GOMEZ Marie-Léandre, LIGONIE Marion
Practice-based approaches have become increasingly important in the social sciences, particularly in the study of organisational phenomena. This chapter revisits the four main conceptual approaches that have nourished the field of control: the field-habitus-practice dynamic (Bourdieu); the sociology of translation, or of the actor-network (Callon, Latour, Akrich, Law); the theory of activity and its instrumental approach (Vygotski, Leontiev, Rabardel); and the ontology of the site (Schatzki). The chapter presents each of these currents, the control work that has been inspired by them, and suggests avenues for future research.
GOMEZ, M.L. et LIGONIE, M. (2023). Le contrôle organisationnel à travers les approches pratiques. Dans: Claire Dambrin, Damien Mourey eds. Les grands courants en contrôle de gestion. 1st ed. Paris: Éditions Management et Société (EMS), pp. 101-122.