Yan LI

department: Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics
Campus de Singapour
+65 6835 7897
Management of Information Systems – Strategy


  • 2007: Ph.D. in Information Systems (National University of Singapore Singapore)
  • 2003: Master of Science in Information Systems (National University of Singapore Singapore)
  • 1999: Bachelor of Arts in Information Sciences (Nanjing University China)
Other Academic Appointments
    • 2017 – 2020 : Associate Academic Director for Master in Data Science and Business Analytics (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2014 : Visiting Scholar at SCANCOR (Stanford University United States of America)
    • 2014 : Visiting Scholar at School of Management (School of Management at Fudan University China)
    • 2014 : Visiting Scholar (Nanjing University China)
    • 2013 – 2018 : Associate Dean of Faculty Asia Pacific (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2010 : Visiting Professor, Department of Information Systems (National University of Singapore Singapore)
Full-time academic appointments
    • 2016 – Now : Professor (ESSEC Business School Singapore)
    • 2013 – 2016 : Associate Professor (ESSEC Business School Singapore)
    • 2007 – 2013 : Assistant Professor (ESSEC Business School Singapore)


  • 2006 : Best Paper Award at World Congress on Intellectual Capital (WCIC)
  • 2006 : Dean’s Graduate Award for Excellence in Research (National University of Singapore, Singapore)


  • 2006 : Teaching Assistantship and Research Fellowship (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Journal articles

Book chapters

Conference Proceedings

Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference

Other activities
Research activities
  • Senior or Associate Editor
    • 2023 – Now: Associate Editor – Information & Management
  • Organization of a conference or a seminar
    • 2015 – Now: Program board member and Track Chair for the 2nd International Conference on HCI in Business
    • 2012 – 2014: Track chair for “Mobile Commerce Business Processes and Operations” at SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (BPS 2012, 2013, 2014)
    • 2012 – Now: Chair Person for World Performing Universities Conference
  • Participation in scientific commissions or reviewer for a conference
    • 1977 – Now: Reviewer for International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS)
    • 1977 – Now: Reviewer for Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS)
    • 1977 – Now: Reviewer for Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(HICSS)
    • 1977 – Now: Reviewer for Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
    • 1977 – Now: Reviewer for Academy of Management Meeting (AOM)
  • Member of an academic association
    • 1977 – Now: Member of Academy of Management (AOM)
    • 1977 – Now: Member of Association for Information Systems (AIS)
  • Reviewer for a journal
    • Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Information Systems Frontiers; Journal of Database Management; MIS Quarterly
Professional activities
  • Consulting
    • 2015 – 2015: Workshops for companies and executives : “Business Analytics”, for Danone
    • 2015 – 2015: Asian Strategic Projects (with companies) Supervised : Deja (Singapore) and Gawad Kalinga (The Philippines)
    • 2014 – 2014: Asian Strategic Projects (with companies) Supervised : Arkadin (India) and Michelin (China)
    • 2013 – 2013: Workshops for companies and executives : “Marketing Analytics on Digital Platforms”, (executives from DBS Bank, Economic Development Board, Financial Times, Singapore Power, etc.)
    • 2013 – 2013: Workshops for companies and executives : “Marketing Analytics on Digital Platforms”, (executives from Moet Hennesy, Polycomm, Economic Development Board, etc.)
    • 2013 – 2013: Workshops for companies and executives : “Analytics on Digital Platforms”, for Resort World Sentosa
    • 2013 – 2013: Asian Strategic Projects (with companies) Supervised : Michelin (China) and Motong (China)
    • 2012 – 2012: Workshops for companies and executives : “Marketing Analytics on Digital Platforms”, (executives from Singapore Press Holdings, Economic Development Board, Total, etc.)
    • 2012 – 2012: Asian Strategic Projects (with companies) Supervised : StarryMedia (China) and Yek Mobile (China)
    • 2011 – 2011: Asian Strategic Projects (with companies) Supervised :Renault (India), Renault (China), MicroCred (China)
    • 2010 – 2010: Asian Strategic Projects (with companies) Supervised : StarryMedia (China) and Yek Mobile (China)