Reetika GUPTA

Associate Professor
department: Marketing
Campus de Singapour
+65 6413 9710
Marketing and Data Analytics – Consumer Behavior

Reetika Gupta’s cross-functional research interests span across both marketing and information systems. Specifically, her research interests include consumer behavior in interactive consumption environments, consumer learning of new products, corporate social responsibility and bottom of the pyramid marketing. Her research has been been published in MIS Quarterly, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising Research and Psychology and Marketing. Her teaching repertoire includes courses offered to students in the undergraduate, graduate and executive programs.

Personal website


  • 2005: Ph.D in Marketing (City University of New York – Baruch College United States of America)
  • 1996: PGDPC (Masters degree) (Mudra Institute of Communications India)
  • 1994: BA (Honors) in Economics (St. Stephen’s College India)
Other appointments
    • 2022 – Now : Deputy Dean of Essec Asia-Pacific (ESSEC Business School Singapore)
    • 1996 – 1998 : Senior Research Executive (Indian Market Research Bureau (IMRB) India)
Other Academic Appointments
    • 2020 – 2022 : Associate Academic Director of the Global BBA Program (ESSEC Business School France)
Full-time academic appointments
    • 2013 – Now : Associate Professor (ESSEC Business School Singapore)
    • 2012 – 2013 : Associate Professor of Marketing (College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University United States of America)
    • 2005 – 2012 : Assistant Professor of Marketing (College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University United States of America)
    • 2001 – 2005 : Instructor in Marketing (City University of New York – Baruch College United States of America)


  • 2015 : ESSEC Research Fund (ESSEC Business School, France)
  • 2014 : ESSEC Research Fund (ESSEC Business School, France)
  • 2013 : ESSEC Research Fund (ESSEC Business School, France)
  • 2012 : Institute on Asian Consumer Insight (ACI)
  • 2007 : Allison and Norman H. Axelrod ’74 Summer Research Fellowship
  • 2006 : Lehigh Faculty Research Grant (College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University, United States of America)
  • 2006 : College of Business and Economics Research Grant
  • 2001 : AMA-Sheth Foundation, Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Miami (United States of America)
  • 2000 : Doctoral Fellowship in Marketing (City University of New York – Baruch College, United States of America)


  • 2012 : Alfred Noble Robinson Faculty Award for Service at Lehigh University (given annually to a junior, untenured member of the university faculty for excellence in service) (College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University, United States of America)
  • 2007 : Lehigh Junior Award for Distinguished Teaching (given annually to a junior, untenured member of the university faculty for excellence in teaching) (College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University, United States of America)
  • 2005 : Sidney I. Lirtzman Best Dissertation Award, CUNY
  • 2004 : Nominated for Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management Annual Conference (OCIS Track), New Orleans (United States of America)

Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference

Other activities
Research activities
  • Senior or Associate Editor
    • 2023 – Now: Associate Editor – Journal of Consumer Marketing
  • Chief Editor
    • 2020 – 2022: Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Consumer Marketing
  • Editorial Board Membership
    • 2016 – 2023: Editorial board membership – Journal of Consumer Marketing
  • Member of an academic association
    • 1972 – Now: Member of the Association for Consumer Research
    • 1972 – Now: Member of Society for Consumer Psychology
  • Other academic activity
    • 1972 – Now: Reviewer, CUNY grant
  • Participation in scientific commissions or reviewer for a conference
    • 1972 – Now: Refereeing for American Marketing Association
    • 1972 – Now: Refereeing for Association for Consumer Research Conferences
    • 1972 – Now: Refereeing for Society for Consumer Psychology Conferences
  • Reviewer for a journal
    • Reviewer for Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Interactive Marketing