Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216
#_id: "B00788133"
#_source: array:40 [
"bid" => "B00788133"
"academId" => "31452"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
"fullName" => "Diego DELLE DONNE"
"lastName" => "DELLE DONNE"
"firstName" => "Diego"
"title" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur assistant"
"en" => "Assistant Professor"
"email" => ""
"status" => "ACTIF"
"campus" => "Campus de Cergy"
"departments" => []
"phone" => "01 34 43 31 86"
"sites" => []
"facNumber" => "31452"
"externalCvUrl" => ""
"googleScholarUrl" => ""
"facOrcId" => ""
"career" => array:7 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2223
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2022-09-01"
"endDate" => null
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur assistant"
"en" => "Assistant Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2224
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2020-11-02"
"endDate" => "2022-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Post-Doctorant"
"en" => "Post-Doctorate"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2225
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019-10-01"
"endDate" => "2020-09-30"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Post-Doctorant"
"en" => "Post-Doctorate"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "École Polytechnique"
"en" => "École Polytechnique"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2226
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2018-12-03"
"endDate" => "2019-07-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Post-Doctorant"
"en" => "Post-Doctorate"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (XIII)"
"en" => "Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (XIII)"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2227
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2017-03-01"
"endDate" => "2019-07-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur assistant"
"en" => "Assistant Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento"
"en" => "Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Argentine"
"en" => "Argentina"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2228
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2008-03-03"
"endDate" => "2017-02-28"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur enseignant"
"en" => "Teaching Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento"
"en" => "Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Argentine"
"en" => "Argentina"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2229
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2004-03-01"
"endDate" => "2019-02-28"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur enseignant"
"en" => "Teaching Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"en" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Argentine"
"en" => "Argentina"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
"diplomes" => array:3 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2218
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "2016"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Doctor of Philosophy, Other, Computer science"
"fr" => "Doctor of Philosophy, Autre, Informatique"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"en" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Argentine"
"en" => "Argentina"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2220
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "2008"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Bachelor of Science, Computer science"
"fr" => "Bachelor of Science, Informatique"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"en" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Argentine"
"en" => "Argentina"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2217
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "2009"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Master of Science, Computer science"
"fr" => "Master of Science, Informatique"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"en" => "Universidad de Buenos Aires"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Argentine"
"en" => "Argentina"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
"bio" => array:2 [
"fr" => """
<p><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">J'ai obtenu mon diplôme de scientifique de la computación à l'Université de Buenos Aires, Argentine en 2009 et un doctorat en computación à la même université en 2016. Mes principaux intérêts de recherche couvrent des sujets autour de l'optimisation combinatoire, des mathématiques appliquées, programmation linéaire en nombres entiers et théorie des graphes. Je suis également très intéressé par les projets concrets appliqués concernant ces sujets.</span><br />\n
<br />\n
<span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Depuis septembre 2022, j'occupe un poste de professeur assistant (tenure-track) à l'ESSEC Business School de Paris (département IDS), en France. Dans un passé récent, j'ai occupé un poste de professeur assistant à temps plein à l'Université nationale du général Sarmiento (Argentine) où j'ai enseigné des cours pour le baccalauréat en systèmes informatiques, et un poste d'enseignant à temps partiel à l'Université de Buenos Aires. J'ai quitté ces postes en 2018 lorsque j'ai déménagé en France.</span><br />\n
<br />\n
<span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Depuis quelques années, je travaille sur un projet axé sur le développement d'algorithmes d'optimisation pour un problème de livraison du dernier mille qui tente de profiter du surplus de capacité de transport public en heures creuses pour son utilisation dans la livraison de colis dans la ville. Le projet vise notamment à réduire les émissions de CO2 et la circulation dans les grandes villes.</span></p>\n
<p><br />\n
(dernière mise à jour le 09/08/22)</p>
"en" => """
<p dir="ltr"><span style="background-color:transparent">I got my Computer Scientist degree at the University of Buenos Aires (Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences), Argentina in 2009 and a PhD in Computer Sciences at the same university in 2016. My main research interests cover topics around combinatorial optimization, applied mathematics, linear integer programming and graph theory. I am also very interested in applied real-life projects concerning these topics.</span></p>\n
<p dir="ltr"><span style="background-color:transparent">Since September 2022, I hold a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at the ESSEC Business School of Paris (IDS department), in France. In the recent past, I held a full-time Assistant Professor position at the National University of General Sarmiento (Argentina) where I taught courses for the Bachelor in Computer Systems degree, and a part-time teacher position at the School of Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. I left those positions in 2018 when I moved to France.</span></p>\n
<p dir="ltr"><span style="background-color:transparent">Since some years now, I am working on a project focussed on the development of optimization algorithms for a Last Mile Delivery problem which tries to profit from the public transport capacity surplus on non-peak hours for its use in freight delivery within the city. In particular, the project aims to reduce CO2 emissions and traffic in big cities. </span></p>\n
<p dir="ltr">(last update 8/9/22)</p>
"department" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"site" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"industrrySectors" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Services et logiciels informatiques"
"en" => "IT Services & Software"
"researchFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Sciences de la décision - Recherche opérationnelle - Mathématiques - Planification et optimisation - Gestion des approvisionnements"
"en" => "Decision Sciences - Operations Research - Mathematics - Scheduling, Queueing and Location Optimization - Supply Chain Management"
"teachingFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Recherche opérationnelle - Mathématiques - Autre domaine - Sciences de la décision - Gestion des approvisionnements"
"en" => "Operations Research - Mathematics - Other teaching domain - Decision Sciences - Supply Chain Management"
"distinctions" => []
"teaching" => array:4 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2221
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2017"
"endDate" => "2018"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Master Thesis of Valeria Di Tomaso"
"en" => "Master Thesis of Valeria Di Tomaso"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2215
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2016"
"endDate" => "2017"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Master Thesis of Guido Tagliavini"
"en" => "Master Thesis of Guido Tagliavini"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2219
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2016"
"endDate" => "2017"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Master Thesis of Christian Russo"
"en" => "Master Thesis of Christian Russo"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2222
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2011"
"endDate" => "2012"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Master Thesis of Florencia Fernandez Slezak"
"en" => "Master Thesis of Florencia Fernandez Slezak"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
"otherActivities" => []
"theses" => []
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:23.000Z"
"contributions" => array:48 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2231
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13111"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13111"
"slug" => "drainage-area-maximization-in-unconventional-hydrocarbon-fields-with-integer-linear-programming-techniques"
"yearMonth" => "2022-03"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Drainage area maximization in unconventional hydrocarbon fields with integer linear programming techniques"
"description" => "ALIAGA, F., DELLE DONNE, D., DURÁN, G. et MARENCO, J. (2022). Drainage area maximization in unconventional hydrocarbon fields with integer linear programming techniques. <i>Annals of Operations Research</i>, 316(1), pp. 891-904."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ALIAGA Fernando"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "DURÁN Guillermo"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Hydrocarbons"
1 => "Unconventional fields"
2 => "Integer linear programming"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:43"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "891-904"
"volume" => "316"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The drainage area maximization problem for an unconventional hydrocarbon field is addressed with the objective of designing a development plan that optimizes total production while satisfying environmental and operating constraints. The various characteristics of the problem are presented and a solution approach is developed around an integer linear programming model applied to a discretisation of the field’s geographical area. Computational experiments show that the approach provides a practical response to the problem, generating solutions that comply with all of the constraints. The algorithm implemented under this approach has been incorporated into a software tool for planning and managing unconventional hydrocarbon operations and has been used since 2018 by two leading petroleum companies in Argentina to improve unconventional development plans for the country’s “Vaca Muerta” geological formation."
"en" => "The drainage area maximization problem for an unconventional hydrocarbon field is addressed with the objective of designing a development plan that optimizes total production while satisfying environmental and operating constraints. The various characteristics of the problem are presented and a solution approach is developed around an integer linear programming model applied to a discretisation of the field’s geographical area. Computational experiments show that the approach provides a practical response to the problem, generating solutions that comply with all of the constraints. The algorithm implemented under this approach has been incorporated into a software tool for planning and managing unconventional hydrocarbon operations and has been used since 2018 by two leading petroleum companies in Argentina to improve unconventional development plans for the country’s “Vaca Muerta” geological formation."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2233
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13113"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13113"
"slug" => "optimizing-leaf-sweeping-and-collection-in-the-argentine-city-of-trenque-lauquen"
"yearMonth" => "2021-02"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Optimizing leaf sweeping and collection in the Argentine city of Trenque Lauquen"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., DI TOMASO, V. et DURÁN, G. (2021). Optimizing leaf sweeping and collection in the Argentine city of Trenque Lauquen. <i>Waste Management & Research</i>, 39(2), pp. 209-220."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "DI TOMASO Valeria"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "DURÁN Guillermo"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 14:59:23"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "209-220"
"volume" => "39"
"number" => "2"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "A solution strategy based on integer linear programming models has been developed for leaf sweeping operations in the Argentine city of Trenque Lauquen. The aim is to achieve efficiency in the assignment of sweepers to city blocks, the identification of leaf bag deposit points and the routes to be followed by collection trucks for leaf bag pickup. Previous to this strategy, sweeper assignments were improvised and inefficient, with blocks often left unswept. Furthermore, no method was available for accurately determining the number of sweepers needed to ensure either full coverage of all city zones within the working day or a balanced work load distribution across all sweepers. Application of the solution strategy by the city has resulted in efficient definitions of sweeper requirements while optimizing sweeper assignments such that all blocks are covered. Once the strategy is fully implemented, the number of bag deposit points under the manual definitions should be reduced by roughly one-half and the total travel distance of the truck routes, modelled as an asymmetric travelling salesman problem, should be cut by 10–15% with the consequent savings in time, vehicle use and fuel consumption."
"en" => "A solution strategy based on integer linear programming models has been developed for leaf sweeping operations in the Argentine city of Trenque Lauquen. The aim is to achieve efficiency in the assignment of sweepers to city blocks, the identification of leaf bag deposit points and the routes to be followed by collection trucks for leaf bag pickup. Previous to this strategy, sweeper assignments were improvised and inefficient, with blocks often left unswept. Furthermore, no method was available for accurately determining the number of sweepers needed to ensure either full coverage of all city zones within the working day or a balanced work load distribution across all sweepers. Application of the solution strategy by the city has resulted in efficient definitions of sweeper requirements while optimizing sweeper assignments such that all blocks are covered. Once the strategy is fully implemented, the number of bag deposit points under the manual definitions should be reduced by roughly one-half and the total travel distance of the truck routes, modelled as an asymmetric travelling salesman problem, should be cut by 10–15% with the consequent savings in time, vehicle use and fuel consumption."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2235
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13115"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13115"
"slug" => "on-the-combinatorics-of-the-2-class-classification-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2019-02"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "On the combinatorics of the 2-class classification problem"
"description" => "CORRÊA, R., DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2019). On the combinatorics of the 2-class classification problem. <i>Discrete Optimization</i>, 31(1), pp. 40-55."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CORRÊA Ricardo"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Classification -Integer programming"
1 => "Polyhedral combinatorics"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "40-55"
"volume" => "31"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "A set of points is linearly separable if the convex hulls of and are disjoint, hence there exists a hyperplane separating from . Such a hyperplane provides a method for classifying new points, according to which side of the hyperplane the new points lie. When such a linear separation is not possible, it may still be possible to partition and into prespecified numbers of groups, in such a way that every group from is linearly separable from every group from . We may also discard some points as outliers, and seek to minimize the number of outliers necessary to find such a partition. Based on these ideas, Bertsimas and Shioda proposed the classification and regression by integer optimization (CRIO) method in 2007. In this work we explore the integer programming aspects of the classification part of CRIO, in particular theoretical properties of the associated formulation. We are able to find facet-inducing inequalities coming from the stable set polytope, hence showing that this classification problem has exploitable combinatorial properties."
"en" => "A set of points is linearly separable if the convex hulls of and are disjoint, hence there exists a hyperplane separating from . Such a hyperplane provides a method for classifying new points, according to which side of the hyperplane the new points lie. When such a linear separation is not possible, it may still be possible to partition and into prespecified numbers of groups, in such a way that every group from is linearly separable from every group from . We may also discard some points as outliers, and seek to minimize the number of outliers necessary to find such a partition. Based on these ideas, Bertsimas and Shioda proposed the classification and regression by integer optimization (CRIO) method in 2007. In this work we explore the integer programming aspects of the classification part of CRIO, in particular theoretical properties of the associated formulation. We are able to find facet-inducing inequalities coming from the stable set polytope, hence showing that this classification problem has exploitable combinatorial properties."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2232
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13114"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13114"
"slug" => "the-minimum-chromatic-violation-problem-a-polyhedral-study"
"yearMonth" => "2020-07"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "The minimum chromatic violation problem: a polyhedral study"
"description" => "BRAGA, M., DELLE DONNE, D., ESCALANTE, M., MARENCO, J. et VARALDO, M.C. (2020). The minimum chromatic violation problem: a polyhedral study. <i>Discrete Applied Mathematics</i>, 281(1), pp. 69-80."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "BRAGA Mónica"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "ESCALANTE Mariana"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "VARALDO M.C."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Chromatic violation"
1 => "Graph coloring"
2 => "Polyhedral study"
3 => "partition"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "69-80"
"volume" => "281"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this paper we define a generalization of the classical vertex coloring problem of a graph, where some pairs of adjacent vertices can be assigned to the same color. We call weak an edge connecting two such vertices. We look for a coloring of the graph minimizing the number of weak edges having its endpoints assigned to the same color. This problem is called the minimum chromatic violation problem (MCVP). We present an integer programming formulation for this problem and provide an initial polyhedral study of the polytope arising from this formulation. We give partial characterizations of facet-inducing inequalities and we show how facets from different instances of MCVP are related. We then introduce general lifting procedures which generate (sometimes facet-inducing) valid inequalities from generic valid inequalities. We exhibit several facet-inducing families arising from these procedures and we present a family of facet-inducing inequalities which is not obtained from the prior lifting procedures, associated with certain substructures in the given graph. Finally, we analyze the extreme case of all weak edges and its relationship with the well-known -partition problem."
"en" => "In this paper we define a generalization of the classical vertex coloring problem of a graph, where some pairs of adjacent vertices can be assigned to the same color. We call weak an edge connecting two such vertices. We look for a coloring of the graph minimizing the number of weak edges having its endpoints assigned to the same color. This problem is called the minimum chromatic violation problem (MCVP). We present an integer programming formulation for this problem and provide an initial polyhedral study of the polytope arising from this formulation. We give partial characterizations of facet-inducing inequalities and we show how facets from different instances of MCVP are related. We then introduce general lifting procedures which generate (sometimes facet-inducing) valid inequalities from generic valid inequalities. We exhibit several facet-inducing families arising from these procedures and we present a family of facet-inducing inequalities which is not obtained from the prior lifting procedures, associated with certain substructures in the given graph. Finally, we analyze the extreme case of all weak edges and its relationship with the well-known -partition problem."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2236
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13116"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13116"
"slug" => "general-cut-generating-procedures-for-the-stable-set-polytope"
"yearMonth" => "2018-08"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "General cut-generating procedures for the stable set polytope"
"description" => "CORRÊA, R., DELLE DONNE, D., KOCH, I. et MARENCO, J. (2018). General cut-generating procedures for the stable set polytope. <i>Discrete Applied Mathematics</i>, 245(1), pp. 28-41."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CORRÊA Ricardo"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KOCH Ivo"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Integer programming"
1 => "Polyhedral"
2 => "Facet defining generation"
3 => "Stable sets"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "28-41"
"volume" => "245"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "We propose general separation procedures for generating cuts for the stable set polytope, inspired by a procedure by Rossi and Smriglio and applying a lifting method by Xavier and Campêlo. In contrast to existing cut-generating procedures, ours generate both rank and non-rank valid inequalities, hence they are of a more general nature than existing methods. This is accomplished by iteratively solving a lifting problem, which consists of a maximum weighted stable set problem on a smaller graph. Computational experience on DIMACS benchmark instances shows that the proposed approach may be a useful tool for generating cuts for the stable set polytope."
"en" => "We propose general separation procedures for generating cuts for the stable set polytope, inspired by a procedure by Rossi and Smriglio and applying a lifting method by Xavier and Campêlo. In contrast to existing cut-generating procedures, ours generate both rank and non-rank valid inequalities, hence they are of a more general nature than existing methods. This is accomplished by iteratively solving a lifting problem, which consists of a maximum weighted stable set problem on a smaller graph. Computational experience on DIMACS benchmark instances shows that the proposed approach may be a useful tool for generating cuts for the stable set polytope."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2230
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13117"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13117"
"slug" => "the-maximum-impact-coloring-polytope"
"yearMonth" => "2017-03"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "The maximum-impact coloring polytope"
"description" => "BRAGA, M., DELLE DONNE, D., LINFATI, R. et MARENCO, J. (2017). The maximum-impact coloring polytope. <i>International Transactions in Operational Research</i>, 24(1-2), pp. 303-324."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "BRAGA Mónica"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LINFATI Rodrigo"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "303-324"
"volume" => "24"
"number" => "1-2"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this setting, the “maximum-impact coloring” problem asks for a proper coloring of G maximizing the impact urn:x-wiley:09696016:media:itor12265:itor12265-math-0007 on H. This problem naturally arises in the assignment of classrooms to courses, where it is desirable—but not mandatory—to assign lectures from the same course to the same classroom. Since the maximum-impact coloring problem is NP-hard, we propose in this work an integer programming based approach for tackling this problem. To this end, we present an integer programming formulation and study the associated polytope. We provide several families of valid inequalities, and we study under which conditions these inequalities define facets of the associated polytope. Finally, we show computational evidence over real-life instances suggesting that some of these families may be useful in a cutting-plane environment."
"en" => "In this setting, the “maximum-impact coloring” problem asks for a proper coloring of G maximizing the impact urn:x-wiley:09696016:media:itor12265:itor12265-math-0007 on H. This problem naturally arises in the assignment of classrooms to courses, where it is desirable—but not mandatory—to assign lectures from the same course to the same classroom. Since the maximum-impact coloring problem is NP-hard, we propose in this work an integer programming based approach for tackling this problem. To this end, we present an integer programming formulation and study the associated polytope. We provide several families of valid inequalities, and we study under which conditions these inequalities define facets of the associated polytope. Finally, we show computational evidence over real-life instances suggesting that some of these families may be useful in a cutting-plane environment."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2234
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13118"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13118"
"slug" => "a-polyhedral-study-of-the-maximum-stable-set-problem-with-weights-on-vertex-subsets"
"yearMonth" => "2016-09"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "A polyhedral study of the maximum stable set problem with weights on vertex-subsets"
"description" => "CAMPÊLO, M., CAMPOS, V., CORRÊA, R., DELLE DONNE, D., MARENCO, J. et MYDLARZ, M. (2016). A polyhedral study of the maximum stable set problem with weights on vertex-subsets. <i>Discrete Applied Mathematics</i>, 210(1), pp. 223-234."
"authors" => array:6 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CAMPÊLO Manoel"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "CAMPOS Victor"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "CORRÊA Ricardo"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
5 => array:1 [
"name" => "MYDLARZ Marcelo"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "223-234"
"volume" => "210"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this work we perform an initial polyhedral study, by introducing a natural integer programming formulation and studying the associated polytope. We address general facts on this polytope including some lifting results, we provide connections with the stable set polytope, and we present three families of facet-inducing inequalities."
"en" => "In this work we perform an initial polyhedral study, by introducing a natural integer programming formulation and studying the associated polytope. We address general facts on this polytope including some lifting results, we provide connections with the stable set polytope, and we present three families of facet-inducing inequalities."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2237
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13119"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13119"
"slug" => "polyhedral-studies-on-vertex-coloring-polytope-the-standard-formulation"
"yearMonth" => "2016-08"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Polyhedral studies on vertex coloring polytope: The standard formulation"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2016). Polyhedral studies on vertex coloring polytope: The standard formulation. <i>Discrete Optimization</i>, 21(1), pp. 1-13."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1-13"
"volume" => "21"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Despite the fact that many vertex coloring problems are polynomially solvable on certain graph classes, most of these problems are not “under control” from a polyhedral point of view. The equivalence between optimization and separation suggests the existence of integer programming formulations for these problems whose associated polytopes admit elegant characterizations. In this work we address this issue. As a starting point, we focus our attention on the well-known standard formulation for the classical vertex coloring problem."
"en" => "Despite the fact that many vertex coloring problems are polynomially solvable on certain graph classes, most of these problems are not “under control” from a polyhedral point of view. The equivalence between optimization and separation suggests the existence of integer programming formulations for these problems whose associated polytopes admit elegant characterizations. In this work we address this issue. As a starting point, we focus our attention on the well-known standard formulation for the classical vertex coloring problem."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2238
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13120"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13120"
"slug" => "automatic-dwelling-segmentation-of-the-buenos-aires-province-for-the-2010-argentinian-census"
"yearMonth" => "2013-08"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Automatic Dwelling Segmentation of the Buenos Aires Province for the 2010 Argentinian Census"
"description" => "BONOMO, F., DELLE DONNE, D., DURÁN, G. et MARENCO, J. (2013). Automatic Dwelling Segmentation of the Buenos Aires Province for the 2010 Argentinian Census. <i>Interfaces</i>, 43(4), pp. 373-384."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "BONOMO Flavia"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "DURÁN Guillermo"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "373-384"
"volume" => "43"
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2239
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13121"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13121"
"slug" => "optimizing-salmon-farm-cage-net-management-using-integer-programming"
"yearMonth" => "2013-03"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Optimizing salmon farm cage net management using integer programming"
"description" => "CISTERNAS, F., DELLE DONNE, D., DURÁN, G., POLGATIZ, C. et WEINTRAUB, A. (2013). Optimizing salmon farm cage net management using integer programming. <i>Journal of the Operational Research Society</i>, 64(5), pp. 735-747."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CISTERNAS Francisco"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "DURÁN Guillermo"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "POLGATIZ Cristian"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "WEINTRAUB Andrés"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "735-747"
"volume" => "64"
"number" => "5"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Salmon farming in Chile constitutes one of the nation's principal food exporting sectors. In the seawater stage, one of the most important in the farm production chain, salmon are cultivated in floating cages fitted with nets that hold the fish during the entire grow-out process. The maintenance of the cage nets is carried out at land-based facilities. This article reports on the creation of an integer programming tool for grow-out centres that optimizes resource use, improves planning and generates economic evaluations for supporting analysis and decision-making relating to the maintenance, repair and periodic changing of cage nets. The tool prototype was tested in a single operating area of one of Chile's largest salmon farmers. The results demonstrated a reduction in net maintenance costs of almost 18%, plus a series of important qualitative benefits. Implementation of the tool by farm operators awaits the end of the current crisis in the industry."
"en" => "Salmon farming in Chile constitutes one of the nation's principal food exporting sectors. In the seawater stage, one of the most important in the farm production chain, salmon are cultivated in floating cages fitted with nets that hold the fish during the entire grow-out process. The maintenance of the cage nets is carried out at land-based facilities. This article reports on the creation of an integer programming tool for grow-out centres that optimizes resource use, improves planning and generates economic evaluations for supporting analysis and decision-making relating to the maintenance, repair and periodic changing of cage nets. The tool prototype was tested in a single operating area of one of Chile's largest salmon farmers. The results demonstrated a reduction in net maintenance costs of almost 18%, plus a series of important qualitative benefits. Implementation of the tool by farm operators awaits the end of the current crisis in the industry."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
10 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2240
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13122"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13122"
"slug" => "a-polyhedral-study-of-the-acyclic-coloring-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2012-12"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "A polyhedral study of the acyclic coloring problem"
"description" => "BRAGA, M., DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2012). A polyhedral study of the acyclic coloring problem. <i>Discrete Applied Mathematics</i>, 160(18), pp. 2606-2617."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "BRAGA Mónica"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-06-12 10:49:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "2606-2617"
"volume" => "160"
"number" => "18"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The acyclic coloring problem arises in the context of efficient computations of sparse and symmetric Hessian matrices via substitution methods. In this work we start an integer programming approach for this problem, by introducing a natural integer programming formulation and presenting six families of facet-inducing valid inequalities."
"en" => "The acyclic coloring problem arises in the context of efficient computations of sparse and symmetric Hessian matrices via substitution methods. In this work we start an integer programming approach for this problem, by introducing a natural integer programming formulation and presenting six families of facet-inducing valid inequalities."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
11 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2241
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13123"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13123"
"slug" => "studying-playoff-qualification-in-motorsports-via-mixed-integer-programming-techniques"
"yearMonth" => "2012-03"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Studying playoff qualification in motorsports via mixed-integer programming techniques"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2012). Studying playoff qualification in motorsports via mixed-integer programming techniques. <i>Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology</i>, 226(1), pp. 32–41."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 14:59:55"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "32–41"
"volume" => "226"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Royaume-Uni"
"en" => "United Kingdom"
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The present authors consider the widely popular Argentine Turismo Carretera car racing series, which consists of 11 regular phase races followed by five playoff races. After the regular phase, the first 12 racers in the standings qualify for the playoffs, which determine the champion. The present authors address the problem of determining, at any point within the regular phase, the minimum number of points that each racer must earn in the remainder of the regular phase in order to secure a playoff spot. Two mixed-integer programming models for this problem are presented, their properties and practical performance are analysed, and the obtained results are discussed."
"en" => "The present authors consider the widely popular Argentine Turismo Carretera car racing series, which consists of 11 regular phase races followed by five playoff races. After the regular phase, the first 12 racers in the standings qualify for the playoffs, which determine the champion. The present authors address the problem of determining, at any point within the regular phase, the minimum number of points that each racer must earn in the remainder of the regular phase in order to secure a playoff spot. Two mixed-integer programming models for this problem are presented, their properties and practical performance are analysed, and the obtained results are discussed."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
12 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2242
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13124"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13124"
"slug" => "a-branch-cut-algorithm-for-the-minimum-adjacency-vertex-coloring-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2011-11"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "A branch & cut algorithm for the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2011). A branch & cut algorithm for the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem. <i>Discrete Optimization</i>, 8(4), pp. 540-554."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Frequency assignment"
1 => "Adjacent colors"
2 => "Integer programming"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:44"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "540-554"
"volume" => "8"
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this work we study a particular way of dealing with interference in combinatorial optimization models representing wireless communication networks. In a typical wireless network, co-channel interference occurs whenever two overlapping antennas use the same frequency channel, and a less critical interference is generated whenever two overlapping antennas use adjacent channels. This motivates the formulation of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem which, given an interference graph representing the potential interference between the antennas and a set of prespecified colors/channels, asks for a vertex coloring of minimizing the number of edges receiving adjacent colors. We propose an integer programming model for this problem and present three families of facet-inducing valid inequalities. Based on these results, we implement a branch-and-cut algorithm for this problem, and we provide promising computational results."
"en" => "In this work we study a particular way of dealing with interference in combinatorial optimization models representing wireless communication networks. In a typical wireless network, co-channel interference occurs whenever two overlapping antennas use the same frequency channel, and a less critical interference is generated whenever two overlapping antennas use adjacent channels. This motivates the formulation of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem which, given an interference graph representing the potential interference between the antennas and a set of prespecified colors/channels, asks for a vertex coloring of minimizing the number of edges receiving adjacent colors. We propose an integer programming model for this problem and present three families of facet-inducing valid inequalities. Based on these results, we implement a branch-and-cut algorithm for this problem, and we provide promising computational results."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
13 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2243
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13224"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13224"
"slug" => "star-routing-between-vehicle-routing-and-vertex-cover"
"yearMonth" => "2022-12"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Star Routing: Between Vehicle Routing and Vertex Cover"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et TAGLIAVINI PONCE, G. (2022). Star Routing: Between Vehicle Routing and Vertex Cover. Dans: <i>COCOA: International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications</i>. Atlanta: Springer, pp. 522-536."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TAGLIAVINI PONCE Guido"
"ouvrage" => "COCOA: International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-03-23 15:35:23"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "522-536"
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
14 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2244
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13225"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13225"
"slug" => "extended-formulations-and-column-generation-for-the-freight-on-transport-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2022-07"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Extended formulations and column generation for the Freight on Transport problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., SANTINI, A. et ARCHETTI, C. (2022). Extended formulations and column generation for the Freight on Transport problem. Dans: European Conference on Operational Research (EURO). Espoo."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "SANTINI Alberto"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
"ouvrage" => "European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-04-18 15:22:10"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
"en" => "Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
15 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2245
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13226"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13226"
"slug" => "an-extended-ip-formulation-for-the-freight-on-transport-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2022-06"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "An extended IP formulation for the Freight on Transport problem"
"description" => "ARCHETTI, C., DELLE DONNE, D. et SANTINI, A. (2022). An extended IP formulation for the Freight on Transport problem. Dans: Spanish Conference on Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO). Granada."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "SANTINI Alberto"
"ouvrage" => "Spanish Conference on Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-04-18 15:26:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
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+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
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16 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2246
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#_id: "13227"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13227"
"slug" => "freight-on-transit-for-urban-last-mile-deliveries-a-strategic-planning-approach"
"yearMonth" => "2022-05"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: A Strategic Planning Approach"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ALFANDARI, L., ARCHETTI, C. et LJUBIC, I. (2022). Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: A Strategic Planning Approach. Dans: International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS). Tanger."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ALFANDARI Laurent"
"bid" => "B00000901"
"slug" => "alfandari-laurent"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LJUBIC Ivana"
"bid" => "B00683004"
"slug" => "ljubic-ivana"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
"ouvrage" => "International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
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"fr" => null
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"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
17 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2247
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13228"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13228"
"slug" => "an-extended-ip-formulation-for-the-freight-on-transport-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2022-04"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "An extended IP formulation for the Freight on Transport problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ARCHETTI, C. et SANTINI, A. (2022). An extended IP formulation for the Freight on Transport problem. Dans: Joint ALIO/EURO International Conference on Applied Combinatorial Optimization. Viña del Mar."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "SANTINI Alberto"
"ouvrage" => "Joint ALIO/EURO International Conference on Applied Combinatorial Optimization"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
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"fr" => null
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"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
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"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
18 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2248
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13229"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13229"
"slug" => "un-modelo-de-programacion-lineal-entera-para-la-minimizacion-global-de-la-norma-l0-in-spanish"
"yearMonth" => "2021-09"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Un modelo de programación lineal entera para la minimización global de la norma L0 (in spanish)"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., KOWALSKI, M. et LIBERTI, L. (2021). Un modelo de programación lineal entera para la minimización global de la norma L0 (in spanish). Dans: Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Mathematical Union. Buenos Aires (virtual)."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KOWALSKI Matthieu"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LIBERTI L."
"ouvrage" => "Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Mathematical Union"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:58:47"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
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"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Invité dans une conférence académique (Keynote speaker)"
"en" => "Invited speaker at an academic conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
19 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2249
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13230"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13230"
"slug" => "freight-on-public-transport-strategical-decision-making-with-mixed-integer-programming"
"yearMonth" => "2021-07"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Freight on Public Transport: Strategical decision making with mixed integer programming"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ALFANDARI, L., ARCHETTI, C. et LJUBIC, I. (2021). Freight on Public Transport: Strategical decision making with mixed integer programming. Dans: European Conference on Operational Research (EURO). Athens."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ALFANDARI Laurent"
"bid" => "B00000901"
"slug" => "alfandari-laurent"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LJUBIC Ivana"
"bid" => "B00683004"
"slug" => "ljubic-ivana"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
"ouvrage" => "European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"type" => array:2 [
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"fr" => null
"en" => null
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"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
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"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
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+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
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20 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2250
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#_id: "13231"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13231"
"slug" => "a-novel-integer-linear-programming-approach-for-glo-bal-l0-minimization"
"yearMonth" => "2020-10"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "A novel integer linear programming approach for glo- bal L0 minimization"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., KOWALSKI, M. et LIBERTI, L. (2020). A novel integer linear programming approach for glo- bal L0 minimization. Dans: Annual seminar of the group Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire (POC). Paris (virtual)."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KOWALSKI Matthieu"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LIBERTI Leo"
"ouvrage" => "Annual seminar of the group Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire (POC)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-02-23 16:08:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Invité dans une conférence académique (Keynote speaker)"
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"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
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"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
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21 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2251
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#_id: "13236"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13236"
"slug" => "an-extended-ip-formulation-for-the-freight-on-transport-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2022-06"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "An extended IP formulation for the Freight on Transport problem"
"description" => "ARCHETTI, C., DELLE DONNE, D. et SANTINI, A. (2022). An extended IP formulation for the Freight on Transport problem. Dans: Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN). Mauritius."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "SANTINI Alberto"
"ouvrage" => "Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-04-18 12:58:18"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
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22 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2252
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13237"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13237"
"slug" => "freight-on-transit-for-urban-last-mile-deliveries-a-strategic-planning-approach"
"yearMonth" => "2022-06"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: A Strategic Planning Approach"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ALFANDARI, L., ARCHETTI, C. et LJUBIC, I. (2022). Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: A Strategic Planning Approach. Dans: Spanish Conference on Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO). Granada."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ALFANDARI Laurent"
"bid" => "B00000901"
"slug" => "alfandari-laurent"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LJUBIC Ivana"
"bid" => "B00683004"
"slug" => "ljubic-ivana"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
"ouvrage" => "Spanish Conference on Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-07-20 12:06:05"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"volume" => ""
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"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
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+"_type": "_doc"
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23 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2253
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#_id: "13238"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13238"
"slug" => "un-algoritmo-genetico-para-el-problema-de-k-proveedores-in-spanish"
"yearMonth" => "2020-10"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Un algoritmo genético para el problema de k-proveedores (in spanish)"
"description" => "CASTRO, S. et DELLE DONNE, D. (2020). Un algoritmo genético para el problema de k-proveedores (in spanish). Dans: Simposio Argentino de Informática Industrial e Investigación Operativa (in JAIIO). Buenos Aires."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CASTRO Sabrina"
"ouvrage" => "Simposio Argentino de Informática Industrial e Investigación Operativa (in JAIIO)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:57:30"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"volume" => ""
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"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
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"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
24 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2254
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13239"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13239"
"slug" => "problemas-de-ruteo-de-vehiculos-con-conflictos-por-vertices-in-spanish"
"yearMonth" => "2020-10"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Problemas de ruteo de vehículos con conflictos por vértices (in spanish)"
"description" => "MONTIEL, S., DELLE DONNE, D. et KOCH, I. (2020). Problemas de ruteo de vehículos con conflictos por vértices (in spanish). Dans: Simposio Argentino de Informática Industrial e Investigación Operativa (in JAIIO). Buenos Aires."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MONTIEL Santiago"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KOCH Ivo"
"ouvrage" => "Simposio Argentino de Informática Industrial e Investigación Operativa (in JAIIO)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:57:41"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
25 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2255
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13713"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13713"
"slug" => "freight-on-transit-for-urban-last-mile-deliveries-a-strategic-planning-approach"
"yearMonth" => "2023-03"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: A strategic planning approach"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ARCHETTI, C., ALFANDARI, L. et LJUBIC, I. (2023). Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: A strategic planning approach. <i>Transportation Research Part B: Methodological</i>, 169, pp. 53-81."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ALFANDARI Laurent"
"bid" => "B00000901"
"slug" => "alfandari-laurent"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "LJUBIC Ivana"
"bid" => "B00683004"
"slug" => "ljubic-ivana"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Freight-on-Transit"
1 => "Network flow"
2 => "Column generation"
3 => "Mixed integer linear programming"
"updatedAt" => "2023-02-09 01:00:51"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "53-81"
"volume" => "169"
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "We study a delivery strategy for last-mile deliveries in urban areas which combines freight transportation with mass mobility systems with the goal of creating synergies contrasting negative externalities caused by transportation. The idea is to use the residual capacity on public transport means for moving freight within the city. In particular, the system is such that parcels are first transported from origins (central distribution centers) to drop-in stations, which are stop locations on public vehicle itineraries. Then, they are transported on public vehicles to drop-out stations, from where they are delivered to destination by green vehicles (such as bikes, drones, porters, etc.). The system is known as Freight-On-Transit (FOT). In this paper, we focus on the strategic decisions related to defining the public transportation network that will take part in the delivery system, i.e., which public vehicle lines and stop locations will be included (and thus equipped for the service). We propose different formulations for the problem and effective heuristic solution approaches based on column generation. We perform exhaustive tests aimed at providing managerial insights on the performance and the efficiency of the system."
"en" => "We study a delivery strategy for last-mile deliveries in urban areas which combines freight transportation with mass mobility systems with the goal of creating synergies contrasting negative externalities caused by transportation. The idea is to use the residual capacity on public transport means for moving freight within the city. In particular, the system is such that parcels are first transported from origins (central distribution centers) to drop-in stations, which are stop locations on public vehicle itineraries. Then, they are transported on public vehicles to drop-out stations, from where they are delivered to destination by green vehicles (such as bikes, drones, porters, etc.). The system is known as Freight-On-Transit (FOT). In this paper, we focus on the strategic decisions related to defining the public transportation network that will take part in the delivery system, i.e., which public vehicle lines and stop locations will be included (and thus equipped for the service). We propose different formulations for the problem and effective heuristic solution approaches based on column generation. We perform exhaustive tests aimed at providing managerial insights on the performance and the efficiency of the system."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
26 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2256
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13959"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13959"
"slug" => "optimal-power-flow"
"yearMonth" => "2022-09"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Optimal Power Flow"
"description" => "CERULLI, M., DELLE DONNE, D., ESCOBAR, M., LIBERTI, L. et OUSTRY, A. (2022). Optimal Power Flow. Dans: Pardalos, P.M., Prokopyev, O.A. eds. <i>Encyclopedia of Optimization</i>. 1st ed. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-10."
"authors" => array:5 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CERULLI Martina"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "ESCOBAR Mauro"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "LIBERTI Leo"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "OUSTRY Antoine"
"ouvrage" => "Encyclopedia of Optimization"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-06-08 15:58:24"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1-10"
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The optimal power flow (OPF) problem models the generation and distribution of electrical power through a given network, at a specific point in time. The network, represented by a graph, is composed by nodes that generate and/or demand power and arcs that transport this power. In the power engineering community, the nodes of the network are called buses and the arcs are called (transmission) lines."
"en" => "The optimal power flow (OPF) problem models the generation and distribution of electrical power through a given network, at a specific point in time. The network, represented by a graph, is composed by nodes that generate and/or demand power and arcs that transport this power. In the power engineering community, the nodes of the network are called buses and the arcs are called (transmission) lines."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
"en" => "Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
27 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2257
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14080"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14080"
"slug" => "implementing-cutting-planes-for-the-chromatic-violation-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2022-04"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Implementing cutting planes for the chromatic violation problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ESCALANTE, M. et UGARTE, M.E. (2022). Implementing cutting planes for the chromatic violation problem. Dans: <i>ALIO/EURO International Conference 2021 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization</i>. Association of Latin-Iberoamerican Operational Research Societies (ALIO) and the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO)."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ESCALANTE Mariana"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "UGARTE María Elisa"
"ouvrage" => "ALIO/EURO International Conference 2021 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-10-31 13:51:19"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "We consider the minimum chromatic violation problem(MCVP) studied from apolyhedral point of view."
"en" => "We consider the minimum chromatic violation problem(MCVP) studied from apolyhedral point of view."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
28 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2258
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14387"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14387"
"slug" => "exploring-integer-programming-techniques-for-the-hyper-rectangular-clustering-problem-with-axis-parallel-clusters"
"yearMonth" => "2023-09"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Exploring Integer Programming Techniques for the Hyper-rectangular Clustering Problem with Axis-parallel Clusters"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2023). Exploring Integer Programming Techniques for the Hyper-rectangular Clustering Problem with Axis-parallel Clusters. Dans: 2023 International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS). Ischia."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => "2023 International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-09-27 01:00:43"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
29 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2259
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14413"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14413"
"slug" => "a-branch-and-price-approach-for-last-mile-deliveries-with-capacitated-robot-stations"
"yearMonth" => "2023-07"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "A Branch-and-price Approach for Last-mile Deliveries with Capacitated Robot Stations"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., KUZBAKOV, Y. et ALFANDARI, L. (2023). A Branch-and-price Approach for Last-mile Deliveries with Capacitated Robot Stations. Dans: 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies 2023. Santiago."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ALFANDARI Laurent"
"bid" => "B00000901"
"slug" => "alfandari-laurent"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KUZBAKOV Yerlan"
"ouvrage" => "23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies 2023"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-09-27 01:00:43"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
30 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2260
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14483"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14483"
"slug" => "when-public-transport-delivers"
"yearMonth" => "2023-09"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "When public transport delivers"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ARCHETTI, C., LJUBIC, I. et ALFANDARI, L. (2023). When public transport delivers. <i>ESSEC Knowledge</i>."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "LJUBIC Ivana"
"bid" => "B00683004"
"slug" => "ljubic-ivana"
2 => array:3 [
"name" => "ALFANDARI Laurent"
"bid" => "B00000901"
"slug" => "alfandari-laurent"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-10-31 13:51:19"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles ou vidéos de vulgarisation"
"en" => "Press article, video or other popular media"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Presse"
"en" => "Press"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "E-commerce is now part of the consumer experience – why brave a busy mall when you could get your shopping delivered to your doorstep, and return it for free if you don’t like it? This trend has exploded: in the US, e-commerce consumer spending is projected to reach one trillion USD (1), and in China, over 40 billion packages were delivered in 2017 (2). While undeniably practical for the consumer, this presents challenges for the companies and for the environment, since consumers expect fast delivery and this can be a costly process. This results in an abundance of commercial vehicles traveling to make home deliveries: an unsustainable system both in terms of feasibility and environmental impact. These commercial vehicles add to pollution and traffic congestion. The authors explored the challenges of last-mile delivery (the last leg of the distribution process) and how emerging technologies, including AI, can play a role in reducing the pollution caused by urban freight transportation. In their latest paper published in Transportation Research Part B (3), they explore the possibility of using “freight-on-transit” delivery methods: using public transportation to transport packages in big cities."
"en" => "E-commerce is now part of the consumer experience – why brave a busy mall when you could get your shopping delivered to your doorstep, and return it for free if you don’t like it? This trend has exploded: in the US, e-commerce consumer spending is projected to reach one trillion USD (1), and in China, over 40 billion packages were delivered in 2017 (2). While undeniably practical for the consumer, this presents challenges for the companies and for the environment, since consumers expect fast delivery and this can be a costly process. This results in an abundance of commercial vehicles traveling to make home deliveries: an unsustainable system both in terms of feasibility and environmental impact. These commercial vehicles add to pollution and traffic congestion. The authors explored the challenges of last-mile delivery (the last leg of the distribution process) and how emerging technologies, including AI, can play a role in reducing the pollution caused by urban freight transportation. In their latest paper published in Transportation Research Part B (3), they explore the possibility of using “freight-on-transit” delivery methods: using public transportation to transport packages in big cities."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d’Information, Sciences de la Décision et Statistiques"
"en" => "Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
31 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2261
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14730"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14730"
"slug" => "a-novel-integer-linear-programming-approach-for-global-l0-minimization"
"yearMonth" => "2023-12"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "A Novel Integer Linear Programming Approach for Global L0 Minimization"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., KOWALSKI, M. et LIBERTI, L. (2023). A Novel Integer Linear Programming Approach for Global L0 Minimization. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</i>, 24(382), pp. 1-28."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KOWALSKI Matthieu"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LIBERTI Leo"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Sparse Approximation"
1 => "0minimization"
2 => "Integer Programming"
"updatedAt" => "2024-10-31 13:51:19"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1-28"
"volume" => "24"
"number" => "382"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "We introduce a new (and the first to our knowledge) M-independent integer linear programming formulation for P0/p, which guarantees the recovery of the global minimizer. We propose a practical approach to tackle this formulation, which has exponentially many constraints."
"en" => "We introduce a new (and the first to our knowledge) M-independent integer linear programming formulation for P0/p, which guarantees the recovery of the global minimizer. We propose a practical approach to tackle this formulation, which has exponentially many constraints."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
32 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2262
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14856"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14856"
"slug" => "1-persistency-of-the-clique-relaxation-of-the-stable-set-polytope"
"yearMonth" => "2024-05"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "1-Persistency of the Clique Relaxation of the Stable Set Polytope"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ESCALANTE, M., FEKETE, P. et MORONI, L. (2024). 1-Persistency of the Clique Relaxation of the Stable Set Polytope. Dans: Amitabh Basu, Ali Ridha Mahjoub, Juan José Salazar González eds. <i>Combinatorial Optimization</i>. 1 ed. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 71-84."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "Escalante Mariana"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "Fekete Pablo"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "Moroni Lucía"
"ouvrage" => "Combinatorial Optimization"
"keywords" => array:1 [
0 => "combinatorial optimization"
"updatedAt" => "2024-06-19 17:34:04"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "71-84"
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this paper, we consider a relaxation of the persistency property, called 1-persistency, over the clique relaxation of the stable set polytope in graphs. In particular, we study the family Q of graphs whose clique relaxation of the stable set polytope has 1-persistency. The main objective of this contribution is to analyze forbidden structures for a given graph to belong to Q."
"en" => "In this paper, we consider a relaxation of the persistency property, called 1-persistency, over the clique relaxation of the stable set polytope in graphs. In particular, we study the family Q of graphs whose clique relaxation of the stable set polytope has 1-persistency. The main objective of this contribution is to analyze forbidden structures for a given graph to belong to Q."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
33 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2263
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14858"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14858"
"slug" => "on-the-complexity-of-the-minimum-chromatic-violation-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2024-05"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "On the Complexity of the Minimum Chromatic Violation Problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ESCALANTE, M. et UGARTE, M.E. (2024). On the Complexity of the Minimum Chromatic Violation Problem. Dans: Amitabh Basu, Ali Ridha Mahjoub, Juan José Salazar González eds. <i>Combinatorial Optimization</i>. 1st ed. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 152-162."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "Escalante Mariana"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "Ugarte María Elisa"
"ouvrage" => "Combinatorial Optimization"
"keywords" => array:1 [
0 => "combinatorial optimization"
"updatedAt" => "2024-06-19 17:33:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "152-162"
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this paper, we consider a generalization of the classical vertex coloring problem of a graph, where the edge set of the graph is partitioned into strong and weak edges; the endpoints of a weak edge can be assigned to the same color and the minimum chromatic violation problem (MCVP) asks for a coloring of the graph minimizing the number of weak edges having its endpoints assigned to the same color. Previous works in the literature on MCVP focus on defining integer programming formulations and performing polyhedral studies on the associated polytopes but, to the best of our knowledge, very few computational complexity studies exist for MCVP. In this work, we focus on the computational complexity of this problem over several graph families such as interval and unit interval graphs, among others. We show that MCVP is NP-hard for general graphs and it remains NP-hard when the graph induced by the strong edges is unit interval or distance hereditary. On the other side, we provide a polynomial algorithm that properly solves MCVP when the graph is a unit interval graph without triangles with two or more weak edges."
"en" => "In this paper, we consider a generalization of the classical vertex coloring problem of a graph, where the edge set of the graph is partitioned into strong and weak edges; the endpoints of a weak edge can be assigned to the same color and the minimum chromatic violation problem (MCVP) asks for a coloring of the graph minimizing the number of weak edges having its endpoints assigned to the same color. Previous works in the literature on MCVP focus on defining integer programming formulations and performing polyhedral studies on the associated polytopes but, to the best of our knowledge, very few computational complexity studies exist for MCVP. In this work, we focus on the computational complexity of this problem over several graph families such as interval and unit interval graphs, among others. We show that MCVP is NP-hard for general graphs and it remains NP-hard when the graph induced by the strong edges is unit interval or distance hereditary. On the other side, we provide a polynomial algorithm that properly solves MCVP when the graph is a unit interval graph without triangles with two or more weak edges."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
34 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2264
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14926"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14926"
"slug" => "integrating-public-transport-in-sustainable-last-mile-delivery-column-generation-approaches"
"yearMonth" => "2024-06"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "Integrating public transport in sustainable last-mile delivery: Column Generation approaches"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., SANTINI, A. et ARCHETTI, C. (2024). Integrating public transport in sustainable last-mile delivery: Column Generation approaches. Dans: 2024 INFORMS/ALIO/ASOCIO International Conference. Medellín."
"authors" => array:3 [
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"name" => "SANTINI Alberto"
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35 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2265
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#_id: "14933"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14933"
"slug" => "on-the-complexity-of-the-minimum-chromatic-violation-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2024-05"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "On the complexity of the minimum chromatic violation problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ESCALANTE, M. et UGARTE, M.E. (2024). On the complexity of the minimum chromatic violation problem. Dans: 2024 International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO). Tenerife."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ESCALANTE Mariana"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "UGARTE María Elisa"
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"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-07-10 01:01:23"
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"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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#_id: "14964"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14964"
"slug" => "a-branch-and-price-algorithm-for-the-hyper-rectangular-clustering-problem-with-axis-parallel-clusters-and-outliers"
"yearMonth" => "2024-03"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "A branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters and outliers"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2024). A branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters and outliers. Dans: 25ème Congrès de la ROADEF 2024. Amiens."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
"ouvrage" => "25ème Congrès de la ROADEF 2024"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-07-10 01:01:23"
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"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"authors_fields" => array:2 [
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37 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2267
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#_id: "15013"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15013"
"slug" => "improving-pricing-strategies-on-a-branch-and-price-algorithm-for-the-hyper-rectangular-clustering-problem-with-axis-parallel-clusters"
"yearMonth" => "2024-07"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "Improving pricing strategies on a branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., MARENCO, J. et MORENO, E. (2024). Improving pricing strategies on a branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters. Dans: 33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO). Copenhagen."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MORENO Eduardo"
"ouvrage" => "33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-07-31 12:43:26"
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"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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"authors_fields" => array:2 [
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#_id: "15014"
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"id" => "15014"
"slug" => "exact-approaches-for-the-green-commodity-constrained-split-delivery-vehicle-routing-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2024-07"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "Exact approaches for the green commodity-constrained split delivery vehicle routing problem"
"description" => "ARCHETTI, C., DELLE DONNE, D., FERREIRA, K., MORABITO, R. et MUNARI, P. (2024). Exact approaches for the green commodity-constrained split delivery vehicle routing problem. Dans: 33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO). Copenhagen, Denmark."
"authors" => array:5 [
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"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ARCHETTI Claudia"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "FERREIRA Kamyla"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MORABITO Reinaldo"
4 => array:1 [
"name" => "MUNARI Pedro"
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"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-07-31 12:33:16"
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39 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2269
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#_id: "15015"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15015"
"slug" => "1-persistency-of-the-clique-relaxation-of-the-stable-set-polytope"
"yearMonth" => "2024-05"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "1-Persistency of the Clique Relaxation of the Stable Set Polytope"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ESCALANTE, M., FEKETE, P. et MORONI, L. (2024). 1-Persistency of the Clique Relaxation of the Stable Set Polytope. Dans: International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO). Tenerife, Spain."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
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1 => array:1 [
"name" => "ESCALANTE Mariana"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "FEKETE Pablo"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "MORONI Lucía"
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"keywords" => []
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40 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2270
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#_id: "15016"
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"id" => "15016"
"slug" => "a-column-generation-approach-for-last-mile-deliveries-with-capacitated-robot-stations"
"yearMonth" => "2024-05"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "A column generation approach for last-mile deliveries with capacitated robot stations"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., ALFANDARI, L. et KUZBAKOV, Y. (2024). A column generation approach for last-mile deliveries with capacitated robot stations. Dans: International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO). Tenerife, Spain."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
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"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "ALFANDARI Laurent"
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2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KUZBAKOV Yerlan"
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"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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#_id: "13112"
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"id" => "13112"
"slug" => "a-branch-and-price-algorithm-for-the-minimum-sum-coloring-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2021-11"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "A branch-and-price algorithm for the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., FURINI, F., MALAGUTI, E. et WOLFLER CALVOA, R. (2021). A branch-and-price algorithm for the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem. <i>Discrete Applied Mathematics</i>, 303(C), pp. 39-56."
"authors" => array:4 [
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"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "FURINI Fabio"
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"name" => "MALAGUTI Enrico"
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"name" => "WOLFLER CALVOA R."
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"keywords" => []
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"id" => "13232"
"slug" => "mip-and-set-covering-approaches-for-sparse-approximation"
"yearMonth" => "2020-12"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "MIP and Set Covering approaches for Sparse Approximation"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., KOWALSKI, M. et LIBERTI, L. (2020). MIP and Set Covering approaches for Sparse Approximation. Dans: iTWIST Annual Conference. Nantes (virtual)."
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"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KOWALSKI Matthieu"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LIBERTI L."
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"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:57:20"
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43 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2273
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"id" => "13233"
"slug" => "mip-and-set-covering-approaches-for-sparse-approximation"
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"year" => "2020"
"title" => "MIP and Set Covering approaches for Sparse Approximation"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., KOWALSKI, M. et LIBERTI, L. (2020). MIP and Set Covering approaches for Sparse Approximation. Dans: ROADEF Annual Conference. Montpellier."
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"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "KOWALSKI Matthieu"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LIBERTI L."
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"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:57:52"
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#_id: "13234"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13234"
"slug" => "branch-and-price-algorithms-for-the-minimum-sum-coloring-problem"
"yearMonth" => "2019-09"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Branch-and-Price algorithms for the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D., FURINI, F., MALAGUTI, E. et WOLFLER CALVO, R. (2019). Branch-and-Price algorithms for the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem. Dans: OR61 Annual Conference. Canterbury."
"authors" => array:4 [
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1 => array:1 [
"name" => "FURINI Fabio"
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"name" => "MALAGUTI Enrico"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "WOLFLER CALVO Roberto"
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"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:58:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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+"_type": "_doc"
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45 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2275
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#_id: "13235"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13235"
"slug" => "path-lifting-procedures-for-the-orientation-model-for-vertex-coloring-problems"
"yearMonth" => "2019-06"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Path-lifting procedures for the orientation model for vertex coloring problems"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2019). Path-lifting procedures for the orientation model for vertex coloring problems. Dans: Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire. Metz."
"authors" => array:2 [
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"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
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1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MARENCO Javier"
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"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:58:29"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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+"_type": "_doc"
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46 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2276
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#_id: "13240"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13240"
"slug" => "el-problema-de-minima-violacion-cromatica-nuevas-familias-de-facetas-in-spanish"
"yearMonth" => "2019-09"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "El problema de mínima violación cromática: nuevas familias de facetas (in spanish)"
"description" => "UGARTE, M.E., DELLE DONNE, D. et ESCALANTE, M. (2019). El problema de mínima violación cromática: nuevas familias de facetas (in spanish). Dans: SUMA Annual meeting. Mendoza."
"authors" => array:3 [
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"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "UGARTE María Elisa"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "ESCALANTE Mariana"
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"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-10-17 11:58:19"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
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+"parent": null
47 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2277
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15397"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15397"
"slug" => "a-branch-and-price-algorithm-for-the-hyper-rectangular-clustering-problem-with-axis-parallel-clusters-and-outliers"
"yearMonth" => "2024-12"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "A branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters and outliers"
"description" => "DELLE DONNE, D. et MARENCO, J. (2024). A branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters and outliers. <i>Computational Optimization and Applications</i>, In press."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "DELLE DONNE Diego"
"bid" => "B00788133"
"slug" => "delle-donne-diego"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "Marenco Javier"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "Clustering"
1 => "Hyper-rectangle"
2 => "Outliers"
3 => "Integer programming"
4 => "Branch-and-price"
"updatedAt" => "2025-01-04 01:00:46"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => "In press"
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "We address the problem of clustering a set of points in Rd with axis-parallel clusters, while allowing to discard a pre-specified number of points, thus declared to be outliers. We present an integer programming formulation for this problem which employs exponentially-many variables and we develop an exact algorithm to solve it, based on branch-and-price techniques. We solve the linear relaxation of the proposed model by applying column generation and we propose two different integer programming formulations to tackle the associated pricing subproblem. For the branch-and-price algorithm, we propose a branching rule specifically tailored for the problem. Finally, we provide computational experiments showing that the proposed approach is effective in practice."
"en" => "We address the problem of clustering a set of points in Rd with axis-parallel clusters, while allowing to discard a pre-specified number of points, thus declared to be outliers. We present an integer programming formulation for this problem which employs exponentially-many variables and we develop an exact algorithm to solve it, based on branch-and-price techniques. We solve the linear relaxation of the proposed model by applying column generation and we propose two different integer programming formulations to tackle the associated pricing subproblem. For the branch-and-price algorithm, we propose a branching rule specifically tailored for the problem. Finally, we provide computational experiments showing that the proposed approach is effective in practice."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Systèmes d'Information, Data Analytics et Opérations"
"en" => "Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.451776
+"parent": null
"avatar" => ""
"contributionCounts" => 48
"personalLinks" => array:2 [
0 => "<a href="" target="_blank">ORCID</a>"
1 => "<a href="" target="_blank">Google scholar</a>"
"docTitle" => "Diego DELLE DONNE"
"docSubtitle" => "Assistant Professor"
"docDescription" => "Department: Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations<br>Campus de Cergy"
"docType" => "cv"
"docPreview" => "<img src=""><span><span>Diego DELLE DONNE</span><span>B00788133</span></span>"
"academ_cv_info" => ""
#_index: "academ_cv"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.0369525
+"parent": null