DELLE DONNE Diego, Escalante Mariana, Fekete Pablo, Moroni Lucía
In this paper, we consider a relaxation of the persistency property, called 1-persistency, over the clique relaxation of the stable set polytope in graphs. In particular, we study the family Q of graphs whose clique relaxation of the stable set polytope has 1-persistency. The main objective of this contribution is to analyze forbidden structures for a given graph to belong to Q.
DELLE DONNE, D., ESCALANTE, M., FEKETE, P. et MORONI, L. (2024). 1-Persistency of the Clique Relaxation of the Stable Set Polytope. Dans: Amitabh Basu, Ali Ridha Mahjoub, Juan José Salazar González eds. Combinatorial Optimization. 1 ed. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 71-84.