The field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR otherwise known as Business-Human Rights Mediation) Mediation is undergoing significant development with the emergence of the duty of vigilance imposed on companies and the standards aimed at contributing to the objective of sustainable development to address social, environmental and governance issues and challenges. This article reviews the genesis and corpus of mediation in the CSR context, which will gradually establish the duty of vigilance for companies and then look at the many areas of application both internally and externally for companies and organisations. It tends to demonstrate that beyond compliance, mediation is a tool and a remedy at the service of the duty of vigilance for companies and organisations.
BENRAIS, L. (2024). Mediation in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Business-Human Rights – An educational tool and a remedy in the service of corporate duty of care. Dans: Beatrice Brenneur (ed.). ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MEDIATION. 1st ed. Groupement Européen Des Magistrats Pour la Médiation (Gemme), pp. 90-103.