation from verbal to broader classes of interaction stresses the performativity of speeches, the importance of the situation, the role of semiotic mediations to make temporally and spatially distant “ghosts” present in the dialog, and the dissymmetrical relationship between successive conversational turns, due to temporal irreversibility."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2286
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1285"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1285"
"slug" => "1285-goffmans-theory-of-frames-and-situated-meaning-making-in-performance-reviews-the-case-of-a-category-management-approach-in-the-french-retail-sector"
"yearMonth" => "2017-04"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "Goffman's Theory of Frames and Situated Meaning-Making in Performance Reviews. The Case of a Category Management Approach in the French Retail Sector"
"description" => "LORINO, P., MOUREY, D. et SCHMIDT, G. (2017). Goffman's Theory of Frames and Situated Meaning-Making in Performance Reviews. The Case of a Category Management Approach in the French Retail Sector. <i>Accounting, Organizations and Society</i>, 58, pp. 32-49."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY D."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "SCHMIDT G."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:10 [
0 => "Basculement de cadre"
1 => "Cadre"
2 => "Cadrer"
3 => "Comptabilité"
4 => "Gestion par catégorie"
5 => "Goffman"
6 => "Médiation sémiotique"
7 => "Modulation de cadre"
8 => "Nombres"
9 => "Situation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "32-49"
"volume" => "58"
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cette recherche explore le rôle de la comptabilité comme pratique sociale participant aux efforts continus des managers pour comprendre et orienter le changement organisationnel, dans des négociations stratégiques. Elle s’appuie sur une interprétation processuelle et sémiotique de la théorie des cadres de Goffman, privilégiant le “cadrer” comme processus social continu de contextualisation dans le développement d’une situation. Cette approche est appliquée aux négociations entre un grand distributeur et seize fournisseurs pour réaliser une gestion par catégorie. La recherche montre qu’il y a une pluralité de cadres concurrents et que se produisent des épisodes de basculement, en réponse à un événement spécifique, un cadre en remplaçant soudain un autre, avec une autre vision narrative de la situation et des effets significatifs sur les pratiques. Les chiffres comptables, du fait de leur double nature, simultanément éléments de cadres sociaux génériques et événements singuliers dans la situation, sont médiateurs entre la situation singulière et des classes de signification construites socialement."
"en" => "This research explores the role of accounting as a social practice contributing to managers' ongoing efforts to understand and influence organizational change in the course of review meetings. It develops a processual and semiotic view of Goffman's theory of frames, based on the concept of framing, defined as an ongoing social process of context production in an unfolding situation. This framework is applied to situations of negotiation between a retailer and sixteen suppliers, under a category management approach. The crucial finding is the plurality of competing frames and the occurrence of frame-shifting episodes, by which, in response to a specific event, one frame is suddenly replaced with another frame that narrates the situation in a different way, with significant effects on practices. The study highlights the dual nature of accounting numbers, simultaneously parts of generic social frames and singular events in the situation, and their resulting action as mediators between a singular situation and socially-constructed classes of meaning."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2290
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5638"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5638"
"slug" => "5638-contradiction-or-integration-dialogism-versus-monologism-heterology-versus-commonality"
"yearMonth" => "2016-06"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Contradiction or Integration? Dialogism Versus Monologism, Heterology Versus Commonality"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2016). Contradiction or Integration? Dialogism Versus Monologism, Heterology Versus Commonality. Dans: 8th International Process Symposium (PROS)."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "8th International Process Symposium (PROS)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2293
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1440"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1440"
"slug" => "1440-keys-to-successful-implementation-of-a-french-national-quality-indicator-in-health-care-organizations-a-qualitative-study"
"yearMonth" => "2016-10"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Keys to Successful Implementation of a French National Quality Indicator in Health Care Organizations: A Qualitative Study"
"description" => "WAELLI, M., GOMEZ, M.L., SICOTTE, C., ZICARI, A., BONNEFOND, J.Y. et LORINO, P. (2016). Keys to Successful Implementation of a French National Quality Indicator in Health Care Organizations: A Qualitative Study. <i>BMC Health Services Research</i>, 553(16)."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "WAELLI M."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "SICOTTE C."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J.-Y."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Anesthésie"
1 => "Établissements de santé"
2 => "Indicateurs de Qualité"
3 => "Mise en œuvre des indicateurs"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => "553"
"number" => "16"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les politiques publiques tendent à se concentrer sur la validité métrologique des indicateurs de qualité (IQ) et sur les méthodes de classement, et tendent à négliger leur mise en œuvre. Cependant, une mise en œuvre efficace des IQ dépend de l’activité managériale locale, souvent invisible, en interaction avec des facteurs socio-matériels. Quand on conduit des programmes d’amélioration de la qualité au niveau national, les autorités de santé feraient peut-être bien de viser spécifiquement les managers cliniques qui jouent un rôle inestimable de médiateurs. Leur rôle clé devrait être reconnu et ils devraient se voir assigner les ressources adéquates."
"en" => "Public policy tends to focus on the metrological validity of QIs and on ranking methods and overlooks QI implementation. However, effective QI implementation depends on local managerial activity that is often invisible, in interaction with socio-material factors. When developing national quality improvement programs, health authorities might do well to specifically target these clinical managers who act as invaluable mediators. Their key role should be acknowledged and they ought to be provided with adequate resources."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2294
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5720"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5720"
"slug" => "5720-designing-mediating-tools-an-encounter-between-peirce-and-vygotsky"
"yearMonth" => "2012-07"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Designing Mediating Tools: An Encounter Between Peirce and Vygotsky"
"description" => "TRICARD, B. et LORINO, P. (2012). Designing Mediating Tools: An Encounter Between Peirce and Vygotsky. Dans: 28th EGOS Colloqium 2012."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
"ouvrage" => "28th EGOS Colloqium 2012"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2295
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5739"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5739"
"slug" => "5739-dialogical-organizing-in-the-interstices-of-a-monological-organization"
"yearMonth" => "2017-07"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "Dialogical Organizing in the Interstices of a Monological Organization"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et ARNOUD, J. (2017). Dialogical Organizing in the Interstices of a Monological Organization. Dans: 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2017."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARNOUD J."
"ouvrage" => "33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2017"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
10 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2296
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1507"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1507"
"slug" => "1507-la-gestion-de-la-connaissance-dans-lentreprise-et-le-role-instrumental-des-systemes-dinformation-et-de-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "2001-09"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "La gestion de la connaissance dans l'entreprise et le rôle instrumental des systèmes d'information et de gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2001). La gestion de la connaissance dans l'entreprise et le rôle instrumental des systèmes d'information et de gestion. <i>Signaux</i>, pp. 33-42."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "33-42"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Une tendance forte traverse la tradition des entreprises, celle de la méfiance envers le sujet connaissant. Pourtant la connaissance est un processus interactif entièrement porté par les acteurs, la dimension organisationnelle étant apportée par le système d'action collectif auquel ils contribuent. Connaître, c'est interpréter l'action. La connaissance est donc un processus et non un état. Les codes et les informations qu'on baptise parfois à tort "connaissancex explicites" ne sont que des signes produits à propos d'une certaine action, et ils ont pour fonction d'instrumenter les processus de cognition des acteurs de l'organisation. Les "systèmes" : systèmes d'information, systèmes de gestion, sont contextuels, contingents à un certain type de situations. Pour les concevoir, il faut donc partir d'une première définition des processus d'action concrets qu'ils sont censés instrumenter."
"en" => "In the Taylorian tradition of business management, distrust towards the knowing subject can be observed. However knowledge is an interpretation process entirely carried by actors. Organizational dimension can esclusively be found in the collective process of action. Knowing is interpreting action. Knowledge is a process and not a state. The codes at times -and wrongly- called "explicit knowledge" are signs produced about a certain action process, to tool actors' knowledge processes. "Systems" (Information Systems, Management Systems) are contextual, contingent to a certain type of situation. To desigtn them it is necessary to start from a definition of the action processes they are supposed to support."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
11 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2297
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1510"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1510"
"slug" => "1510-la-gestion-des-processus-letat-de-la-pratique-dans-de-grandes-entreprises"
"yearMonth" => "1999-03"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "La gestion des processus : l'état de la pratique dans de grandes entreprises"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (1999). La gestion des processus : l'état de la pratique dans de grandes entreprises. <i>Echanges</i>, pp. 33-38."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "33-38"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Sept cas de mise en place de gestion des processus, dans de grandes entreprises de divers secteurs, permettent de cerner la typologie des situations de départ, les objectifs poursuivis, les caractéristiques de la démarche et les acteurs impliqués. L'absence de la fonction contrôle de gestion y est souvent constatée."
"en" => "Seven cases of business process management are presented. Their implementation took place in different sectors of activity. On that basis, the authors try to define a typology of starting situations, the pursued objectives, the methods of implementation and the type of actors involved. In several cases, the management control function seems to be hardly involved."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
12 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2298
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1558"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1558"
"slug" => "1558-la-question-de-la-performance-dans-les-activites-de-conception-depasser-le-paradigme-de-la-conception-des-artefacts"
"yearMonth" => "2006-01"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "La question de la performance dans les activités de conception : dépasser le paradigme de la conception des artefacts"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2006). La question de la performance dans les activités de conception : dépasser le paradigme de la conception des artefacts. <i>Revue Economique et Sociale</i>, pp. 85-92."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:6 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Artefact"
2 => "Communauté d'enquête"
3 => "Conception"
4 => "Irreversibilité"
5 => "Utilisation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "85-92"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'activité industrielle horlogène représentait en 2005 quarante mille emplois dans l'Arc jurassien. cette réussite économique soulève de nombreuses questions théoriques et méthodologiques: comment expliquer qu'une industrie qui produit des objets objectivement moins performants et infiniment plus chers que des gardes-temps à quartz et téléphones portables bourrés de techonologie se porte aussi bien? Comment donner du sens à un tel constat et quels types d'outils imaginer pour accompagner stratégiquement les acteurs de l'horlogerie? Cet article aborde quelques-unes des méthodes développées par le biais d'une recherche en cours pour rendre compte des ces problématiques."
"en" => "Administration and management sciences from the very beginning of their history, locked themselves in a representation-based paradigm. this can be observed clearly in the "design-execution" dichotomy (Taylor) or in decision theories (Simon). Rather than trying to objectify knowledge, it is more interesting to challange the knowledge concept by considering sensemaking and activity issues as central. It becomes then possible to introduce the situated interpretation of activity by actors and sensemaking in the course of action as key issues for research. Such an approach, inspired by american pragmatic philosophy (Pierce, Dewey), views "design" first as the "designing" collective activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
13 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2299
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1593"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1593"
"slug" => "1593-lactivite-collective-processus-organisant-un-processus-discursif-fonde-sur-le-langage-pragmatiste-des-habitudes"
"yearMonth" => "2013-04"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "L'activité collective, processus organisant : Un processus discursif fondé sur le langage pragmatiste des habitudes"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2013). L'activité collective, processus organisant : Un processus discursif fondé sur le langage pragmatiste des habitudes. <i>Activité</i>, 10(1), pp. 221-242."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "Collective activity"
1 => "Organizing process"
2 => "Habit"
3 => "Inquiry"
4 => "Pragmatism"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:28"
"publicationUrl" => "'activite_collective_processus_organisant_un_processus_discursif_fonde_sur_le_langage_pragmatiste_des_habitudes"
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "221-242"
"volume" => "10"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Des courants de recherche récents en organisation ont développé une vision "actionnelle" de l'organisation selon laquelle les activités des acteurs font émerger l'organisation comme construit dynamique. Ils mettent l'accent sur le processus par lequel les discours font émerger le sens de l'action et produisent des effets pratiques "organisants". Cet article adopte une vision symétrique centrée sur l'activité elle-même comme discours en actes, plutôt que sur les pratiques et objets langagiers engagés dans l'activité. Faisant écho à la théorie des "actes de discours" (Austin et Searle) qui explore la "performativité des discours", c'est-à-dire leur pouvoir pratique de transformer les situations, cet article esquisse une théorie des "discours d'actes", explorant la "discursivité de l'action", c'est-à-dire son pouvoir de signifier. Les actes ne sont pas seulement des opérations qui transforment la situation, mais aussi des signes renvoyant à des significations construites socialement. Recourant aux théories pragmatistes de l'habitude et de l'enquête (Peirce et Dewey), l'activité collective est analysée comme processus discursif, qui combine des segments de signification stabilisés et socialement partagés ("habitudes") et des enquêtes situées destinées à adapter ou recréer les habitudes. Une étude de cas (mise en œuvre d'un système d'information de gestion intégré dans un groupe) montre que des changements organisationnels majeurs peuvent révéler des habitudes et leur cohérence discursive en les perturbant. Les acteurs sont alors confrontés à la tâche, difficile car non anticipée, de reconstruire les cadres discursifs de leur activité collective."
"en" => "Recent streams in organization research have developed an action-based view of organizing, whereby actors' actions make organization emerge as a dynamic construct. They stress the process by which discourses make the sense of action emerge and generate "organizing" practical effects. This article adopts the symmetric view, focused on activity itself as a discourse in acts, rather than on language practices and objects involved in activity. Echoing the theory of "speech acts" (Austin, Searle) which explores the "performativity of discourse", i.e. its power of transforming situations, this article sketches a theory of "act speeches", exploring the "discursivity of action", i.e. its power to make meaning. Acts are not only operations which transform the situation, but also signs pointing at socially constructed meanings. Resorting to the pragmatist theories of habit and inquiry (Peirce, Dewey), collective activity is analyzed as a discursive process, combining stabilized and socially shared segments of signification ("habits") and situated inquiries to adapt or recreate habits. A case study (implementation of an integrated management information system in a large firm) shows that major organizational changes may reveal habits and their discursive coherence by disturbing them. Actors face the task, difficult because unanticipated, of rebuilding the discursive frames of their collective activity. The conclusion summarizes the theoretical, practical and methodological contributions of this approach to activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
14 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2300
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1637"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1637"
"slug" => "1637-le-controle-de-gestion-apres-la-crise-expertise-obstinee-du-chiffre-ou-metier-denquete-complexe"
"yearMonth" => "2009-04"
"year" => "2009"
"title" => "Le contrôle de gestion après la crise : expertise obstinée du chiffre ou métier d'enquête complexe ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2009). Le contrôle de gestion après la crise : expertise obstinée du chiffre ou métier d'enquête complexe ? <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, 193(3), pp. 29-35."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Chiffrage financier"
1 => "Contrôle de gestion"
2 => "Crise"
3 => "Enquête"
4 => "Gouvernance"
5 => "Performance"
6 => "Pilotage"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "29-35"
"volume" => "193"
"number" => "3"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Où va le contrôle de gestion après la crise financière ? Il semble que, malgré le souhait majoritaire des professionnels de produire « moins de chiffres et plus d'analyse », les missions de production et de contrôle du chiffre restent dominantes. Comment l'expliquer ? Le contrôle de gestion doit répondre à deux catégories de besoins différenciées : d'une part, contrôleur du chiffre, organisateur de la procédure budgétaire et du reporting, recourant au langage comptable et financier, avec une indépendance sans faille à l'égard des managers contrôlés , d'autre part, consultant interne, orchestrateur de l'analyse et du diagnostic de la performance dans toutes ses dimensions, notamment opérationnelles, animateur des plans de progrès, coopérant étroitement avec les managers opérationnels. Le poids respectif et les relations de ces deux profils fonctionnels dépendent de quatre facteurs : l'horizon de temps de la décision, la transversalité inter-métiers de la performance, le type de gestion du risque et le mode de gouvernance. Si le « contrôle du chiffre » a tendu à se renforcer depuis une quinzaine d'années, c'est que la prégnance financière et court termiste observée sur ces quatre facteurs pesait en ce sens. C'est aussi le choix de la facilité, car un chiffrage technique normé est plus facile que la construction collective d'un jugement risqué sur des situations complexes. L'évolution d'après crise est incertaine : remise en cause du « pilotage par le chiffre » ou fuite en avant dans la sophistication du chiffrage ? Elle dépend aussi des orientations adoptées par la recherche et l'enseignement en contrôle : viseront-ils d'abord à raffiner l'expertise du chiffre ou à développer les savoirs complexes de l'enquête collective et située ?"
"en" => "Where will management control go after the financial crisis? Though the majority of professional controllers wishes "less figures and more analysis", number crushing missions seem to remain dominant. Why? Management control must address two clearly distinct needs: (i) controlling numbers, organizing budget and reporting, through the accounting and financial language, with a complete independence from controlled line managers, (ii) internal consulting, orchestrating the analysis and diagnosis of multi-criteria performance, coordinating improvement action plans in close cooperation with line managers. The relative weight of those two functional profiles depends on four factors: the time horizon of decision-making, the importance of cross-functional performance, how risk is managed and the type of governance. The control of numbers tended to become more dominant in the last fifteen years because those four factors were addressed with a coherent financial and short-range model. This is the easier choice too, because it is simpler to produce figures in conformance to formal standards than to build collective and risky judgments about complex situations. It is not clear how the practice will evolve after the crisis: will "figure-based management" be questioned, or will there be an escalation in the sophistication of financial numbers? The answer also depends on the future orientations of management research and education: will they prioritize the technical expertise of figure production and control, or will they develop the complex competences required by collective and situated inquiry?"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
15 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2301
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1644"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1644"
"slug" => "1644-le-deploiement-de-la-valeur-par-les-processus"
"yearMonth" => "1995-06"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Le déploiement de la valeur par les processus"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). Le déploiement de la valeur par les processus. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 55-71."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "55-71"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'utilité principale du concept de processus consiste à fournir une représentation privilégiée de la chaine de valeur. Le processus apparaît donc fondamentalement comme un outil de déploiement des objectifs stratégiques et de la valeur à travers le temps et l'organisation, destiné à structurer le pilotage de performance."
"en" => "Business processes can provide a relevant way to represent the value chain. They are basically a convenient tool to display strategic objectives and customer value across time and the organization. They should serve as a permanent structural basis for performance management and organizational learning."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
16 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2302
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1671"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1671"
"slug" => "1671-le-management-de-laction-complexe-controler-ou-explorer"
"yearMonth" => "2018-03"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "Le management de l'action complexe : contrôler ou explorer ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2018). Le management de l'action complexe : contrôler ou explorer ? <i>Projectics / Proyectica / Projectique</i>, 2018(19), pp. 13-22."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Complexité"
1 => "Contrôle"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Gestion de la qualité"
4 => "Management"
5 => "Organisation"
6 => "Pragmatisme"
7 => "Représentation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "13-22"
"volume" => "2018"
"number" => "19"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Deux paradigmes organisationnels sont historiquement concurrents : l’organisation conçue comme processeur d’information, vision cohérente avec l’identification du management comme fonction de contrôle, et l’organisation conçue comme système d’action collective, vision cohérente avec l’identification du management comme fonction de support méthodologique aux enquêtes menées réflexivement par les équipes opérationnelles sur leur propre activité. Le concept de représentation rationnelle, représentation de l’action (taylorisme) ou représentation de la pensée sur l’action (cognitivisme, Herbert Simon), est au cœur du premier paradigme. Au cœur du second se trouve le concept d’enquête, issu de la philosophie pragmatiste, développé dans le monde de l’entreprise par le mouvement du management de la Qualité et mettant l’accent sur deux règles : toute amélioration organisationnelle est expérimentale et il n’y a pas de substitut abstrait à l’expérience directe de l’activité."
"en" => "Two organizational paradigms are historically competing: the organization as an information processor, coherent with the identification of management as a control function, and organization as a system of collective action, coherent with the identification of management as the heuristic support of the reflexive inquiries conducted by operational teams on their own activity. The concept of rational representation, representation of action (Taylorism) or representation of thought about action (cognitivism, Herbert Simon) is at the heart of the first paradigm. At the heart of the second paradigm we find the concept of inquiry, stemming from the pragmatist philosophy and developed in the business world by the Quality management movement, emphasizing two rules: any organizational improvement is experimental and there is no substitute for the direct experience of activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
17 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2303
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1758"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1758"
"slug" => "1758-leistungssteuerungssysteme-in-frankreich-entwicklung-und-wandel"
"yearMonth" => "1997-01"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Leistungssteuerungssysteme in Frankreich - Entwicklung und Wandel"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1997). Leistungssteuerungssysteme in Frankreich - Entwicklung und Wandel. <i>Controlling</i>, pp. 24-28."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "24-28"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Une proportion croissante d'entreprises françaises met en oeuvre des systèmes de mesure de performance formalisés, avec le risque d'y voir un substitut à la communication et à la coopération entre les différents niveaux de management, nécessaires mais souvent difficiles en France."
"en" => "An increasing number of French companies are implementing formal performance measurement systems. Considering the social barriers between top and middle management in France, there is a risk to look at such systems as substitutes for necessary communication and cooperation."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
18 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2304
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6023"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6023"
"slug" => "6023-from-pdsa-to-pdca-the-strange-odyssey-of-lean-management"
"yearMonth" => "2015-12"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "From PDSA to PDCA: The Strange Odyssey of “Lean Management”"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2015). From PDSA to PDCA: The Strange Odyssey of “Lean Management”. Dans: 5th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "5th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
19 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2305
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1841"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1841"
"slug" => "1841-les-notions-dactivite-et-de-valeur-en-economie-et-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "1999-04"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "Les notions d'activité et de valeur en économie et gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1999). Les notions d'activité et de valeur en économie et gestion. <i>Performances Humaines & Techniques</i>, pp. 49-57."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:35"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "49-57"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet article étudie d'abord l'évolution historique de la prise en compte de la notion d'activité en Economie et en Gestion, avec la substitution du paradigme D (décision) - E (échange) - R (ressources) au paradigme A (activité) - P (production) - A (apprentissage). Le retour du thème de l'activité dans les recherches récentes en gestion est imposé par le retour du thème de la valeur. Il pose des problèmes méthodologiques et conceptuels encore imparfaitement explorés"
"en" => "This article studies first how the concept of activity has been taken into account by Economics and Business Adminstration throughout History till now. It analyses how the paradigm D (decision) - E (Exchange/Transaction) - R (Resources) replaced the paradigm A (Activity) - P (Production) - L (Learning). The comeback of Activity concept into recent research in Business Administration imposed by the strong comeback of Value concept, raises methodology and theory issues which must still be explored."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
20 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2306
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6157"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6157"
"slug" => "6157-ignorance-based-management-and-non-information-systems-as-sources-of-organizational-inertia"
"yearMonth" => "2013-06"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Ignorance-based Management and Non-information Systems as Sources of Organizational Inertia"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2013). Ignorance-based Management and Non-information Systems as Sources of Organizational Inertia. Dans: 3rd Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "3rd Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
21 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2307
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1956"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1956"
"slug" => "1956-lintuition-peircienne-de-la-mediation-aux-sources-du-pragmatisme-ou-il-faut-ruser-avec-le-monde"
"yearMonth" => "2007-11"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "L'intuition peircienne de la médiation aux sources du pragmatisme, ou : il faut ruser avec le monde..."
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2007). L'intuition peircienne de la médiation aux sources du pragmatisme, ou : il faut ruser avec le monde... <i>Libellio</i>, pp. 34-41."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Dialogisme"
1 => "Enquête"
2 => "Médiation"
3 => "Organisation"
4 => "Pragmatisme"
5 => "Sémiotique"
6 => "Signe"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:39"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "34-41"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Il y a un lien théorique profond entre les philosophies pragmatistes (Peirce, Dewey, Mead) et la sémiotique (étude des signes et des significations), notamment par le rôle-clé du concept de médiation - médiation de l'action, médiation de la pensée. Pour Peirce, la pensée est une pensée par signes. On ne peut penser les situations qu'en associant aux objets, non une désignation symbolique unique, un étiquetage, mais des couples de signes. C'est de la rencontre entre l'objet et les deux signes qui lui sont associés (le representamen et l'interprétant) que naît la signification. La position de Peirce est un sémiotisme radical : la pensée n'est que maniement de signes , elle ne présente pas d'antériorité logique par rapport au maniement de signes. Il serait donc erroné de dire que « la pensée produit des signes et leur maniement ». La pensée, cascade de signe en signe à propos d'un objet donné, aboutit à ce signe particulier que constitue l'action, ou plus exactement le changement dans les modes d'action habituels. Pour saisir l'originalité et la fécondité du concept de médiation, il est nécessaire d'écarter quelques fausses pistes dans sa compréhension : la piste psychologiste ? la médiation n'est pas un concept psychologique mais un concept épistémologique , la piste logiciste ? la médiation n'est pas un opérateur logique mais une action , la piste structuraliste ? la médiation n'est pas l'élément d'une structure abstraite mais un acte situé , la piste dialectique ? la médiation n'est pas l'élément d'une succession historique de phases mais une caractérisation de toute forme de production de signification. Ce concept est susceptible de fournir aux chercheurs qui se penchent sur les organisations un outil efficace pour dépasser les dualismes, par exemple : -dépasser le dualisme pensée / action à travers le concept d'enquête , -dépasser le dualisme individuel / collectif à travers le concept de dialogisme , -dépasser le dualisme positivisme / constructivime à travers un interprétativisme sémiotique."
"en" => "There is a strong theoretical relationship between pragmatist philosophies (Peirce, Dewey, Mead) and semiotics (the study of signs and meanings), particularly through the key role of the concept of mediation - mediation of action, mediation of thought. For Peirce, thought is sign-based. Situations can only be thought by linking objects with couples of signs, rather than with a unique symbolic designation: thinking is not labelling. Meaning emerges from the encounter of the object and the two related signs (representamen and interpretant). Peirce's position is a radical semiotism: thought is only the handling of signs, it has no logical anteriority to the handling of signs. It would then be erroneous to assert that « thought produces signs and their handling ». Thought is a cascade from sign to sign about a given object. It reaches action as a particular form of sign, or more precisely the change of action habits. To understand how original and useful the concept of mediation is, it is necessary to discard some wrong theoretical interpretations: the psychologist view ? mediation is not a psychological concept but an epistemic concept, the logicist view ? mediation is not a logical operator but an action, the structuralist view ? mediation is not an element in an abstract structure but a situated act, the dialectic view ?mediation is not an element in the historic succession of phases but a characteristic of any production of meaning. This concept is likely to provide organization researchers with an effective tool to overcome dualisms, e.g.:-overcome the thought / action dualism through the concept of inquiry, -overcome the individual / collective dualism through the concept of dialogism, -overcome the positivism / constructivim dualism of research epistemics through semiotic interpretativism."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
22 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2308
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1982"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1982"
"slug" => "1982-lusage-des-indicateurs-de-performance-sur-la-qualite-securite-des-soins"
"yearMonth" => "2012-12"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "L'usage des indicateurs de performance sur la qualité-sécurité des soins"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., WAELLI, M., ZICARI, A., BONNEFOND, J.Y., LORINO, P. et SICOTTE, C. (2012). L'usage des indicateurs de performance sur la qualité-sécurité des soins. <i>Journal de Gestion et d’Économie Médicales</i>, 30(7-8), pp. 455-467."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "WAELLI M."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J.-Y."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "SICOTTE C."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "Qualité"
1 => "Performance"
2 => "Indicateurs"
3 => "Etude qualitative"
4 => "Appropriation"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-28 01:00:21"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "455-467"
"volume" => "30"
"number" => "7-8"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les indicateurs de qualité se multiplient à l’hôpital. Ils ont pour objectif affiché par les pouvoirs publics d’améliorer les pratiques médicales et maîtriser les risques. Or, la recherche en gestion montre que l’usage réel des indicateurs diffère souvent de la doctrine et que leur déploiement n’implique pas nécessairement appropriation. Dans cette perspective, l’article analyse l’usage d’un indicateur de tenue du dossier anesthésique (DAN). Il s’appuie sur une étude qualitative menée dans quatre hôpitaux ainsi qu’à la Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) et la Société Française d’Anesthésie-Réanimation (SFAR). Les résultats révèlent que le périmètre d’appropriation de l’indicateur dans les établissements est limité mais qu’il a des répercussions sur l’ensemble des équipes, notamment par la modification de la structure du dossier anesthésique. On note aussi des pratiques émergentes comme l’utilisation de l’indicateur dans la négociation de moyens par les services, et au niveau de la SFAR dans le réinvestissement pour la recherche. Cette étude contribue à une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont les professionnels de santé s’emparent des outils de pilotage de la qualité, en créant parfois des usages non prescrits par les concepteurs. Elle apporte également un éclairage sur le rôle des sociétés savantes dans le déploiement des politiques publiques."
"en" => "The use of quality indicators has spread in hospitals. Their official objective is to improve medical practices and risk management. However, research in management sciences usually shows that the use of indicators often differs from their initial objectives and that their deployment does not necessarily imply appropriation. In this perspective, this article, based on a qualitative study, aims at analyzing the use of an indicator of anesthetic folder (DAN). The results show that the scope of appropriation is limited in hospitals to a few actors involved in the management of quality. However, this appropriation has major implications on activities. This study shows emerging practices and shed some light on the role of the role of professional scientific societies in the deployment of public policy."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
23 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2309
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2052"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2052"
"slug" => "2052-methodes-de-recherche-en-controle-de-gestion-une-approche-critique"
"yearMonth" => "2008-06"
"year" => "2008"
"title" => "Méthodes de recherche en contrôle de gestion : une approche critique"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2008). Méthodes de recherche en contrôle de gestion : une approche critique. <i>Finance Contrôle Stratégie</i>, 11, pp. 149-175."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:6 [
0 => "Dialogisme"
1 => "Enquête"
2 => "Epistémologie"
3 => "Objet de recherche"
4 => "Observation"
5 => "Pratique"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "149-175"
"volume" => "11"
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans la recherche en contrôle de gestion, le débat méthodologique s'organise souvent autour d'alternatives binaires peu pertinentes. Dans leur majorité, les travaux s'appuient sur une épistémologie réaliste de l'observation sans biais. Les deux dimensions clés du débat méthodologique sont : (1) la référence épistémologique retenue (épistémologie de la vérité et de l'observation versus épistémologie de la signification et de l'enquète collective) , (2) la définition de l'objet de recherche (forme du contrôle ou pratiques organisationnelles). Une approche en termes d'enquête dialogique, qui exige d'importants efforts d'accès aux pratiques et d'échanges dialogiques au sein des communautés adéquates, est la clé d'une recherche développementale ouverte sur la société."
"en" => "In management control research, methodological discussions are often based in binary alternatives of little relevance. Most of the research work refers to the realist epistemology of unbiased observation. The methodological discussion has two key dimensions: (1) what epistemic framework is selected (epistemology of meaning and collective inquiry), (2) what is the object under research (forms of control or organizational practices). A dialogical inquiry approach would require substantial efforts to access practices and to develop dialogical exchanges within the adequate communities. But it would also allow for some developmental research, open to social issues"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
24 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2310
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6420"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6420"
"slug" => "6420-le-pragmatisme-une-approche-processuelle-de-la-societe"
"yearMonth" => "2016-06"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Le pragmatisme, une approche processuelle de la société"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2016). Le pragmatisme, une approche processuelle de la société. Dans: 2016, XXVe Conférence annuelle de l'AIMS."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "2016, XXVe Conférence annuelle de l'AIMS"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:09"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
25 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2311
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2172"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2172"
"slug" => "2172-organisation-et-innovation-lorganisation-a-la-francaise"
"yearMonth" => "1998-11"
"year" => "1998"
"title" => "Organisation et innovation : l'organisation à la française"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1998). Organisation et innovation : l'organisation à la française. <i>Réalités Industrielles (série des "Annales des Mines")</i>, pp. 27-31."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "27-31"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La notion d'organisation propice à l'innovation a-t-elle seulement un sens ? Un exemple permet d'illustrer cette question et en témoigne la pertinence, montrant en particulier comment une organisation peut faire obstacle à l'innovation. L'auteur analyse les caractéristiques spécifiquement françaises des organisations et leur influence sur la capacité d'innovation."
"en" => "Does it make any sense to talk about an organization that favors innovation? An exemple -a quite French on- sheds light on this general question, and proves its pertinence, even though any given organization may, owing to certain characteristics, seriously obstruct certain forms of innovation."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
26 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2312
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2207"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2207"
"slug" => "2207-penser-la-gestion-des-competences"
"yearMonth" => "2003-09"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "Penser la gestion des compétences"
"description" => "LORINO, P., DEMEESTERE, R. et GENESTET, V. (2003). Penser la gestion des compétences. <i>L'Expansion Management Review</i>, pp. 72-78."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "GENESTET V."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "72-78"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Au-delà des discours, la gestion des compétences dans les entreprises présente de sérieuses limites. Toutefois, si l'on se donne les moyens d'identifier et d'exploiter les marges de manœuvre existantes (options opérationnelles et technologiques), celles-ci ne sont pas une fatalité. La démarche adéquate s'attache à faire le lien entre la stratégie et les compétences individuelles via les systèmes d'action concrets de l'entreprise (activités et processus) et demande une implication claire de la direction générale."
"en" => "Beyond official communications, competence management in firms meets serious difficulties. However if managers take it seriously and follow right ways to identify and exploit existing room for action (operationnal and technological options), those difficulties can be avoided. The adequate method relates strategy and individual competency through concrete action systems (activities and business processes). It also requires the strong commitment of corporate decision makers."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
27 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2313
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2214"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2214"
"slug" => "2214-performance-du-controle-a-lenquete"
"yearMonth" => "2014-11"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Performance, du contrôle à l'enquête"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). Performance, du contrôle à l'enquête. <i>Soins Cadres</i>."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:6 [
0 => "Collectif"
1 => "Coût"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Performance"
4 => "Pilotage"
5 => "Valeur"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La performance d’une organisation, par exemple d'un hôpital, est un jugement porté sur son activité du point de vue du rapport entre la "valeur" qu'elle crée, à savoir les services rendus à la société, et les ressources qu'elle a consommées pour rendre ces services, ses "coûts". Ce jugement est complexe, en tension entre objectifs à atteindre et déroulement de l'activité ordinaire, avec ses opportunités et ses contraintes. Le pilotage de la performance a donc une nature exploratoire et constitue une enquête continue sur les pratiques collectives de travail, menée par les acteurs eux-mêmes, experts de leur propre activité et de ses leviers d'amélioration."
"en" => "The performance of an organization, for example a hospital, is a social judgment about its activity from the point of view of the relationship between the "value" it creates, i.e. the social needs it fulfills, and its "cost", i.e. the resources it consumes to produce that value. It is a complex judgment, torn between goals to reach and the daily experience of ordinary activity, its opportunities and its constraints. Performance management is thus an exploratory process, an ongoing inquiry about collective work practices, which should be undertaken by actors themselves, as experts of their own activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
28 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2314
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2281"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2281"
"slug" => "2281-premiere-partie-boite-a-outils-ou-mode-dapprentissage-organisationnel-quest-ce-que-le-target-costing-fmac-articles-of-merit-award"
"yearMonth" => "1994-04"
"year" => "1994"
"title" => "Première partie : boîte à outils ou mode d'apprentissage organisationnel : qu'est-ce que le "Target Costing" ? (FMAC Articles of Merit Award)"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1994). Première partie : boîte à outils ou mode d'apprentissage organisationnel : qu'est-ce que le "Target Costing" ? (FMAC Articles of Merit Award). <i>Revue Française de Comptabilité</i>, pp. 35-45."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "35-45"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les enjeux de performance industriels se déplacent vers l'amont du cycle de vie du produit : conception et planification des produits. Pour relever ces défis, se développe la gestion par coût-cible : l'objectif de performance interne (notamment de coût) est déduit des futures exigences du marché (notamment le prix) et déployé sur les diverses fonctions de l'entreprise en utilisant une boite à outils (ingénierie de la valeur, estimation de coûts, marketing d'achats...) et surtout des pratiques managériales spécifiques (groupes plurifonctionnels, gestion de projet, engagements de performance partagés...)."
"en" => "The main issues for manufacturing performance are moving to the first phases of the product life cycle (Design and Planning). To meet that challenge, Target-Costing appears more and more as the answer : internal performance objectives are established by deploying market price targets onto the different functions concerned (marketing, engineering, manufacturing...) , for that purpose a toolbox (value engineering, cost estimation...) and more important specific management practices (cross functional teams, project management...) must be used."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
29 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2315
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2294"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2294"
"slug" => "2294-processus-et-performance-dans-le-secteur-public"
"yearMonth" => "2003-06"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "Processus et performance dans le secteur public"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R. et LORINO, P. (2003). Processus et performance dans le secteur public. <i>L'Expansion Management Review</i>, pp. 58-63."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:49"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "58-63"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le management des processus est une voie d'amélioration de la performance des services publics. L'article le montre en présentant une méthodologie de management des processus illustrée par différents exemples d'opérations de ce type (société d'HLM, EDF, GDF Services)."
"en" => "Process management is a good way to improve performance in public organizations. The paper presents a methodology of process management, with different examples of implementation in public organizations (low cost housing, electric utility)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
30 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2316
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2318"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2318"
"slug" => "2318-qualite-et-controle-de-gestion-pour-une-approche-concertee"
"yearMonth" => "1999-02"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "Qualité et contrôle de gestion : pour une approche concertée"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1999). Qualité et contrôle de gestion : pour une approche concertée. <i>Qualité en Mouvement</i>, pp. 43."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:49"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "43"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le contrôle de gestion a pour mission la maîtrise des coûts quand la qualité s'intéresse à la valeur des prestations pour le client. Pourquoi ne pas intégrer ces deux paramètres de la performance de l'entreprise à travers l'analyse des processus et l'identification collective des leviers d'action ?"
"en" => "Management control points to cost control whereas quality points to the control of customer value. It might be the best way for the corporate performance to integrate cost and value control through process analyses and performance drivers identification."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
31 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2317
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6920"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6920"
"slug" => "6920-pragmatism-and-organization-studies-the-pragmatist-turn-of-management-and-organization-studies"
"yearMonth" => "2019-08"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Pragmatism and Organization Studies. The Pragmatist Turn of Management and Organization Studies"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2019). Pragmatism and Organization Studies. The Pragmatist Turn of Management and Organization Studies. Dans: 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
32 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2318
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2419"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2419"
"slug" => "2419-research-methods-for-non-representational-approaches-of-organizational-complexity-the-dialogical-and-mediated-inquiry"
"yearMonth" => "2011-06"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "Research Methods for Non-Representational Approaches of Organizational Complexity. The Dialogical and Mediated Inquiry"
"description" => "LORINO, P., TRICARD, B. et CLOT, Y. (2011). Research Methods for Non-Representational Approaches of Organizational Complexity. The Dialogical and Mediated Inquiry. <i>Organization Studies</i>, 32(6), pp. 769-801."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "CLOT Y."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Activité"
1 => "Dialogisme"
2 => "Le Pragmatisme"
3 => "Le Questionnement"
4 => "Les Méthodes de recherche"
5 => "L'interprétation"
6 => "Médiation sémiotique"
7 => "Sécurité au travail"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "769-801"
"volume" => "32"
"number" => "6"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet article explore les implications méthodologiques des approches non-représentationnelles de la compléxité organisationnelle. Pour surmonter les dualismes épistémologiques, il suggère de former la méthode de recherche sur les concepts de médiation sémiotique, d'enquête et de dialogisme et teste cette approche dans une étude de cas concernant la sécurité des chantiers de construction."
"en" => "This paper explores the methodological implications of non-representational approaches to organizational complexity. To counter dualisms, it is suggested to base the research method on the concepts of semiotic mediation, inquiry and dialogism. It tests this approach with a case study about work safety on construction sites."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
33 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2319
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7073"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7073"
"slug" => "7073-re-viewing-routines-theory-through-a-pragmatist-lens"
"yearMonth" => "2014-07"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Re-viewing Routines Theory Through a Pragmatist Lens"
"description" => "SIMPSON, B. et LORINO, P. (2014). Re-viewing Routines Theory Through a Pragmatist Lens. Dans: 6th International Symposium on Process Organization."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "SIMPSON B."
"ouvrage" => "6th International Symposium on Process Organization"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
34 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2320
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2587"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2587"
"slug" => "2587-tertiarisation-des-filieres-et-reconstruction-du-sens-a-travers-des-recits-collectifs"
"yearMonth" => "2007-01"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Tertiarisation des filières et reconstruction du sens à travers des récits collectifs"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et NEFUSSI, J. (2007). Tertiarisation des filières et reconstruction du sens à travers des récits collectifs. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 75-92."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "NEFUSSI J."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "Chaines de valeur"
1 => "Pragmatisme"
2 => "Récits"
3 => "Sémiotique"
4 => "Solutions"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "75-92"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Avec la "tertiarisation", les entreprises doivent produire, non plus des produits , mais des "solutions" intégrant la valeur d'usage du client. cette mutation renouvelle en profondeur les logiques économiques et organisationelles à l'oeuvre dans les entreprises industrielles et agricoles. Elle exige une transformation radicale du cadre d'interprétation de l'activité pour les différents acteurs de la chaine de valeur : fournisserurs, salariés, clients. Dans cet article, les auteurs s'interessent aux enjeux managériaaux liés à cette transformation et donnent une lecture théorique. Les acteurs de la chaine de valeur concernés se trouvent confrontés à la remise en cause des cadres de compréhension de leur activité et à la mise en échec des récits par les quels ils avaient l'habitude de faire sens de leur coopération. Ils doivent donc construire une nouvelle intelligibilité de l'activité collective."
"en" => "With "tertairization", firms must no longer produce products, bt "solutions" which include customer's value. This transformation completely renovates economic and organizational logics at work in industrial and agricultural firms. It requires a radical change of the interpretive frame of activity for the actors of value chains : suppliers, employees, clients. In this article, authors study the managerial issues linked to this transformation and propose a theoretical approach based upon pragmatism and semiotics. The concerned actors of the value of the valuechain face a challenge : the mental frames to anderstand their own activity are questioned and the narrations through which they usually made sense of their cooperative practices fails. Therefore they must rebuild the intelligibility of collective activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
35 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2321
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7293"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7293"
"slug" => "7293-the-diagonal-temporality-of-organizing"
"yearMonth" => "2015-07"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "The Diagonal Temporality of Organizing"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2015). The Diagonal Temporality of Organizing. Dans: 31st European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2015."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "31st European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2015"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
36 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2322
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2652"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2652"
"slug" => "2652-the-experience-of-time-in-the-inter-organizing-inquiry-a-present-thickened-by-dialog-and-situations"
"yearMonth" => "2013-02"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "The Experience of Time in the Inter-Organizing Inquiry: A Present Thickened By Dialog and Situations"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2013). The Experience of Time in the Inter-Organizing Inquiry: A Present Thickened By Dialog and Situations. <i>Scandinavian Journal of Management</i>, 29(1), pp. 48-62."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY D."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:11 [
0 => "Coopération"
1 => "Dialogisme"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Follett"
4 => "Gestion par catégories"
5 => "Grande distribution"
6 => "Pragmatisme"
7 => "Processus"
8 => "Relations inter-firmes"
9 => "Situation"
10 => "Temps"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "48-62"
"volume" => "29"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cette recherche conceptualise l'organisation comme "processus organisant". Elle se centre sur sa dimension temporelle, dans le cas particulier de la coopération inter-firmes. Elle définit le "processus organisant" comme enquête au sens pragmatiste, pour analyser la manière dont la coopération entre firmes se réorganise dans le temps. L'enquête qui réorganise la relation présente deux caractéristiques clés : 1) elle est située, et donc exposée à des événements surprenants porteurs de nouveauté; 2) elle est dialogique, la dynamique imprévisible du dialogue ponctuant son déroulement. Ce cadre est appliqué à l'observation participante d'un projet stratégique dans la grande distribution en France, visant à mettre en œuvre une gestion par catégories dans les relations fournisseurs-distributeur."
"en" => "This research views organization as an organizing process and focuses on its temporal dimension, in the case of (re)organizing inter-firm cooperation. By viewing organizing processes as inquiries in the pragmatist sense, one can shed light on the experience of time unfolding within the developing interaction. We stress two characteristics of organizing inquiries: 1) they are situated, which is the source of unexpected events and novelty; 2) they are dialogical, and the unpredictable dynamics of dialog also punctuate their temporal course. This framework is used in the participant observation of a strategic project in the French retail industry, aiming at the redesign of supplier-retailer relationships using a category management approach."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
37 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2323
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7367"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7367"
"slug" => "7367-the-innovating-process-as-a-transactional-inquiry-the-polyphonic-story-of-a-ghost"
"yearMonth" => "2013-07"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "The Innovating Process as a Transactional Inquiry: The Polyphonic Story of a Ghost"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2013). The Innovating Process as a Transactional Inquiry: The Polyphonic Story of a Ghost. Dans: 29th EGOS Colloquium 2013."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "29th EGOS Colloquium 2013"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
38 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2324
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7402"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7402"
"slug" => "7402-the-pragmatist-view-of-agency-as-semiotically-mediated-inquiry-based-and-dialogical"
"yearMonth" => "2011-06"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "The Pragmatist view of agency as semiotically mediated, inquiry-based and dialogical"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2011). The Pragmatist view of agency as semiotically mediated, inquiry-based and dialogical. Dans: 20ème Conference de l'AIMS."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "20ème Conference de l'AIMS"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
39 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2325
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2796"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2796"
"slug" => "2796-un-schema-strategique"
"yearMonth" => "2002-06"
"year" => "2002"
"title" => "Un schéma stratégique"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2002). Un schéma stratégique. <i>L'Informatique Professionnelle</i>, pp. 9-14."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:03"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "9-14"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le succès du Balanced Scorecard dans les milieux professionnels montre l'importance des besoins des entreprises en matière de mesure de la performance et de tableaux de bord. Mais il montre aussi l'ambiguité de ces besoins : illusion d'une structure standard quelle que soit la stratégie, confiance excessive dans l'outil alors que les pratiques vivantes d'animation de gestion sont plus importantes."
"en" => "The success of Balanced Scorecard in professional circles confirms how strongly firms need performance measurement systems. But it demonstrates also how ambiguous corporate requirements are: BSC reinforces the illussion of standardized formats and structures whatever the strategy may be, it also shows how firms tend to trust tools whereas the concrete managerial practices are more important to keep reactivity and proactivity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
40 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2326
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2806"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2806"
"slug" => "2806-une-approche-instrumentale-des-indicateurs-de-performance"
"yearMonth" => "2011-03"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "Une approche instrumentale des indicateurs de performance"
"description" => "DERUJINSKY-LAGUECIR, A., KERN, A. et LORINO, P. (2011). Une approche instrumentale des indicateurs de performance. <i>Management & Avenir</i>, 2011/2(42), pp. 111-132."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERN A."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Contrôle de gestion"
1 => "Indicateurs de performance"
2 => "Instrument"
3 => "Interprétation"
4 => "Médiation"
5 => "Pilotage"
6 => "Représentation"
7 => "Théorie de l'activité"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "111-132"
"volume" => "2011/2"
"number" => "42"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cette recherche étudie les indicateurs de performance dans une perspective interprétative et non-représentationnelle. Elle s'appuie sur la théorie Vygotskienne de l'activité et de sa médiation par des instruments, dans le cadre d'une étude de cas portant sur la gestion du logement social."
"en" => "This paper studies performance measurements in an interpretive and non-representational approach. It uses Vygotsky's theory of activity and activity instrumental mediation to study the case of a social housing agency."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
41 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2327
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2815"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2815"
"slug" => "2815-une-nouvelle-dimension-pour-le-controle-de-gestion-bancaire"
"yearMonth" => "1996-12"
"year" => "1996"
"title" => "Une nouvelle dimension pour le contrôle de gestion bancaire"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., WACOGNE, J.P., LORINO, P. et BOUCHET, J.P. (1996). Une nouvelle dimension pour le contrôle de gestion bancaire. <i>Banque</i>, pp. 48-50."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "WACOGNE J.P."
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "BOUCHET J.P."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:03"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "48-50"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le contrôle de gestion doit, au-delà du seul cadre budgétaire et comptable, faire le lien entre stratégie et gestion au quotidien. Exemple de sa mise en application dans un établissement bancaire de taille moyenne."
"en" => "Beyond mere budget and financial control, based upon accounting information, management control must build a link between strategy and day-to-day operations. The paper contains a case study in a medium-sized banking firm."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
42 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2328
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2953"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2953"
"slug" => "2953-comptabilite-de-gestion-et-pilotage-des-couts"
"yearMonth" => "2016-04"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Comptabilité de gestion et pilotage des coûts"
"description" => "CAVELIUS, F., BONNEAULT, P., GOMEZ, M.L., GORDIN, M., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2016). <i>Comptabilité de gestion et pilotage des coûts</i>. Pearson, 296 pages."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "CAVELIUS Florence"
"bid" => "B00020219"
"slug" => "cavelius-florence"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:2 [
"name" => "GORDIN Michel"
"bid" => "B00000225"
3 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEAULT P."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Comptabilité de gestion"
1 => "Pilotage des coûts"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 16:57:02"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage se propose de présenter la comptabilité de gestion dans son utilisation managériale notamment autour du pilotage des coûts. Les différents concepts et les méthodes de calcul de coûts sont ainsi présentés et rapidement mis en relation avec leur utilisation, au travers du prisme sectoriel."
"en" => "Cet ouvrage se propose de présenter la comptabilité de gestion dans son utilisation managériale notamment autour du pilotage des coûts. Les différents concepts et les méthodes de calcul de coûts sont ainsi présentés et rapidement mis en relation avec leur utilisation, au travers du prisme sectoriel."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Autre discipline"
"en" => "Other Discipline"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
43 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2329
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2954"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2954"
"slug" => "2954-comptabilite-de-gestion-et-pilotage-des-couts-2eme-edition"
"yearMonth" => "2019-03"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Comptabilité de gestion et pilotage des coûts [2ème édition]"
"description" => "CAVELIUS, F., BONNEAULT, P., GOMEZ, M.L., GORDIN, M., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2019). <i>Comptabilité de gestion et pilotage des coûts [2ème édition]</i>. 2 ed. Pearson, 304 pages."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "CAVELIUS Florence"
"bid" => "B00020219"
"slug" => "cavelius-florence"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:2 [
"name" => "GORDIN Michel"
"bid" => "B00000225"
3 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEAULT P."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Comptabilité de gestion"
1 => "Pilotage des coûts"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage se propose de présenter la comptabilité de gestion dans son utilisation managériale notamment autour du pilotage des coûts. Les différents concepts et les méthodes de calcul de coûts sont ainsi présentés et rapidement mis en relation avec leur utilisation, au travers du prisme sectoriel."
"en" => "Cet ouvrage se propose de présenter la comptabilité de gestion dans son utilisation managériale notamment autour du pilotage des coûts. Les différents concepts et les méthodes de calcul de coûts sont ainsi présentés et rapidement mis en relation avec leur utilisation, au travers du prisme sectoriel."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Autre discipline"
"en" => "Other Discipline"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
44 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2330
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2958"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2958"
"slug" => "2958-comptes-et-recits-de-la-performance-essai-sur-le-pilotage-de-lentreprise"
"yearMonth" => "1995-06"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Comptes et récits de la performance - Essai sur le pilotage de l'entreprise"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). <i>Comptes et récits de la performance - Essai sur le pilotage de l'entreprise</i>. Éditions d'Organisation, 288 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La "performance" est une interprétation portant sur la création de valeur pour le marché par les processus que l'entreprise met en oeuvre. Piloter la performance, c'est donc orienter le système de création de valeur à l'aide de signes interprétables, de représentations individuelles et collectives. Le pilotage implique la coordination des activités locales dans l'espace social et l'équilibration dans le temps de l'apprentissage."
"en" => ""Performance" is an interpretation of the market value created through the social processes implemented by the organization. Performance management is therefore the (collective) art of steering value creation through interpretable signs and through individual and organizational representations. Performance management achieves two functions : activity coordination in the social space and activity equilibration during the learning period."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
45 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2331
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2961"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2961"
"slug" => "2961-controle-de-gestion-et-pilotage"
"yearMonth" => "1997-01"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Contrôle de gestion et pilotage"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (1997). <i>Contrôle de gestion et pilotage</i>. Nathan, 251 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage consacré au contrôle de gestion regroupe les approches traditionnelles (budgets, centres de profit, choix d'investissement) et met en perspective les méthodes les plus novatrices (ABC, ABM, contrôle stratégique). ."
"en" => "This book on strategic and management control includes traditional approaches (budgeting, project centers, investment decision making) as well as the latest methods (ABC, ABM, strategic control)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
46 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2332
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2962"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2962"
"slug" => "2962-controle-de-gestion-et-pilotage-de-lentreprise"
"yearMonth" => "2002-01"
"year" => "2002"
"title" => "Contrôle de gestion et pilotage de l'entreprise"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2002). <i>Contrôle de gestion et pilotage de l'entreprise</i>. Dunod, 310 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage, consacré au contrôle de gestion, regroupe les approches traditionnelles (budgets, centres de profit, choix d'investissement) et met en perspective les méthodes plus plus novatrices (ABC, ABM, contrôle stratégique)."
"en" => "This book on strategic and management control includes traditional approaches (budgeting, project centers,investment decision making) as well as the latest methods (ABC, ABM, strategic control)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
47 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2333
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2963"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2963"
"slug" => "2963-controle-de-gestion-et-pilotage-de-lentreprise"
"yearMonth" => "2006-01"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "Contrôle de gestion et pilotage de l'entreprise"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2006). <i>Contrôle de gestion et pilotage de l'entreprise</i>. Dunod, 334 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Contrôle de gestion"
1 => "Contrôle stratégique"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage, consacré au contrôle de gestion, regroupe les approches traditionnelles (budgets, centres de profit, choix d'investissement) et met en perspective les méthodes les plus novatrices (ABC, ABM, contrôle stratégique)."
"en" => "This book on strategic management control includes traditionel approaches (budgeting, profit centers, investment decision making) as well as the latest methods (ABC, ABM, strategic control)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
48 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2334
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2964"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2964"
"slug" => "2964-controle-de-gestion-et-pilotage-de-lentreprise-4eme-edition"
"yearMonth" => "2009-01"
"year" => "2009"
"title" => "Contrôle de Gestion et Pilotage de l'Entreprise (4ème édition)"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2009). <i>Contrôle de Gestion et Pilotage de l'Entreprise (4ème édition)</i>. 4 ed. Dunod, 369 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:1 [
0 => "Contrôle de gestion"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage, consacré au contrôle de gestion, regroupe les approches traditionnelles (budgets, centres de profit, choix d'investissement) et met en perspective les méthodes les plus novatrices (ABC, ABM, contrôle stratégique)."
"en" => "This book on strategic management control includes traditionnel approaches (budgeting, profit centers, investment decision making) as well as the latest methods (ABC, ABM, strategic control)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
49 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2335
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3120"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3120"
"slug" => "3120-le-controle-de-gestion-strategique-la-gestion-par-les-activites"
"yearMonth" => "1991-01"
"year" => "1991"
"title" => "Le contrôle de gestion stratégique - La gestion par les activités"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1991). <i>Le contrôle de gestion stratégique - La gestion par les activités</i>. Dunod, 207 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Pour rendre aux outils de gestion, notamment à l'analyse des coûts, leur capacité de diagnostic et de pilotage (support à l'action), il s'avère très fructueux de les concevoir sur la base d'une analyse d'activités et de processus. A partir d'un tel model peuvent être concernées des applications efficaces en matière de gestion de flux, gestion de cycle de vie des produits, gestion de l'investissement et pilotage stratégique des performances."
"en" => "To give management tools, particularly cost control, real power for cause - effect analysis, action support and problem solving, it is very efficient to design them on the basis of activity and process analysis. Many applications can be developed in such areas as performance strategic management, strategy deployment, logistic flow management, product life cycle management, and investment management."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
50 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2336
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3164"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3164"
"slug" => "3164-leconomiste-et-le-manageur-elements-de-microeconomie-pour-une-nouvelle-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "1989-01"
"year" => "1989"
"title" => "L'économiste et le manageur : éléments de microéconomie pour une nouvelle gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1989). <i>L'économiste et le manageur : éléments de microéconomie pour une nouvelle gestion</i>. La Découverte, 215 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'économie néo-classique de Walras et Pareto et la gestion scientifique de Taylor sont fondées sur un même paradigme rationaliste, le rationalisme mécaniste, et se sont implicitement partagées le monde entre le marché parfait et l'entreprise parfaite, pure hiérarchie de contrôle. La montée de la complexité, de l'instabilité (temps du changement irréversible), l'intégration croissante des entreprises, la recherche de flexibilité et d'innovation, exigent le recours à une autre microéconomie pour une autre gestion, fondées sur des formes de rationalité procédurale."
"en" => "Walras and Pareto's, Neo-classical Economics and Taylor's Scientific Management are based upon a common rationalistic paradigm, mechanistic rationalism. They made an implicit division of the world between perfect competition market and perfect organization, i.e. pure controllable hierarchy. Growing complexity, instability, irreversible change, the integration of firms and the search for flexibility and innovation, require another Microeconomics for another Management, based upon bounded and procedural rationality."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
51 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2337
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8634"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8634"
"slug" => "8634-preface"
"yearMonth" => "2013-05"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Préface"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2013). Préface. Dans: <i>Pilotage de la pérennité organisationnelle. Normes, représentations et contrôle</i>. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 7-12."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Pilotage de la pérennité organisationnelle. Normes, représentations et contrôle"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "7-12"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Préfaces d'un ouvrage"
"en" => "Prefaces of a book"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
52 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2338
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8638"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8638"
"slug" => "8638-preface"
"yearMonth" => "2014-05"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Préface"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). Préface. Dans: <i>La responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (écrit par Bernard Blanc)</i>. 1st ed. Éditions de l'Aube, pp. 9-15."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "La responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (écrit par Bernard Blanc)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "9-15"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Préfaces d'un ouvrage"
"en" => "Prefaces of a book"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
53 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2339
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3240"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3240"
"slug" => "3240-methodes-et-pratiques-de-la-performance"
"yearMonth" => "1997-01"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Méthodes et pratiques de la performance"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1997). <i>Méthodes et pratiques de la performance</i>. Éditions d'Organisation, 512 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les nouvelles approches du contrôle de gestion promues depuis quelques années (ABC/ABM, processus target costing, gestion de la valeur, apprentissage organisationnel,...) participent d'un nouveau paradigme, celui du pilotage, fondé sur un modèle de processus et d'activités et d'ores et déjà applicable dans tous les domaines de la décision, depuis le cycle de vie des produits jusqu'aux plans et budgets, en passant par les flux, les projets, les coûts,..."
"en" => "New control approaches introduced in recent years, such as ABC, ABM, process re-engineering and management, value management, target costing and organizational learning, are all part of the same new paradigm, a "steering" paradigm based on a process and activity model, already in use in most of the fields of decision-making, from product life cycles to budget planning including material flows, project management, cost management,..."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
54 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2340
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3241"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3241"
"slug" => "3241-methodes-et-pratiques-de-la-performance"
"yearMonth" => "2000-12"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "Méthodes et pratiques de la performance"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2000). <i>Méthodes et pratiques de la performance</i>. Éditions d'Organisation, 551 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les démarches de pilotage (conduite stratégique et contrôle de gestion) sont reconstruites depuis quelques années sur la base de modèle d'action et autour du thème de la valeur. Il s'agit d'instrumenter l'apprentissage collectif de la création de valeur par la représentation des activités, des processus et des chaînes de valeur. Les outils de gestion et les pratiques afférentes sont donc explorés dans leurs relations aux trois thèmes clés que sont la création de valeur, l'apprentissage et le développement des compétences, la connaissance et la maîtrise des processus d'action. Sont notamment abordées les nouvelles approches de la comptabilité de gestion, de la conduite stratégique, de la gestion des cycles de vie des produits, de la gestion des opérations et des méthodes d'organisation (re-engineering). On essaie ainsi de mettre en évidence le fait que les nouvelles méthodes promues depuis une quinzaine d'années (ABC/ABM, target costing, stratégie fondée sur les compétences, management par projet, qualité totale, re-engineering) configurent de fait une nouvelle philosophie du pilotage baptisée gestion par les processus et les compétences."
"en" => "Management methods (strategic and managerial control) have been redesigned for a few years around the concepts of value creation and action modeling. The basic purpose: provide instruments for the collective learning of value creation by representing activities, processes and value chains. New approaches of Management Accounting (ABC/ABM), product life cycle management (project-based management, Target Costing), strategic control (resource-based and competence based theories), organization optimizing (re-engineering) are presented as different aspects of a new managerial philosophy: "Process and Competence-Based Management"."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
55 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2341
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3242"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3242"
"slug" => "3242-methodes-et-pratiques-de-la-performance"
"yearMonth" => "2003-01"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "Méthodes et pratiques de la performance"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2003). <i>Méthodes et pratiques de la performance</i>. Éditions d'Organisation, 521 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'auteur propose depuis plus de dix ans une approche du pilotage d'entreprise (pilotage stratégique + contrôle de gestion) fondée sur l'analyse explicite et le re-engineering continu du système d'action (activités, processus, choix de valeur). Cette démarche met les méthodes orientées vers la gestion des processus et des compétences en avant, et critique l'orientation traditionnelle vers les ressources et les décisions instantanées."
"en" => "The author promotes a dynamic approach of business control (strategic + management control). This approach is based upon the explicit analysis and the on-going re-engineering of the company's action system (activities, business processes, value chain). It favours methods oriented towards process and competence management and criticizes static methods oriented towards resource allocation and decision optimization."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
56 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2342
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3254"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3254"
"slug" => "3254-pilotage-de-lentreprise-et-controle-de-gestion-label-fnege-2015"
"yearMonth" => "2013-05"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Pilotage de l'entreprise et Contrôle de Gestion [Label FNEGE 2015]"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2013). <i>Pilotage de l'entreprise et Contrôle de Gestion [Label FNEGE 2015]</i>. 5 ed. Dunod, 397 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Contrôle de gestion"
1 => "Pilotage des performances"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-30 14:30:58"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce livre traite des principales méthodes de pilotage des performances des organisations. Cette 5ème édition intègre des développements récents de la recherche dans le domaine, sur la gestion par processus, la RSE et l'ISR par exemple."
"en" => "This book exposes the main performance management approaches in organizations. This 5th edition includes recent developments of research in this field, related to such issues as business process management, CSR and SRI for example."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
57 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2343
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3255"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3255"
"slug" => "3255-pilotage-de-lentreprise-et-controle-de-gestion-6eme-edition"
"yearMonth" => "2017-01"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "Pilotage de l'entreprise et contrôle de gestion [6ème édition]"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2017). <i>Pilotage de l'entreprise et contrôle de gestion [6ème édition]</i>. 6 ed. Dunod, 403 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Contrôle de gestion"
1 => "Entreprise"
2 => "Performance"
3 => "Stratégie"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage présente l'ensemble des approches théoriques du pilotage des performances des organisations : les approches traditionnelles : plan, budget, centres de profit, prix de cession internes, indicateurs financiers, choix d'investissements…, et les méthodes les plus récentes : ABC, ABM, contrôle stratégique, Balanced Scorecard, gestion par processus, création de valeur, coût-cible, RSE/ISR… Cette 6e édition, entièrement mise à jour (Lean Management, reporting intégré, management visuel...), est étayée d'exemples actuels issus des expériences professionnelles et des activités de conseil des auteurs. Ces exemples illustrent de façon opérationnelle les concepts et techniques présentés. Chaque chapitre s'accompagne également de cas d'application."
"en" => "This book exposes the main performance management approaches in organizations. This 6th edition includes recent developments of research in this field, related to such issues as business process management, CSR and SRI for example."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
58 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2344
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3260"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3260"
"slug" => "3260-pragmatism-and-organization-studies"
"yearMonth" => "2018-02"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "Pragmatism and Organization Studies"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2018). <i>Pragmatism and Organization Studies</i>. Oxford University Press, 384 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Abduction"
1 => "Communauté"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Habitude"
4 => "Médiation sémiotique"
5 => "Pragmatisme"
6 => "Processus"
7 => "Processus organisant"
8 => "Valuation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "De nombreux courants de recherche en organisation et management ont critiqué la vision dominante des organisations comme structures de traitement de l’information et de prise de décision. Ils partagent quelques idées clés : la vision processuelle de l’organisation comme devenir, le rôle central de l’action et de sa signification, l’agence propre des objets et artefacts, la nature exploratoire du processus organisant comme enquête. La pensée pragmatiste peut apporter une contribution décisive à ces approches, par son orientation intellectuelle générale (critique radicale des dualismes qui encombrent la recherche organisationnelle, tels que pensée/action ou réalité/représentation) et par les outils conceptuels qu’il fournit (médiation sémiotique, habitude, enquête, trans-action, abduction, valuation)."
"en" => "Many streams of research in organization and management have criticized the mainstream view of organizations as decision-making and information-processing structures, controlled through rational representations (substantive or procedural rationality). These streams of research share some theoretical principles: their processual view of organizing as ‘becoming’, their emphasis on the role of action and action meaning; their interest in the agential power of artefacts; the exploratory and inquiring nature of organizing. Pragmatist thought can provide those approaches with a general intellectual orientation (radical critique of the dualisms which often hinder organization studies: thought and action, design and utilization, decision and execution, reality and representation) and with a conceptual toolbox (key concepts for organization and management studies, such as inquiry, semiotic mediation, habit, abduction, trans-action, and valuation)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
59 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2345
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3278"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3278"
"slug" => "3278-reconcilier-la-strategie-et-loperationnel"
"yearMonth" => "2006-01"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "Réconcilier la stratégie et l'opérationnel"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., GENESTET, V. et LORINO, P. (2006). <i>Réconcilier la stratégie et l'opérationnel</i>. ANACT, 189 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "GENESTET V."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Activité"
1 => "Compétences"
2 => "Processus"
3 => "Stratégie"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La gestion des compétences dans les entreprises présente souvent de sérieuses limites, mais celles-ci ne sont pas une fatalité. La démarche proposée dans cet ouvrage et illustrée par de multiples cas concrets s'attache à faire le lien entre stratégie et compétences requises, via le système d'action concret de l'entretrise (ses processus et activités). Elle conduit à construire une représentation partagée des besoins en compétences et des maoyens de les combler en jouant sur les marges de manoeuvre existantes: organisation, technologie et systèmes d'information..."
"en" => "Competence management in companies is often seriously limited, but those limits can be surpassed. This book develops an approach and many examples of implementation of this approach in which strategy is linked to the competences needed through the company's pratical action systems (its processes and activities). It brings to build a shared representation of the competences needed and of the ways to satisfy those needs by using the available levers: organisation, technology, information systems..."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
60 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2346
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3373"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3373"
"slug" => "3373-a-pragmatic-analysis-of-the-role-of-management-systems-in-organizational-learning"
"yearMonth" => "2001-01"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "A Pragmatic Analysis of the Role of Management Systems in Organizational Learning"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2001). A Pragmatic Analysis of the Role of Management Systems in Organizational Learning. Dans: <i>Knowledge Management and Organizational Competence</i>. 1st ed. Oxford University Press, pp. 177-209."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Knowledge Management and Organizational Competence"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "177-209"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cette recherche, nous essayons d'analyser certains facteurs qui influencent manifestement l'aptitude d'une organisation à apprendre de son environnement et de sa propre expérience, avec une illustration issue de l'expérience professionnelle de l'auteur de 1987 à 1992 dans un grand groupe international. Nous tentons plus particulièrement ici d'analyser le rôle spécifique des systèmes de gestion dans le processus d'apprentissage organisationnel, en montrant leur interaction avec les schèmes mentaux individuels dans l'interprétation permanente de l'action organisationnelle. Nous illustrons d'abord cette approche en racontant l'histoire du Groupe Bull à la fin des années 80: comment et pourquoi l'apprentissage organisationnel a semblé bloqué, notamment dans la tentative d'adapter les systèmes de gestion aux nouveaux enjeux. Pour fonder cette réflexion en théorie, nous recourons aux philosophies pragmatiques de l'apprentissage, notamment à la théorie de l'interprétation de Peirce et à la théorie de l'enquête de Dewey. Pour être cohérent avec ce positionnement pragmatique, nous commencerons par rapporter des faits et des situations."
"en" => "In this research, we try to analyze some factors which obviously influence the capacity of an organization to learn from its environment and experience, with an illustration coming from the author's personal experience between 1987 and 1992 in a large international company. We attempt here to analyze the specific role of management systems in the organizational learning process, showing their interaction with individual mental schemes in the permanent interpretation of organizational action. We first illustrate this approach by telling a story: how and why organizational learning seemed to be obstructed in Groupe Bull at the end of the 80s, particularly in the effort to adapt management systems. To give a theoretical basis to our analysis, we appeal to pragmatic philosophies of learning, particularly Charles S. Peirce's theory of interpretation and John Dewey's theory of inquiry. Consistently with our pragmatic position, we start the study by the description of facts and situations."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
61 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2347
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3374"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3374"
"slug" => "3374-a-pragmatic-and-interpretive-approach-to-competence-based-management-the-case-of-a-telecommunications-company"
"yearMonth" => "2008-01"
"year" => "2008"
"title" => "A Pragmatic and Interpretive Approach to Competence-based Management: The Case of A Telecommunications Company"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2008). A Pragmatic and Interpretive Approach to Competence-based Management: The Case of A Telecommunications Company. Dans: <i>Research in Competence-based Management, vol. 4: A Focued Issue on Fundamental Issues In Competence Theory Development</i>. 1st ed. Emerald, pp. 219-257."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Research in Competence-based Management, vol. 4: A Focued Issue on Fundamental Issues In Competence Theory Development"
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Competence"
1 => "Compétence"
2 => "Gestion des compétences"
3 => "Instruments de gestion"
4 => "Pragmatisme"
5 => "Process"
6 => "Processus"
7 => "Sémiotique"
8 => "Télécommunications"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "219-257"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans les secteurs de haute technologie à évolution rapide, il semble y avoir une contradiction entre l'incertitude élevée et le besoin de planifier les compétences à moyen long terme. Cette contradiction ne peut se résoudre qu'en abandonnant la vision des compétences comme attributs statiques d'individus ou de groupe et en les définissant comme visées de processus continus, dynamiques et réflexifs. Deux cas de l'activité télécommunications sont étudiés. Plutôt que des tenter de modéliser les compétences existantes, les compétences requises et les écarts, des groupes d'acteurs contribuant au même processus ont mis au point des méthodes destinées à actualiser en permanence leur vision des compétences critiques et les actions correspondantes. La conclusion étant l'exemple de la gestion des compétences à une théorie interprétative générale des instruments de gestion."
"en" => "In high-tech rapidly evolving sectors, there seems to be a contradiction between high uncertainty and the reussity to plan competence building. This contradiction can only be solved if competence, rather than a static attribute of individuals or groups, is viewed as the focus of dynamic reflexive processes. Two cases in the telecommunications industry were studied. Rather than trying to model existing competences, required competences and gaps, groups of actors contributing to the same business process developed methods to continuously update their view of critical competences and define subsequent actions. As a conclusion the example of competence management is extended to a general interpretive theory of management instrument."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
62 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2348
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "547"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "547"
"slug" => "547-a-la-recherche-de-la-valeur-perdue-construire-les-processus-createurs-de-valeur-dans-le-secteur-public"
"yearMonth" => "1999-06"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "A la recherche de la valeur perdue : construire les processus créateurs de valeur dans le secteur public"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1999). A la recherche de la valeur perdue : construire les processus créateurs de valeur dans le secteur public. <i>Politiques et Management Public</i>, pp. 21-34."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:29:57"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "21-34"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La performance d'une organisation est le jugement porté par "la société" (clients, usagers, riverains) sur le rapport entre valeur produite (besoins satisfaits) et coûts encourus (ressources consommées). Piloter la performance d'une organisation suppose donc de résoudre deux problèmes : définir les besoins auxquels elle doit répondre (le contenu de la valeur), déployer le couple "valeur-coût" à l'intérieur de l'organisation, dans ses divers rouages. Les deux questions sont liées. La définition du besoin social servi par l'organisation influence la problématique du déploiement du couple valeur-coût à l'intérieur de l'entreprise, notamment par deux caractéristiques fondamentales : son degré de stabilité et son degré de complexité et de personnalisation. Cet article émet l'hypothèse selon laquelle les modes de pilotage traditionnels de la performance publique en France étaient fondés sur des hypothèses de stabilité et de simplicité (degré élevé de standardisation) du besoin social."
"en" => "The performance of an organization is how "society" (customers, users, neighbours...) judges the ratio between value (satisfied needs) and cost (consumed resources). To control the organization, performance then requires to solve two problems: define the needs it has to fulfill (value content), deploy the couple "value-cost" into the internal components of the organization. Both issues are interconnected. The actual definition of social needs fulfilled by the organization influences performance control through two mechanisms: its degree of stability and its degree of complexity, customerization. In this article we adopt the hypothesis that public performance control in France was traditionally based upon stability and standardization of social needs addressed."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
63 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2349
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1643"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1643"
"slug" => "1643-le-decloisonnement-enjeu-economique-et-social-de-la-productivite"
"yearMonth" => "1988-04"
"year" => "1988"
"title" => "Le décloisonnement, enjeu économique et social de la productivité"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1988). Le décloisonnement, enjeu économique et social de la productivité. <i>Annales des Mines</i>."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:29"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
64 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2350
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1888"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1888"
"slug" => "1888-les-systemes-socio-economiques-une-nouvelle-micro-economie"
"yearMonth" => "1987-01"
"year" => "1987"
"title" => "Les systèmes socio-économiques : une nouvelle micro économie ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1987). Les systèmes socio-économiques : une nouvelle micro économie ? <i>Revue d'Économie Industrielle</i>."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:37"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
65 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2351
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "829"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "829"
"slug" => "829-communaute-denquete-et-creation-de-connaissances-dans-lorganisation-le-modele-de-processus-en-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "2007-01"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Communauté d'enquête et création de connaissances dans l'organisation: le modèle de processus en gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2007). Communauté d'enquête et création de connaissances dans l'organisation: le modèle de processus en gestion. <i>Annales des Telecommunications</i>, pp. 753-771."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:10 [
0 => "Acquisition des connaissances"
1 => "Apprentissage"
2 => "Approvisionnement"
3 => "Coopération"
4 => "Enquête"
5 => "ERP"
6 => "Gestion des connaissances"
7 => "Progiciel en gestion intégrée"
8 => "Sociologie de l'action"
9 => "Sociologie organisation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:05"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "753-771"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La notion de « communauté » intéresse la gestion, notamment pour dépasser l'opposition entre « individualisme méthodologique » centré sur le sujet et « holisme méthodologique » centré sur l'organisation. Les « communautés pratiques », fondées sur les pratiques communes à un groupe d'acteurs, offrent une approche féconde pour appréhender le fonctionnement de communauté de métiers. Elles sont moins adaptées aux coopérations d'acteurs engagés dans une « activité conjointe » qui ne prend pas naissance dans la similitude des pratiques, mais dans leur complémentarité hétérogène. Pour ces situations, on proposera de mobiliser le concept de « communauté d'enquête » dû aux philosophes pragmatistes Peirce et Dewey. On examinera d?abord le concept de « communauté d?enquête » et ses spécificités quant à la manière d?appréhender l?activité collective : hétérogénéité et complémentarité des activités et savoirs, construction dialogique du sens dans les interactions entre acteurs, besoin d?intelligibilité mutuelle dans un contexte qui ne la favorise pas, rôle clé des médiations sémiotiques et instrumentales de l?activité, couplage coopérativité/réflexivité dans le cadre de l?enquête. Puis nous préciserons qu?une communauté d?enquête fonctionne comme collectif engagé dans la création de connaissances pour mener à bien une action conjointe dotée de visées pratiques partagées. L?enquête articule des cycles abduction-déduction-induction exploratoires et tâtonnant, avec distribution de rôles entre acteurs, instruments d?investigation réservant une large place au raisonnement abductif et accord communautaire sur le processus de validation des résultats. Nous évoquerons enfin des exemples de communautés d?enquête en entreprise : communautés de projets et de processus. Nous verrons sur un exemple que les situations de changement peuvent exiger la constitution simultanée de communautés de pratiques e de communautés d?enquête pour que les acteurs puissent prendre en main leur activité collective."
"en" => "Organization sciences are interested in the « community » concept, particularity to overcome the opposition between "methodological individualism" focused upon the subject and "methodological holism" focused upon the organization. "Communities of practices", based upon practices common to a group of actors, provide a useful frame to study professional craft communities. There are not so useful to study the cooperation between actors who are involved in a "conjoint activity" an activity which is not characterized by similar practices, bt by their heterogeneous complementary - , for which we propose to recur to the concept of "community of inquiry" owed to the pragmatism philosophers Pierce and Dewey. First we examine the "community of inquiry" concept and its specificities in studying collective activity: heterogeneity and complementarity of activities and knowledge, dialogical sens making in the interactions between actors, need for mutual intelligibility in a context which makes it difficult, key role of semiotic and instrumental mediations of activity, cooperativeness/reflexivity coupling in the inquiry frame. Finally we shall mention communities project and process as examples of communities of inquiry in firms. In one case study, we shall see that situations of change may require the simultaneous construction of communities of practice communities of inquiry so that actors can take the control of their own collective activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
66 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2352
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2996"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2996"
"slug" => "2996-entre-connaissance-et-organisation-lactivite-collective-colloque-de-cerisy"
"yearMonth" => "2005-01"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy"
"description" => "TEULIER, R. et LORINO, P. (2005). <i>Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy</i>. La Découverte, 239 pages."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TEULIER R."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
67 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2353
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "871"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "871"
"slug" => "871-controle-de-gestion-et-mise-en-intrigue-de-laction-collective"
"yearMonth" => "2005-11"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "Contrôle de gestion et mise en intrigue de l'action collective"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2005). Contrôle de gestion et mise en intrigue de l'action collective. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 189-211."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "189-211"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les récits sont présents dans la gestion de l'entreprise sous des formes multiples et ils remplissent des fonctions variées. Les théories pour en rendre compte apportent des éclairages parfois contradictoires, souvent complémentaires, à la compréhension de la nature et de la fonction des récits dans l'entreprise. Mais elles sous-estiment souvent l'autonomie d'interprétation des acteurs, l'importance du contexte d'action précis dans lequel a lieu la narration et le double recours simultané à la raison et à l'émotion qu'elle implique. Les auteurs s'attachent ici à analyser la pratique narrative comme forme d'action située plutôt que l'objet récit abstrait et statique. Ils lui appliquent la théorie de la mise en intrigue de Paul Ricoeur et tentent d'en déduire la place spécifique dévolue aux pratiques narratives en contrôle de gestion."
"en" => "Stories appear in business management in multiple forms and they fulfill different functions. Theories about them bring at times contradictory, at times complementary, contributions to the understanding of storytelling function and roture and companies. But often underestimate the interpretive autonomy of actors, the importance of the singular context of action and narration and the simultaneous activation of reason and emotions by stories. This article tries to study storytelling as a situated practice rather than stories as static and abstract objects. It refers to Paul Ricoeur's theory of "plot making" to identify the specific place of storytelling in management control."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
68 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2354
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3185"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3185"
"slug" => "3185-les-saturniens-quand-les-patrons-reinventent-la-societe"
"yearMonth" => "1987-01"
"year" => "1987"
"title" => "Les saturniens (quand les patrons réinventent la société)"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1987). <i>Les saturniens (quand les patrons réinventent la société)</i>. La Découverte, 219 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
69 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2355
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3186"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3186"
"slug" => "3186-les-saturniens-quand-les-patrons-reinventent-la-societe"
"yearMonth" => "1987-01"
"year" => "1987"
"title" => "Les saturniens (quand les patrons réinventent la société)"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1987). <i>Les saturniens (quand les patrons réinventent la société)</i>. La Découverte, 219 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
70 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2356
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "941"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "941"
"slug" => "941-de-la-strategie-aux-processus-strategiques"
"yearMonth" => "1998-01"
"year" => "1998"
"title" => "De la stratégie aux processus stratégiques"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TARONDEAU, J.C. (1998). De la stratégie aux processus stratégiques. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 5-17."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "TARONDEAU Jean-Claude"
"bid" => "B00000491"
"slug" => "tarondeau-jean-claude"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "5-17"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'utilisation fréquente du terme "stratégique" dans divers domaines est susceptible de faire perdre à la stratégie d'entreprise sa spécificité et son autonomie. Les auteurs redéfinissent la stratégie en proposant de l'identifier par les processus stratégiques qui la concrétisent."
"en" => "The frequent use of the term "strategic" in various contexts and disciplines could deprive business strategy of its specificity and autonomy. The authors redefine business strategy and suggest to identify it by examining the strategic processes which shape it."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
71 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2357
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "981"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "981"
"slug" => "981-deuxieme-partie-pratique-et-mise-en-oeuvre-du-target-costing-fmac-articles-of-merit-award"
"yearMonth" => "1994-05"
"year" => "1994"
"title" => "Deuxième partie : pratique et mise en oeuvre du "target-costing" (FMAC Articles of Merit Award)"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1994). Deuxième partie : pratique et mise en oeuvre du "target-costing" (FMAC Articles of Merit Award). <i>Revue Française de Comptabilité</i>, pp. 48-59."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "48-59"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le Target Costing est aujourd'hui une pratique essentiellement japonaise qui soulève des enjeux fondamentaux : l'intégration transversale de l'entreprise, l'orientation généralisée du pilotage vers la valeur pour le client, la gestion des états futurs. Il pose en fait le problème de l'apprentissage organisationnel dans l'entreprise."
"en" => "Target costing today is mostly a Japanese practice. It points to basic issues : cross functional integration, management methods driven by customer value and firm projections into the future. It raises the problem of organizational learning in the firm."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
72 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2358
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10743"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10743"
"slug" => "10743-herbert-simon-pour-un-bilan-raisonne-du-cognitivisme"
"yearMonth" => "2019-10"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Herbert Simon : pour un bilan raisonné du cognitivisme"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2019). Herbert Simon : pour un bilan raisonné du cognitivisme. <i>Projectics / Proyectica / Projectique</i>, 24(3), pp. 79-92."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "79-92"
"volume" => "24"
"number" => "3"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Herbert Simon, par sa critique du rationalisme simpliste sous-jacent au mainstream économique et aux approches fonctionnalistes ou tayloriennes de la gestion, a ouvert la voie à une science expérimentale des organisations. Toutefois, le courant cognitiviste qu’il a ainsi inauguré, fondé sur les concepts de décision comme traitement de l’information, représentation, computation et partage cognitif, a consolidé une vision non située, peu processuelle et peu relationnelle des organisations. Il constitue aujourd’hui une référence dominante quoique souvent tacite de l’étude des organisations. L’élaboration d’une alternative processuelle et relationnelle passe par la déconstruction des concepts cognitivistes, en s’appuyant notamment sur la pensée pragmatiste."
"en" => "Herbert Simon, par sa critique du rationalisme simpliste sous-jacent au mainstream économique et aux approches fonctionnalistes ou tayloriennes de la gestion, a ouvert la voie à une science expérimentale des organisations. Toutefois, le courant cognitiviste qu’il a ainsi inauguré, fondé sur les concepts de décision comme traitement de l’information, représentation, computation et partage cognitif, a consolidé une vision non située, peu processuelle et peu relationnelle des organisations. Il constitue aujourd’hui une référence dominante quoique souvent tacite de l’étude des organisations. L’élaboration d’une alternative processuelle et relationnelle passe par la déconstruction des concepts cognitivistes, en s’appuyant notamment sur la pensée pragmatiste."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
73 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2359
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10771"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10771"
"slug" => "10771-trans-action-a-processual-and-relational-approach-to-organizations"
"yearMonth" => "2020-01"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Trans-Action: A Processual and Relational Approach to Organizations"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2020). Trans-Action: A Processual and Relational Approach to Organizations. Dans: Morgner, Christian eds. <i>John Dewey and the Notion of Trans-action</i>. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83-110."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "John Dewey and the Notion of Trans-action"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "83-110"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Engaging with several emerging and interconnected approaches in the social sciences, including pragmatism, system theory, processual thinking and relational thinking, this book leverages John Dewey and Arthur Bentley’s often misunderstood concept of trans"
"en" => "Engaging with several emerging and interconnected approaches in the social sciences, including pragmatism, system theory, processual thinking and relational thinking, this book leverages John Dewey and Arthur Bentley’s often misunderstood concept of trans"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
74 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2360
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10883"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10883"
"slug" => "10883-translation-pragmatisme-et-etude-des-organisations"
"yearMonth" => "2020-03"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "[Translation] Pragmatisme et Étude des Organisations"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2020). <i>[Translation] Pragmatisme et Étude des Organisations</i>. Economica, 376 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Abduction"
1 => "Communauté"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Habitude"
4 => "Médiation sémiotique"
5 => "Pragmatisme"
6 => "Processus"
7 => "Processus organisant"
8 => "Valuation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "De nombreux courants de recherche en organisation et management ont critiqué la vision dominante des organisations comme structures de traitement de l’information et de prise de décision. Ils partagent quelques idées clés : la vision processuelle de l’org"
"en" => "Ce livre montre l’actualité et la pertinence du pragmatisme, courant de pensée né aux États-Unis il y a un siècle, pour le monde du management et des organisations. Il mobilise les concepts pragmatistes clés pour analyser les problèmes organisationnels et"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
75 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2361
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10886"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10886"
"slug" => "10886-pour-organiser-la-france-deconfinee-il-faut-que-la-societe-participe-massivement-a-la-gestion-de-crise"
"yearMonth" => "2020-05"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "« Pour organiser la France déconfinée, il faut que la société participe massivement à la gestion de crise »"
"description" => "KERVEILLANT, M. et LORINO, P. (2020). « Pour organiser la France déconfinée, il faut que la société participe massivement à la gestion de crise ». <i>Le Monde</i>."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles ou vidéos de vulgarisation"
"en" => "Press article, video or other popular media"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Presse"
"en" => "Press"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les chercheurs rappellent que seules les solutions issues des acteurs de terrain, et non des experts et du gouvernement, peuvent être à la hauteur du changement exigé pour nos pratiques quotidiennes."
"en" => "Les chercheurs rappellent que seules les solutions issues des acteurs de terrain, et non des experts et du gouvernement, peuvent être à la hauteur du changement exigé pour nos pratiques quotidiennes."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
76 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2362
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10927"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10927"
"slug" => "10927-organizing-during-disruptive-events-the-case-of-the-rapid-tactical-evacuation-during-the-bataclan-terrorist-attack"
"yearMonth" => "2020-07"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Organizing During Disruptive Events: the Case of the Rapid Tactical Evacuation During the Bataclan Terrorist Attack"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M., LANGLOIS, M., LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2020). Organizing During Disruptive Events: the Case of the Rapid Tactical Evacuation During the Bataclan Terrorist Attack. Dans: 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANGLOIS Matthieu"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY D."
"ouvrage" => "36th EGOS Colloquium 2020"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
77 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2363
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "11047"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "11047"
"slug" => "11047-et-lorganisation-dans-tout-ca-un-oubli-persistant-y-compris-en-cas-de-crise"
"yearMonth" => "2020-09"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Et l’organisation dans tout ça ? Un oubli persistant, y compris en cas de crise…"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2020). Et l’organisation dans tout ça ? Un oubli persistant, y compris en cas de crise…. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, 288(3), pp. 11-26."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "dogmatism"
1 => "expertise"
2 => "management"
3 => "organization"
4 => "organizing culture"
5 => "public debate"
6 => "technocracy"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "11-26"
"volume" => "288"
"number" => "3"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "En France, la dimension organisationnelle est souvent négligée, complètement absente, voire mal comprise ou méprisée dans les débats publics. On a pu à nouveau le constater lors de la crise récente liée à la pandémie Covid-19. Après avoir illustré concrètement les effets de cette mauvaise intégration des questions d’organisation, les auteurs évoquent dans cet article quelques causes potentielles profondes, notamment la conception rationaliste de la pensée et de l’action dominante en France, et proposent diverses pistes d’amélioration."
"en" => "In France, the organizational dimension is often neglected, misunderstood or scorned in public debates. This was observed during the crisis linked to the Covid 19 pandemic. After providing a concrete illustration of the effects of this poor integration of organizational issues, the article discusses some potential causes and suggests some avenues for improvement."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
78 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2364
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "11226"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "11226"
"slug" => "11226-problematizing-profit-and-profitability-discussions"
"yearMonth" => "2020-04"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Problematizing profit and profitability: Discussions."
"description" => "LORINO, P., LOWE, A., NAMA, Y., BRYER, A., CHABRAK, N., DAMBRIN, C. ... SVETLOVA, E. (2020). Problematizing profit and profitability: Discussions. <i>Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal</i>, 1233(4), pp. 753-793."
"authors" => array:13 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "LOWE Alan"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "NAMA Yesh"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "BRYER Alice"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "CHABRAK Nihel"
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "DAMBRIN Claire"
6 => array:1 [
"name" => "JEACLE Ingrid"
7 => array:1 [
"name" => "LIND Johnny"
8 => array:1 [
"name" => "ROBSON Keith"
9 => array:1 [
"name" => "BOTTAUSCI Chiara"
10 => array:1 [
"name" => "SPENCE Crawford"
11 => array:1 [
"name" => "CARTER Chris"
12 => array:1 [
"name" => "SVETLOVA Ekaterina"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Problematising"
1 => "Theoretical perspectives"
2 => "Profit"
3 => "Profitability"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "753-793"
"volume" => "1233"
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The purpose of this paper is to report the outcome of an interdisciplinary discussion on the concepts of profit and profitability and various ways in which we could potentially problematize these concepts. It is our hope that a much greater attention or reconsideration of the problematization of profit and related accounting numbers will be fostered in part by the exchanges we include here."
"en" => "The purpose of this paper is to report the outcome of an interdisciplinary discussion on the concepts of profit and profitability and various ways in which we could potentially problematize these concepts. It is our hope that a much greater attention or reconsideration of the problematization of profit and related accounting numbers will be fostered in part by the exchanges we include here."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
79 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2365
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "11424"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "11424"
"slug" => "11424-dialogical-and-situated-accountability-to-the-public-the-reporting-of-nuclear-incidents"
"yearMonth" => "2021-01"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Dialogical and situated accountability to the public. The reporting of nuclear incidents"
"description" => "KERVEILLANT, M. et LORINO, P. (2021). Dialogical and situated accountability to the public. The reporting of nuclear incidents. <i>Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal</i>, 34(1), pp. 111-136."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "accountability"
1 => "stakeholder engagement"
2 => "pragmatism"
3 => "inquiry"
4 => "risk governance"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "111-136"
"volume" => "34"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The paper aims to investigate how far the pragmatist concept of inquiry (Dewey, 1916, 1938) makes it possible to develop a processual and relational approach to accountability, moving the focus away from a representational conception of truth and subjectivist/individualist views on meaning-making, toward collective exploration and understanding of an issue by stakeholders with the aim of transforming social practices. The paper studies an accountability process in action, namely nuclear incident reporting, and its role in the construction of a community of inquiry investigating nuclear safety."
"en" => "The paper aims to investigate how far the pragmatist concept of inquiry (Dewey, 1916, 1938) makes it possible to develop a processual and relational approach to accountability, moving the focus away from a representational conception of truth and subjectivist/individualist views on meaning-making, toward collective exploration and understanding of an issue by stakeholders with the aim of transforming social practices. The paper studies an accountability process in action, namely nuclear incident reporting, and its role in the construction of a community of inquiry investigating nuclear safety."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
80 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2366
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12218"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12218"
"slug" => "12218-la-contribution-ambigue-de-herbert-simon-a-letude-des-organisations-bilan-raisonne-du-cognitivisme"
"yearMonth" => "2019-09"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "La contribution ambiguë de Herbert Simon à l’étude des organisations. Bilan raisonné du cognitivisme."
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2019). <i>La contribution ambiguë de Herbert Simon à l’étude des organisations. Bilan raisonné du cognitivisme.</i> WP1912, ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Herbert Simon a certainement été l’un des plus grands penseurs, et l’un des plus encyclopédiques, du 20e siècle : Prix Nobel d’Économie, il a marqué les champs de recherche les plus divers, de la théorie des organisations à l’épistémologie, en passant par l’Intelligence Artificielle, les sciences de la complexité, la psychologie cognitive et le management public. Mon ambition dans cette note est d’esquisser un bilan raisonné des apports et des limites de son école de pensée, le cognitivisme, dans le domaine spécifique de l’étude des organisations. Ce projet fait face à deux paradoxes."
"en" => "Herbert Simon a certainement été l’un des plus grands penseurs, et l’un des plus encyclopédiques, du 20e siècle : Prix Nobel d’Économie, il a marqué les champs de recherche les plus divers, de la théorie des organisations à l’épistémologie, en passant par l’Intelligence Artificielle, les sciences de la complexité, la psychologie cognitive et le management public. Mon ambition dans cette note est d’esquisser un bilan raisonné des apports et des limites de son école de pensée, le cognitivisme, dans le domaine spécifique de l’étude des organisations. Ce projet fait face à deux paradoxes."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
81 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2367
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12337"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12337"
"slug" => "12337-capturing-the-experience-of-living-forward-from-within-the-flow-fusing-withness-approach-pragmatist-inquiry"
"yearMonth" => "2021-01"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Capturing the Experience of Living Forward from Within the Flow: Fusing "Withness" Approach & Pragmatist Inquiry"
"description" => "WEGENER, F. et LORINO, P. (2021). Capturing the Experience of Living Forward from Within the Flow: Fusing "Withness" Approach & Pragmatist Inquiry. Dans: Juliane Reinecke, Roy Suddaby, Ann Langley, Haridimos Tsoukas eds. <i>Time, Temporality, and History in Process Organization Studies</i>. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 138-168."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "WEGENER Frithjof"
"ouvrage" => "Time, Temporality, and History in Process Organization Studies"
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "withness"
1 => "process methodology"
2 => "pragmatism"
3 => "organizing, inquiry"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "138-168"
"volume" => null
"number" => "9"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this chapter, we explore a methodology for “process as withness” (Fachin and Langley, 2018). The goal is to study the experience of “living forward” by creating “narratives of prospect” (Weick, 1999). The chapter builds on Shotter’s work (2006; 2009) on a withness approach, which helps in understanding the struggles of living forward experienced by practitioners and researchers alike. Withness until now has remained philosophical with a few vignettes by Shotter (2006; 2009). We operationalize withness through embedding it within pragmatist inquiry (Farjoun, Ansell, and Boin, 2015; Lorino et al., 2011; Martela, 2015). For this, we propose to build on the existing links between a withness approach and pragmatist inquiry in the work of James, Dewey, and Mead, but to extend these to fuse a withness approach and pragmatist inquiry into “pragmatist withness inquiry.” We end with a call for other researchers to learn from, criticize, and build on our attempts to develop “pragmatist withness inquiry.” The challenges are dialogue, access to doubtful situations, and creating “narratives of prospect.”"
"en" => "In this chapter, we explore a methodology for “process as withness” (Fachin and Langley, 2018). The goal is to study the experience of “living forward” by creating “narratives of prospect” (Weick, 1999). The chapter builds on Shotter’s work (2006; 2009) on a withness approach, which helps in understanding the struggles of living forward experienced by practitioners and researchers alike. Withness until now has remained philosophical with a few vignettes by Shotter (2006; 2009). We operationalize withness through embedding it within pragmatist inquiry (Farjoun, Ansell, and Boin, 2015; Lorino et al., 2011; Martela, 2015). For this, we propose to build on the existing links between a withness approach and pragmatist inquiry in the work of James, Dewey, and Mead, but to extend these to fuse a withness approach and pragmatist inquiry into “pragmatist withness inquiry.” We end with a call for other researchers to learn from, criticize, and build on our attempts to develop “pragmatist withness inquiry.” The challenges are dialogue, access to doubtful situations, and creating “narratives of prospect.”"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
82 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2368
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12670"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12670"
"slug" => "12670-creating-by-communicating"
"yearMonth" => "2021-08"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Creating by Communicating"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2021). Creating by Communicating. Dans: François Cooren, Peter Stücheli-Herlach eds. <i>Handbook of Management Communication</i>. 1st ed. Mouton De Gruyter, pp. 87-104."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Handbook of Management Communication"
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "inquiry"
1 => "pragmatism"
2 => "process"
3 => "situation"
4 => "transaction"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:40"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "87-104"
"volume" => ""
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Allemagne"
"en" => "Germany"
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre suggère que le paradigme pragmatiste de "l'enquête trans-actionnelle" fournit une alternative processuelle et communicationnelle au paradigme du contrôle, statique et monologique, pour étudier les organisations dans des situations complexes et incertaines, caractérisées par un agrégat inintelligible d'éléments non reliés ; l'enquête trans-actionnelle vise à reconstruire l'intelligibilité et l'actionnabilité de la situation, voire à la redéfinir complètement, à travers des dialogues créatifs qui impliquent des échanges verbaux, mais aussi des actes socialement significatifs et reconnaissables. Ce cadre peut être appliqué à l'organisation des opérations de terrain autant qu'à la gouvernance organisationnelle par les parties prenantes. Il pourrait être utilisé dans des recherches futures pour relier la recherche sur les organisations à la recherche sur la démocratie participative. Le chapitre narre deux situations complexes et montre les limites du paradigme du contrôle pour les comprendre ; il présente le concept pragmatiste de "l'enquête trans-actionnelle", l'applique aux deux cas et montre comment il peut conduire à une redéfinition complète des situations."
"en" => "Due to the limits of the control paradigm, static and monological, this chapter suggests that the pragmatist paradigm of “trans-actional inquiry” provides a processual and communicational alternative to study organizations in complex and uncertain situations, characterized by an unintelligible aggregate of unrelated elements; the trans-actional inquiry aims at rebuilding intelligibility and actionability, or even completely re-define the situation, through creative dialogues that involve, not only verbal exchanges, but also socially meaningful acts. This framework can be applied to the “organizing” of field operations as well as organizational governance. It could be used in the future to connect organization research with political research about participative democracy. The chapter narrates two complex situations and shows the limits of the control paradigm to understand them; it presents the pragmatist concept of “trans-actional inquiry”, applies it to the two narrated situations and shows how it may lead to a complete redefinition of situations; it concludes with methodological, theoretical and managerial implications."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
83 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2369
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12777"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12777"
"slug" => "12777-accreditations-derapage-controle-ou-saut-dans-le-ravin"
"yearMonth" => "2021-12"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Accréditations : dérapage contrôlé ou saut dans le ravin ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2021). Accréditations : dérapage contrôlé ou saut dans le ravin ? Dans: Alain Burlaud, Frank Bournois eds. <i>L’enseignement de la gestion en France</i>. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 221-232."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS Nicolas"
"ouvrage" => "L’enseignement de la gestion en France"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:41"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "221-232"
"volume" => ""
"number" => "11"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
84 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2370
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6417"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6417"
"slug" => "6417-le-pilotage-dentreprise-de-la-mesure-a-linterpretation"
"yearMonth" => "1995-05"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Le pilotage d'entreprise : de la mesure à l'interprétation"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). Le pilotage d'entreprise : de la mesure à l'interprétation."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le pilotage de l'entreprise est traditionnellement fondé sur un paradigme de contrôle cybernétique. La réalité impose aujourd'hui le recours à des modèles sémiotiques d'interprétation qui transforment le statut des techniques de gestion."
"en" => "Firm steering is traditionally based upon the paradigm of cybernetic control. It is now necessary to use semiotic models of interpretation which transform the status of management techniques."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
85 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2371
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6460"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6460"
"slug" => "6460-leconomie-gestion-comme-science-des-processus-cognitifs-collectifs"
"yearMonth" => "1992-05"
"year" => "1992"
"title" => "L'économie-gestion comme science des processus cognitifs collectifs"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1992). L'économie-gestion comme science des processus cognitifs collectifs."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La valeur est un jugement social sur les processus mis en oeuvre par l'entreprise. Le pilotage est l'interprétation collective hypothétique du jugement-valeur en jugement-performance."
"en" => "Value is a social interpretation of the firm's processes. Control is a collective translation of value into an internal performance interpretation, which hypothetical and anticipat."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
86 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2372
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13276"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13276"
"slug" => "13276-herbert-simon-for-a-reasoned-assessment-of-cognitivism"
"yearMonth" => "2021-09"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Herbert Simon: for a reasoned assessment of cognitivism"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2021). Herbert Simon: for a reasoned assessment of cognitivism. Dans: 1st International Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies (PHILOS). Online."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "1st International Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies (PHILOS)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
87 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2373
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6894"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6894"
"slug" => "6894-plots-temporal-bifurcations-and-events-organizing-as-an-aesthetic-experience-shaping-the-shapeless"
"yearMonth" => "2018-07"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "Plots, Temporal Bifurcations and Events: Organizing as an Aesthetic Experience. Shaping the Shapeless."
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TRICARD, B. (2018). Plots, Temporal Bifurcations and Events: Organizing as an Aesthetic Experience. Shaping the Shapeless. Dans: 34th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2018."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
"ouvrage" => "34th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2018"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
88 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2374
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6945"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6945"
"slug" => "6945-process-inquiring-or-process-control-the-collective-organizing-of-activity-a-precarious-undertaking"
"yearMonth" => "2017-06"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "Process (Inquiring) or Process (Control): The Collective Organizing of Activity, a Precarious Undertaking"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et PAILLET, M. (2017). Process (Inquiring) or Process (Control): The Collective Organizing of Activity, a Precarious Undertaking. Dans: 9th International Process Symposium, Theme: Institutions and Organizations, a Process View (PROS 2017)."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PAILLET M."
"ouvrage" => "9th International Process Symposium, Theme: Institutions and Organizations, a Process View (PROS 2017)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
89 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2375
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7172"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7172"
"slug" => "7172-steering-the-performance-of-the-firm-from-the-taylorian-allocation-paradigm-to-the-collective-interpretation-paradigm"
"yearMonth" => "1993-10"
"year" => "1993"
"title" => "Steering the Performance of the Firm : From the Taylorian Allocation Paradigm to the Collective Interpretation Paradigm"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1993). Steering the Performance of the Firm : From the Taylorian Allocation Paradigm to the Collective Interpretation Paradigm."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le pilotage de performance dans l'entreprise exige l'articulation en système d'une multiplicité d'interprétations locales de signes de performance, bases de l'apprentissage organisationnel."
"en" => "Performance steering in the firm requires the networking of multiple local interpretations of performance signs, which are the basis of organizational learning, into a collective system."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
90 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2376
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7213"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7213"
"slug" => "7213-strategy-deployment-through-joint-application-of-business-process-management-and-activity-based-costing"
"yearMonth" => "1995-06"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Strategy Deployment through Joint Application of Business Process Management and Activity Based Costing"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). Strategy Deployment through Joint Application of Business Process Management and Activity Based Costing."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les processus constituent le cadre optimal pour déployer la stratégie dans le pilotage opérationnel. Une comptabilité d'activités facilite la démarche en fournissant les informations de coûts adéquates. Un exemple d'application à une entreprise productrice d'emballages plastique est présenté."
"en" => "Business processes provide the best basis for strategy deployment into operations control. Activity Based Costing (ABC) supports the method by supplying cost information in the adequate format. One example is analysed in the area of polyethylen packaging."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
91 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2377
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7231"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7231"
"slug" => "7231-target-costing-why-is-it-so-difficult-in-western-companies"
"yearMonth" => "1996-10"
"year" => "1996"
"title" => "Target Costing : Why is it so Difficult in Western Companies ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1996). Target Costing : Why is it so Difficult in Western Companies ?"
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La gestion par coûts-cibles est mal connue et peu diffusée dans les entreprises françaises. Elle associe d'une part, un ensemble d'outils (analyse d'utilité, analyse de la valeur, études de marché,...) et d'autre part, des pratiques managériales (groupes trans-fonctionnels, gestion de projet,...). L'analyse de deux cas (industries informatique et automobile) conduit à conclure que les outils sont connus et maîtrisés mais les pratiques managériales se heurtent aux traditions de gestion "occidentales"."
"en" => "Target costing is not much known or practiced in French companies. To begin with, it requires a certain number of tools (utility analysis, value engineering, market research,...) and managerial practices (cross-functional teams, project management,...). Two cases are analyzed : automative and computer industries. To conclude, the tools are well-known and used, but the managerial practices are not in tune with the traditions of Western management."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
92 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2378
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7277"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7277"
"slug" => "7277-the-challenge-of-measuring-quality-performance-of-healthcare-services"
"yearMonth" => "2015-07"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "The Challenge of Measuring Quality Performance of Healthcare Services"
"description" => "ZICARI, A., GOMEZ, M.L. et LORINO, P. (2015). The Challenge of Measuring Quality Performance of Healthcare Services. Dans: 31st European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2015."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "31st European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2015"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
93 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2379
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7278"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7278"
"slug" => "7278-the-challenge-of-measuring-quality-performance-of-healthcare-services-the-case-of-the-dan-indicator-in-french-hospitals"
"yearMonth" => "2015-09"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "The challenge of measuring quality performance of healthcare services - the case of the DAN indicator in French hospitals"
"description" => "ZICARI, A., GOMEZ, M.L., LORINO, P., WAELLI, M., SICOTTE, C. et BONNEFOND, J.Y. (2015). The challenge of measuring quality performance of healthcare services - the case of the DAN indicator in French hospitals. Dans: 2015 European Management Control Symposium."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "WAELLI M."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "SICOTTE C."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J.-Y."
"ouvrage" => "2015 European Management Control Symposium"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
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"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
94 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2380
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7279"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7279"
"slug" => "7279-the-challenge-of-measuring-quality-performance-of-healthcare-services-the-case-of-the-dan-indicator-in-french-hospitals"
"yearMonth" => "2015-11"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "The Challenge of Measuring Quality Performance of Healthcare Services - the Case of the DAN Indicator in French Hospitals"
"description" => "ZICARI, A., GOMEZ, M.L., LORINO, P., WAELLI, M., SICOTTE, C. et BONNEFOND, J.Y. (2015). The Challenge of Measuring Quality Performance of Healthcare Services - the Case of the DAN Indicator in French Hospitals. Dans: Management Accounting Research Group Conference in Assocation with the Management Control Association (MARG/MCA 2015)."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "WAELLI M."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "SICOTTE C."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J.-Y."
"ouvrage" => "Management Accounting Research Group Conference in Assocation with the Management Control Association (MARG/MCA 2015)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
95 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2381
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7284"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7284"
"slug" => "7284-the-curious-and-truthful-story-of-lean-management-from-process-thinking-back-to-old-control-habits"
"yearMonth" => "2014-07"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "The Curious and Truthful Story of Lean Management... From Process Thinking, Back to Old Control Habits"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). The Curious and Truthful Story of Lean Management... From Process Thinking, Back to Old Control Habits. Dans: 30th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2014."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "30th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2014"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
96 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2382
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7322"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7322"
"slug" => "7322-the-felicitys-conditions-of-performing-a-number-act-within-the-confines-of-business-reviews-the-case-of-a-category-management-approach-in-the-french-retail-sector"
"yearMonth" => "2017-06"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "The Felicity's Conditions of Performing a Number Act Within the Confines of Business Reviews. The Case of a Category Management Approach in the French Retail Sector"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2017). The Felicity's Conditions of Performing a Number Act Within the Confines of Business Reviews. The Case of a Category Management Approach in the French Retail Sector. Dans: OAP 2017: Collaboration and Materiality in Management and Organization Studies."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY D."
"ouvrage" => "OAP 2017: Collaboration and Materiality in Management and Organization Studies"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
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"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
97 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2383
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7350"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7350"
"slug" => "7350-the-impact-of-management-control-systems-on-work"
"yearMonth" => "2012-10"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "The Impact of Management Control Systems on Work"
"description" => "CAVELIUS, F., GOMEZ, M.L., LINDER, S., LORINO, P., MOTTIS, N. et ZICARI, A. (2012). The Impact of Management Control Systems on Work. Dans: 3ème Etats Généraux du Management 2012: Nouvelles Frontières du Management."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "CAVELIUS Florence"
"bid" => "B00020219"
"slug" => "cavelius-florence"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LINDER Stefan"
"bid" => "B00389792"
"slug" => "linder-stefan"
3 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
4 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => "3ème Etats Généraux du Management 2012: Nouvelles Frontières du Management"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
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"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
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+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
98 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2384
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7376"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7376"
"slug" => "7376-the-key-role-of-valuation-in-the-digital-transformation-of-work-the-case-of-human-resource-management-in-the-french-insurance-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2019-06"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "The Key Role of Valuation in the Digital Transformation of Work: the Case of Human Resource Management in the French Insurance Industry"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et PAILLET, M. (2019). The Key Role of Valuation in the Digital Transformation of Work: the Case of Human Resource Management in the French Insurance Industry. Dans: 11th International Process Symposium 2019."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PAILLET M."
"ouvrage" => "11th International Process Symposium 2019"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
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"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
99 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2385
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7391"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7391"
"slug" => "7391-the-narrative-affordance-of-management-tools-in-the-construction-of-skilful-performance-the-case-of-incident-analysis-in-the-nuclear-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2015-06"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "The Narrative Affordance of Management Tools in the Construction of Skilful Performance. The Case of incident Analysis in the Nuclear Industry"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2015). The Narrative Affordance of Management Tools in the Construction of Skilful Performance. The Case of incident Analysis in the Nuclear Industry. Dans: Seventh International Symposium on Process Organization Studies."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Seventh International Symposium on Process Organization Studies"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
100 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2386
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7510"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7510"
"slug" => "7510-transaction-and-transformation-a-pragmatist-perspective-on-learning"
"yearMonth" => "2013-04"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Transaction and Transformation: A Pragmatist Perspective on Learning"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2013). Transaction and Transformation: A Pragmatist Perspective on Learning. Dans: OLKC 2013."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "OLKC 2013"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "This article proposes a theoretical approach informed by the pragmatist analysis of social action and learning, more precisely the concepts of habit and inquiry and Dewey and Bentley's concept of trans-action. Knowledge is viewed as a set of emergent patterns of action, always in the making, and learning as one specific aspect of the process of acting and meaning-making. This perspective is used to overcome such dichotomies as stability/change, Self/others, structure/process. Meaning schemes involved in the transactional process, carried by human minds or material artefacts, have different levels of inertia. The resulting de-synchronization between meaning-making processes triggers inquiries to restore habits and meanings. Under certain conditions, inquiries may prove infelicitous and lead to crises. Three mini-cases are presented to illustrate the proposed framework."
"en" => "This article proposes a theoretical approach informed by the pragmatist analysis of social action and learning, more precisely the concepts of habit and inquiry and Dewey and Bentley's concept of trans-action. Knowledge is viewed as a set of emergent patterns of action, always in the making, and learning as one specific aspect of the process of acting and meaning-making. This perspective is used to overcome such dichotomies as stability/change, Self/others, structure/process. Meaning schemes involved in the transactional process, carried by human minds or material artefacts, have different levels of inertia. The resulting de-synchronization between meaning-making processes triggers inquiries to restore habits and meanings. Under certain conditions, inquiries may prove infelicitous and lead to crises. Three mini-cases are presented to illustrate the proposed framework."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
101 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2387
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7513"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7513"
"slug" => "7513-transient-designs-and-persistent-impacts-peirces-theory-of-sign-the-mediation-of-organizing-processes-and-conflicting-temporalities"
"yearMonth" => "2012-07"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Transient Designs and Persistent Impacts. Peirce's Theory of Sign, the Mediation of Organizing Processes and Conflicting Temporalities"
"description" => "TRICARD, B. et LORINO, P. (2012). Transient Designs and Persistent Impacts. Peirce's Theory of Sign, the Mediation of Organizing Processes and Conflicting Temporalities. Dans: 28th EGOS Colloqium 2012."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
"ouvrage" => "28th EGOS Colloqium 2012"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
102 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2388
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7549"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7549"
"slug" => "7549-une-approche-de-la-strategie-fondee-sur-les-processus"
"yearMonth" => "1997-06"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Une approche de la stratégie fondée sur les processus"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TARONDEAU, J.C. (1997). Une approche de la stratégie fondée sur les processus."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "TARONDEAU Jean-Claude"
"bid" => "B00000491"
"slug" => "tarondeau-jean-claude"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le management stratégique fondé sur les ressources et compétences présente un grand intérêt et de sévères limitations : imprécision et non observabilité des concepts mobilisés, impossibilité de généraliser les résultats, explication "ex-post" et tautologique de la performance. Les processus stratégiques combinent des ressources et compétences pour produire de la valeur pour un client externe. Ils sont observables et peuvent expliquer les performances des firmes plus directement que les ressources et compétences."
"en" => "The theories of strategic management based on the heterogeneity of resources are of great interest but present severe limitations : imprecision and unobservability of mobilized concepts, impossibility to generalize conclusions, ex-post, tautological explanations of performance. Strategic processes combine resources and competencies to produce value for a customer. They are observable and they can explain firm performances more direcly than resources or competencies."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
103 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2389
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7674"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7674"
"slug" => "7674-coherence-pertinence-et-evaluation"
"yearMonth" => "1996-01"
"year" => "1996"
"title" => "Cohérence, pertinence et évaluation"
"description" => "COHENDET, P., JACOT, J.H. et LORINO, P. [Eds] (1996). <i>Cohérence, pertinence et évaluation</i>. Economica, 312 pages."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "COHENDET P."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "JACOT J.H."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Direction d'ouvrage"
"en" => "Book editor"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La difficulté à gérer les changements de l'entreprise résulte d'une tension croissante entre les besoins de "pertinence" (adaptation aux nouveaux états du monde) et les besoins de "cohérence" (coordination interne de l'action collective). L'ouvrage vise à apporter un éclairage théorique et des propositions concrètes sur le sujet."
"en" => "It is more and more difficult to manage the changes of the firm because there is a growing tension between the needs of "relevance" (adaptation to the new states of the world) and the needs of "coherence" (internal coordination of the firm). The book aims at providing theoretical analysis and concrete proposals on the subject."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
104 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2390
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14131"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14131"
"slug" => "14131-from-commons-to-commoning-from-commoning-to-inquiring"
"yearMonth" => "2022-06"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "From “commons” to “commoning”, from “commoning” to “inquiring”"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2022). From “commons” to “commoning”, from “commoning” to “inquiring”. Dans: 13th International Process Symposium (PROS) 2022. Rhodes."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "13th International Process Symposium (PROS) 2022"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-07-20 01:00:38"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
105 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2391
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7687"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7687"
"slug" => "7687-enquetes-de-gestion-a-la-recherche-du-signe-dans-lentreprise-huit-recits-du-compact-disc-au-pain-biologique"
"yearMonth" => "2000-01"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "Enquêtes de gestion, à la recherche du signe dans l'entreprise. Huit récits, du compact-disc au pain biologique"
"description" => "LORINO, P. [Ed] (2000). <i>Enquêtes de gestion, à la recherche du signe dans l'entreprise. Huit récits, du compact-disc au pain biologique</i>. L'Harmattan, 366 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Direction d'ouvrage"
"en" => "Book editor"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La recherche en gestion recourt largement, de manière habituelle, au concept de représentation, au sens spéculaire d' "image fidèle de la réalité". Un groupe de chercheurs de champs scientifiques divers (contrôle de gestion, stratégie, gestion des ressources humaines, sociologie, philosophie, sciences cognitives, ergonomie) s'est réuni pour mettre en cause ce concept, au profit de celui de "signe" : les images de l'organisation, les modèles des processus de travail collectifs, ne sont pas des "copies" de la réalité, mais des signes créateurs de sens émergeant dans les processus d'interprétation. Plutôt que d'illustrer leurs propos par des "cas" fermés, les chercheurs se sont mutuellement racontés des "histoires ouvertes" qu'ils ont vécues, comme points de départ de processus d'interprétation collectifs."
"en" => "Business Science Research traditionally makes a broad use of the concept of "representation" in its specular, "faithful image of reality", understanding. A group of researchers of different scientific management fields (control, strategy, sociology, human resources management, philosophy, cognitive sciences, ergonomics) attempted to challenge this concept of representation and replace it by the concept of "sign" : images of the firm, models of working community processes, are not copies of reality, but sense-making signs in the frame of interpretative processes. Instead of presenting closed "cases", they told each other "open stories" they lived as a starting point for a collective interpretation process."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
106 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2392
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7729"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7729"
"slug" => "7729-materiality-and-managerial-techniques"
"yearMonth" => "2018-02"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "Materiality and Managerial Techniques"
"description" => "MITEV, N., MORGAN-THOMAS, A., LORINO, P., DE VAUJANY, F.X. et NAMA, Y. [Eds] (2018). <i>Materiality and Managerial Techniques</i>. Palgrave Macmillan, 414 pages."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MITEV N."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MORGAN-THOMAS A."
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "DE VAUJANY F-X."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "NAMA Y."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Direction d'ouvrage"
"en" => "Book editor"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "This edited book examines the relationship between the materiality of artefacts and managerial techniques, combining the recent scholarly interest on socio-materiality with a focus on management. Exploring managerial techniques, the social and material tools used by actors to guide or facilitate collective activities, topics include their socio-materiality, performative dimension, role in managerial control, relationship to organisational space and relationship to organisational legitimacy. This volume particularly explores the valuation and legitimation practices or processes involving managerial techniques, their modalities, specificities and involvement in collective activity within organisations. The overall aim of the chapters is to explore in different ways and instances the way in which material artefacts are able to inscribe and enforce managerial action which affects daily work practices."
"en" => "This edited book examines the relationship between the materiality of artefacts and managerial techniques, combining the recent scholarly interest on socio-materiality with a focus on management. Exploring managerial techniques, the social and material tools used by actors to guide or facilitate collective activities, topics include their socio-materiality, performative dimension, role in managerial control, relationship to organisational space and relationship to organisational legitimacy. This volume particularly explores the valuation and legitimation practices or processes involving managerial techniques, their modalities, specificities and involvement in collective activity within organisations. The overall aim of the chapters is to explore in different ways and instances the way in which material artefacts are able to inscribe and enforce managerial action which affects daily work practices."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
107 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2393
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7931"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7931"
"slug" => "7931-business-process-management-case-studies-of-different-companies-and-hypotheses-for-further-research"
"yearMonth" => "1997-01"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Business Process Management : Case Studies of Different Companies and Hypotheses for Further Research."
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (1997). <i>Business Process Management : Case Studies of Different Companies and Hypotheses for Further Research.</i> ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce texte compare les démarches de pilotage de processus engagées par différentes entreprises et formule des hypothèses pour les futures recherches à engager dans ce domaine."
"en" => "This paper presents different case studies of business process management and draws a few hypothesis for further research in this area."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
108 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2394
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7952"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7952"
"slug" => "7952-competence-based-competence-management-a-pragmatic-and-interpretive-approach-the-case-of-a-telecommunications-company"
"yearMonth" => "2007-05"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Competence-based Competence Management: a Pragmatic and Interpretive Approach. The Case of a Telecommunications Company"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2007). <i>Competence-based Competence Management: a Pragmatic and Interpretive Approach. The Case of a Telecommunications Company</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Competence"
1 => "Compétence"
2 => "Gestion des compétences"
3 => "Instruments de gestion"
4 => "Interprétation"
5 => "Pragmatisme"
6 => "Processus"
7 => "Sémiotique"
8 => "Télécommunications"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cette recherche explore la question de la " gestion stratégique des compétences " (gestion long terme des compétences qui sont critiques pour l'accomplissement des objectifs stratégiques). Elle tente de montrer que la gestion des compétences est elle-même une compétence organisationnelle dynamique. L'analyse est conduite dans le cadre d'une grande entreprise de télécommunications, France Télécom, dans les années 2001-2003. Le secteur des télécommunications se caractérise par des changements rapides dans la technologie, les marchés et les structures industrielles, et donc par un niveau élevé d'incertitude. C'est aussi une activité de haute technologie, fondée sur des aptitudes pointues et en constante évolution, exigeant des délais importants de formation et de professionnalisation. Il y a donc une contradiction apparente entre l'incertitude, qui rend la planification difficile, et la nécessité de planifier le développement de nouvelles compétences, qui implique des temps de réponse longs. Cette contradiction ne peut être résolue si les compétences sont définies de manière statique, comme des attributs structurels de salariés ou de groupes de salariés en place ou potentiels. La question de la gestion stratégique des compétences doit plutôt être examinée dans un cadre dynamique, fondé sur les processus, mettant en jeu une activité collective et réflexive continue des acteurs du processus eux-mêmes pour (re)définir et gérer leurs compétences. La gestion stratégique des compétences fondée sur les processus a été testée pour deux domaines des télécommunications: le haut débit ADSL et les services Internet aux PME. Le processus réflexif et collectif de gestion des compétences a dû être instrumenté avec des instruments qui ne visent pas une représentation exacte des compétences comme objets, mais qui essayent plutôt d'offrir un support de sens et d'interprétation aux acteurs dans leur (ré)interprétation continue des situations de travail présentes et surtout futures en termes de compétences critiques. En conclusion l'exemple des instruments de gestion des compétences est étendu à la question plus générale des instruments de gestion, dans les environnements incertains et dynamiques. Les théories informationnelles des instruments conceptualisent les instruments comme représentations spéculaires des situations, donnant accès à des procédures de résolution de problèmes optimisantes ou " satisficing ". Mais lorsque les environnements évoluent en permanence et résistent à la prévision, il faut avoir plutôt recours à une conception interprétative des instruments de gestion comme signes porteurs de significations, qui aident les acteurs à faire sens des situations dans lesquelles ils se trouvent engagés. La pertinence des instruments ne relève alors pas d'une vérité ontologique mais plutôt de l'efficacité pratique qu'offre leur utilisation située. Une théorie de l'activité et des instruments sémiotique et pragmatique peut alors être proposée."
"en" => "In this research we explore the issue of "competence management", as usually defined in the corporate vocabulary, mostly in the human resource (HR) function, and more particularly of "strategic competence management" (long run management of competences which are critical to achieve strategic goals). We try to show that competence management is a dynamic organizational competence. We analyze it in the case of a large European telecommunications company, France Télécom, in the years 2001-2003. The telecommunications sector is characterized by quick changes in technology, markets and industrial structures, and therefore a high level of uncertainty. It is also a high tech activity, based upon continuously evolving personal skills which require long education and training times. There is an apparent contradiction between uncertainty, which makes planning difficult, and the necessity to plan new competence development with long response times. This contradiction cannot be solved if competences are defined in a static way, as structural attributes of actual or potential employees or groups of employees. The strategic competence management issue must be considered rather in the frame of a dynamic, process-based view, which involves an on-going collective and reflexive activity of actors themselves to define and manage their competences. We tested process-based competence management in the case of two telecommunication domains: high bit-rate ADSL telecommunications and Internet services to small and medium businesses. The reflexive and collective competence management process had to be instrumented with instruments which did not aim at an accurate representation of competences as objects, but rather tried to offer a meaningful support for actors' continuous (re)interpretation of present and future work situations in terms of critical competences. As a conclusion we extend the example of competence management instruments to the general issue of management instruments, in the context of uncertain and dynamic environments. Information-based theories of instruments view instruments as specular representations of situations, which allow optimal or satisficing problem-solving procedures. But when business environments continuously evolve and resist prediction, we must move towards an interpretive view of management instruments as meaningful signs, which help actors to make sense of the situations in which they are involved. Their relevance is not an absolute ontological truth but the practical effectiveness of their context-situated utilization and interpretation. A semiotic and pragmatist theory of activity and instruments can then be proposed."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
109 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2395
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7962"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7962"
"slug" => "7962-coupling-performance-measurement-and-collective-activity-the-semiotic-function-of-management-systems-a-case-study"
"yearMonth" => "2007-05"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Coupling Performance Measurement and Collective Activity: The Semiotic Function of Management Systems. A Case Study"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et GEHRKE, I. (2007). <i>Coupling Performance Measurement and Collective Activity: The Semiotic Function of Management Systems. A Case Study</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GEHRKE I."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Communauté de processus"
2 => "Instruments de gestion"
3 => "Pilotage de la performance"
4 => "Processus"
5 => "Sémiotique"
6 => "Théorie de l'activité"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les théories sur les instruments de gestion donnent souvent lieu à débat entre structure et agence : les instruments déterminent-ils les formes de l'activité collective (AC),ou les acteurs impriment-ils aux instruments les formes dont ils ont besoin, ou les instruments et l'activité concrète sont-ils découplés, comme certains courants néo-institutionnalistes le supposent? Théories des réseaux d'acteurs, de la structuration, de l'activité, pragmatisme, sémiotique tentent de surmonter l'opposition dualiste entre structure and activité. Les systèmes de gestion et de pilotage de la performance peuvent être définis comme des instruments structurels engagés dans l'AC, qui la contraignent sans la déterminer. Réciproquement, ils sont modifiés par la manière dont l'AC les utilise et leur donne sens. La thèse centrale de ce papier est l'impossibilité de considérer l'évaluation de la performance comme un langage commun de l'organisation et d'en étudier le rôle indépendamment de la conception de l'AC dans laquelle cette évaluation est engagée. Il y a un couplage non déterministe entre structure (outils de mesure de la performance) et AC (processus). La transformation de l'AC entraîne une transformation de la signification du concept de " performance ", du type de mesure requis et des pratiques de pilotage. La relation entre mesure de performance et AC est étudiée ici dans le cas de la division production d'Electricité de France. La recherche a duré plusieurs années, au cours desquelles deux nouveaux systèmes de gestion furent mis en œuvre simultanément: un système de comptabilité de gestion et un système d'information de gestion intégré (ERP), tous deux appliqués au processus d'achat. Le système de comptabilité de gestion a été conçu par la direction des achats , l'ERP par les directions opérationnelles. Alors que la cohérence entre les deux projets aurait pu être assurée par leur commune subordination à la reconstruction de l'AC (le processus d'achat), leur découplage de fait de l'activité concrète a ouvert la possibilité de dissonances sérieuses entre eux. Les deux nouveaux systèmes ont eu des difficultés à fournir des langages communs, car la dimension de l'AC a été largement ignorée dans leur développement. Lorsque l'AC encourt des transformations radicales, les échanges discursifs directs entre les acteurs au sujet de leur propre AC, " activité collective sur l'activité collective ", deviennent nécessaires pour assurer un couplage flexible et non déterministe entre AC et nouveaux systèmes de gestion. Cette analyse réflexive et collective du processus par ses acteurs eux-mêmes exige la constitution de " communautés de processus ", qui peuvent conjointement reconcevoir l'AC et les systèmes de pilotage de la performance. L'article conclut que le système de pilotage de la performance ne peut constituer un langage commun que s'il y a une compréhension claire et partagée de l'AC, de ses transformations et des rôles impartis aux différentes catégories d'acteurs."
"en" => "Theories about management instruments often enter dualistic debates between structure and agency: do instruments determine the forms of collective activity (CA), or do actors shape instruments to their requirements, or are instruments and concrete activity decoupled, as some trends of new institutionalist theory assume? Attempts to overcome the dualistic opposition between structure and activity stem from diverse sources: actors' networks theory, structuration theory, pragmatism, theory of activity, semiotics. Performance measurement and management systems can be defined as structural instruments engaged in CA. As such they constrain the activity, but they do not determine it. Reciprocally, they are modified by the way CA uses them and makes sense of them. The central thesis of this paper will be that it is impossible to study the role of performance measurement as a common language in organizations independently from the design of the CA in which it is engaged. There is a not deterministic coupling between structure (i.e. management technical tools) and CA (i.e. business processes). The transformation of CA entails a transformation in the meaning of the "performance" concept, in the type of measurement required and in the performance management practices. The relationship between performance measurement and CA is studied here in the production division of a large electricity utility in France. The research extended over several years and took place when two new management systems were simultaneously implemented: a new management accounting system and an integrated management information system (ERP), both in the purchasing process. The new management accounting system was designed by the purchasing department, the new management information system was designed by the operational departments. Whereas the coherence between both projects could have been given by their common subordination to the rebuilding of CA (the purchasing process), their disconnection from concrete CA opened the possibility of serious dissonances between them. Both the new performance management system and the new ERP met difficulties to provide common languages, since the dimension of CA was taken for granted and consequently partly ignored in the engineering of both systems. When CA incurs radical transformations, actors'direct discursive exchanges about it, "collective activity about collective activity", become necessary to ensure a flexible and not deterministic coupling between CA and new management systems. This reflexive and collective analysis of the process by actors themselves requires the establishment of "communities of process", which can jointly redesign the CA and its performance measurement system. We conclude that performance measurement can be a common language as far as there is a clear and shared understanding of how CA should concretely take place and should be assigned to the different categories of actors."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
110 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2396
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8014"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8014"
"slug" => "8014-enquete-sur-le-facteur-x-lautonomie-de-lactivite-pour-le-management-des-ressources-humaines-et-pour-le-controle-de-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "1999-07"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "Enquête sur le facteur X. L'autonomie de l'activité pour le management des ressources humaines et pour le contrôle de gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et PEYROLLE, J.C. (1999). <i>Enquête sur le facteur X. L'autonomie de l'activité pour le management des ressources humaines et pour le contrôle de gestion</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PEYROLLE J.C."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Partant d'une série d'exemples empiriques, tels que le passage d'une organisation de la production taylorisée à un travail en ilôts chez un fabricant de skis, la communication fait référence aux travaux de l'économiste américain Harvey Leibenstein sur le "facteur-X" de productivité, à savoir, le "résidu épistémologique" qui apparaît dès que l'on tente de réduire l'ensemble hétérogène que constitue le fonctionnement d'une activité concrète au discours scientifique et technique qui prétend en rendre compte à des fins de contrôle. L'histoire de la pensée économique et gestionnaire montre comment a été adoptée et mise en oeuvre une définition fonctionnelle de l'activité, au détriment d'une définition cognitivie. Une voie opposée, défendue par des théoriciens tels que Wittgenstein et Dewey, consiste à admettre qu'aucun discours rationnel ne peut rendre compte de manière exhaustive et déterministe de l'activité et de ses effets d'apprentissage. Cette position peut être articulée avec les travaux de Leibestein sur l'efficience-X : 1) l'activité n'est pas modélisable de manière prédictive et contrôlable par un tiers, bien que ce soit sur un tel postulat que la plupart des instruments de GRH et de contrôle de gestion aient été élaborés , 2) l'échec des différentes tentatives de contrôle pose la question de la reconnaissance de l'autonomie de l'activité et de l'acteur, qui renvoie à l'autonomie des processus d'action , 3) la reconnaissance épistémologique de l'autonomie de l'activité favorise l'émergence de nouveaux outils de gestion transdisciplinaires."
"en" => "This text uses a series of empirical examples, such as the re-organization of production in a ski-manufacturing firm from a classical taylorist to an autonomous team-based organization. It proposes to apply Harvey Leibenstein's economic theory of "X-factor" of production to analyze productivity gains in such situations. The X-factor is an "epistemological residue" which appears when theory and practice try to reduce the concrete human activity, a complex and heterogeneous system, to the scientific and technological discourse which claims to account for activity and make it controllable. The history of Economics and Management Science clearly shows how and when a functional definition of activity was adopted and implemented, rather than a cognitive definition. However there is an alternate option, defended, for instance, by Wittgenstein and Dewey, quite coherent with Leibenstein's "factor-X" theory: no rational discourse can give a complete, deterministic and predictive account of activity and its learning effects, with several implications: 1) activity cannot be modelled in a predictive and controllable way by an external observer, though most human resource management tools and management control tools are based upon the opposite idea, 2) the failure of most activity control attempts raises the issue of activity autonomy, actor's autonomy and action process autonomy, 3) the acceptance of activity autonomy paves the way for the development and implementation of new, cross-functional management methods."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
111 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2397
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8126"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8126"
"slug" => "8126-la-fuite-manageriale-devant-la-complexite-lexemple-historique-du-lean-management"
"yearMonth" => "2014-06"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "La fuite managériale devant la complexité : l'exemple historique du "lean management""
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). <i>La fuite managériale devant la complexité : l'exemple historique du "lean management"</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Apprentissage organisationnel"
1 => "Complexité"
2 => "Gaspillage"
3 => "Lean Management"
4 => "Performance"
5 => "Processus"
6 => "Slack"
7 => "Temps"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce texte étudie la curieuse odyssée du "Lean Management"... Sous cette appellation, les théories et les pratiques managériales ont connu tout d'abord un virage décisif vers une vision processuelle et dynamique des organisations, puis un retour en arrière frappant vers les visions planificatrices et le contrôle par écarts. L'étude de ce renversement historique peut nous donner des clés de réflexion sur les obstacles à la vision processuelle des organisations dans le monde managérial. Le texte rappelle d'abord les idées clés mises initialement en avant par les pionniers du "lean management", fondées sur le Toyota Production System (TPS), et sur leur orientation clairement processuelle. Puis il analyse les pratiques aujourd'hui désignées comme "Lean Management" et le renversement historique surprenant qu'elles manifestent. Enfin il tentera d'identifier quelques-unes des raisons qui peuvent potentiellement expliquer ce renversement, en insistant particulièrement sur le traitement du temps et les notions de "slack" et de "gaspillage"."
"en" => "This paper studies the curious odyssey of "Lean Management"... Under this label, managerial ideas and practices have undergone, first a decisive step towards process thinking, and then a striking return to planning and variance control habits. The study of this historical shift can give us clues about obstacles to process thinking in the managerial world. The paper will first recall the key ideas originally highlighted by the pioneers of "lean management", based on the Toyota Production System (TPS), and their distinctly processual orientation. Then it will review the practices today labelled as "Lean Management" and the surprising historical reversal they reveal. Finally it will review some of the potential reasons why such a reversal took place, with a particular focus on the treatment of time and the notions of slack and wasted time."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
112 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2398
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8151"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8151"
"slug" => "8151-lapprentissage-organisationnel-bloque-groupe-bull-1986-1992-du-signe-porteur-dapprentissage-au-piege-de-lhabitude-et-de-la-representation-miroir"
"yearMonth" => "1998-12"
"year" => "1998"
"title" => "L'apprentissage organisationnel bloqué (Groupe BULL, 1986-1992) : du signe, porteur d'apprentissage, au piège de l'habitude et de la représentation-miroir"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1998). <i>L'apprentissage organisationnel bloqué (Groupe BULL, 1986-1992) : du signe, porteur d'apprentissage, au piège de l'habitude et de la représentation-miroir</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le groupe informatique Bull est confronté, à la fin des années 80, à la nécessité de convertir ses archétypes de performance d'un modèle manufacturier à un modèle de service et d'innovation. Cette mutation se heurte à l'inertie conjointe des schémas d'interprétation des acteurs et des systèmes de gestion formels de l'entreprise. La situation est analysée à la lumière des théories pragmatiques de l'apprentissage (Peirce, Dewey)."
"en" => "Computer producer Bull at the end of the eighties faces the necessity to transform its performance concept from a manufacturing model to a service and innovation model. Such a transformation is hampered by the difficulty to change actors' interpretation schemes and formal management systems. This situation is analyzed on the basis of the pragmatic theories of learning."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
113 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2399
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8190"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8190"
"slug" => "8190-les-deux-fonctions-du-pilotage-de-lentreprise-coordination-et-equilibration"
"yearMonth" => "1995-09"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Les deux fonctions du pilotage de l'entreprise : coordination et équilibration"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). <i>Les deux fonctions du pilotage de l'entreprise : coordination et équilibration</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le pilotage, c'est l'interprétation collective des processus de l'entreprise en termes de création de valeur. Il remplit deux fonctions : créer de la cohérence interprétative (fonction de coordination) entre les divers acteurs du processus et assurer la pertinence des représentations par une construction continue de l'équilibre entre invariance et changement des représentations (fonction d'équilibration). La fonction de coordination est analysée dans ses deux dimensions : sémiotique (nature des signes) et politique. La fonction d'équilibration est analysée par analogie avec les travaux de psychologie cognitive sur l'apprentissage (Piaget)."
"en" => "Firm steering is a collective (organizational) interpretation of how the processes of the firm generate value. It requires that 2 functions be fulfilled : that of creating coherence (coordination) between the different actors' interpretations and that of ensuring the relevance of representations by balancing invariance and change in performance representations (equilibration). The coordination function is analysed through two of its dimensions : semiotic (the nature of signs) and political (power structure). The equilibration function is analysed in terms of an analogy with cognitive psychology studies on human learning (Piaget)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
114 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2400
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8195"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8195"
"slug" => "8195-les-indicateurs-de-performance-dans-le-pilotage-organisationnel"
"yearMonth" => "1999-11"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "Les indicateurs de performance dans le pilotage organisationnel"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1999). <i>Les indicateurs de performance dans le pilotage organisationnel</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La notion d'indicateur joue un rôle essentiel dans la théorie et la pratique de la gestion des performances, mais donne lieu à de faux débats, par manque de clarification du concept. Un indicateur est en fait un signe construit par les acteurs de l'organisation pour aider à la conduite d'une action organisée. Il doit montrer un certain niveau de pertinence par rapport à l'action pilotée (pertinence opérationnelle), par rapport aux objectifs poursuivis (pertinence stratégique) et soutenir les processus cognitifs des acteurs concernés (efficacité cognitive). Il repose sur deux types d'interprétations : causes-effets (désignation d'une action pour poursuivre un objectif) et choix d'un mode de mesure pour un processus donné. Par rapport à ces divers impératifs, ce n'est pas l'indicateur en soi qui est en question, mais le système d'indicateurs, avec ses complémentarités internes et son ergonomie, et les pratiques socio-organisationnelles qui le mobilisent. En conclusion, le système d'indicateurs est contingent au choix d'objectifs et de leviers d'action, ne constitue qu'une infime partie des données de gestion et repose sur des jugements collectifs risqués et provisoires."
"en" => "The concept of indicator (measurement) plays an important role in performance management theory and practices. Due to insufficient clarification of the notion, there are many irrelevant debates about it. Actually an indicator is a sign built by the organization actors to help managing organizational action. It must be coherent with managed action (operational relevance), with objectives (strategic relevance) and it must support the learning processes of concerned actors (cognitive effectiveness). It is based upon two types of interpretations: causal (selection of action to reach an objective) and metrologic (choice of a measurement technique). Under those points of view, what is at issue is not the indicator by itself, but the system of indicators (with internal complementarities and ergonomy) and social practices which make use of the indicators. The system of indicators is contingent to objectives and action ways selected. It is only a small part of the management information. It is based upon collective risky and temporary judgments."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
115 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2401
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8249"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8249"
"slug" => "8249-management-systems-as-organizational-architextures-the-tacit-narrative-frames-of-collective-activity"
"yearMonth" => "2012-06"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Management Systems as Organizational "Architextures": The Tacit Narrative Frames of Collective Activity"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2012). <i>Management Systems as Organizational "Architextures": The Tacit Narrative Frames of Collective Activity</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Architexture"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Habitude"
4 => "Instruments architecturaux"
5 => "Médiation sémiotique"
6 => "Narration organisationnelle"
7 => "Pragmatisme"
8 => "Processus d’organisation"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'architecture des bâtiments influence les relations de travail et les pratiques organisationnelles. Le cas de l'architecture peut être étendu à d'autres systèmes instrumentaux complexes qui contraignent et habilitent, non seulement l'activité d'équipes locales, mais aussi des processus d'organisation inter-fonctionnels. L'article explore la contribution potentielle des recherches sur la "sociomaterialité" à l'analyse de tels “instruments architecturaux” (ex. logiciels de gestion intégrés ou "ERP"). Il suggère qu'il leur manque une théorie de l'activité collective, qu'il propose de conceptualiser comme production collective de sens à travers des interactions dialogiques médiatisées par des signes triadiques, en s'inspirant des auteurs pragmatistes. Au-delà des diverses classes d'instruments médiatisant l'action, la médiation fondamentale est fournie par le répertoire culturel des habitudes, qui rendent les actes situés reconnaissables, discutables, et les relient à la culture. Les habitudes sont au cœur de la répétition adaptative. Lorsqu'elles sont perturbées par des situations inattendues, elles déclenchent des enquêtes qui les reconstruisent. L'itération habitude/enquête configure le récit polyphonique de ce que les acteurs font ensemble, agencé par des cadres narratifs implicites, des "architextures", par exemple les cadres spatio-temporels ou des personnages types. Les instruments architecturaux sont "architecturaux" parce qu'ils sont "architextuels", c. à d. qu'ils instancient des cadres narratifs implicites dans l'activité quotidienne. Cette approche est illustrée par deux cas: la mise en œuvre d'un ERP dans une compagnie d'électricité et une procédure informelle destinée à gérer les modifications de produit dans une société aérospatiale."
"en" => "Architectures of buildings influence work relationships and organizational practices. The case of building architecture can be extended to other complex instrumental systems which constrain and enable, not only the activity of local teams, but entire organizational processes, across functions. This paper explores the potential contribution of "sociomateriality" research to analyze such “architectural instruments” (e.g. integrated management information systems - ERP). It is suggested that sociomateriality analyses lack a theory of collective activity. Pragmatist authors allow conceptualizing activity as the collective production of meaning through dialogical interactions mediated by triadic signs. Beyond multiple classes of tooling, the basic mediation of activity is provided by the cultural repertory of habits, which makes situated acts recognizable, debatable, and connects them to culture. Habits are the key to adaptive repetition, but, when disrupted by unexpected situations, they trigger inquiries to reengineer them. The iteration between habit and inquiry, the two building blocks of collective activity, shapes the polyphonic narrative of what actors do together, framed by tacit narrative frames, "architextures", such as temporal-spatial frames and generic characters. Architectural instruments are "architectural" because they are "architextual", i.e. because they instantiate implicit narrative frames in day-to-day activity. Two cases illustrate these ideas: the implementation of an ERP system in an electricity company and an informal procedure to manage engineering changes in an aerospace company."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
116 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2402
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8343"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8343"
"slug" => "8343-process-based-management-and-the-central-role-of-dialogical-collective-activity-in-organizational-learning-the-case-of-work-safety-in-the-building-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2007-05"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Process Based Management and the Central Role of Dialogical Collective Activity in Organizational Learning. The Case of Work Safety in the Building Industry"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2007). <i>Process Based Management and the Central Role of Dialogical Collective Activity in Organizational Learning. The Case of Work Safety in the Building Industry</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Chronotope"
2 => "Dialogisme"
3 => "Enquête"
4 => "Gestion de la sécurité"
5 => "Gestion par les prcessus"
6 => "Processus"
7 => "Sensemaking collectif"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La notion de " processus ", qui décrit la coopération entre pratiques et compétences hétérogènes pour aboutir à un certain type de résultat, a conquis une position clé dans les pratiques managériales au cours des vingt dernières années. Ce texte présente trois idées sur la place des processus dans les dynamiques organisationnelles, il teste leur applicabilité aux questions de sécurité du travail dans le cas d'une entreprise du bâtiment. Première idée : le succès de la notion de processus manifeste le rôle central de l'activité collective " conjointe " (combinant des activités complémentaires, par opposition à " commune ", combinant des activités analogues) dans l'apprentissage organisationnel. L'activité collective " conjointe " est dialogique (" les actes parlent ") et médiatisée par l'utilisation de systèmes sémiotiques (langages et instruments techniques ou managériaux). Deuxième idée : l'apprentissage organisationnel n'est fondé ni sur la subjectivité individuelle des acteurs ni sur les artefacts technologiques objectifs engagés dans les processus, mais plutôt sur la compréhension et la reconception continue des processus par les acteurs du processus eux-mêmes, dans le cadre d'une enquête réflexive et dialogique, " activité collective sur l'activité collective " déclenchée et dynamisée par des jugements évaluatifs sur le processus. Troisième idée : il y a de multiples possibilités de délimiter les processus dans une organisation. L'enquête réflexive enacte une configuration spécifique sociale, spatiale et temporelle du processus, son " chronotope ", pour reprendre le vocabulaire de Bakhtine. Le chronotope du processus influence profondément la manière dont les acteurs peuvent faire sens de l'activité collective et la transformer. Une étude de cas longitudinale sur la sécurité du travail sur les chantiers de bâtiments montre qu'il est difficile de supprimer le danger par des moyens de contrôle, une fois que la conception a été réalisée, dans le cadre du processus " exécuter le projet ", mais qu'il est plus aisé de réduire le danger par la conception, quand les acteurs conçoivent et reconçoivent collectivement leur activité collective, des toutes premières phases d'un projet de construction jusqu'à son achèvement. Une voie majeure pour améliorer la sécurité est donc d'étendre le chronotope de l'activité collective étudiée, en dépassant la séparation traditionnelle entre " conception / planification " et " réalisation ". La conclusion résume les principaux enjeux théoriques, epistémologiques et pratiques de cette recherche sur l'activité collective conjointe."
"en" => "The notion of "process", which describes the cooperation of heterogeneous practices and competences for a given output, has gained a major position in managerial practices for the last twenty years. This paper presents three ideas about organizational dynamics and processes and tests their applicability in the case of work safety improvement in a building company. The first idea is that the success of the process notion shows the central role of "conjoint" (as opposed to "common") collective activity in organizational learning. Conjoint collective activity is dialogical ("acts speak") and mediated by the utilization of semiotic systems (languages and technical and managerial tools). The second idea is that organizational learning is neither based on the actors' individual subjectivity nor on the technological and objective artefacts engaged in the processes, but rather on the reflexive understanding and ongoing redesign of processes by the process actors themselves, in the frame of a reflexive inquiry, a "collective activity about collective activity" which is triggered and kept in motion by axiological judgments (process evaluation). The third idea is that the possibilities to configure processes in a given organization are multiple. The reflexive inquiry enacts a specific social, spatial and time configuration of the process, its "chronotope" in Bakhtin's vocabulary, which plays a major role in the way actors can make sense of their collective activity and transform it. A longitudinal case study about work safety on the building yards shows that it is difficult to "control out" risk at work once designs have been established, in the frame of the "project execution" process, but it is easier to "design out" risk, when the actors of the process collectively design and redesign their collective activity, from the very first phases of a building project to the end. Therefore a major way to improve safety consists in extending the chronotope of the collective activity under consideration, overcoming the traditional separation between "design / planning" and "execution". The conclusion summarizes the main theoretical, epistemological and practical issues involved in this research about conjoint collective activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
117 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2403
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8381"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8381"
"slug" => "8381-reseaux-de-construction-et-de-diffusion-des-connaissances"
"yearMonth" => "1995-05"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Réseaux de construction et de diffusion des connaissances"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). <i>Réseaux de construction et de diffusion des connaissances</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les problématiques des réseaux scientifiques ou techniques (réseau des adopteurs d'une norme technologique, réseau de laboratoires, réseau de coopération technique) paraissent transposables à l'apprentissage organisationnel à l'intérieur de l'entreprise. A partir d'une représentation du pilotage de gestion comme fonctionnement d'un réseau d'acteurs qui centralisent les connaissances, le texte tente donc de puiser quelques problématiques clés et des éléments de réponse dans la modélisation par réseaux."
"en" => "Some issues, analysed in the context of scientific and technological networks, (standard choice makers, laboratories, technological cooperation networks) can apparently be applied to organizational learning within the firm. By representing management control as a network of knowledge building actors, this paper tries to derive some answers and the key issues relating to network-based models."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
118 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2404
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8380"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8380"
"slug" => "8380-research-methods-for-non-representational-approaches-of-organizational-complexity-the-dialogical-and-mediated-inquiry"
"yearMonth" => "2010-02"
"year" => "2010"
"title" => "Research Methods for Non-Representational Approaches of Organizational Complexity. The Dialogical and Mediated Inquiry"
"description" => "LORINO, P., CLOT, Y. et TRICARD, B. (2010). <i>Research Methods for Non-Representational Approaches of Organizational Complexity. The Dialogical and Mediated Inquiry</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CLOT Y."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Dialogisme"
1 => "Enquête"
2 => "Interprétation"
3 => "Médiation sémiotique"
4 => "Méthodes de recherche"
5 => "Pragmatisme"
6 => "Sécurité du travail"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce papier explore les implications méthodologiques d'approches non représentationnelles de la complexité organisationnelle. Les théories représentationnelles sont centrées sur les formes de complexité syntaxiques (relationnelles) des systèmes, alors que les processus d'organisation sont principalement caractérisés par des formes de complexité sémantiques (sens des représentations) et pragmatiques (effets pratiques). Après avoir souligné la contribution des approches non représentationnelles à l'étude des organisations, l'article met en évidence le risque d'enfermer la critique des cadres théoriques représentationnels dans des dilemmes insolubles telles que "intuition" contre "pensée réflexive" ou "théorisation" contre "expérimentation". Pour résoudre cette difficulté, il est suggéré de recourir à une théorie triadique de l'interprétation, et plus précisément aux concepts de médiation sémiotique, d'enquête et de dialogisme. La médiation sémiotique relie de manière dynamique l'expérience située et des catégories génériques de significations, construites socialement. L'enquête articule la pensée logique, la pensée narrative et l'expérimentation. Le dialogisme conceptualise la production de significations à travers les interactions situées des acteurs. Une approche méthodologique fondée sur ces concepts, "l'enquête dialogique et médiatisée" (DMI), est proposée et expérimentée dans une étude de cas sur la sécurité du travail dans l'industrie de la construction. Cette vision interprétative exige de complexifier le processus d'enquête plutôt que les modèles représentationnels de la réalité. L'approche DMI complexifie le processus d'enquête en établissant des communautés d'enquête pluralistes, au sein desquelles des perspectives interprétatives différentes peuvent interagir. Dans sa conclusion, l'article discute la contribution spécifique et les limites de cette approche en comparaison d'autres méthodes de recherche qualitatives."
"en" => "This paper explores the methodological implications of non-representational approaches of organizational complexity. Representational theories focus on the syntactic complexity of systems, whereas organizing processes are predominantly characterized by semantic and pragmatic forms of complexity. After underlining the contribution of non-representational approaches to the study of organizations, the paper warns against the risk of confining the critique of representational frameworks to paradoxical dichotomies like intuition versus reflexive thought or theorizing versus experimenting. To sort out this difficulty, it is suggested to use a triadic theory of interpretation, and more particularly the concepts of semiotic mediation, inquiry and dialogism. Semiotic mediation dynamically links situated experience and generic classes of meanings. Inquiry articulates logical thinking, narrative thinking and experimenting. Dialogism conceptualizes the production of meaning through the situated interactions of actors. A methodological approach based on those concepts, "the dialogical and mediated inquiry" (DMI), is proposed and experimented in a case study about work safety in the construction industry. This interpretive view requires complicating the inquiring process rather than the mirroring models of reality. In DMI, the inquiring process is complicated by establishing pluralist communities of inquiry in which different perspectives challenge each other. Finally the paper discusses the specific contribution of this approach compared with other qualitative methods and its present limits."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
119 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2405
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8391"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8391"
"slug" => "8391-role-of-an-abc-abm-model-in-continuous-learning"
"yearMonth" => "1995-09"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Role of an ABC-ABM Model in Continuous Learning"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). <i>Role of an ABC-ABM Model in Continuous Learning</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'apprentissage continu de l'organisation est fondé sur des représentations. Un mode de représentation privilégié est le modèle activités/processus. Il permet de rendre compte de la création de valeur en réponse à des besoins spécifiques des clients, de déployer des objectifs stratégiques et de donner une portée opérationnelle au concept de chaîne de valeur. Il est utilement complété par une comptabilité par activités (ABC), permettant de chiffrer économiquement le modèle. Un cas d'application est présenté dans le secteur de l'emballage plastique."
"en" => "Continuous organizational learning is based upon representations. One specific type of representation is particularly powerful : the activity and business process model. It describes customer value generation, displays strategic objectives and opens up ways for the practical implementation of the value chain concept . It is useful to complete it by an Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in order to quantify the model in terms of economic figures. One implementation case in the plastic packaging industry is presented."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
120 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2406
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8421"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8421"
"slug" => "8421-stylistic-creativity-in-the-utilization-of-management-tools"
"yearMonth" => "2007-01"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Stylistic Creativity in the Utilization of Management Tools"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2007). <i>Stylistic Creativity in the Utilization of Management Tools</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Genre"
2 => "Gestion de la performance"
3 => "Instruments"
4 => "Instruments de gestion"
5 => "Interprétation"
6 => "Pragmatisme"
7 => "Sémiotique"
8 => "Style"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Nous analysons ici le rôle des instruments de gestion dans le développement de l'activité collective et dans les dynamiques organisationnelles, en recourant à la théorie pragmatique et sémiotique. Les théories dualistes fondées sur le concept de représentation (rationalisme, cognitivisme) voient les instruments comme la reproduction des situations dans un langage symbolique, destinée à permettre aux acteurs de traduire leur activité concrète complexe dans des modèles computables (relevant d'un traitement logique). Les théories fondées sur le concept d'interprétation (pragmatisme, théorie de l'activité, cognition et action situées) caractérisent les instruments comme des signes interprétés par les acteurs pour faire sens de leur activité collective, d'une manière permanente et située. Les instruments combinent des artefacts objectifs et des schèmes interprétatifs d'utilisation, par lesquels le sujet interprète les artefacts et les traduit en action. Ils contraignent les interprétations et les formes d'utilisation mais ne les déterminent pas complètement: ils définissent des genres (classes génériques) d'activités collaborative, tout en laissant un espace pour des schèmes interprétatifs individuels ou locaux et une création stylistique dans la manière de les utiliser. Une part essentielle des dynamiques organisationnelles intervient dans le jeu permanent entre genre instrumental et styles. Si les théories représentationnelles peuvent offrir une approximation acceptable dans des contextes organisationnels stables et assez simples, les théories interprétatives permettent de mieux expliquer les situations incertaines et complexes. Elles intègrent le rôle des émotions et de la créativité comme élément intrinsèque essentiel du processus interprétatif, plutôt que comme biais exogène d'un processus de modélisation rationnel. Pour la recherche future, nous souhaitons étudier comment les théories interprétatives devraient transformer les pratiques managériales et améliorer, non seulement l'intelligibilité, mais aussi l'actionnabilité des instruments et des situations instrumentées."
"en" => "We analyze the role of management instruments in the development of collective activity and in the dynamics of organization, recurring to pragmatic and semiotic theories. In dualist representation-based theories (rationalism, cognitivism), instruments are seen as symbolic reflections of situations, which enable actors to translate their complex concrete activities into computable models. In interpretation-based theories (pragmatism, theory of activity, situated cognition), instruments are viewed as signs interpreted by actors to make sense of their collective activity, in an ongoing and situated manner. Instruments combine objective artefacts and interpretive schemes of utilization. They constrain interpretation and utilization, but do not completely determine them: they define genus (generic classes) of collective activity, but they leave space for individual or local interpretive schemes and stylistic creation in using them. A major part of organizational dynamics takes place in the permanent interplay between instrumental genus and styles. Whereas representation-based theories can be acceptable approximations in stable and reasonably simple organizational settings, interpretation-based theories make uncertain and complex situations more intelligible. They view emotions and creativity as a key part of the interpretive process, rather than as external biases of a rational modelling process. For future research, we wish to study how interpretation-based theories should impact managerial practices and improve, not only intelligibility, but also actionability of instruments and situations."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
121 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2407
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8461"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8461"
"slug" => "8461-the-instrumental-genesis-of-collective-activity-the-case-of-an-erp-implementation-in-a-large-electricity-producer"
"yearMonth" => "2007-05"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "The Instrumental Genesis of Collective Activity. The Case of an ERP Implementation in a Large Electricity Producer"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2007). <i>The Instrumental Genesis of Collective Activity. The Case of an ERP Implementation in a Large Electricity Producer</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Communauté"
2 => "Dialogisme"
3 => "ERP"
4 => "Genèse instrumentale de l'activité"
5 => "Instruments"
6 => "Interprétation"
7 => "Sensemaking collectif"
8 => "Signe"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'activité collective devrait être un sujet majeur pour l'étude des dynamiques organisationnelles, par exemple dans le cas de la mise en place de systèmes d'information de gestion intégrés (ERP). L'activité collective est analysée ici comme une construction dialogique continue par les acteurs. Elle est toujours médiatisée par des systèmes de signes et en particulier par des instruments. Pour concevoir et adapter l'activité collective, il faut qu'ait lieu un échange dialogique réflexif entre les acteurs, une " activité collective sur l'activité collective ", médiatisée par des instruments, que nous dénommons " la genèse instrumentale de l'activité collective ". Nous analysons le cas de la mise en œuvre d'un ERP à EDF, grand opérateur du secteur de l'énergie électrique, dans le domaine des achats et des approvisionnements de la division " production ". La conception et la mise en œuvre du nouveau système n'a pas été clairement identifiée comme genèse instrumentale de l'activité collective. Des difficultés sont apparues, notamment pour ce qui concerne les coopérations transversales (inter-métiers) et pour la construction de nouveaux profils de compétence professionnels. À la lumière de ce cas, nous suggérons que l'établissement de communautés (de métiers et de processus) et l'hybridation des compétences professionnelles sont des conditions clés pour l'intelligibilité et l'actionnabilité de l'activité collective."
"en" => "Collective activity should be a focal subject to study organizational dynamics, particularly in relation with the implementation of management systems such as ERPs. Collective activity is analyzed here as an ongoing dialogical construction by actors. It is always mediated by signs and particularly by instruments. To design and adapt collective activity, a reflexive dialogical exchange between actors, a "collective activity about collective activity", mediated by instruments, is necessary: we call it "the instrumental genesis of collective activity". We analyze the case of an ERP implementation at EDF, a large electricity company, in the purchase and procurement area of the production division. The design and implementation of the new system was not clearly viewed as the instrumental genesis of collective activity. Difficulties appeared particularly for cross-functional cooperation and for the construction of new professional profiles of competence. In the light of this case, we suggest that key conditions for the intelligibility and the actionability of collective activity are the establishment of communities and the hybridization of professional competences."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
122 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2408
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8483"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8483"
"slug" => "8483-theorie-strategique-des-approches-fondees-sur-les-ressources-aux-approches-fondees-sur-les-processus"
"yearMonth" => "1997-08"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Théorie stratégique : des approches fondées sur les ressources aux approches fondées sur les processus"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1997). <i>Théorie stratégique : des approches fondées sur les ressources aux approches fondées sur les processus</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les approches stratégiques fondées sur les ressources sont handicapées par le caractère très flou du concept de ressource. Celui-ci recouvre en fait deux réalités bien distinctes : des ressources au sens économique de "facteurs de production", et des compétences, liées à la mise en oeuvre de processus de travail collectifs. La capacité d'assurer des avantages comparatifs pérennes se fonde plus aisément sur la maîtrise de processus et de compétences critiques que sur la détention monopolistique de facteurs de production. La voie est donc ouverte au développement d'approches stratégiques fondées sur les processus."
"en" => "Resource-based strategic theories are weakened by the fuzziness of the concept of "resource", which actually entails two very different meanings: (static) resources in the sense developped by economic theory (production factors) and (dynamic) competences. Competences are intricately linked with organizational work processes. It is easier to build sustainable comparative advantages by controlling critical processes and competences rather than by using resources in a protected and monopolistic way. There is a strong need to develop process-based strategic theories."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
123 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2409
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8500"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8500"
"slug" => "8500-une-lecture-de-linterdisciplinarite-le-decloisonnement-des-metiers-dans-lentreprise"
"yearMonth" => "1995-05"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Une lecture de l'interdisciplinarité : le décloisonnement des métiers dans l'entreprise"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). <i>Une lecture de l'interdisciplinarité : le décloisonnement des métiers dans l'entreprise</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "On observe dans les entreprises une mutation profonde des modèles de coopération et d'apprentissage collectif du modèle clos, séquentiel et introverti de la compétence "métier" au modèle ouvert, "concourant/parallèle" et extraverti de l'output coopératif "inter-métiers". Ceci correspond à une transformation radicale des modes collectifs de traitement des problèmes, en réponse à leur complexité croissante."
"en" => "The models of cooperation and social integration of the different forms of specialized professional knowledge are changing deeply within the firm : from the closed, sequential and introverted models of "competence" to the open, concurrent and extraverted models of "cross-functional processes". This can be attributed to new procedures for collective problem solving, in the context of growing complexity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
124 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2410
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8517"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8517"
"slug" => "8517-vers-une-theorie-pragmatique-et-semiotique-des-outils-appliquee-aux-instruments-de-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "2002-07"
"year" => "2002"
"title" => "Vers une théorie pragmatique et sémiotique des outils appliquée aux instruments de gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2002). <i>Vers une théorie pragmatique et sémiotique des outils appliquée aux instruments de gestion</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les recherches en sciences de gestion et en théorie des organisations n'explicitent généralement pas la théorie des outils sur laquelle elles s'appuient pour rendre compte du rôle des instruments de gestion dans les dynamiques organisationnelles. Ce rôle essentiel reste relativement mystérieux du fait du manque de cadre théorique. En s'appuyant sur quelques exemples (le target costing en conception, les approches par activités en comptabilité de gestion, le balanced scorecard en pilotage de performance), cette communication tentera de dégager les éléments d'un cadre théorique non positiviste (ne faisant pas abstraction des dynamiques d'acteurs et du caractère subjectif de la connaissance et de l'interprétation) pour analyser le rôle des instruments de gestion comme outils informationnels auxquels s'appliquent les concepts psychologiques, sémiotiques et sociologiques d'une théorie des outils."
"en" => "Business Administration Research and Theories of Organization do not generally explicit the theory of tools they use to analyze the role of management tools in organizational dynamics. This fundamental role remains relatively mysterious for lack of theoretical frame. By using some examples (Target Costing in Design, Activity-based approaches in Management Accounting, Balanced Scorecard in Performance Management), this communication will try to define features of a non-positivist frame, taking into account actors' dynamics and subjective nature of knowledge and interpretation, to analyze the role of management tools as informational tools to which psychological, semiotic and sociological concepts about ordinary tools can be applied."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
125 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2411
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8643"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8643"
"slug" => "8643-preface-le-management-et-laction-complexe-controler-ou-explorer"
"yearMonth" => "2016-12"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Préface : Le management et l'action complexe : contrôler ou explorer?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2016). Préface : Le management et l'action complexe : contrôler ou explorer? Dans: <i>De la complexité de l'action dans les organisations</i>. 1st ed. Growth Publisher."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "De la complexité de l'action dans les organisations"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Préfaces d'un ouvrage"
"en" => "Prefaces of a book"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Deux paradigmes de l’organisation ont émergé et s’affrontent historiquement: l’organisation comme processeur d’information, cohérente avec l’identification du management à une fonction de contrôle, et l’organisation comme système d’action collectif, cohérent avec l’identification du management à une fonction se soutien heuristique des enquêtes réflexives menées par les équipes opérationnelles sur leur propre activité. Au cœur du premier paradigme se situe le concept de représentation rationnelle de l’action (taylorisme) ou de la pensée sur l’action (cognitivisme, Herbert Simon). Au cœur du second paradigme se situe le concept d’enquête issu de la philosophie pragmatiste et développé dans le monde des entreprises par le mouvement de la Qualité, qui met l’accent sur deux règles méthodologiques : toute démarche de progrès est expérimentale et il n’y a pas de substitut à l’expérience directe de l’activité (“learning by doing”). Ces deux règles visent à prendre en compte la complexité de l’action située, qu’à l’inverse les représentations cognitivistes tendent à sous-estimer."
"en" => "Two organizational paradigms have emerged and are historically competing: the organization as an information processor, coherent with the identification of management as a control function, and organization as a system of collective action, coherent with the Identification of management as a heuristic support function: the methodological support of the reflexive inquiries conducted by operational teams on their own activity. The concept of rational representation, representation of action (Taylorism) or representation of thought about action (cognitivism, Herbert Simon) is at the heart of the first paradigm. At the heart of the second paradigm is the concept of inquiry, stemming from the pragmatist philosophy and developed in the business world by the Quality management movement. It emphasizes two methodological rules: any organizational improvement is experimental and there is no substitute for the direct experience of activity ("learning by doing"). These two rules are intended to take into account the complexity of situated action, which cognitivist representations tend to underestimate."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
126 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2412
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8732"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8732"
"slug" => "8732-coherence-la-quete-du-graal"
"yearMonth" => "2000-04"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "Cohérence : la quête du Graal"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2000). Cohérence : la quête du Graal. <i>Les Echos</i>, pp. 10-11."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "10-11"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles ou vidéos de vulgarisation"
"en" => "Press article, video or other popular media"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Presse"
"en" => "Press"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Il y a parfois incohérence entre les objectifs stratégiques de l'entreprise et ses méthodes de gestion. La cohérence, en la matière, est difficile à assurer, car les relations entre logiques de gestion et impacts stratégiques sont complexes. Cette cohérence est le produit d'une démarche collective de résolution des problèmes, qui doit être réactualisée en permanence, donc le produit d'un apprentissage collectif fondé sur l'action. La conception stratégique des méthodes de gestion doit ainsi être fondée sur une modélisation partagée de l'action, ce qui a plusieurs conséquences : le dirigeant est avant tout un "animateur d'enquêtes collectives" , la pertinence des méthodes de gestion est purement pragmatique et contingente, et dépend de leur efficacité pour soutenir l'apprentissage , la gestion des compétences passe au premier plan des préoccupations gestionnaires."
"en" => "At times there are discrepancies between corporate strategic objectives and management methods. Coherence is difficult to achieve in this matter, since relations between management methods and strategic implications are complex. Such coherence requires a collective problem-solving procedure, which must be continuously updated. Consequently it is based upon action-based collective learning. The strategic design of management and control methods must therefore be based upon a shared model of organizational action, which involves that: 1) the executive manager is first of all a "supervisor of collective inquiries", 2) the relevance of management methods is totally contingent and pragmatic : it depends on how effective they are to support collective learning, 3) competence management moves to the first rank of managerial issues."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
127 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2413
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9108"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9108"
"slug" => "9108-les-progiciels-de-gestion-erp-etouffoirs-ou-declencheurs"
"yearMonth" => "2006-06"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "Les progiciels de gestion ERP : étouffoirs ou déclencheurs ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2006). Les progiciels de gestion ERP : étouffoirs ou déclencheurs ? <i>Les Echos</i>, pp. 10-11."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Communauté de processus"
1 => "ERP"
2 => "Innovation organisationnelle"
3 => "Processus"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "10-11"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles ou vidéos de vulgarisation"
"en" => "Press article, video or other popular media"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Presse"
"en" => "Press"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Quels sont les effets des progiciels de gestion intégrés, dits ERP, sur l'organisation et sa capacité d'innovation ? Pour leurs détracteurs, ils introduiraient une rigidité intolérable et néfaste. La pratique montre qu'ils peuvent être à l'origine de changements favorables à l'innovation organisationnelle. Tout dépend de la manière dont leur introduction est appréhendée et prise en charge collectivement."
"en" => "What is the impact of integrated management softwares, called ERP, on organizations and their capacity to innovate? For their opponents, they introduce unbearable and regressive rigidity. Practice tends to show that they can induce changes which facilitate organizational innovation. It depends mainly on the way their introduction is managed and collectively undertaken."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
128 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2414
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4796"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4796"
"slug" => "4796-les-deux-fonctions-du-pilotage-de-lentreprise-coordination-et-equilibration"
"yearMonth" => "1995-09"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Les deux fonctions du pilotage de l'entreprise : coordination et équilibration"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). Les deux fonctions du pilotage de l'entreprise : coordination et équilibration. Dans: <i>La connaissance dans la dynamique des organisations productives</i>. Université d'Aix-en-Provence."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "La connaissance dans la dynamique des organisations productives"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le pilotage de l'entreprise, qu'il soit centralisé ou émergent, doit rendre possible les processus d'action collective en coordonnant les actions et les représentations dans l'espace organisationnel et en équilibrant le changement et la stabilité dans les savoirs et les représentations."
"en" => "Firm steering, be it centralized or emergent, must make organizational action processes possible by coordinating actions and representations in the organizational space and by balancing change and stability in collective knowledge and representations."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
129 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2415
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5016"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5016"
"slug" => "5016-quels-usages-des-indicateurs-de-performance"
"yearMonth" => "2013-06"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Quels usages des indicateurs de performance"
"description" => "BONNEFOND, J., LORINO, P., GOMEZ, M.L. et ZICARI, A. (2013). Quels usages des indicateurs de performance. Dans: <i>34ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité 2013</i>. Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC)."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J.‐Y."
"ouvrage" => "34ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité 2013"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les indicateurs de qualité se multiplient dans le monde hospitalier, avec un objectif d’amélioration des pratiques médicales et de maîtrise des risques poursuivi par les pouvoirs publics. La question se pose de l’usage de ces indicateurs par les différents professionnels. Cette recherche analyse l’usage de l’indicateur de tenue du dossier anesthésique, le DAN, déployé en 2008, qui évalue la complétude des informations contenues dans les dossiers anesthésiques patients. Pour cela, la recherche mobilise la théorie instrumentale (Rabardel 1995 ; Lorino 2002). Elle s’appuie sur une étude qualitative menée dans quatre hôpitaux ainsi que par l’observation de réunions de la HAS et la société française d’anesthésie‐réanimation."
"en" => "Quality performance indicators have spread among French hospitals in the last ten years. Yet the use of these indicators by health professionals is still to be explored. This research aims at analyzing the use of the anesthetic record folder indicator. This indicator evaluated the completeness of the information held in the anesthetic record. It is calculated once a year for every hospital. We analyze the use of this indicator by anesthetic professionals through the lens of the activity theory (Rabardel 1995; Lorino 2002). It is based on a qualitative study lead in four hospitals and the observation of meetings between the professional association of anesthetic MD and the national authority for health."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
130 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2416
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5074"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5074"
"slug" => "5074-social-innovation-as-an-abductive-and-dialogical-process-case-study-planning-a-new-urban-area"
"yearMonth" => "2013-06"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Social Innovation as an Abductive and Dialogical Process. Case Study: Planning a New Urban Area"
"description" => "LORINO, P., GOMEZ, M.L. et BLANC, B. (2013). Social Innovation as an Abductive and Dialogical Process. Case Study: Planning a New Urban Area. Dans: <i>Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies</i>. University of Cyprus."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "BLANC B."
"ouvrage" => "Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'article analyse un processus de planification urbaine innovant au travers des grilles de l'abduction et de l'approche dialogique."
"en" => "We suggest to combine dialogical approach with abduction, to provide a path to sociality and give an account of innovating processes as dialogical narrative processes, the process of building a narrative in the ongoing exchange between distinct sensemaking perspectives."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
131 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2417
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5155"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5155"
"slug" => "5155-the-passion-of-inquiry-the-contribution-of-abduction-for-research-on-organizational-knowledge-and-learning"
"yearMonth" => "2005-01"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "The Passion of Inquiry: The Contribution of Abduction for Research on Organizational Knowledge and Learning"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L. et LORINO, P. (2005). The Passion of Inquiry: The Contribution of Abduction for Research on Organizational Knowledge and Learning. Dans: <i>Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (vol. 1)</i>. University of Trento e-books, pp. 657-681."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (vol. 1)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "657-681"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'abduction est le mode de raisonnement qui permet d'expliquer comment de nouvelles idées et de nouvelles théories émergent. Conceptualisée par C.S. Peirce comme la clé de voûte de l'enquête pragmatique, l'abduction, d'abord inférence logique, modifie notre épistémologie et nos méthodologies de recherches. L'article présente l'abduction et analyse ses conséquences méthodologiques. Il discute de son intérêt pour les recherches sur l'apprentissage et la dynamique des connaissances, de par son apport dans les démarches exploratoires, particulièrement présentes dans ce champ, mais également parce que l'abduction modifie intrinsèquement notre perspective sur la création de connaissances."
"en" => "Abduction is a form of reasoning introduced by C.S. Peirce to explain how we can build new ideas and propose new theories. It is “the only logical operation which introduces any new idea.” (Peirce, 5.171). Abduction is a cornerstone in the pragmatic inquiry. With roots in epistemology and logics, the concept migrated towards research methodology. Taking into account abduction deeply modifies research process. This paper aims to present the principles of abduction and to analyze its consequences for research methods. This point sounds particularly relevant for research on knowledge and learning because of the importance of exploratory approaches and because abduction modifies also our perspectives on knowing in organizations."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
132 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2418
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5172"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5172"
"slug" => "5172-the-use-of-anesthetic-file-record-indicator-for-doctors-practice-an-activity-and-instrumental-perspective"
"yearMonth" => "2013-07"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "The Use of Anesthetic File Record Indicator for Doctors' Practice: An Activity and Instrumental Perspective"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., ZICARI, A., WAELLI, M., BONNEFOND, J.Y., BENHAMOU, D. et LORINO, P. (2013). The Use of Anesthetic File Record Indicator for Doctors' Practice: An Activity and Instrumental Perspective. Dans: <i>Proceedings of the 29th EGOS Colloquium 2013</i>. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "WAELLI M."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J.-Y."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "BENHAMOU D."
"ouvrage" => "Proceedings of the 29th EGOS Colloquium 2013"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Alors que les indicateurs de qualité se multiplient dans le monde hospitalier, avec un objectif d’amélioration des pratiques médicales et de maîtrise des risques poursuivi par les pouvoirs publics. La question se pose de l’usage de ces indicateurs par les différents professionnels. Cette recherche analyse l’usage de l’indicateur de tenue du dossier anesthésique, le DAN, déployé en 2008, qui évalue la complétude des informations contenues dans les dossiers anesthésiques patients. Pour cela, la recherche mobilise la théorie instrumentale (Rabardel 1995 ; Lorino 2002). Elle s’appuie sur une étude qualitative menée dans quatre hôpitaux ainsi que par l’observation de réunions de la HAS et la société française d’anesthésie-réanimation."
"en" => "Alors que les indicateurs de qualité se multiplient dans le monde hospitalier, avec un objectif d’amélioration des pratiques médicales et de maîtrise des risques poursuivi par les pouvoirs publics. La question se pose de l’usage de ces indicateurs par les différents professionnels. Cette recherche analyse l’usage de l’indicateur de tenue du dossier anesthésique, le DAN, déployé en 2008, qui évalue la complétude des informations contenues dans les dossiers anesthésiques patients. Pour cela, la recherche mobilise la théorie instrumentale (Rabardel 1995 ; Lorino 2002). Elle s’appuie sur une étude qualitative menée dans quatre hôpitaux ainsi que par l’observation de réunions de la HAS et la société française d’anesthésie-réanimation."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
133 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2419
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5369"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5369"
"slug" => "5369-activity-control-or-activity-inquiring-the-turbulent-relationship-between-management-and-collective-activity-and-its-mediating-artefacts"
"yearMonth" => "2016-07"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Activity Control or Activity Inquiring? The Turbulent Relationship Between Management and Collective Activity and its Mediating Artefacts"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2016). Activity Control or Activity Inquiring? The Turbulent Relationship Between Management and Collective Activity and its Mediating Artefacts. Dans: 32nd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2016."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "32nd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2016"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
134 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2420
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5442"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5442"
"slug" => "5442-artifacts-as-mediators-of-action-a-debate-between-ant-activity-theory-and-pragmatist-views-of-mediation"
"yearMonth" => "2011-06"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "Artifacts as Mediators of Action: A Debate Between ANT, Activity Theory and Pragmatist Views of Mediation"
"description" => "HABRAN, Y., LORINO, P., MOURITSEN, J. et BLANC, B. (2011). Artifacts as Mediators of Action: A Debate Between ANT, Activity Theory and Pragmatist Views of Mediation. Dans: 3rd International Symposium on Process Organization Studies."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "HABRAN Y."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOURITSEN J."
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "BLANC B."
"ouvrage" => "3rd International Symposium on Process Organization Studies"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
135 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2421
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5529"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5529"
"slug" => "5529-business-process-management-case-studies-of-different-companies-and-hypotheses-for-further-research"
"yearMonth" => "1997-06"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Business Process Management : case studies of different companies and hypotheses for further research"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (1997). Business Process Management : case studies of different companies and hypotheses for further research."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce texte compare les démarches de pilotage de processus engagées par différentes entreprises et formule des hypothèses pour les futures recherches à engager dans ce domaine."
"en" => "This paper presents different case studies of business process management and draws a few hypothese for further research in this area."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
136 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2422
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5721"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5721"
"slug" => "5721-designing-organizing-cities-and-living-a-pragmatist-inquiry-perspective"
"yearMonth" => "2015-12"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "Designing, Organizing Cities and Living: A Pragmatist Inquiry Perspective"
"description" => "LORINO, P., GOMEZ, M.L. et BLANC, B. (2015). Designing, Organizing Cities and Living: A Pragmatist Inquiry Perspective. Dans: 2015 Asia Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies Conference (APROS)."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "BLANC B."
"ouvrage" => "2015 Asia Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies Conference (APROS)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
137 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2423
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5737"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5737"
"slug" => "5737-dialogical-communities-of-inquiry-to-explore-the-social-governance-of-risk-methodological-outcomes-of-field-research-about-nuclear-safety"
"yearMonth" => "2019-07"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Dialogical Communities of Inquiry to explore the Social Governance of Risk – Methodological Outcomes of field Research about Nuclear Safety"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et KERVEILLANT, M. (2019). Dialogical Communities of Inquiry to explore the Social Governance of Risk – Methodological Outcomes of field Research about Nuclear Safety. Dans: 35th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2019."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
"ouvrage" => "35th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2019"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
138 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2424
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5738"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5738"
"slug" => "5738-dialogical-communities-of-inquiry-to-explore-the-social-governance-of-risk-methodological-outcomes-of-field-research-about-nuclear-safety"
"yearMonth" => "2019-07"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Dialogical Communities of Inquiry to explore the Social Governance of Risk – Methodological Outcomes of field research about Nuclear Safety"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et KERVEILLANT, M. (2019). Dialogical Communities of Inquiry to explore the Social Governance of Risk – Methodological Outcomes of field research about Nuclear Safety. Dans: 2019 Celebrating the Pragmatist Turn in Organization Studies: A one-day conversazione."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
"ouvrage" => "2019 Celebrating the Pragmatist Turn in Organization Studies: A one-day conversazione"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
139 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2425
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5803"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5803"
"slug" => "5803-du-controle-de-la-strategie-a-la-strategie-du-controle-la-recherche-de-nouvelles-representations"
"yearMonth" => "1995-03"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "Du contrôle de la stratégie à la stratégie du contrôle : la recherche de nouvelles représentations"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). Du contrôle de la stratégie à la stratégie du contrôle : la recherche de nouvelles représentations."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le contrôle de gestion doit migrer d'un paradigme de la mesure à un paradigme de l'interprétation collective. Ceci transforme le statut des techniques de gestion et conduit à reconsidérer le contenu et les méthodes de l'enseignement de la gestion."
"en" => "Control should evolve from the paradigm of measurement to the paradigm of collective interpretation. This changes the practical and the epistemological status of control and management techniques and requires that the content and the methods of management teaching be reviewed."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
140 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2426
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5964"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5964"
"slug" => "5964-felicitous-heterotopia-or-infelicitous-prototopia-the-development-of-new-rules-as-a-pragmatist-inquiry"
"yearMonth" => "2014-06"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Felicitous Heterotopia or Infelicitous Prototopia? The Development of New Rules as a Pragmatist Inquiry"
"description" => "LORINO, P., GOMEZ, M.L. et BLANC, B. (2014). Felicitous Heterotopia or Infelicitous Prototopia? The Development of New Rules as a Pragmatist Inquiry. Dans: 4th Organizations, Artifacts, Practices (OAP) Workshop."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "BLANC B."
"ouvrage" => "4th Organizations, Artifacts, Practices (OAP) Workshop"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "92-95"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
141 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2427
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6024"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6024"
"slug" => "6024-from-representationalism-to-pragmatism-in-work-meaning-making-and-resilience-the-case-of-construction-sites"
"yearMonth" => "2018-03"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "From representationalism to pragmatism in work meaning-making and resilience: the case of construction sites"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2018). From representationalism to pragmatism in work meaning-making and resilience: the case of construction sites. Dans: 7th Latin American and European Organization Studies (LAEMOS) Colloquium."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "7th Latin American and European Organization Studies (LAEMOS) Colloquium"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
142 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2428
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6026"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6026"
"slug" => "6026-from-speech-acts-to-act-speeches-habits-as-a-language-of-action-and-collective-action-as-a-habit-based-discourse"
"yearMonth" => "2012-06"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "From Speech Acts to Act Speeches. Habits as a Language of Action and Collective Action as a Habit-Based Discourse"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2012). From Speech Acts to Act Speeches. Habits as a Language of Action and Collective Action as a Habit-Based Discourse. Dans: 4th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "4th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
143 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2429
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6133"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6133"
"slug" => "6133-how-organizational-artifacts-create-inertia-while-accelerating-activity-an-apparent-paradox-in-the-construction-industry-and-beyond"
"yearMonth" => "2018-06"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "How Organizational Artifacts Create Inertia While Accelerating Activity: An Apparent Paradox in the Construction Industry, and beyond…"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TRICARD, B. (2018). How Organizational Artifacts Create Inertia While Accelerating Activity: An Apparent Paradox in the Construction Industry, and beyond…. Dans: 10th International Process Symposium 2018."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
"ouvrage" => "10th International Process Symposium 2018"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
144 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2430
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6164"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6164"
"slug" => "6164-implementing-a-national-wide-performance-evaluation-the-case-of-the-anesthetic-file-indicator-in-french-hospitals"
"yearMonth" => "2013-05"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Implementing a National-Wide Performance Evaluation: The Case of the Anesthetic File Indicator in French Hospitals"
"description" => "ZICARI, A., GOMEZ, M.L., BONNEFOND, J., LORINO, P., WAELLI, M. et MINVIELLE, E. (2013). Implementing a National-Wide Performance Evaluation: The Case of the Anesthetic File Indicator in French Hospitals. Dans: 36th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association 2013."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "WAELLI M."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "MINVIELLE E."
"ouvrage" => "36th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association 2013"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The article analyzes the use and impact of a performance indicator for anesthetic files in hospitals in France. This indicator was implemented as a part of a government program for increasing healthcare quality. By means of a combination of site visits and ethnographic interviews in four hospitals, researchers compared the use of the indicator with previous expectations. While findings suggest a limited use of the indicator among rank-and-file anesthesiologists there is also evidence of higher awareness on the part of chief anesthesiologists and specialists in quality. Researchers found also indications of improvement in anesthesiologists’ practices, adaptations for the measurement tool in different hospitals and some emerging practices (use for negotiations and for scientific research). The cases also illustrate the role of the professional organization in the creation and implementation of this indicator."
"en" => "The article analyzes the use and impact of a performance indicator for anesthetic files in hospitals in France. This indicator was implemented as a part of a government program for increasing healthcare quality. By means of a combination of site visits and ethnographic interviews in four hospitals, researchers compared the use of the indicator with previous expectations. While findings suggest a limited use of the indicator among rank-and-file anesthesiologists there is also evidence of higher awareness on the part of chief anesthesiologists and specialists in quality. Researchers found also indications of improvement in anesthesiologists’ practices, adaptations for the measurement tool in different hospitals and some emerging practices (use for negotiations and for scientific research). The cases also illustrate the role of the professional organization in the creation and implementation of this indicator."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
145 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2431
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "6276"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "6276"
"slug" => "6276-lusage-des-indicateurs-de-performance-sur-la-qualite-securite-des-soins-le-cas-de-lindicateur-de-tenuedu-dossier-anesthesique-a-lhopital"
"yearMonth" => "2012-11"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => """
L’usage des indicateurs de performance sur la qualité-sécurité des soins : le cas de l’indicateur de tenue\n
du dossier anesthésique à l’hôpital
"description" => """
GOMEZ, M.L., WAELLI, M., ZICARI, A., BONNEFOND, J.Y., LORINO, P. et MINVIELLE, E. (2012). L’usage des indicateurs de performance sur la qualité-sécurité des soins : le cas de l’indicateur de tenue\n
du dossier anesthésique à l’hôpital. Dans: Congrès ARAMOS 2012.
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ZICARI Adrian"
"bid" => "B00265409"
"slug" => "zicari-adrian"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "WAELLI M."
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONNEFOND J.-Y."
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "MINVIELLE E."
"ouvrage" => "Congrès ARAMOS 2012"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
146 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2432
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3915"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3915"
"slug" => "3915-les-deux-fonctions-du-pilotage-de-lentreprise"
"yearMonth" => "1997-01"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Les deux fonctions du pilotage de l'entreprise."
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1997). Les deux fonctions du pilotage de l'entreprise. Dans: <i>Economie de la connaissance et organisations.</i> 1st ed. L'Harmattan, pp. 111-131."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Economie de la connaissance et organisations."
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "111-131"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le pilotage doit assurer la fonction d'équilibration (équilibre dynamique entre continuité et adaptation des structures cognitives) et la fonction de coordination (équilibre entre apprentissage individuel et cohérence de l'action collective), en s'appuyant sur des représentations."
"en" => "The control and steering of a firm must achieve two functions : - "equilibration" (to ensure a dynamic balance between continuity and adaptation of cognitive structures), - "coordination" (to ensure a balance between individual learning and the coherence of organizational action). Both actions are achieved through representations."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
147 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2433
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3917"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3917"
"slug" => "3917-les-echos-de-la-pensee-de-jacques-girin-dans-la-recherche-sur-lactivite-collective-en-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "2010-07"
"year" => "2010"
"title" => "Les échos de la pensée de Jacques Girin dans la recherche sur l'activité collective en gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2010). Les échos de la pensée de Jacques Girin dans la recherche sur l'activité collective en gestion. Dans: <i>Langage et organisations. Sur les traces de Jacques Girin</i>. 1st ed. Ecole Polytechnique, pp. 59-79."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Langage et organisations. Sur les traces de Jacques Girin"
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Activité Collective Conjointe"
2 => "Dialogique"
3 => "Enquête"
4 => "Evaluation"
5 => "Médiation sémiotique"
6 => "Praxéologique"
7 => "Processus"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "59-79"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Depuis 20 ans, le terme « processus » joue un rôle important dans les domaines les plus divers de la gestion. Au delà des différences conceptuelles significatives des divers usages, dans tous les cas, la notion renvoie à la (re)découverte du rôle fondamental de l’activité collective conjointe (coopération entre activités de natures distinctes) dans la formation et la transformation des organisations. Cette redécouverte marque un véritable « tournant praxéologique » de la science des organisations, tel que l’avait analysé Jacques Girin : construction dialogique du sens des situations, médiation sémiotique par le langage et les outils, contextualité, constitution du collectif par retour réflexif des acteurs sur leur activité, démarche d’enquête mêlant étroitement réflexion et action expérimentale, évaluation continue de l’action. Ce tournant praxéologique répond à des enjeux théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques."
"en" => "For more than 20 years, the term “process” has played an important role in very diverse fields of managerial theory. Beyond the significant conceptual differences, all its uses reveal the (re)discovery of conjoint collective activity (cooperation between distinct types of activity) and its key role in forming and transforming organizations. With this discovery, a “praxeological turn” of management science is taking place, in ways previously analyzed by Jacques Girin: dialogical constitution of the sense of situation, semiotic mediation through language and tools, contestuality, emergence of the collective dimension through the reflexive assessment of activity by the actors themselves, inquiry which closely combines reflection and practical experimentation, ongoing evaluation of action. This praxeological turn responds to theorical and practical questions."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
148 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2434
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3925"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3925"
"slug" => "3925-les-indicateurs-de-performance-dans-le-pilotage-de-lentreprise"
"yearMonth" => "2001-01"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "Les indicateurs de performance dans le pilotage de l'entreprise"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2001). Les indicateurs de performance dans le pilotage de l'entreprise. Dans: <i>Indicateurs de performance</i>. 1st ed. Hermès Sciences, Lavoisier, pp. 49-64."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Indicateurs de performance"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "49-64"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Pour assurer leur pertinence opérationnelle et stratégique, les indicateurs de performance doivent être articulés en système fondé sur un modèle causes-effets non linéaire et flou. La modélisation passe par une analyse des processus. Son efficacité cognitive exige que le système économise l'attention des acteurs, soit ergonomique, cohérent et explicite les liaisons causes-effets. Il a pour objet de catalyser les processus d'apprentissage collectifs."
"en" => "For operational and strategic pertinence, performance indicators should be organized in a system which is based upon a fuzzy and complex causal model. This model can be built through process analysis. It should be attention-sparing, cause-effect explicit, ergonomic and coherent. Its only justification is catalysing collective learning processes."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
149 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2435
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3928"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3928"
"slug" => "3928-les-instruments-presence-fantomatique-dans-loeuvre-de-karl-e-weick"
"yearMonth" => "2006-01"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "Les instruments, présence fantomatique dans l'oeuvre de Karl E. Weick"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2006). Les instruments, présence fantomatique dans l'oeuvre de Karl E. Weick. Dans: <i>Les défis du sensemaking en entreprise</i>. 1st ed. Economica, pp. 51-73."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Les défis du sensemaking en entreprise"
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Instruments"
1 => "Karl E. Weick"
2 => "Pratiques instrumentales"
3 => "Production de sens"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "51-73"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Karl E. Weick nous fournit, sur la question des instruments et de la genèse instrumentale de l'organisation, un attirail critique remarquable. Il nous permet un recul critique sur le paradigme décisionnel des organisations et sur la notion de représentation partagée. Il démythifie les modèles rationalistes et met en évidence les dispositifs planificateurs dans les situations complexes et incertaines. Il met en avant la production de sens et ouvre donc la voie à une théorisation sémiotique des instruments comme éléments clés de l'interprétation et de la production de significations. Cependant, pour surmonter les limites de ses réflexions en la matière et tirer notamment toutes les conséquences du concept de "production de sens" (sensemaking, il faut sans doute faire le détour par l'analyse de l'activité réelle, individuelle et collective, et de l'usage pratique des instruments en situation. A cette condition pourra-t-on affranchir le concept de "sensemaking" de la notion cognitiviste de représentation pour en favoriser une approche plus axée sur le signe, réintégrer pensée et action hors de tout cadre séquentiel, réintégrer cognition et émotion dans une approche abductive de la connaissance et retrouver le sens transactionnel de l'organisation comme activité collective insérée dans le monde réel."
"en" => "As regard to the issue of instruments, Karl E. Weick provides us with a remarkable critical thought. He enables us to get some critical distance with the decision-based paradigm of organizations and with the notion of shared representation. He stresses sensemaking and opens the way to a semiotic approach of instruments as keys elements of interpretation and the production of meaning. However, to overcome the limits of his research on this issue and to fully exploit the "sensemaking" concept, it is probably necessary to analyze individual and collective activity and the situated use of instruments. In that way, we can free the "sensemaking" concept from the cognitivist concept of "representation", integrate thought and action without any sequential approach, and reunify cognition and emotion in an abductive approach of learning."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
150 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2436
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3959"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3959"
"slug" => "3959-lhorreur-gestionnaire-la-schizophrenie-du-discours-entrepreneurial"
"yearMonth" => "2005-01"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "L'horreur gestionnaire ? La schizophrénie du discours entrepreneurial"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2005). L'horreur gestionnaire ? La schizophrénie du discours entrepreneurial. Dans: <i>La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise</i>. 1st ed. Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 219-231."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "219-231"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Deux logiques contradictoires sont simultanément à l'oeuvre dans les enterprises et apparaissent dans les discours des dirigeants : la logique de la construction de compétences collectives distinctives, inscrite dans le temps long, reposant sur une certaine stérilisation du cadre socio-humain et organisationnel et la logique du rendement financier rapide inscrite dans le temps court et la mobilité, voire la précarité. Les régulations destinées à articuler les deux logiques restent à construire."
"en" => "Two types of action rationales can be simultaneously observed in firms and heard in executive speech, in spite of their contradictions. On one side collective and distinctive competence building requires long time cycles and some stability in social human and organizational frames of reference. On the other side quick financial return requires short time cycles and mobility, or even precarious status. Regulations to organize the relation between those two rationales are still to be invented."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
151 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2437
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3967"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3967"
"slug" => "3967-linstrument-de-gestion-mediateur-de-lactivite-lodyssee-dun-outil-de-planification-dans-le-secteur-du-logement-social"
"yearMonth" => "2014-12"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "L'instrument de gestion, médiateur de l'activité. L'odyssée d'un outil de planification dans le secteur du logement social"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). L'instrument de gestion, médiateur de l'activité. L'odyssée d'un outil de planification dans le secteur du logement social. Dans: <i>Comptabilité, Finance et Politique. De la pratique à la théorie : l'art de la conceptualisation</i>. 1st ed. Ordre des Experts-Comptables, pp. 187-198."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Comptabilité, Finance et Politique. De la pratique à la théorie : l'art de la conceptualisation"
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Activité"
1 => "Instrument de gestion"
2 => "Logement social"
3 => "Médiation"
4 => "Organisation"
5 => "Pratiques"
6 => "Sémiotique"
7 => "Signification"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "187-198"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre examine le couplage flexible entre instruments de gestion - par exemple le système comptable - et activité collective - notamment les pratiques opérationnelles. Il s'appuie sur une théorisation de la médiation sémiotique de l'activité : l'artefact technique devient instrument médiateur lorsqu'il est effectivement engagé dans leur activité par les acteurs. Cet engagement conduit à une triple transformation de l'activité, de l'instrument et de l'organisation. Cette approche est illustrée par le cas d'un outil de planification introduit dans le secteur du logement social : le Plan Stratégique de Patrimoine (PSP). Le PSP, selon les cas, s'est avéré un élément de pur affichage, ou un outil de transformation instrumentalisé par les directions d'organismes HLM, ou un outil de transformation des pratiques et de l'organisation, au prix de transformations de l'outil lui-même."
"en" => "This chapter studies the flexible coupling between management instruments - e.g. the accounting system - and collective activity - in particular operational practices. It is based on a theory of the semiotic mediation of activity: the technical artefact becomes a mediating instrument when it is actually engaged by actors into their activity. That engagement leads to a 3-dimensional transformation of activity, instrument and organization. This approach is illustrated by the case of a planning tool introduced into the French social housing sector: the "Plan Stratégique de Patrimoine" (PSP). In some cases, PSP just proved to be ceremonial; in other cases it was used by housing agencies leaders to impose their own views; in some cases it was engaged by actors to transform practices and organizational structures, while adapting the instrument itself."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
152 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2438
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3991"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3991"
"slug" => "3991-management-systems-as-organizational-architextures"
"yearMonth" => "2013-06"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Management Systems as Organizational 'Architextures'"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2013). Management Systems as Organizational 'Architextures'. Dans: <i>Materiality and Space: Organizations, Artefacts and Practices</i>. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 62-95."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Materiality and Space: Organizations, Artefacts and Practices"
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Activité"
1 => "Architextures"
2 => "Instruments de gestion"
3 => "Médiation"
4 => "Peirce"
5 => "Pragmatisme"
6 => "Sémiotique"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "62-95"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre analyse les instruments complexes engagés dans les organisations qui n'influencent pas seulement les caractéristiques locales ou individuelles de l'activité, mais l'ensemble de ses caractéristiques organisationnelles. La relation de tels instruments, baptisés "architextures", avec l'activité est étudiée en mobilisant les concepts d'indice et de symbole de la sémiotique pragmatiste et illustrée par deux études de cas, l'une à dominante "indicielle", l'autre à dominante "symbolique"."
"en" => "This chapter studies the complex instrumental systems which influence not only the local characteristics of activity but all its organizational characteristics. The relationship of such instruments with activity, defined as "architextures", is analyzed through the lenses of pragmatist semiotics, in particular the concepts of "index" and "symbol". It is illustrated by two examples of management systems mediating activity, one in an indexical way, the other in a symbolic way."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
153 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2439
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4057"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4057"
"slug" => "4057-organizing-management-tools-and-practices"
"yearMonth" => "2018-02"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "Organizing, Management Tools and Practices"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2018). Organizing, Management Tools and Practices. Dans: <i>Materiality and Managerial Techniques</i>. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 221-246."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Materiality and Managerial Techniques"
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Industrie nucléaire"
1 => "Médiation sémiotique"
2 => "Outils de gestion"
3 => "Pratiques"
4 => "Représentation"
5 => "Retour d'expérience"
6 => "Textilité"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "221-246"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le chapitre examine les divers courants théoriques qui se sont penchés sur la relation entre outils de gestion et pratiques organisationnelles. Il suggère que tous ces courants adoptent une de deux positions théoriques : soit les outils de gestion ont un statut de représentation de l’action, au sens cognitiviste, soit ils constituent des médiations sémiotiques. En ce qui les concerne, la notion de « textilité » proposée par Ingold est peut-être plus adaptée que celle de « matérialité ». La textilité tisse des mouvements visant une fin pratique, à travers lesquels un groupe social constitue la situation comme une situation matérielle. Le chapitre illustre cette approche par l’étude du retour d’expérience dans l’industrie électronucléaire."
"en" => "The chapter examines the different theoretical frameworks used to explore the relationship between management tools and organizational practices. It is suggested that they all adopt one of two main theoretical options: they either assign to management tools a status of representation of activity, in the cognitivist sense, or a status of social mediation, in a semiotic perspective. Concerning management systems, the category of ‘textility’ proposed by Tim Ingold may be more adequate than the category of materiality. Textility is a particular interweaving of purposeful movements, through which meaning-making social groups fabricate situations as ‘material’ situations. The chapter illustrates this using a case study concerning the management of experience feedback in the nuclear industry. Management tools are not already formed things, but materials to construct new forms."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
154 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2440
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4068"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4068"
"slug" => "4068-piloter-ou-catalyser-le-changement-organisationnel-une-approche-semiotique-et-pragmatique"
"yearMonth" => "2004-01"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "Piloter ou catalyser le changement organisationnel : une approche sémiotique et pragmatique"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2004). Piloter ou catalyser le changement organisationnel : une approche sémiotique et pragmatique. Dans: <i>Conception et dynamique des organisations : Sait-on piloter le changement ?</i> 1st ed. L'Harmattan, pp. 221-253."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Conception et dynamique des organisations : Sait-on piloter le changement ?"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "221-253"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce texte s'intéresse à un enjeu de la mise en cohérence des modes de coordination et de finalisation avec le processus d'apprentissage et pose la question de savoir si l'on peut parler d'un rôle de pilote ou de catalyseur en matière de changement. Il explore cette problématique à travers l'apport des philosophes pragmatistes américains, de Pierce à Dervey, en insistant sur les dynamiques des représentations mentales des situations dans le processus de changements."
"en" => "This text studies the coherence between coordination and learning processes (equilibration between "assimilation" and "accomodation"), he asks if we could speak of "pilot" or "catalyzer" in organizational change. He explores those issues through the work of American pragmatist philosophers, from Pierce to Dervey and the insists upon the dynamics of mental representations in the process of change."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
155 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2441
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4072"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4072"
"slug" => "4072-points-de-vue-de-confreres-la-gestion-des-processus-letat-de-la-pratique-dans-de-grandes-entreprises"
"yearMonth" => "2000-01"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "Points de vue de confrères. La gestion des processus : l'état de la pratique dans de grandes entreprises"
"description" => "DEMEESTERE, R., LORINO, P. et MOTTIS, N. (2000). Points de vue de confrères. La gestion des processus : l'état de la pratique dans de grandes entreprises. Dans: <i>La mutation du contrôle de gestion</i>. 1st ed. Éditions d'Organisation, pp. 62-65."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DEMEESTERE René"
"bid" => "B00000149"
"slug" => "demeestere-rene"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => "La mutation du contrôle de gestion"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "62-65"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Sept cas de mise en place de gestion des processus, dans de grandes entreprises de divers secteurs, permettent de cerner la typologie des situations de départ, les objectifs poursuivis, les caractéristiques de la démarche et les acteurs impliqués. L'absence de la fonction contrôle de gestion y est souvent constatée."
"en" => "Seven cases of business process management are presented. They take place in different sectors of activity. On that basis, the authors try to define a typology of starting situations, the objectives pursued, the methods of implementation and the type of actors involved. In several cases the management control function seems to be hardly involved."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
156 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2442
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4082"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4082"
"slug" => "4082-postface-note-sur-le-debat-competitivite-emploi"
"yearMonth" => "2004-01"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "Postface. Note sur le débat compétitivité-emploi"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2004). Postface. Note sur le débat compétitivité-emploi. Dans: <i>Management de la compétitivité et emploi</i>. 1st ed. L'Harmattan, pp. 373-375."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Management de la compétitivité et emploi"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "373-375"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le débat sur la compétivité et l'emploi, trop souvent réduit à des antiennes idéologiques, comme le panégyrique de l'ouverture des marchés ou la dénonciation rituelle de la mondialisation libérale, exige un effort important de recherche et de réflexion pour sortir de ces impasses. Il soulève, pour les chercheurs, des problèmes de substance sur le contenu même de leurs travaux et des problèmes de méthode."
"en" => "The discussion about competitiveness and employment is too often limited to ideological clichés, such as the systematic defense of all mighty open market on the ritual accusation of liberal globalization. It takes an important effort of research and reflexive analysis to escape such impass. For researchers, it raises problems about the substance of their research and problems about their research methodology."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
157 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2443
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4114"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4114"
"slug" => "4114-quest-ce-que-la-performance-des-entreprises"
"yearMonth" => "2000-01"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "Qu'est-ce que la "performance" des entreprises ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2000). Qu'est-ce que la "performance" des entreprises ? Dans: <i>Tout n'est pas économique. Des entreprises qui construisent leur performance</i>. 1st ed. Éditions de l'Aube, pp. 119-124."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Tout n'est pas économique. Des entreprises qui construisent leur performance"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "119-124"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans les entreprises modernes, la performance économique repose essentiellement sur la mobilisation d'une intelligence collective autour de la création de valeur et pour répondre à une demande sociale souvent complexe et évolutive. Cette intelligence collective peut être menacée par les tentations de contrôle mécaniste des dirigeants, la simplification financière du concept de performance et l'élimination du slack organisationnel."
"en" => "In modern firms, economic performance is based upon collective intelligence to create value and to respond to social demands which are often complex and unstable. Such a collective intelligence can be threatened by upper management's temptations to impose mechanistic controls, by the oversimplistic financial interpretation of performance and by the complete ban of organizational slack."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
158 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2444
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4145"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4145"
"slug" => "4145-reseaux-de-construction-et-de-diffusion-des-connaissances"
"yearMonth" => "1997-03"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "Réseaux de construction et de diffusion des connaissances"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1997). Réseaux de construction et de diffusion des connaissances. Dans: <i>Les limites de la rationalité - Tome 2 - Les figures du collectif</i>. 1st ed. La Découverte, pp. 119-125."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Les limites de la rationalité - Tome 2 - Les figures du collectif"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "119-125"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les réseaux scientifiques et techniques se caractérisent par la circulation de connaissances normalisées, dans un contexte partagé d'intelligibilité, mises en question et transformées en permanence par les savoirs vivants (créatifs) locaux non communiqués."
"en" => "Scientific and technical networks are based upon the circulation of standardized forms of knowledge, in a shared context of intelligibility. Those forms of knowledge are questioned and transformed by creative non circulating local forms of knowledge."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
159 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2445
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4150"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4150"
"slug" => "4150-re-viewing-routines-theory-through-a-pragmatist-lens"
"yearMonth" => "2016-03"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Re-viewing Routines Theory Through a Pragmatist Lens"
"description" => "SIMPSON, B. et LORINO, P. (2016). Re-viewing Routines Theory Through a Pragmatist Lens. Dans: <i>Organizational Routines</i>. 1st ed. Oxford University Press, pp. 47-70."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "SIMPSON B."
"ouvrage" => "Organizational Routines"
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Approche processuelle"
1 => "Dewey"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Habitude"
4 => "Mead"
5 => "Pragmatisme"
6 => "Routine"
7 => "Transaction"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 16:57:03"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "47-70"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'approche fondée sur la théorie des pratiques qui domine actuellement la littérature sur les routines est fondée sur la dualité ostensif-performatif. Toutefois, dans la perspective de la philosophie du processus, cette dualité, ou du moins la manière dont elle est appliquée, présente quatre obstacles clés à une théorisation plus processuelle des routines. Ce chapitre propose une approche alternative qui, à partir de la philosophie Pragmatiste, en particulier des idées de John Dewey et George Herbert Mead, élabore une approche performative plutôt que représentationnelle pour comprendre les actions ordinaires et quotidiennes. Cette réflexion rend compte du caractère socialement et temporellement situé du comportement humain en termes de processus qui imbrique l'habitude, l'enquête et les trans-actions conversationnelles."
"en" => "The practice-based view that currently dominates the routines literature is based on an ostensive-performative duality. However, from the perspective of process philosophy, this duality, or at least the manner in which it is applied, presents four key obstacles to a more processual theorization of routines. This chapter offers an alternative approach to understanding ordinary everyday actions. The argument provides an account of the social and temporal situatedness of human conduct in terms of the interrelated processes of habit, inquiry and conversational trans-actions."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
160 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2446
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4195"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4195"
"slug" => "4195-target-costing-organizational-learning-in-new-product-development-the-theory-of-activity-applied-to-management-tools"
"yearMonth" => "2005-01"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "Target Costing Organizational Learning in New Product Development: The Theory of Activity Applied to Management Tools"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2005). Target Costing Organizational Learning in New Product Development: The Theory of Activity Applied to Management Tools. Dans: <i>A Focused Issue on Managing Knowledge Assets and Organizational Learning</i>. 1st ed. Elsevier, pp. 251-287."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "A Focused Issue on Managing Knowledge Assets and Organizational Learning"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "251-287"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La planification des coûts dans le développement des nouveaux produits (NPD) doit résoudre des problèmes cognitifs fondamentaux tels que l'inrégralité des savoirs hétérogènes. La plupart des décisions de conception ont d'importantes conséquences économiques mais elles ont aussi des dimensions technologiques et marketing essentielles. Le target costing vise à réaliser cette intégration en gérant conjointement le coût et la valeur du produit. Cette recherche tente d'analyser les conditions organisationnelles nécessaires pour que les démarches de target costing soient efficaces du point de vue de l'apprentissage collectif. Elle s'appuie sur des apports sémiotiques (Peirce), du pragmatisme (Dewey) et de la théorie psychologique de l'activité (Vygotsky)."
"en" => "La planification des coûts dans le développement des nouveaux produits (NPD) doit résoudre des problèmes cognitifs fondamentaux tels que l'inrégralité des savoirs hétérogènes. La plupart des décisions de conception ont d'importantes conséquences économiques mais elles ont aussi des dimensions technologiques et marketing essentielles. Le target costing vise à réaliser cette intégration en gérant conjointement le coût et la valeur du produit. Cette recherche tente d'analyser les conditions organisationnelles nécessaires pour que les démarches de target costing soient efficaces du point de vue de l'apprentissage collectif. Elle s'appuie sur des apports sémiotiques (Peirce), du pragmatisme (Dewey) et de la théorie psychologique de l'activité (Vygotsky)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
161 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2447
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4201"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4201"
"slug" => "4201-the-bakhtinian-theory-of-chronotope-time-space-frame-applied-to-the-organizing-process"
"yearMonth" => "2012-01"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "The Bakhtinian Theory of Chronotope (Time-Space Frame) Applied to the Organizing Process"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TRICARD, B. (2012). The Bakhtinian Theory of Chronotope (Time-Space Frame) Applied to the Organizing Process. Dans: <i>Constructing Identity In and Around Organizations</i>. 1st ed. Oxford University Press, pp. 201-234."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
"ouvrage" => "Constructing Identity In and Around Organizations"
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Bakhtin"
1 => "Chronotope"
2 => "Deleuze"
3 => "Enquête"
4 => "Espace"
5 => "Identité"
6 => "Narratif"
7 => "Processus d’organisation"
8 => "Temps"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "201-234"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre adopte une perspective « processus » sur les organisations et suggère que le processus d’organisation est une enquête abductive (construction d’hypothèses nouvelles), par essence narrative. Il analyse la narrativité du processus d’organisation en soi, comme narration en actes, plutôt que des pratiques ou des objets narratifs (récits, « storytelling ») engagés dans les organisations. Le chapitre s’attache plus précisément à étudier les cadres narratifs présupposés, tacites, souvent invisibles et génériques (« architextures ») que les processus narratifs doivent respecter pour faire sens dans un contexte culturel donné. Une « architexture » clé est le chronotope, c. à d. le cadre spatio-temporel du récit, théorisé par Bakhtine, qui considérait l’intégration étroite du temps et de l’espace du récit comme la base de son intelligibilité sociale et de son appartenance à un genre. Ce concept est appliqué ici au processus d’organisation. Deux études de cas montrent des situations où le chronotope organisationnel est déstabilisé par des actions qui transgressent les frontières narratives spatio-temporelles habituelles. Certains acteurs peuvent alors « crier » pour réaffirmer et défendre le cadre spatio-temporel normal, en défiant les discours rationnels sur le changement. Finalement, le chapitre explore les perspectives théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques ouvertes par le concept de chronotope à la recherche sur les organisations."
"en" => "This chapter adopts a process view of organizations, and argues that the organizing process is an abductive inquiry (i.e. including the building of new hypotheses), inherently narrative. It studies the narrativity of organizing processes per se, as a narration in acts, rather than specific narrative objects (texts) or practices (storytelling) within organizations. The chapter more precisely tries to analyze the presupposed, tacit, often invisible and generic narrative frames ("architextures") by which narrative practices must abide to make sense in a given cultural environment. A key "architexture" is the chronotope, or time-space frame of narratives, theorized by Bakhtin, who viewed the close integration of time and space as the basis of the social intelligibility of narratives and of their belonging to a specific genre. This concept is applied here to organizing processes. Through two case studies the chapter analyzes situations in which the organizational chronotope is de-stabilized by actions which transgress usual time-space narrative boundaries. Some organizational actors may then "scream" to re-affirm and defend the normal time-space frame, defying rational discourses about organizational change. Finally, the chapter explores the theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives the chronotope concept offers to organization studies."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
162 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2448
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4240"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4240"
"slug" => "4240-theorie-des-organisations-sens-et-action-le-cheminement-historique-du-rationalisme-a-la-genese-instrumentale-des-organisations"
"yearMonth" => "2005-01"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "Théorie des organisations, sens et action : le cheminement historique, du rationalisme à la genèse instrumentale des organisations"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2005). Théorie des organisations, sens et action : le cheminement historique, du rationalisme à la genèse instrumentale des organisations. Dans: <i>Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy</i>. 1st ed. La Découverte."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'histoire des sciences des organisations s'oriente délibérément, au 19ème siècle, vers des approches qui tournent le dos à l'étude de l'activité et aux processus interprétatifs des acteurs. Au fil du temps, les nouveaux courants de recherche tentent de prendre leurs distances vis-à-vis des présupposés rationalistes initiaux, très contraignants, mais ils tournent autour d'un maillon manquant, l'action collective organisée et la production interprétative de significations engagées dans l'action."
"en" => "The history of organization sciences has been based, since the 19th century, upon approaches which ignore the study of human activity and actors'interpretive processes. In the course of time, new research streams tried to free themselves from initial rationalistic hypotheses, which impose severe contraints, but they move around a missing element: organized collective action and the interpretive production of meaning rooted in action."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
163 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2449
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4260"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4260"
"slug" => "4260-un-debat-sur-limprovisation-collective-en-jazz-anime-par-andre-villeger"
"yearMonth" => "2005-01"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "Un débat sur l'improvisation collective en jazz animé par André Villéger"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2005). Un débat sur l'improvisation collective en jazz animé par André Villéger. Dans: <i>Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy</i>. 1st ed. La Découverte, pp. 230-233."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "230-233"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Un débat avec une petite formation de jazz explore les voies de l'improvisation collective : l'intelligibilité mutuelle, la coopération active, l'engagement dans la situation, la gestion continue de la complexité, la structure de rôles et le fondement de l'expérience."
"en" => "A discussion about collective improvisation is organized between musicians and researchers. It explores mutual intelligibility, cooperation, complexity control, the structure of roles, involvement in the present situation."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
164 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2450
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4263"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4263"
"slug" => "4263-un-defi-pour-les-sciences-de-gestion-le-tournant-paradigmatique-du-modele-de-la-decision-au-modele-de-lactivite-collective"
"yearMonth" => "2007-01"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Un défi pour les sciences de gestion : le tournant paradigmatique du modèle de la décision au modèle de l'activité collective"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2007). Un défi pour les sciences de gestion : le tournant paradigmatique du modèle de la décision au modèle de l'activité collective. Dans: <i>Sciences du Management : épistémique, pragmatique et éthique</i>. 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 69-83."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Sciences du Management : épistémique, pragmatique et éthique"
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Médiation sémiotique"
2 => "Paradigme de l'action collective"
3 => "Paradigme décisionnel"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "69-83"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les sciences de gestion sont confrontées au défi d'un changement de paradigme, du paradigme de la décision à celui de l'activité collective. Le paradigme de la décision dans lequel elles s'inscrivent traditionellement est fondé sur les concepts de sujet rationnel fin/moyens, de séparation et séquentialité entre décision et action, de représentation mimétique du réel et de contrôle organisationnel. Ses échecs répétés conduisent différents courants de recherche à esquisser le paradigme alternatif de l'activité collective située, fondée sur l'interprétation intersubjective (dialogique) des situations et la médiation sémiotique de l'agir collectif."
"en" => "Organization and management sciences face the challenge of moving from their traditionnal paradigm of decision making towards the paradigm of collective activity. The decision making paradigm is based upon the concepts of rational means/end subject, sequential separation between decision and action, mimetic representation of the real world and organizational control. Its recurrent failures drove diverse research streams to start developing the alternate paradigm of situated collective activity, based upon the dialogical interpretation of situations and the semiotic mediations of collective action."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
165 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2451
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4268"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4268"
"slug" => "4268-understanding-organizational-creativity-insights-from-pragmatism"
"yearMonth" => "2013-07"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Understanding Organizational Creativity: Insights from Pragmatism"
"description" => "ARJALIÈS, D.L., LORINO, P. et SIMPSON, B. (2013). Understanding Organizational Creativity: Insights from Pragmatism. Dans: <i>American Pragmatism and Organization</i>. 1st ed. Gower, pp. 131-145."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARJALIÈS D.-L."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "SIMPSON B."
"ouvrage" => "American Pragmatism and Organization"
"keywords" => array:6 [
0 => "Abduction"
1 => "Enquête"
2 => "Innovation"
3 => "Médiation"
4 => "Pragmatisme"
5 => "Services financiers"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "131-145"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre analyse la contribution clé du pragmatisme américain, notamment de Ch. S. Peirce, J. Dewey et G. H. Mead, à la compréhension des pratiques organisationnelles créatives comme processus sociaux situés. Il développe les concepts d'habitude, abduction, enquête, médiation et situation. Le cadre théorique est illustré par l'étude d'un cas d'innovation organisationnelle dans le secteur des services financiers."
"en" => "This chapter studies the key contribution of American pragmatists, in particular Ch. S. Peirce, J. Dewey and G. H. Mead, to understand creative organizational practices as social situated processes. It develops the concepts of habit, abduction, inquiry, mediation and situation. This theoretical framework is illustrated by the study of a case of organizational innovation in a financial service company."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
166 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2452
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4284"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4284"
"slug" => "4284-vers-une-theorie-pragmatique-et-semiotique-des-outils-appliquee-aux-instruments-de-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "2003-01"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "Vers une théorie pragmatique et sémiotique des outils appliquée aux instruments de gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2003). Vers une théorie pragmatique et sémiotique des outils appliquée aux instruments de gestion. Dans: <i>Savoir gérer. Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Claude Tarondeau</i>. 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 263-284."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Savoir gérer. Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Claude Tarondeau"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "263-284"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les recherches en sciences de gestion et en théorie des organisations n'explicitent généralement pas la théorie des outils sur laquelle elles s'appuient pour rendre compte du rôle des instruments de gestion dans les dynamiques organisationnelles. Ce rôle essentiel reste relativement mystérieux du fait du manque de cadre théorique. En s'appuyant sur quelques exemples (le target costing en conception, les approches par activités en comptabilité de gestion, le balanced scorecard en pilotage de performance), cette communication tentera de dégager les éléments d'un cadre théorique non positiviste (ne faisant pas abstraction des dynamiques d'acteurs et du caractère subjectif de la connaissance et de l'interprétation) pour analyser le rôle des instruments de gestion comme outils informationnels auxquels s'appliquent les concepts psychologiques, sémiotiques et sociologiques d'une théorie des outils."
"en" => "Business Administration Research and Theories of Organization do not generally explicit the theory of tools they use to analyze the role of management tools in organizational dynamics. This fundamental role remains relatively mysterious for lack of theoretical frame. By using some examples (Target Costing in Design, Activity-based approaches in Management Accounting, Balanced Scorecard in Performance Management), this communication will try to define features of a non-positivist frame, taking into account actors' dynamics and subjective nature of knowledge and interpretation, to analyze the role of management tools as informational tools to which psychological, semiotic and sociological concepts about ordinary tools can be applied."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
167 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2453
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4293"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4293"
"slug" => "4293-what-next-what-for"
"yearMonth" => "2018-02"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "What Next, What For ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2018). What Next, What For ? Dans: <i>Materiality and Managerial Techniques</i>. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 381-388."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Materiality and Managerial Techniques"
"keywords" => array:6 [
0 => "Activité de travail"
1 => "Enquête"
2 => "Refléxivité"
3 => "Technique de gestion"
4 => "Valeurs"
5 => "Valuation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "381-388"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le livre suggère d’étudier la dimension matérielle et temporelle des processus de valuation, plutôt que les « valeurs » comme entités objectives ou subjectives, et de tracer les flux et transformations, dans le processus de construction de l’organisation. Les hypothèses tacites ou explicites engagées dans les processus de valuation peuvent devenir le sujet de controverses sociales et d’enquêtes exploratoires. Mettre ainsi l’accent sur le rôle réflexif des acteurs fournit un antidote contre la vision technocratique des pratiques et techniques managériales. La valuation n’est pas un processus situé en dehors de l’activité, par exemple la représentation de l’activité à partir d’une position d’observateur, mais c’est une dimension intrinsèque de l’activité. Le débat fondamental ne traite pas de la vérité des représentations, mais de leur pertinence et de leurs effets pratiques."
"en" => "The book suggests to study the material and temporal dimension of valuation processes rather than “values” as objective or subjective entities, and to trace flows, transformations, and organizations in the making. The tacit or explicit hypotheses about social action involved in valuation processes can become the relevant subject matter of social controversies and exploratory inquiries. Emphasizing the reflective role of actors provides an antidote against technocratic views of managerial techniques and practices. Valuation, instrumented with managerial techniques, is not a process situated outside of activity, the process of representing activity from an observer’s position, but rather an integral dimension of activity itself. The key debate is not about “true or wrong” representation, but rather about practical relevance, immediate and enduring effects."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
168 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2454
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4507"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4507"
"slug" => "4507-de-la-strategie-aux-processus-strategiques"
"yearMonth" => "1997-06"
"year" => "1997"
"title" => "De la stratégie aux processus stratégiques"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TARONDEAU, J.C. (1997). De la stratégie aux processus stratégiques. Dans: <i>Les fondements de la Gestion Stratégique</i>. Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), pp. 185-196."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "TARONDEAU Jean-Claude"
"bid" => "B00000491"
"slug" => "tarondeau-jean-claude"
"ouvrage" => "Les fondements de la Gestion Stratégique"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "185-196"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les processus stratégiques traduisent les intentions et décisions stratégiques en actions identifiables et observables. Ces processus permettent l'opérationnalisation du concept de ressources stratégiques."
"en" => "Strategic processes translate strategic purposes and decisions into actions that are both identifiable and observable. These processes allow the concept of strategic resources to become operational."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
169 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2455
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4524"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4524"
"slug" => "4524-dimension-collective-de-lactivite-et-instrumentation-de-gestion-un-lien-indissociable"
"yearMonth" => "2005-03"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "Dimension collective de l'activité et instrumentation de gestion : un lien indissociable"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2005). Dimension collective de l'activité et instrumentation de gestion : un lien indissociable. Dans: <i>Les journées de Bordeaux sur la pratique de l'ergonomie. L'ergonome dans les collaborations multiprofessionnelles</i>. Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 - ISPED, pp. 107-117."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Les journées de Bordeaux sur la pratique de l'ergonomie. L'ergonome dans les collaborations multiprofessionnelles"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "107-117"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La notion d'activité collective constitue un lien potentiel entre la démarche de recherche des ergonomes et des gestionnaires. Réintégrer la dimension de l'organisation dans l'étude de l'activité humaine et réintégrer la notion d'activité dans l'étude de l'organisation sont des enjeux symétriques et essentiels. L'activité collective se caractérise particulièrement par ses dimensions interactionnelles, transactionnelles et instrumentées. L'instrumentation de gestion est ainsi au coeur de la recherche sur l'activité collective."
"en" => "The notion of collective activity is a potentially bridge between ergonomin and management research. To rediscover the organizational diversion in the research about human activity and the activity dimension in the research about organizations is of atmost importance. Collective activity can be characterized by its interactional, transactional and instrumented dimension. Management instruments are focal in the study of collective activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
170 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2456
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3454"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3454"
"slug" => "3454-charles-sanders-peirce-1839-1914"
"yearMonth" => "2014-07"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914)"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Dans: <i>The Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy & Organization studies</i>. 1st ed. Oxford University Press, pp. 143-165."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "The Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy & Organization studies"
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Action"
1 => "Peirce"
2 => "Pragmatisme"
3 => "Sémiose"
4 => "Sémiotique"
5 => "Signe"
6 => "Signification"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "143-165"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Charles Peirce est le père du Pragmatisme et de la Sémiotique, combinaison qui ne doit rien au hasard. Puisque « toute pensée est un signe », ainsi que tout acte, sa théorie du signe triadique sert de base à sa théorie de la pensée et de l’action. Rompant avec la longue tradition occidentale qui voit dans la signification une correspondance structurelle, Peirce voit dans la signification le processus de signifier et de faire signifier quelque chose par quelque chose. La pensée est ancrée dans l’action transformatrice, à travers le processus d’enquête intrinsèquement temporel. Le chapitre présente des concepts clés de la sémiotique de Peirce (médiation, sémiose), leur orientation processuelle et la contribution majeure qu’ils peuvent apporter à l’étude des organisations."
"en" => "Charles Peirce is the father of Pragmatism and Semiotics, not a chance combination. Since "every thought is a sign”, and so is every act, his theory of triadic sign serves as a foundation for his theory of thought and action. Breaking with a long-standing Western view of meaning as a structural correspondence, Peirce views meaning as the process of mean-ing and "mak-ing something mean". Thought is rooted in transformative action in the inherently temporal process of inquiry. This chapter presents key concepts of Peircean semiotics - mediation and semiosis - and their process orientation. It then analyzes the major contribution they can make to organization studies inspired by process, practice, dialogism, performativity and sociomateriality issues."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
171 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2457
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9069"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9069"
"slug" => "9069-lentreprise-des-individus-ou-des-personnes"
"yearMonth" => "1995-11"
"year" => "1995"
"title" => "L'entreprise, des individus ou des personnes ?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1995). L'entreprise, des individus ou des personnes ? <i>Alternatives Economiques</i>, pp. 13."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "13"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles ou vidéos de vulgarisation"
"en" => "Press article, video or other popular media"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Presse"
"en" => "Press"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
172 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2458
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3521"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3521"
"slug" => "3521-de-sherlock-holmes-au-lean-management-theorie-et-pratique-deux-dimensions-inseparables-de-lenquete"
"yearMonth" => "2016-02"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "De Sherlock Holmes au Lean Management : théorie et pratique, deux dimensions inséparables de l'enquête"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2016). De Sherlock Holmes au Lean Management : théorie et pratique, deux dimensions inséparables de l'enquête. Dans: <i>À la pointe du management</i>. 1st ed. Dunod."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "À la pointe du management"
"keywords" => array:6 [
0 => "Dewey"
1 => "Enquête"
2 => "Lean Management"
3 => "Pragmatisme"
4 => "Pratique"
5 => "Théorie"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La dichotomie théorie/pratique, si largement répandue dans les univers académique et managérial, est infondée et trompeuse. Elle occulte les pratiques effectives des "théoriciens", par exemple les chercheurs et les théories implicites forgées par les "praticiens", notamment les manageurs. Théorie et pratique sont deux dimensions indissociables de toute démarche d'enquête au sens pragmatiste, comme l'illustrent des exemples puisés dans l'histoire du "Lean Management"."
"en" => "The theory/practice dichotomy, so common in academic and managerial worlds, is irrelevant and misleading. It conceals the actual practices of so-called "theoreticians" (e.g. scholars) and the theories tacitly elaborated by "practitioners" (e.g. managers). Theory and practice are two inseparable dimensions of any inquiry process, in the pragmatist definition of "inquiry", as illustrated by examples drawn from the history of "lean management"."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
173 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2459
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3530"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3530"
"slug" => "3530-demarche-pragmatiste-et-mise-en-processus-dans-les-situations-de-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "2005-01"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "Démarche pragmatiste et mise en processus dans les situations de gestion"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et PEYROLLE, J.C. (2005). Démarche pragmatiste et mise en processus dans les situations de gestion. Dans: <i>Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy</i>. 1st ed. La Découverte, pp. 200-229."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PEYROLLE J.C."
"ouvrage" => "Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective. Colloque de Cerisy"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "200-229"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "On verra, à partir de l'exemple d'une grande entreprise de service, comment l'analyse de processus peut transformer le jugement des acteurs sur leur propre activité collective et associer étroitement réflexivité et coopérativité de l'action. Le cadre théorique de l'enquête offert par le philosophe John Dewey sera mobilisé pour rendre compte de ce type de situation."
"en" => "On the basis of a large service company, it is shown how process analysis can transform actors' judgment about their own collective activity and closely link reflexivity and cooperativeness in action. To analyze this type of situation, philosopher John Dewey's theory of inquiry will be used as a frame."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
174 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2460
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3542"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3542"
"slug" => "3542-developpement-des-competences-et-reconstruction-de-lactivite-collective"
"yearMonth" => "2014-01"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Développement des compétences et reconstruction de l'activité collective"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). Développement des compétences et reconstruction de l'activité collective. Dans: <i>Apprendre dans l'entreprise</i>. 1st ed. PUF, pp. 207-220."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Apprendre dans l'entreprise"
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Activité"
1 => "Communauté de pratique"
2 => "Communauté de processus"
3 => "Compétence"
4 => "Enquête"
5 => "Organisation du travail"
6 => "Pragmatisme"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "207-220"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La compétence se définit en gestion comme la capacité démontrée qu'a une organisation d'accomplir une activité en garantissant un certain niveau de performance (coût, qualité, délai, risque). Le développement de la compétence est donc identifié à la réussite des organisations. Aussi n'est-il pas étonnant que le thème hante la recherche sur les organisations et les pratiques managériales depuis longtemps, sans pourtant déboucher sur des résultats convaincants. Cet échec relatif est imputé ici à une certaine méconnaissance de l'activité collective organisée, qui se trouve à la base de la compétence. La compétence ne peut se développer que par un retour réflexif -une enquête, au sens pragmatiste - des collectifs de travail sur l'activité, selon deux types de configurations collectives : les communautés de pratique font retour sur la réalisation d'activités répondant au même type de compétence, notamment sur les modalités professionnelles d'exercice d'un métier ; les communautés de processus font retour sur des systèmes d'activités transverses aux métiers, répondant à une demande sociale, et donc particulièrement sur les choix organisationnels (division du travail, coordination, etc.). Communautés de pratique et communautés de processus s'articulent et s'interpellent mutuellement au sein des organisations. La compétence se développe dans cette stimulation mutuelle et itérative entre vision métier et vision processus, qui permet aux acteurs de prendre du recul sur leur métier aussi bien que sur l'organisation en place, et de repenser conjointement organisation et compétences. Développer les compétences, c'est aussi reconcevoir l'organisation."
"en" => "In management studies, competence is defined as the demonstrated capacity of an organization to accomplish a given activity with an assured level of performance (cost, quality, delay, risk). Competence development therefore is identified with organizational success. No wonder then that this topic has been present in organization research and managerial practices for a long time, with limited results. Such a relative failure is here attributed to some lack of knowledge about organized collective activity, though it is the very basis of competence. La competence can only develop through a reflexive return – an inquiry, in the pragmatist sense – of work collectives on activity, following two types of collective configurations: communities of practice reflexively examine how to achieve activities which all correspond to the same type of competence, e.g. within a given professional craft; communities of process reflexively examine cross-functional activity systems which fulfill a given social requirement, and particularly organizational choices (division of labor, coordination, etc.). Communities of practice and communities of process combine and challenge each other in organizations. Competence develops through this mutual and iterative stimulation between the professional and the process perspectives. It allows actors to take some hindsight on their professional practices as well as on the existing organization, and to re-design organization and competences jointly: developing competences also means redesigning organization."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
175 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2461
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3577"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3577"
"slug" => "3577-du-chiffre-adore-ou-execre-au-chiffrage-pratique"
"yearMonth" => "2011-12"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "Du chiffre, adoré ou exécré, au chiffrage, pratiqué"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2011). Du chiffre, adoré ou exécré, au chiffrage, pratiqué. Dans: <i>Comptabilité, contrôle et société</i>. 1st ed. Foucher, pp. 55-65."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Comptabilité, contrôle et société"
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "Chiffrage"
1 => "Chiffre"
2 => "Comptabilité"
3 => "Evaluation"
4 => "Peirce"
5 => "Performance"
6 => "Sémiotique"
7 => "Signe"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "55-65"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L’évaluation de l’action par un chiffre s’étend à tous les domaines de la vie sociale. Elle donne lieu à un double mouvement d’idéalisation (le chiffre garant de rigueur) et de diabolisation(le chiffre négation des valeurs d’humanité). Ce papier propose d’analyser cette situation en recourant aux concepts de la sémiotique pragmatiste. Le chiffrage de la performance produit des nombres qui, par rapport aux actions évaluées, sont à la fois des icônes (leur représentation mimétique, pour pouvoir les prévoir et les contrôler), des indices (leurs traces matérielles, pour déclencher et nourrir des enquêtes) et des symboles (la démonstration de leur conformité à des conventions sociales). La fuite généralisée devant la complexité promeut la fonction symbolique au détriment des fonctions iconiques et indicielles, vide le chiffre de son sens pratique et conduit à des affrontements dogmatiques. Il est urgent de développer le processus social du chiffrage, et au-delà de l’évaluation, comme construction collective et contradictoire de jugements, pour échapper au mirage de la lecture automatique des valeurs dans les nombres."
"en" => "The evaluation of action through numbers extends to all areas of social life. It simultaneously generates opposite and extreme emotional moves: idealizing (numbers are proofs of rigor) and demonizing (numbers as denial of human values). This paper attempts to analyze this situation by resorting to pragmatist semiotics. Performance quantification produces numbers which, with regard to evaluated action, are simultaneously icons (its mimetic representation, to predict and control it), indexes (its material traces, to trigger and feed inquiries) and symbols (demonstration of compliance with social conventions). Due to the general avoidance of complexity, the symbolic function tends to dominate or eliminate iconic and indexical functions, to deprive figures from their social sense and to cause dogmatic encounters. It is urgent to develop the social process of “quantifying” and, beyond, “evaluating”, as the collective and contradictory construction of judgments, to escape the illusion of reading values in figures automatically."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
176 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2462
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9376"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9376"
"slug" => "9376-debat-a-propos-de-lemprise-du-chiffre"
"yearMonth" => "2015-06"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "Débat : A propos de l'emprise du chiffre"
"description" => "CHIAPELLO, E., EYRAUD, C., LORINO, P. et SUPIOT, A. (2015). Débat : A propos de l'emprise du chiffre. <i>Entreprises et Histoire</i>, (79)."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CHIAPELLO E."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "EYRAUD C."
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "SUPIOT A."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => "79"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Préfaces / Introductions de revue"
"en" => "Prefaces of a journal"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
177 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2463
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9410"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9410"
"slug" => "9410-hdr"
"yearMonth" => "1992-06"
"year" => "1992"
"title" => "HDR"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1992). HDR. France."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "HDR"
"en" => "HDR"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
178 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2464
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3672"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3672"
"slug" => "3672-from-resources-to-processes-in-competence-based-strategic-management"
"yearMonth" => "2002-01"
"year" => "2002"
"title" => "From Resources to Processes in Competence-based Strategic Management"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TARONDEAU, J.C. (2002). From Resources to Processes in Competence-based Strategic Management. Dans: <i>Systems Perspectives on Resources, Capabilities, and Management Processes</i>. 1st ed. Pergamon, pp. 127-152."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "TARONDEAU Jean-Claude"
"bid" => "B00000491"
"slug" => "tarondeau-jean-claude"
"ouvrage" => "Systems Perspectives on Resources, Capabilities, and Management Processes"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "127-152"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La théorie des ressources, qui tente d'expliquer les avantages concurrentiels défendables des firmes par le portefeuille de ressources idiosyncratiques dont elles disposent, posent deux types de problèmes : un problème théorique, en ce sens qu'elles peuvent apparaître comme tautologiques, l'avantage concurrentiel étant assimilé à la possession d'actifs spécifiques, et vice-versa, sans pouvoir produire d'explications autres qu'ex-post , un problème de validation empirique, les ressources sources d'avantages concurrentiels étant supposées difficiles à imiter, difficiles à remplacer, elles sont de fait difficiles à observer. La désignation des savoirs tacites ou des compétences comme ressources stratégiques ne résout pas le problème, compte tenu du caractère assez peu observable des savoirs tacites et des compétences. Pour surmonter ces difficultés, nous développons ici le concept de "processus stratégiques", par lesquels les ressources de la firme sont mises en action et produisent un output spécifique source de valeur pour des clients externes. Les processus sont observables, ils peuvent être difficiles à imiter ou à remplacer, et sont sources directes de valeur. Nous illustrerons ce point de vue par le cas de l'entreprise Port-Express."
"en" => "Resource theories try to explain defendable competitive advantages of firms by the posession of a portfolio of idiosyncratic resources. They raise two problems: first, a theoretical problem, i.e. they can seem simply tautological, in so far as they explain competitive advantages by specific assets, and vice versa, only providing ex-post explanations , second, the problem of empirical validation, since strategic resources must be rare, difficult to imitate and difficult to replace. Then they are difficult to observe. Identifying strategic resources with tacit knowledge or competences does not solve this problem, since they are hardly observable. To overcome such shortcomings, we develop the concept of strategic processes, in which resources of a firm are put into action and produce some specific output which brings value to external clients. Strategic processes are observable, they can be difficult to imitate or to replace, and they are direct sources of value. We shall illustrate this concept by presenting a case on Port Express company."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
179 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2465
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3674"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3674"
"slug" => "3674-from-speech-acts-to-act-speeches-collective-activity-a-discursive-process-speaking-the-language-of-habits"
"yearMonth" => "2014-05"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "From Speech Acts to Act Speeches : Collective Activity, a Discursive Process Speaking the Language of Habits"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). From Speech Acts to Act Speeches : Collective Activity, a Discursive Process Speaking the Language of Habits. Dans: <i>Language and Communication at Work: Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing</i>. 1st ed. Oxford University Press, pp. 95-124."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Language and Communication at Work: Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing"
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Achats"
1 => "Activité"
2 => "Dialogisme"
3 => "Discours"
4 => "Enquête"
5 => "Habitude"
6 => "Narration"
7 => "Pragmatisme"
8 => "Processus d'organisation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "95-124"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Des courants de recherche s'intéressent à la performativité des discours : comment les discours ont des effets organisateurs. Ce chapitre porte sur l’activité elle-même comme discours en actes. Les actes ne sont pas seulement des opérations qui transforment le monde, mais aussi des signes qui renvoient à des significations sociales et font l'objet de mémorisation, reconnaissance, communication et réflexivité critique. L'activité collective apparaît ainsi comme un discours qui combine (1) des habitudes, c.à.d. des significations stabilisées et socialement partagées de l'action, constituant le langage de l'action, (2) des enquêtes situées pour adapter les habitudes, (3) un fil narratif qui agence les habitudes en récit. Cette approche est illustrée par l'étude du processus d'achat d'une entreprise énergétique."
"en" => "Recent research streams are concerned with the performativity of discourses, i.e. how discourses perform practical organizing effects. This chapter focuses on activity itself as a discourse in acts. Acts are not only operations which transform the world, but also signs which point to socially built meanings, with a potential for others' recognition, memory, communication and critical reflexivity. Collective activity is thus a discursive process which combines (i) habits, i.e. stabilized and socially shared action meanings, constituting the specific language of action; (ii) situated inquiries to adapt habits when they are disrupted; and (iii) a narrative thread, which connects habits and shapes a story. This view is illustrated by the example of the purchasing activity in a large electricity utility."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
180 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2466
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3717"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3717"
"slug" => "3717-industrie-et-services-la-fin-dune-frontiere"
"yearMonth" => "1994-01"
"year" => "1994"
"title" => "Industrie et services : la fin d'une frontière"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1994). Industrie et services : la fin d'une frontière. Dans: <i>Les polytechniciens dans le siècle - 1894-1994</i>. 1st ed. Dunod, pp. 219-229."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Les polytechniciens dans le siècle - 1894-1994"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "219-229"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La logique de l'entreprise l'oriente vers la manipulation intermétiers d'objets virtuels grâce à des langages symboliques. L'apprentissage collectif interfonctionnel revêt une importance croissante, ce qui laisse de moins en moins de place à la distinction entre industrie et services. C'est l'émergence d'une "industrie abstraite"."
"en" => "Corporate evolution draws the firm towards cross-functional management of virtual objects by using symbolic languages. Cross-functional collective learning becomes more and more important, which makes the distinction between manufacturing and the service industry less and less relevant : a kind of "abstract industry" is emerging."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
181 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2467
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3761"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3761"
"slug" => "3761-lactivite-processus-collectif-de-signification-et-dorganisation-implications-methodologiques"
"yearMonth" => "2017-09"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "l’Activité, processus collectif de signification et d’organisation. Implications méthodologiques"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2017). l’Activité, processus collectif de signification et d’organisation. Implications méthodologiques. Dans: <i>Encyclopédie d’analyse des activités</i>. 1st ed. PUF."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Encyclopédie d’analyse des activités"
"keywords" => array:10 [
0 => "Activité"
1 => "Allo-confrontation"
2 => "Dialogique"
3 => "Expérimentation"
4 => "Habitude"
5 => "Méthodologie"
6 => "Narration"
7 => "Organisation"
8 => "Processus organisant"
9 => "Signification"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Si l’activité, toujours sociale et organisée, se situe « dans » une organisation, l’organisation se situe autant « dans » l’activité. Dans une perspective processuelle (l’organisation vue non comme structure mais comme processus d’émergence continu), l’activité socialement organisée n’est pas immédiatement perceptible, car elle est déconstruite par la division du travail et son étalement sur des périodes et lieux multiples. Elle ne fait sens qu’à travers un processus permanent de reconstruction, qui produit simultanément : une performation, c’est-à-dire une transformation pratique de la situation ; la signification de l’agir collectif en cours ; et le renouvellement continu des rôles, instruments, règles, cadres temporels et spatiaux de cet agir : un mouvement continu d’organisation. À partir d’un exemple concret (organisation du travail dans une situation de fusion de grands groupes de la distribution), on précisera les fondements théoriques de cette approche et ses implications méthodologiques."
"en" => "While the activity, always social and organized, is located “within” an organization, the organization as well is located « within » the activity. In a processual perspective about organizations (the organization viewed as a continuous process of emergence rather than as a structure), the socially organized activity is immediately perceptible, because it is fragmented by the division of labour and spread out on multiple periods and places. It can only make sense through its permanent process of reconstruction, which produces simultaneously: a performation, i.e. a practical transformation of the situation; the meaning of collective action in-progress; and the continuous renewal of roles, instruments, rules, temporal and spatial frameworks, i.e. ongoing « organizing ». Starting from a concrete example (work organisation in a situation of merger between two mass distribution groups), the chapter develops the pragmatist theoretical basis of this approach and its methodological implications."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
182 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2468
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3762"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3762"
"slug" => "3762-lapport-de-la-pensee-pragmatiste-a-lapproche-processuelle"
"yearMonth" => "2016-01"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "L’apport de la pensée pragmatiste à l’approche processuelle"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2016). L’apport de la pensée pragmatiste à l’approche processuelle. Dans: <i>Théories des organisations. Nouveaux tournants</i>. 1st ed. Economica, pp. 279-298."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Théories des organisations. Nouveaux tournants"
"keywords" => array:10 [
0 => "Dewey"
1 => "Dialogisme"
2 => "Enquête"
3 => "Habitude"
4 => "Mead"
5 => "Médiation sémiotique"
6 => "Peirce"
7 => "Pragmatisme"
8 => "Processus"
9 => "Transaction"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "279-298"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le cadre pragmatiste peut apporter une base théorique féconde aux approches processuelles des organisations en gestion et théorie des organisations. Elle met en cause, à travers les théories de la médiation sémiotique, de l'enquête et de la transaction dialogique, les approches dualistes, notamment les dualismes sujet / objet, situé / générique, micro / macro, représentation / réalité, pensée / action, individuel / collectif. Dans la perspective des penseurs pragmatistes, l'action et la pensée sur l’action constituent un seul et même processus continu de transformation du monde, continûment investi de sens par les acteurs à travers leurs échanges dialogiques : toute pensée est pensée d'une transformation du monde, et toute transformation active du monde s'inscrit dans un champ de significations."
"en" => "The pragmatist framework can bring an important contribution to the process perspective on organizations, in organization and management studies. Through the theories of semiotic mediation, inquiry and dialogic transaction, it questions dualist approaches, in particular the subject/object, situated/generic, micro/macro, representation/reality, thought/action, and individual/collective dualisms. In the pragmatist authors’ perspective, action and thought about action are one single transformative process. Actors continually make meaning of it through their dialogic exchanges: any thought is thought of world transformation, and any active transformation of the world is embedded in a field of meanings."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
183 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2469
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3791"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3791"
"slug" => "3791-la-fuite-manageriale-devant-la-complexite-lexemple-historique-du-lean-management"
"yearMonth" => "2015-02"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "La fuite managériale devant la complexité : l'exemple historique du Lean Management"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2015). La fuite managériale devant la complexité : l'exemple historique du Lean Management. Dans: <i>Les systèmes de gestion entre simplification et complexification</i>. 1st ed. Economica, pp. 37-47."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Les systèmes de gestion entre simplification et complexification"
"keywords" => array:9 [
0 => "Complexité"
1 => "Deming"
2 => "Lean Management"
3 => "Pragmatisme"
4 => "Process"
5 => "Qualité"
6 => "Shewhart"
7 => "Taylorisme"
8 => "Toyota Production System"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "37-47"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre étudie l'étrange odyssée du "Lean Management"… Ce terme désigne d'abord un tournant décisif des idées et pratiques managériales vers une pensée processuelle anti-taylorienne, sous l'influence de la philosophie pragmatiste, des années 30 aux années 80. À partir des années 80 ce même terme désigne souvent un retour frappant au taylorisme, dominé par la planification en chambre, le contrôle d'écarts et la chasse aux coûts. Le texte tente de tirer de ce renversement historique des enseignements sur les obstacles à la pensée complexe et processuelle dans le monde managérial et académique : aversion pour la complexité, traitement du temps (notions de slack et de temps gaspillé), gestion de la valeur et rapport à l'activité."
"en" => "This chapter studies the curious odyssey of "Lean Management"... Under this label, managerial ideas and practices have first undergone a decisive step towards anti-Taylorian process thinking, influenced by pragmatist philosophy, from the 1930s to the 80s. Then, from the 80s on, "Lean Management" often points to a striking return to Taylorism, dominated by off-the-field planning, variance control and cost-killing. The study of this historical shift can give us clues about obstacles to process and complexity thinking in the managerial and academic world: aversion to complexity, treatment of time (notions of slack and wasted time), value management and relationship to activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
184 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2470
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3792"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3792"
"slug" => "3792-la-gestion-de-la-connaissance-dans-lentreprise-et-le-role-instrumental-des-systemes-dinformation"
"yearMonth" => "2003-01"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "La gestion de la connaissance dans l'entreprise et le rôle instrumental des systèmes d'information"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2003). La gestion de la connaissance dans l'entreprise et le rôle instrumental des systèmes d'information. Dans: <i>De l'intelligence économique à l'économie de la connaissance</i>. 1st ed. Economica, pp. 32-50."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "De l'intelligence économique à l'économie de la connaissance"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "32-50"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La connaissance dans les organisations se construit à partir des processus interprétatifs subjectifs des acteurs. Les instruments (notamment les systèmes d' information et les dispositifs d'intelligence économique) sont donc inséparables des processus d'action collectifs dans lesquels ils sont mis en œuvre. Les processus d'intelligence économique exigent donc une formulation collective des projets-clés de l'entreprise."
"en" => "Knowledge in organizations is built through actors's subjective interpretation processes. Instruments (especially information systems and economic intelligence artefacts) cannot be separated from organizational action processes in which they are implemented. The processes of economic intelligence require a collective formulation of the key projects of the firm."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
185 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2471
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3796"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3796"
"slug" => "3796-la-gestion-strategique-des-competences-un-changement-de-paradigme"
"yearMonth" => "2013-11"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "La gestion stratégique des compétences : un changement de paradigme"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2013). La gestion stratégique des compétences : un changement de paradigme. Dans: <i>La SNCF en réflexion. Ouverture à la recherche et débats</i>. 1st ed. L'Harmattan, pp. 109-122."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "La SNCF en réflexion. Ouverture à la recherche et débats"
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "Compétence"
1 => "Management des compétences"
2 => "Performance"
3 => "Pratiques"
4 => "Processus"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "109-122"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre critique les approches techniques et individuelles de la compétence. Il suggère que la compétence est d’emblée collective et située dans une organisation. Il introduit la notion de « scénario organisationnel » pour relier la compétence collective aux compétences individuelles. Il propose une approche de management des compétences fondée sur le retour réflexif de communautés d’acteurs sur leur activité collective transverse, inter-métiers et tournée vers le client."
"en" => "This chapter criticizes the individualistic and technical approaches to competence. It argues that competence is inherently collective and situated in an organization. It defines the notion of “organizational scenario” to connect collective and individual competences. It presents an approach to competence management based on the reflexive appraisal of their own cross functional activity by the community of actors themselves, in a customer oriented perspective."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
186 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2472
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3808"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3808"
"slug" => "3808-la-performance-et-ses-indicateurs-elements-de-definition"
"yearMonth" => "2001-01"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "La performance et ses indicateurs. Eléments de définition"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2001). La performance et ses indicateurs. Eléments de définition. Dans: <i>Indicateurs de performance</i>. 1st ed. Hermès Sciences, Lavoisier, pp. 23-28."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Indicateurs de performance"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "23-28"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'indicateur de performance dans l'entreprise est un outil d'intérprétation, un signe porteur de sens, ou centre d'un triangle formé par l'acteur collectif, la stratégie traduite en objectifs (intentionalité) et le processus d'action (l'expérience de l'action)."
"en" => "A performance indicator is an interpretation tool, a sens building sign, which lied at centre of a triangle made of the collective author, strategy translated into objectives (intentionality) and the action process (action experience)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
187 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2473
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3818"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3818"
"slug" => "3818-la-question-de-la-performance-dans-les-activites-de-conception"
"yearMonth" => "2014-11"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "La question de la performance dans les activités de conception"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2014). La question de la performance dans les activités de conception. Dans: <i>Gestion de projet et innovation</i>. 1st ed. L'Harmattan, pp. 165-178."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Gestion de projet et innovation"
"keywords" => array:7 [
0 => "Activité"
1 => "Artefact"
2 => "Communauté"
3 => "Conception"
4 => "Enquête"
5 => "Irréversibilité"
6 => "Usage"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "165-178"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les sciences de gestion se sont enfermées dès leur origine dans une vision “représentationnelle”. En gestion, cela est particulièrement visible à travers le couple conception/exécution (Taylor) ou dans les théories de la décision (Simon). Plutôt qu’objectiver la connaissance, il est plus intéressant de la problématiser en intégrant les questions du sens et de l’action pour « redonner droit de cité à l’interprétation de l’action par les acteurs et à la construction du sens dans l’action ». Cette posture, qui s’inscrit dans la perspective des philosophies pragmatiques américaines, permet d’appréhender la conception en matière d’activité collective."
"en" => "Management theories, from their historical origin, have been locked in a « representational » vision. It is particularly visible in the Taylorian dichotomy between design and execution and in Herbert Simon’s approach to decision theory. Rather than objectifying knowledge, it seems more interesting to problematize it and integrate action and sense issues to bring back and highlight actors’ interpretation of activity and sense making. This approach, inspired by pragmatist philosophy, stresses the relationship between design and collective activity."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
188 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2474
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3839"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3839"
"slug" => "3839-lapprentissage-organisationnel-bloque"
"yearMonth" => "2000-01"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "L'apprentissage organisationnel bloqué"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2000). L'apprentissage organisationnel bloqué. Dans: <i>Enquêtes de gestion, à la recherche du signe dans l'entreprise. Huit récits, du compact-disc au pain biologique</i>. 1st ed. L'Harmattan, pp. 203-254."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Enquêtes de gestion, à la recherche du signe dans l'entreprise. Huit récits, du compact-disc au pain biologique"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "203-254"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le groupe informatique Bull est confronté, à la fin des années 80, à la nécessité de convertir ses archétypes de performance d'un modèle manufacturier à un modèle de service et d'innovation. Cette mutation se heurte à l'inertie conjointe des schémas d'interprétation des acteurs et des systèmes de gestion formels de l'entreprise. La situation est analysée à la lumière des théories pragmatiques de l'apprentissage (Peirce, Dewey)."
"en" => "Computer producer Bull, at the end of the eighties, faces the necessity to transform its performance concept from a manufacturing model to a service and innovation model. Such a transformation is hampered by the difficulty to change the actors'interpretation schemes and formal management systems. This situation is analysed on the basis of the pragmatic theories of learning."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
189 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2475
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3852"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3852"
"slug" => "3852-le-decloisonnement-des-metiers-dans-lentreprise-une-nouvelle-articulation-entre-savoirs-et-action"
"yearMonth" => "1999-01"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "Le décloisonnement des métiers dans l'entreprise. Une nouvelle articulation entre savoirs et action"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1999). Le décloisonnement des métiers dans l'entreprise. Une nouvelle articulation entre savoirs et action. Dans: <i>Innovations et Performances</i>. 1st ed. Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, pp. 453-461."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Innovations et Performances"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "453-461"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le décloisonnement des métiers dans l'entreprise répond à la nécessité de résoudre des problèmes mal structurés. Contraintes et variables d'action ne sont pas définies de manière stable. L'articulation entre savoir et action doit se construire de manière continue, ce qui conduit à réviser fréquemment les périmètres de compétence reconnus socialement."
"en" => "The integration of different professional competences is made necessary by the challenge to solve ill structured problems. Constraints and action variables are not defined in a stable way. The combination of knowledge with action must continuously be re-built. This requires a periodic review and a redesign of professional competence perimeter."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
190 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2476
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3873"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3873"
"slug" => "3873-le-pilotage-de-lentreprise-de-la-mesure-a-linterpretation"
"yearMonth" => "1996-02"
"year" => "1996"
"title" => "Le pilotage de l'entreprise : de la mesure à l'interprétation"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1996). Le pilotage de l'entreprise : de la mesure à l'interprétation. Dans: <i>Cohérence, pertinence et évaluation</i>. 1st ed. Economica, pp. 15-30."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Cohérence, pertinence et évaluation"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "15-30"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La gestion taylorienne était fondée sur le paradigme du contrôle (modélisation déterministe de la création de valeur). L'autonomie cognitive des acteurs contraint à abandonner ce paradigme pour passer à celui de l'interprétation (chaque auteur interprète la création de valeur par l'action collective), une interprétation causes-effets continue sur les sources de valeur."
"en" => "Taylor's Scientific Management was based upon control paradigm (deterministic modelling of value creation). Cognitive autonomy of actors requires abandoning that paradigm and replacing it by the paradigm of interpretation (each actor interprets how value is generated by collective action). Firm steering is then an on-going collective interpretation of cause-effect chains generating value."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
191 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2477
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3881"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3881"
"slug" => "3881-le-sens-du-risque-ordinaire-facteurs-organisationnels-de-risque-sur-les-chantiers-de-construction"
"yearMonth" => "2009-09"
"year" => "2009"
"title" => "Le sens du risque ordinaire. Facteurs organisationnels de risque sur les chantiers de construction."
"description" => "LORINO, P. et TRICARD, B. (2009). Le sens du risque ordinaire. Facteurs organisationnels de risque sur les chantiers de construction. Dans: <i>Le défi des organisations face aux risques. Sciences humaines et Cyndiniques</i>. 1st ed. Economica, pp. 85-112."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD B."
"ouvrage" => "Le défi des organisations face aux risques. Sciences humaines et Cyndiniques"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "85-112"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre vise à éclairer les facteurs organisationnels du risque ordinaire au travail et proposer des pistes d'action pour le réduire. Après une revue de littérature sur l'analyse théorique et empirique du risque, le chapitre présente une étude de cas, menée selon une méthode d'enquête coopérative, portant sur le risque dans les phases successives d'un projet de construction. Des récits d'épisodes risqués sont recueillis et analysés dans un groupe de travail plurifonctionnel. Ils montrent notamment les interdépendances entre conception-planification du chantier et construction sur site. Le chapitre conclut sur l'importance du décloisonnement des processus et du retour réflexif d'un collectif d'action large sur sa propre activité pour la reconcevoir."
"en" => "This chapter highlights the organizational drivers of ordinary risk at work and suggests some ways to limit it. After a literature survey about theoretical and empirical studies of risk, the chapter presents a case study following the method of cooperative inquiry. It addresses work risk in the successive phases of a construction project. Cases of risky episodes are collected and analyzed in a cross-functional working group. In particular they show the interdependence between the design-planning phase of the project and on-site construction. The conclusion stresses the importance of decompartmentalizing processes and developing the reflexive analysis of cross-functional activity by broader work teams to redesign it."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
192 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2478
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3882"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3882"
"slug" => "3882-le-sens-giratoire-et-le-chameau"
"yearMonth" => "1999-09"
"year" => "1999"
"title" => "Le sens giratoire et le chameau"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (1999). Le sens giratoire et le chameau. Dans: <i>Entre systémique et complexité, chemin faisant...</i> 1st ed. PUF, pp. 147-157."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Entre systémique et complexité, chemin faisant..."
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "147-157"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "A partir de deux exemples (le partage d'un troupeau de chameaux et la régulation de la circulation routière par les carrefours giratoires), l'auteur oppose à l'héritage positiviste Comtien (fin de l'histoire, triomphe des sciences positives, neutralité de l'observateur, modèles d'optimisation, système fermé de décision) l'hétérodoxie de l'oeuvre de J.L Le Moigne, qui met l'accent sur les procédures d'enquête, la nature purement heuristique des modèles, leur caractère ouvert, l'intégration de la connaissance et de l'action."
"en" => "Building on two examples (how to distribute camels to the owner's sons, how circular cross-roads regulate traffic), the author stresses the opposition between Comte's positivist tradition (end of History, triumph of positive sciences, neutrality of the observer-scientist, optimization models, closed decision-making systems) and heterodox Jean-Louis Le Moigne's work, which focuses on inquiry procedures, heuristic nature of models, open systems and knowledge/action integration."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
193 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2479
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3889"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3889"
"slug" => "3889-learning-as-transforming-collective-activity-through-dialogical-inquiries"
"yearMonth" => "2015-07"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "Learning as Transforming Collective Activity through Dialogical Inquiries"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2015). Learning as Transforming Collective Activity through Dialogical Inquiries. Dans: <i>Francophone Perspectives of Learning through Work</i>. 1st ed. Springer, pp. 145-168."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Francophone Perspectives of Learning through Work"
"keywords" => array:10 [
0 => "Activité collective"
1 => "Apprentissage"
2 => "Communauté"
3 => "Enquête"
4 => "Habitude"
5 => "Médiation sémiotique"
6 => "Narratif"
7 => "Pragmatisme"
8 => "Processus"
9 => "Processus d'organisation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "145-168"
"volume" => "12"
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre suggère que l'apprentissage est une dimension intrinsèque de toute activité consciente et signifiante. L'activité est vue ici comme dialogique - elle ne fait sens que dans l'interaction - et médiatisée par diverses médiations sémiotiques, telles que le langage ou les outillages. Toutes ces médiations se réfèrent en dernier ressort à la médiation ultime des habitudes socialement reconnaissables et porteuses de sens. Quand des situations imprévues perturbent les habitudes, des enquêtes multiples, partiellement invisibles, permettent de les adapter. Habitudes et enquêtes dialogiques dessinent le fil conducteur narratif de l'activité. L'apprentissage est ainsi défini comme la transformation continue des habitudes et de leur combinaison narrative à travers des enquêtes dialogiques. Cette approche requiert la constitution de communautés de pratique pour adapter les habitudes professionnelles et de communautés de processus pour reconcevoir la cohérence narrative des processus transverses. Cette analyse est illustrée par une étude de cas : la mise en œuvre d'un logiciel de gestion intégré dans une grande entreprise d'électricité."
"en" => "This chapter suggests that learning is an intrinsic aspect of every conscious, purposeful activity. Activity is viewed here as dialogical – activity is addressed and acquires its meaning from the interacting situation - and mediated by different types of semiotic mediations, e.g. language, tooling, procedures. All mediations are ultimately referenced to one final mediation: socially recognizable and meaning-making habits. When unpredicted situations disrupt habits, multiple and partly invisible inquiries lead to the transformation of habits. Dialogical habits and inquiries weave the threads of a collective sensemaking narrative. Learning is, thus, defined here as the continuous transformation of habits and of their narrative combination through dialogical inquiries. This approach requires establishing the adequate communities of practice, to transform professional habits and identities, and communities of process, to redesign cross-functional inquiries and the cross-functional narrative coherence of processes. This analysis is illustrated by a case study: the implementation of an integrated management information system (ERP) in an electricity company."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
194 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2480
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12992"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12992"
"slug" => "12992-du-controle-a-lenquete-dune-vision-heteronome-a-une-vision-autonome-de-lactivite"
"yearMonth" => "2022-04"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Du contrôle à l'enquête, d'une vision hétéronome à une vision autonome de l'activité"
"description" => "ARNOUD, J. et LORINO, P. (2022). Du contrôle à l'enquête, d'une vision hétéronome à une vision autonome de l'activité. Dans: Anthony Hussenot, Emilie Lanciano, Philippe Lorino, Jonathan Sambugaro eds. <i>Pratiques de travail et dynamiques organisationnelles</i>. 1st ed. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec, pp. 233-246."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARNOUD Justine"
"ouvrage" => "Pratiques de travail et dynamiques organisationnelles"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-11-14 09:25:30"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "233-246"
"volume" => ""
"number" => "13"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le devenir des outils et des pratiques de contrôle face à l’émergence de nouvelles formes organisationnelles peut être examiné de différentes manières. Le contrôle peut apparaître comme une dimension incontournable de toute forme d’organisation. Dans ce cas, la question centrale porte sur l’adaptation du contrôle aux nouvelles organisations, ou l’invention de nouvelles formes de contrôle s’appuyant, par exemple, sur les technologies numériques. Selon une seconde perspective, le contrôle constituerait une pratique sociale contingente, liée à une certaine catégorie d’approches organisationnelles, et, dans ce cas, la question centrale porte, plus radicalement, sur la pertinence du recours au contrôle et sur les..."
"en" => "The development of tools and control practices to face the emergence of new forms of organization can be examined in different ways. Management control can be used as an indispensable dimension of all forms of organisation. In this case, the central question brings about the adaptation of control to new organisations, or the invention of new forms of control, using for example, digital technologies. From a second perspective, control constitutes a contingent social practice, linked to a certain category of organizational approaches, and, in this case, the central question is, more radically, on the relevance of the records to the control [...]"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
195 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2481
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12993"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12993"
"slug" => "12993-pratiques-de-travail-et-dynamiques-organisationnelles-labellise-par-le-college-de-labellisation-de-la-fnege"
"yearMonth" => "2022-04"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Pratiques de travail et dynamiques organisationnelles [Labellisé par le Collège de Labellisation de la FNEGE.]"
"description" => "HUSSENOT, A., LANCIANO, E., LORINO, P. et SAMBUGARO, J. [Eds] (2022). <i>Pratiques de travail et dynamiques organisationnelles [Labellisé par le Collège de Labellisation de la FNEGE.]</i>. 1st ed. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "HUSSENOT Anthony"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANCIANO Emilie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "SAMBUGARO Jonathan"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-11-14 09:55:40"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Direction d'ouvrage"
"en" => "Book editor"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage invite à penser l’évolution de nos pratiques, mais aussi la façon dont nous organisons nos activités professionnelles. Sans jamais présenter les évolutions du monde du travail et des entreprises sous un jour enchanteur ni, à l’inverse, les dénoncer dans leur ensemble, cet ouvrage a l’ambition de fournir des clés de compréhension des transformations en cours et de leurs effets sur les individus et les collectivités. Trente et un chercheurs spécialistes du travail, du management et des organisations ont été invités à faire part ici de leurs analyses afin de nous aider à comprendre les pratiques de travail et les dynamiques organisationnelles susceptibles d’influencer en profondeur le devenir de nos sociétés."
"en" => "Cet ouvrage invite à penser l’évolution de nos pratiques, mais aussi la façon dont nous organisons nos activités professionnelles. Sans jamais présenter les évolutions du monde du travail et des entreprises sous un jour enchanteur ni, à l’inverse, les dénoncer dans leur ensemble, cet ouvrage a l’ambition de fournir des clés de compréhension des transformations en cours et de leurs effets sur les individus et les collectivités. Trente et un chercheurs spécialistes du travail, du management et des organisations ont été invités à faire part ici de leurs analyses afin de nous aider à comprendre les pratiques de travail et les dynamiques organisationnelles susceptibles d’influencer en profondeur le devenir de nos sociétés."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
196 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2482
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12995"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12995"
"slug" => "12995-organizing-during-disruptive-events-the-case-of-rapid-tactical-evacuation-during-the-bataclan-terrorist-attack"
"yearMonth" => "2020-07"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Organizing during disruptive events: The case of rapid tactical evacuation during the Bataclan terrorist attack"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M., LANGLOIS, M., LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2020). Organizing during disruptive events: The case of rapid tactical evacuation during the Bataclan terrorist attack. Dans: <i>EGOS</i>."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANGLOIS Matthieu"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY Damien"
"ouvrage" => "EGOS"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:43"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
197 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2483
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12996"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12996"
"slug" => "12996-how-to-prepare-for-extreme-contexts-the-experience-of-time-and-space-through-chronotopic-inquiries"
"yearMonth" => "2021-07"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "How to prepare for extreme contexts: The experience of time and space through chronotopic inquiries"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M., LANGLOIS, M., LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2021). How to prepare for extreme contexts: The experience of time and space through chronotopic inquiries. Dans: <i>EGOS</i>."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANGLOIS Matthieu"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY Damien"
"ouvrage" => "EGOS"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:43"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
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+"_type": "_doc"
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198 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2484
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13275"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13275"
"slug" => "13275-large-societal-issues-political-democracy-and-organizational-governance-a-case-in-nuclear-safety"
"yearMonth" => "2021-09"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Large societal issues, political democracy and organizational governance. A case in nuclear safety"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et KERVEILLANT, M. (2021). Large societal issues, political democracy and organizational governance. A case in nuclear safety. Dans: 12th International Process Symposium (PROS). Organizing beyond organizations for the common good: Confronting major societal challenges through process studies. Online."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
"ouvrage" => "12th International Process Symposium (PROS). Organizing beyond organizations for the common good: Confronting major societal challenges through process studies"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
199 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2485
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13277"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13277"
"slug" => "13277-plots-clocks-the-narrative-integration-of-temporality-in-organizational-processes-to-overcome-dualisms"
"yearMonth" => "2021-09"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Plots & Clocks: The narrative integration of temporality in organizational processes to overcome dualisms"
"description" => "TRICARD, B. et LORINO, P. (2021). Plots & Clocks: The narrative integration of temporality in organizational processes to overcome dualisms. Dans: 1st International Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies (PHILOS). Online."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRICARD Benoît"
"ouvrage" => "1st International Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies (PHILOS)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"volume" => ""
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"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
200 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2486
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13278"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13278"
"slug" => "13278-inclusive-or-exclusive-governance-do-stakeholders-hold-stakes-organizational-governance-as-a-trans-actional-inquiry"
"yearMonth" => "2021-07"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Inclusive or exclusive governance: do stakeholders hold stakes? Organizational governance as a trans-actional inquiry"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2021). Inclusive or exclusive governance: do stakeholders hold stakes? Organizational governance as a trans-actional inquiry. Dans: 37th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. Online."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "37th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
201 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2487
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13279"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13279"
"slug" => "13279-how-to-prepare-for-extreme-contexts-the-experience-of-time-and-space-through-training"
"yearMonth" => "2021-07"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "How to prepare for extreme contexts: the experience of time and space through training"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M., LORINO, P., LANGLOIS, M. et MOUREY, D. (2021). How to prepare for extreme contexts: the experience of time and space through training. Dans: 37th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. Online."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANGLOIS Matthieu"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY Damien"
"ouvrage" => "37th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-07-19 15:45:17"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
202 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2488
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13654"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13654"
"slug" => "13654-the-intertwined-dimensions-of-time-and-space-in-crisis-situations-the-case-of-rapid-tactical-evacuation-during-the-bataclan-terrorist-attack"
"yearMonth" => "2022-07"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "The intertwined dimensions of time and space in crisis situations The case of rapid tactical evacuation during the Bataclan terrorist attack"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M., LANGLOIS, M., LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2022). The intertwined dimensions of time and space in crisis situations The case of rapid tactical evacuation during the Bataclan terrorist attack. Dans: EGOS 38th Symposium, sub-theme 22: Depth, Verticality, and Visibility in Organizing: Integrating Space and Time, WU. Vienna."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANGLOIS Matthieu"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY Damien"
"ouvrage" => "EGOS 38th Symposium, sub-theme 22: Depth, Verticality, and Visibility in Organizing: Integrating Space and Time, WU"
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "police"
1 => "coordination"
2 => "crisis"
3 => "medical"
4 => "organization"
5 => "chronotope"
6 => "temporal"
7 => "space"
"updatedAt" => "2023-08-29 11:55:55"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => """
How do actors collectively experience disruptive situations, make sense, coordinate and act? We suggest that the ongoing production of an integrated and coherent time-space frame is an essential dimension of organizing and sensemaking processes, particularly in disruptive situations. We develop a pragmatist-inspired framework on organizing processes as narrative inquiry with a relational, intertwined and open-ended view on the inseparability of space and time. We draw on Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope. The chronotope of the organizing process is the fused and meaningful time-space frame of the collective action in progress.\n
Based on this frame, we investigate an exemplifying case, the evacuation of wounded during the Bataclan terror attack on November 13th, 2015 in Paris. We show that actors do not think and act about time and space separately and sequentially (time then space or vice versa, and then the time-space relationship) but in a fully integrated and relational way, in a time-space frame. During their interventions, they mobilize and reconstruct coherent chronotopes in situ, to respond effectively to the situation.
"en" => """
How do actors collectively experience disruptive situations, make sense, coordinate and act? We suggest that the ongoing production of an integrated and coherent time-space frame is an essential dimension of organizing and sensemaking processes, particularly in disruptive situations. We develop a pragmatist-inspired framework on organizing processes as narrative inquiry with a relational, intertwined and open-ended view on the inseparability of space and time. We draw on Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope. The chronotope of the organizing process is the fused and meaningful time-space frame of the collective action in progress.\n
Based on this frame, we investigate an exemplifying case, the evacuation of wounded during the Bataclan terror attack on November 13th, 2015 in Paris. We show that actors do not think and act about time and space separately and sequentially (time then space or vice versa, and then the time-space relationship) but in a fully integrated and relational way, in a time-space frame. During their interventions, they mobilize and reconstruct coherent chronotopes in situ, to respond effectively to the situation.
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
203 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2489
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13656"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13656"
"slug" => "13656-organizing-for-special-forces-interventions-the-key-role-of-feedback-and-preparation-in-developing-chronotopic-competence"
"yearMonth" => "2022-06"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Organizing for Special Forces Interventions: The Key Role of Feedback and Preparation in Developing Chronotopic Competence"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M., LANGLOIS, M., LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2022). Organizing for Special Forces Interventions: The Key Role of Feedback and Preparation in Developing Chronotopic Competence. Dans: <i>13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS)</i>. Rhodes: Process Organization Studies."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANGLOIS Matthieu"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY Damien"
"ouvrage" => "13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS)"
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Police"
1 => "extreme context"
2 => "crisis"
3 => "learning"
"updatedAt" => "2023-07-19 16:50:24"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Grèce"
"en" => "Greece"
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "This research aims at understanding how organizations facing extreme situations use training and feedback. To do so, we study the RAID, the French police special forces units. The RAID intervenes in major crises and emergency situations when traditional police units are overwhelmed. We found that what matters most in organizing, acting and learning is the ongoing space-time (re)framing of the action in-progress. In order to flesh out this idea theoretically, we draw on Bakhtin’s theory of the chronotope (Bakhtin, 1981; Lorino & Tricard, 2012), that refers to the intrinsic connectedness of time and space, as artistically expressed in literature. The chronotope is the fused and meaningful time-space frame of the collective action in progress. We show how training and feedback are used to build and nurture what we call a chronotopic competence. Chronotopic competence combines the proficiency in the learned motifs with the capacity to face, make sense of and collectively act in response to singular, dangerous and never-experienced situations."
"en" => "This research aims at understanding how organizations facing extreme situations use training and feedback. To do so, we study the RAID, the French police special forces units. The RAID intervenes in major crises and emergency situations when traditional police units are overwhelmed. We found that what matters most in organizing, acting and learning is the ongoing space-time (re)framing of the action in-progress. In order to flesh out this idea theoretically, we draw on Bakhtin’s theory of the chronotope (Bakhtin, 1981; Lorino & Tricard, 2012), that refers to the intrinsic connectedness of time and space, as artistically expressed in literature. The chronotope is the fused and meaningful time-space frame of the collective action in progress. We show how training and feedback are used to build and nurture what we call a chronotopic competence. Chronotopic competence combines the proficiency in the learned motifs with the capacity to face, make sense of and collectively act in response to singular, dangerous and never-experienced situations."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
204 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2490
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14053"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14053"
"slug" => "14053-lhopital-pragmatiste-un-maillon-du-systeme-de-sante"
"yearMonth" => "2022-10"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "L'hôpital pragmatiste : un maillon du système de santé"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2022). L'hôpital pragmatiste : un maillon du système de santé. Dans: Jean-Paul Dumond (ed.). <i>Refonder les organisations de santé - Vers l’hôpital post-industriel</i>. 1st ed. Paris: Seli Arslan."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Refonder les organisations de santé - Vers l’hôpital post-industriel"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-06-20 14:26:45"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => "15"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le secteur de la santé par sa complexité et l’importance des enjeux sociétaux qui lui sont attachés, est un exemple paroxystique des difficultés rencontrés par la société française pour adapter ses pratiques d’organisation et de gouvernance, et mettre en question les rôles, les règles, les pratiques professionnelles et citoyennes, les frontières et les périmètres établis."
"en" => "The health sector, due to its complexity and the importance of the societal issues attached to it, is a paroxysmal example of the difficulties encountered by French society in adapting its organizational and governance practices, and questioning the roles, rules, professional and civic practices, boundaries and established perimeters."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
205 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2491
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14127"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14127"
"slug" => "14127-organizing-for-special-forces-interventions-the-key-role-of-feedback-in-the-collective-inquiry"
"yearMonth" => "2022-06"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Organizing for Special Forces Interventions: The Key Role of Feedback in the Collective Inquiry"
"description" => "GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M., LANGLOIS, M., LORINO, P. et MOUREY, D. (2022). Organizing for Special Forces Interventions: The Key Role of Feedback in the Collective Inquiry. Dans: 13th International Process Symposium (PROS) 2022. Rhodes."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LANGLOIS Matthieu"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY D."
"ouvrage" => "13th International Process Symposium (PROS) 2022"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-07-20 01:00:38"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
206 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2492
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14593"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14593"
"slug" => "14593-critique-pragmatiste-du-paradigme-du-controle"
"yearMonth" => "2023-11"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Critique pragmatiste du paradigme du contrôle"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et ARNOUD, J. (2023). Critique pragmatiste du paradigme du contrôle. Dans: Claire Dambrin, Damien Mourey eds. <i>Les grands courants en contrôle de gestion</i>. 1st ed. Caen: Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 521-540."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARNOUD Justine"
"ouvrage" => "Les grands courants en contrôle de gestion"
"keywords" => array:8 [
0 => "activité"
1 => "contrôle"
2 => "enquête"
3 => "organisation"
4 => "activity"
5 => "control"
6 => "inquiry"
7 => "organizing"
"updatedAt" => "2024-05-28 15:30:58"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "521-540"
"volume" => ""
"number" => "24"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans ce monde mouvant et incertain, l'approche processuelle définit l'organisation comme démarche continue visant à organiser l'activité collective plutôt que structure stabilisée. Cette évolution rend le paradigme du contrôle problématique. Par paradigme, on entend une vision du monde qui sous-tend les évolutions de l'organisation et leur confère un sens. Ce chapitre présente cinq caractéristiques-clés du contrôle (séparation objectifs-moyens, hétéronomie de l'activité humaine, orientation vers le passé, abstraction des situations singulières, vision unique de la rationalité). Il montre les possibles effets délétères du contrôle sur l'activité et sur ses parties prenantes et lui oppose une alternative radicale, le paradigme de l'enquête emprunté à la philosophie pragmatiste de l'action, qui reconnaît simultanément l'importance de l'expérience et le caractère exploratoire et créatif de l'activité humaine. Les exigences soulevées par la transition d'un paradigme à l'autre sont illustrées par une étude portant sur des centres d'appel. Nous en discutons les implications et le chemin à parcourir."
"en" => "In this shifting, uncertain world, the processual approach defines organization as a continuous process aimed at organizing collective activity, rather than a stabilized structure. This evolution makes the control paradigm problematic. By paradigm, we mean a worldview that underpins organizational developments and gives them meaning. This chapter presents five key characteristics of control (separation means / ends, heteronomy of human activity, orientation towards the past, abstraction from singular situations, a unique vision of rationality). It shows the possible deleterious effects of control on activity and stakeholders, and contrasts it with a radical alternative, the paradigm of inquiry borrowed from the pragmatist philosophy of action, which simultaneously recognizes the importance of experience and the exploratory, creative character of human activity. The demands raised by the transition from one paradigm to the other are illustrated by a research project on call centers. We discuss the implications and the road ahead."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
207 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2493
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14850"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14850"
"slug" => "14850-pragmatist-approaches-to-qualitative-organizational-communication-research"
"yearMonth" => "2024-01"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "Pragmatist Approaches to Qualitative Organizational Communication Research"
"description" => "COOREN, F., LORINO, P. et ROBICHAUD, D. (2024). Pragmatist Approaches to Qualitative Organizational Communication Research. Dans: Boris H. J. M. Brummans, Bryan C. Taylor, Anu Sivunen eds. <i>The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication</i>. 1st ed. SAGE Publications, pp. 66-81."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "COOREN François"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "ROBICHAUD Daniel"
"ouvrage" => "The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication"
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "pragmatism"
1 => "qualitative research"
2 => " organizational communication"
"updatedAt" => "2024-06-15 01:01:21"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "66-81"
"volume" => ""
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Pragmatism tends to have a mixed status in organizational communication research. While its intellectual impact is explicitly recognized by key scholars such as James R. Taylor and Elizabeth Van Every (2000, 2014) or Karl Weick (1995), its influence remains, in many respects, relatively cryptic in contemporary research. Like the character Mr. Jourdain in Molière’s 17th-century play Le - Bourgeois Gentilhomme, who didn’t know he had been speaking prose his whole life, organizational communication researchers are often speaking the language of pragmatism without knowing it. In other words, even if they are not always aware of the historical influence of this philosophical movement on,organization studies, they unknowingly tend to be guided by some of its basic tenets."
"en" => "Pragmatism tends to have a mixed status in organizational communication research. While its intellectual impact is explicitly recognized by key scholars such as James R. Taylor and Elizabeth Van Every (2000, 2014) or Karl Weick (1995), its influence remains, in many respects, relatively cryptic in contemporary research. Like the character Mr. Jourdain in Molière’s 17th-century play Le - Bourgeois Gentilhomme, who didn’t know he had been speaking prose his whole life, organizational communication researchers are often speaking the language of pragmatism without knowing it. In other words, even if they are not always aware of the historical influence of this philosophical movement on,organization studies, they unknowingly tend to be guided by some of its basic tenets."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
208 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2494
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15043"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15043"
"slug" => "15043-pragmatist-semiotics-applied-to-managerial-numbers-opening-a-process-of-inquiry-or-closing-the-accounts"
"yearMonth" => "2023-06"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Pragmatist Semiotics Applied to Managerial Numbers. Opening (a process of inquiry) or Closing (the accounts)?"
"description" => "LORINO, P. (2023). Pragmatist Semiotics Applied to Managerial Numbers. Opening (a process of inquiry) or Closing (the accounts)? Dans: <i>Proceedings of 14th International Process Symposium (PROS): The Process of Social-Symbolic Work: Understanding the Role of Agents in the Ongoing Construction of Organizational Life (Chania, Crete, Greece, 18-21/06 2023).</i> PROS."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
"ouvrage" => "Proceedings of 14th International Process Symposium (PROS): The Process of Social-Symbolic Work: Understanding the Role of Agents in the Ongoing Construction of Organizational Life (Chania, Crete, Greece, 18-21/06 2023)."
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-08-28 01:01:23"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
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+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
209 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2495
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15044"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15044"
"slug" => "15044-time-and-space-or-time-space-a-partial-agreement-between-pragmatism-and-phenomenology"
"yearMonth" => "2023-06"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Time and Space or Time-Space? A Partial Agreement Between Pragmatism and Phenomenology"
"description" => "LORINO, P., GOMEZ, M.L., KERVEILLANT, M. et MOUREY, D. (2023). Time and Space or Time-Space? A Partial Agreement Between Pragmatism and Phenomenology. Dans: <i>3rd International PHILOS Colloquium: Phenomenological and Hermeneutical Inquiry in Organization Studies: Taking Stock and Moving Forward (22-24/06 2023) Proceedings</i>. Chania: PHILOS."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOMEZ Marie-Léandre"
"bid" => "B00006563"
"slug" => "gomez-marie-leandre"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KERVEILLANT Marie"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOUREY Damien"
"ouvrage" => "3rd International PHILOS Colloquium: Phenomenological and Hermeneutical Inquiry in Organization Studies: Taking Stock and Moving Forward (22-24/06 2023) Proceedings"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-08-28 01:01:23"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
210 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2496
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15045"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15045"
"slug" => "15045-the-contribution-of-peircean-semiotics-to-the-ecological-governance-of-organizations"
"yearMonth" => "2023-07"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "The contribution of Peircean semiotics to the ecological governance of organizations"
"description" => "LORINO, P. et COOREN, F. (2023). The contribution of Peircean semiotics to the ecological governance of organizations. Dans: <i>39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium: Organizing for the Good Life - Between Legacy and Imagination (July 6–8, 2023) Proceedings</i>. Cagliari: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "COOREN François"
"ouvrage" => "39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium: Organizing for the Good Life - Between Legacy and Imagination (July 6–8, 2023) Proceedings"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-08-30 09:17:43"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
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+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.1586165
+"parent": null
211 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2497
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15437"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15437"
"slug" => "15437-la-gestion-de-lactivite-de-prise-en-charge-des-patients-peut-elle-devenir-visible"
"yearMonth" => "2024-01"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "La gestion de l’activité de prise en charge des patients peut-elle devenir visible ?"
"description" => "FIEROBE, A., LORINO, P., MINVIELLE, E. et PEREZ-TORRENTS, J. (2024). La gestion de l’activité de prise en charge des patients peut-elle devenir visible ? <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, 50(318), pp. 131-150."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "LORINO Philippe"
"bid" => "B00000330"
"slug" => "lorino-philippe"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "FIEROBE Aurore"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MINVIELLE Etienne"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "PEREZ-TORRENTS Joël"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2025-02-19 01:00:48"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "131-150"
"volume" => "50"
"number" => "318"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Malgré les ressources injectées dans le système, le malaise des professions de santé persiste. L’hypothèse avancée est qu’une grande partie des problèmes se situe au niveau de l’activité réelle. À partir d’une analyse sur le fardeau administratif, les hiérarchies hospitalières, et la coordination du parcours du patient, et en s’inspirant de la pensée pragmatiste, un diagnostic d’ensemble ressort : menée par des professionnels qui agissent sur le terrain, des solutions adaptées se bâtissent, mais restent assez invisibles, car éloignées de la mise en place des réformes officielles."
"en" => "Malgré les ressources injectées dans le système, le malaise des professions de santé persiste. L’hypothèse avancée est qu’une grande partie des problèmes se situe au niveau de l’activité réelle. À partir d’une analyse sur le fardeau administratif, les hiérarchies hospitalières, et la coordination du parcours du patient, et en s’inspirant de la pensée pragmatiste, un diagnostic d’ensemble ressort : menée par des professionnels qui agissent sur le terrain, des solutions adaptées se bâtissent, mais restent assez invisibles, car éloignées de la mise en place des réformes officielles."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion"
"en" => "Accounting and Management Control "
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-07T02:21:54.000Z"
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"personalLinks" => array:2 [
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1 => "<a href="" target="_blank">Google scholar</a>"
"docTitle" => "Philippe LORINO"
"docSubtitle" => "Professeur éminent émérite"
"docDescription" => "Département: Comptabilité et contrôle de gestion<br>Campus de Cergy"
"docType" => "cv"
"docPreview" => "<img src=""><span><span>Philippe LORINO</span><span>B00000330</span></span>"
"academ_cv_info" => ""
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