Book chapters
Bounded-rational managerial actors struggling to process information often use a limited set of theories of action expressed as simple rules. We assume a hierarchical structure where some keystone rules play a disproportionate role in guiding action and cognitions. We establish the complexity of determining an efficient set of such keystone rules, and therefore the necessity of using meta-heuristic approaches, such as evolutionary processes where the computationally hard problem of picking an optimal set of rules is solved by a social calculation. We explore the development of keystone rules among entrepreneurs and find that the emergent keystone rules among the observed entrepreneurs do not match existing “scientific” theories but have particular epistemic properties, such as fuzziness, inconsistency, counter-factual, as well as being polymorphic and self-fulfilling. Furthermore, inductive reasoning suggest that keystones rules evolve as bundle, due to interactions inter-rules shaping the emerging set. Such bundle of keystone exhibit paradigm dynamics as they follow a sequence of punctuated equilibria. The identification of keystone rules fills a theoretical gap between rational decision and social construction perspectives.
CAVARRETTA, F. (2018). Une exploration des propriétés épistémiques des règles « clés de voûte » des entrepreneurs. Dans: Complexité et organisations : faire face aux défis de demain. 1st ed. Eyrolles, pp. 83-96.