Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216
#_id: "B00330838"
#_source: array:40 [
"bid" => "B00330838"
"academId" => "34829"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
"fullName" => "Anne JACQUEMINET"
"lastName" => "JACQUEMINET"
"firstName" => "Anne"
"title" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur associé"
"en" => "Associate Professor"
"email" => ""
"status" => "ACTIF"
"campus" => "Campus de Cergy"
"departments" => []
"phone" => ""
"sites" => []
"facNumber" => "34829"
"externalCvUrl" => ""
"googleScholarUrl" => ""
"facOrcId" => ""
"career" => array:5 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2231
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2024-09-01"
"endDate" => null
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur associé"
"en" => "Associate Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2232
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2015-09-01"
"endDate" => "2024-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur assistant"
"en" => "Assistant Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2233
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2006-09-01"
"endDate" => "2010-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Professional appointments"
"fr" => "Positions professionnelles"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Consultant in Climate Change and Sustainability"
"en" => "Consultant in Climate Change and Sustainability"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ernst & Young"
"en" => "Ernst & Young"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2234
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019-09-01"
"endDate" => "2020-03-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other Academic Appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions académiques"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur visitant"
"en" => "Visiting Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università della Svizzera Italiana"
"en" => "Università della Svizzera Italiana"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Suisse"
"en" => "Switzerland"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2235
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019-10-01"
"endDate" => "2019-10-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other Academic Appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions académiques"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur visitant"
"en" => "Visiting Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina"
"en" => "Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
"diplomes" => array:1 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2218
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "2015"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Doctorate, Business administration, Business administration"
"fr" => "Doctorat, Sciences de Gestion, Science de gestion"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "HEC Paris"
"en" => "HEC Paris"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
"bio" => array:2 [
"fr" => "<p>Anne Jacqueminet est professeure associée à l’ESSEC. Anne Jacqueminet a obtenu son doctorat en gestion stratégique à HEC Paris et a travaillé en tant que professeure assistante dans le département de gestion et technologie de l'Université Bocconi. Dans ses recherches, elle étudie les approches hétérogènes des entreprises en matière de mise en œuvre stratégique des pratiques de durabilité, en mettant l'accent sur les organisations complexes. Elle s'intéresse également aux interactions entre l'entreprise et ses parties prenantes, ainsi qu'aux réactions de ces dernières face au comportement social et environnemental des entreprises et à la divulgation d'informations. Ses travaux ont été publiés dans des revues telles que Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science et Journal of International Business Studies. Elle a reçu le prix AIB Peter Buckley et Mark Casson pour la meilleure thèse en 2016 et le prix AIB Alan Rugman pour les jeunes chercheurs en 2021. De plus, elle est membre du comité de direction de l'Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS). Avant de rejoindre le milieu universitaire, Anne a travaillé en tant que consultante sur les questions de changement climatique et de durabilité pour EY.</p>\n"
"en" => """
<p><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Anne Jacqueminet received her PhD in Strategic Management from HEC </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Paris and has worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Management and Technology of Bocconi University.</span></p>\n
<p><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">In her research, she </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">investigates firms’ heterogenous approaches to the strategic </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">implementation of sustainability practices, with a focus on complex </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">organizations. She also looks at firm-stakeholder interactions as well </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">as stakeholders’ reactions to firms’ social and environmental behavior </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">and disclosure.</span></p>\n
<p><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Her work has been published in the Academy of </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Management Journal, Organization Science and the Journal of</span><br />\n
<span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">International Business Studies, among others. She received the AIB </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Peter Buckley and Mark Casson Best Dissertation Award in 2016 and the </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">AIB Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award in 2021. She is a member of the </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Steering Committee of the Alliance for Research on Corporate </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Sustainability (ARCS).</span></p>\n
<p><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">Prior to joining academia, Anne worked as a </span><span style="color:rgb(34, 34, 34)">consultant in climate change and sustainability for EY.</span></p>\n
<p>At ESSEC, Anne teaches courses at all levels around sustainability strategy and sustainable business models.</p>\n
"department" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit et environnement de l’entreprise"
"en" => "Public & Private Policy"
"site" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"industrrySectors" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"researchFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Affaires internationales - Management - Théorie organisationnelle - Strategie - Développement durable et comptabilité sociale"
"en" => "International Business - Management - Organizational Theory - Strategy - Sustainability & Social Accounting"
"teachingFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Stratégie - Développement durable - Affaires internationales - Management"
"en" => "Strategy - Sustainable development - International Business - Management"
"distinctions" => array:8 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2236
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2023-09-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italian governmental research grant (PRIN)"
"en" => "Italian governmental research grant (PRIN)"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Bourses"
"en" => "Grants"
"tri" => " 2 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2237
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2024-07-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Teaching Innovation Award"
"en" => "Teaching Innovation Award"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2238
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2023-07-03"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Teaching Award - PhD Program"
"en" => "Teaching Award - PhD Program"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2239
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2023-10-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Best Reviewer Award - SMS Global Strategy IG"
"en" => "Best Reviewer Award - SMS Global Strategy IG"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2240
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2023-06-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => "Responsible Business Education Award - Financial Times"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2241
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2021-07-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "AIB Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award"
"en" => "AIB Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2242
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2016-07-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "AIB Peter Buckley and Mark Casson Dissertation Award"
"en" => "AIB Peter Buckley and Mark Casson Dissertation Award"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2243
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2016-06-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "HEC Paris Foundation Dissertation Award"
"en" => "HEC Paris Foundation Dissertation Award"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "HEC Paris"
"en" => "HEC Paris"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2216}
"teaching" => array:14 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2230
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2024"
"endDate" => null
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => "PostDoc Supervision, Zhuoying You"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Autre"
"en" => "Other"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2227
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2022"
"endDate" => "2024"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => "PhD Dissertation Committee, Shubham Singh, ESSEC"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2215
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2022"
"endDate" => "2024"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "BOLT strategic simulation game"
"en" => "BOLT strategic simulation game"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2219
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2021"
"endDate" => "2024"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Sustainable Leadership program"
"en" => "Sustainable Leadership program"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Imperial College London"
"en" => "Imperial College London"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Royaume-Uni"
"en" => "United Kingdom"
+lang: "en"
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2217
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019"
"endDate" => "2024"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Corporate Sustainability. Understanding and Seizing the Strategic Opportunity"
"en" => "Corporate Sustainability. Understanding and Seizing the Strategic Opportunity"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2222
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2016"
"endDate" => "2024"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Business Strategy"
"en" => "Business Strategy"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2225
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2015"
"endDate" => "2024"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => "Bachelor and Master theses supervision"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2223
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2020"
"endDate" => "2023"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "CSR Strategies"
"en" => "CSR Strategies"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2226
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2020"
"endDate" => "2023"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => "PhD Dissertation Committee, Navya Pandit, Bocconi University"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2224
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019"
"endDate" => "2023"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "International Management"
"en" => "International Management"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
10 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2228
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2022"
"endDate" => "2022"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => "PhD Dissertation proposal external reviewer, Ana Kurtanidze , Università della Svizzera Italiana"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
11 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2229
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2021"
"endDate" => "2021"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => "PhD external reviewer, Alison Holm, Copenhagen Business School"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Encadrement de mémoire"
"en" => "Supervision of dissertation"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "en"
12 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2221
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2016"
"endDate" => "2018"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "CSR and ethics in Business"
"en" => "CSR and ethics in Business"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Università Bocconi"
"en" => "Università Bocconi"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Italie"
"en" => "Italy"
+lang: "en"
13 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2220
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2013"
"endDate" => "2015"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Social Entrepreneurship"
"en" => "Social Entrepreneurship"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "HEC Paris"
"en" => "HEC Paris"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "en"
"otherActivities" => []
"theses" => []
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:25.000Z"
"contributions" => array:7 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2245
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15116"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15116"
"slug" => "practice-implementation-within-a-multidivisional-firm-intra-organizational-pressures-and-value-consistency"
"yearMonth" => "2020-01"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Practice implementation within a multidivisional firm: Intra - organizational pressures and value consistency"
"description" => "JACQUEMINET, A. (2020). Practice implementation within a multidivisional firm: Intra - organizational pressures and value consistency. <i>Organization Science</i>."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "JACQUEMINET Anne"
"bid" => "B00330838"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-09-05 01:01:34"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit "
"en" => "Business Law"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:44.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 7.1679554
+"parent": null
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2247
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15105"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15105"
"slug" => "peer-conformity-attention-and-heterogeneous-implementation-of-practices-in-mnes"
"yearMonth" => "2015-10"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "Peer conformity, attention, and heterogeneous implementation of practices in MNEs"
"description" => "DURAND, R. et JACQUEMINET, A. (2015). Peer conformity, attention, and heterogeneous implementation of practices in MNEs. <i>Journal of International Business Studies</i>, 46, pp. 917-937."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "JACQUEMINET Anne"
"bid" => "B00330838"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "DURAND Rodolphe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "multinational corporations (MNCs) and enterprises (MNEs)"
1 => "institutional theory"
2 => "corporate social responsibility"
3 => "practice implementation"
"updatedAt" => "2024-09-09 11:45:11"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "917-937"
"volume" => "46"
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "How do subsidiaries respond to normative demands from both their headquarters and local external constituents? We propose that subsidiaries pay varying levels of attention to demands depending on their peers’ norm-conforming behavior, resulting in heterogeneous practice implementation. We study the implementation of 25 practices, associated with three corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in 101 worldwide subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise (MNE). Consistent with the idea that attention is limited and therefore selective, we find that external peers’ conformity to the CSR norm directs subsidiaries’ attention toward the CSR-related demands of external constituents at the expense of the demands from the headquarters. However, internal peers’ conformity increases attention to both external and headquarters’ demands related to CSR. As higher attention levels result in higher practice implementation, internal and external peers’ conformity drives the heterogeneity of practice implementation in the MNE. Our results suggest the need to rethink the influence of peers’ conformity on subsidiaries’ implementation of practices, as it not only triggers mimicry based on legitimacy but also and simultaneously a more strategic response based on internal and external competitive threats and attention allocation."
"en" => "How do subsidiaries respond to normative demands from both their headquarters and local external constituents? We propose that subsidiaries pay varying levels of attention to demands depending on their peers’ norm-conforming behavior, resulting in heterogeneous practice implementation. We study the implementation of 25 practices, associated with three corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in 101 worldwide subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise (MNE). Consistent with the idea that attention is limited and therefore selective, we find that external peers’ conformity to the CSR norm directs subsidiaries’ attention toward the CSR-related demands of external constituents at the expense of the demands from the headquarters. However, internal peers’ conformity increases attention to both external and headquarters’ demands related to CSR. As higher attention levels result in higher practice implementation, internal and external peers’ conformity drives the heterogeneity of practice implementation in the MNE. Our results suggest the need to rethink the influence of peers’ conformity on subsidiaries’ implementation of practices, as it not only triggers mimicry based on legitimacy but also and simultaneously a more strategic response based on internal and external competitive threats and attention allocation."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit "
"en" => "Business Law"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:44.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 7.1679554
+"parent": null
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2249
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15117"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15117"
"slug" => "ups-and-downs-the-role-of-legitimacy-judgment-cues-in-practice-implementation"
"yearMonth" => "2020-10"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "Ups and downs: The role of legitimacy judgment cues in practice implementation"
"description" => "JACQUEMINET, A. et DURAND, R. (2020). Ups and downs: The role of legitimacy judgment cues in practice implementation. <i>Academy of Management Journal</i>, 63(5)."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "JACQUEMINET Anne"
"bid" => "B00330838"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "DURAND Rodolphe"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-09-09 11:52:45"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => "63"
"number" => "5"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "We explore the way validity and propriety cues contribute to legitimacy judgments about a practice and to explaining whether the subunit of a large firm increases or decreases the implementation of this practice. Empirically, we examine the extent to which 65 subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise implemented three corporate social responsibility practices. Adopting a set-theoretic approach, we find that both validity and propriety cues are extremely relevant to the understanding of subunits’ implementation of practices over time. The endorsement of a practice in a subunit’s environment plays a particularly crucial role in the extent to which it is implemented, relative to authorization by the parent firm. Furthermore, subunits strongly rely on the active evaluation of the practice’s propriety, such that the consonance between the two propriety dimensions (strategic importance and value compatibility) is central to implementation increase, while dissonance between them can favor implementation decrease. By advancing our understanding of legitimacy judgment formation and practice implementation patterns, our study enriches explanations of organizational conformity and decoupling, and contributes to our understanding of how firms respond to multiple institutional demands."
"en" => "We explore the way validity and propriety cues contribute to legitimacy judgments about a practice and to explaining whether the subunit of a large firm increases or decreases the implementation of this practice. Empirically, we examine the extent to which 65 subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise implemented three corporate social responsibility practices. Adopting a set-theoretic approach, we find that both validity and propriety cues are extremely relevant to the understanding of subunits’ implementation of practices over time. The endorsement of a practice in a subunit’s environment plays a particularly crucial role in the extent to which it is implemented, relative to authorization by the parent firm. Furthermore, subunits strongly rely on the active evaluation of the practice’s propriety, such that the consonance between the two propriety dimensions (strategic importance and value compatibility) is central to implementation increase, while dissonance between them can favor implementation decrease. By advancing our understanding of legitimacy judgment formation and practice implementation patterns, our study enriches explanations of organizational conformity and decoupling, and contributes to our understanding of how firms respond to multiple institutional demands."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit "
"en" => "Business Law"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:44.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 7.1679554
+"parent": null
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2246
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15121"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15121"
"slug" => "csr-implementation-in-mnes-new-propositions-on-the-role-of-stakeholders"
"yearMonth" => "2018-06"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "CSR Implementation in MNEs: New Propositions on the Role of Stakeholders"
"description" => "JACQUEMINET, A. et TRABELSI, L. (2018). CSR Implementation in MNEs: New Propositions on the Role of Stakeholders. Dans: <i>Advances in Strategic Management - Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility</i>. 1st ed. Emerald Publishing Limited."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "JACQUEMINET Anne"
"bid" => "B00330838"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "TRABELSI Lilach"
"ouvrage" => "Advances in Strategic Management - Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-09-04 15:57:52"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit "
"en" => "Business Law"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:44.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 7.1679554
+"parent": null
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2250
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15118"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15118"
"slug" => "media-coverage-of-firms-in-the-presence-of-multiple-signals-a-configurational-approach"
"yearMonth" => "2024-02"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "Media coverage of firms in the presence of multiple signals: A configurational approach"
"description" => "BETTINAZZI, E., JACQUEMINET, A., NEUMANN, K. et SNOEREN, P. (2024). Media coverage of firms in the presence of multiple signals: A configurational approach. <i>Academy of Management Journal</i>, 67(1)."
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "JACQUEMINET Anne"
"bid" => "B00330838"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "BETTINAZZI Emanuele"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "NEUMANN Kerstin"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "SNOEREN Peter"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-09-09 11:55:36"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => "67"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Recent management research suggests that firms try to orchestrate conformity and distinctiveness in their behavior to reconcile opposing demands of norm compliance and competitive distinction in order to appear optimally distinct. Whether they succeed or not depends on how audiences perceive the multiple signals they elicit. Extant literature has not fully uncovered how the media combine these different signals to form a representation of firms’ behavior and their subsequent reactions to these combinations. We adopt a configurational approach to address this gap in the environmental sustainability context. Drawing on unique proprietary data on 118 cases in the energy utility industry and using fsQCA, we determine that different equifinal signal configurations are associated with positive media coverage regarding environmental behavior or the lack thereof. We then generate five patterns of signals that explain media reactions and disentangle the underlying logics behind them. Our study adds to the research on the multifaceted nature of signal (in)congruence perception by discussing the role of conformity and distinctiveness and highlighting that this perception depends on the signals’ credibility. Delivering a balanced orchestration of conformity and distinctiveness signals is possible, but complex, because audiences tend to penalize incongruent postures they cannot associate with a given category."
"en" => "Recent management research suggests that firms try to orchestrate conformity and distinctiveness in their behavior to reconcile opposing demands of norm compliance and competitive distinction in order to appear optimally distinct. Whether they succeed or not depends on how audiences perceive the multiple signals they elicit. Extant literature has not fully uncovered how the media combine these different signals to form a representation of firms’ behavior and their subsequent reactions to these combinations. We adopt a configurational approach to address this gap in the environmental sustainability context. Drawing on unique proprietary data on 118 cases in the energy utility industry and using fsQCA, we determine that different equifinal signal configurations are associated with positive media coverage regarding environmental behavior or the lack thereof. We then generate five patterns of signals that explain media reactions and disentangle the underlying logics behind them. Our study adds to the research on the multifaceted nature of signal (in)congruence perception by discussing the role of conformity and distinctiveness and highlighting that this perception depends on the signals’ credibility. Delivering a balanced orchestration of conformity and distinctiveness signals is possible, but complex, because audiences tend to penalize incongruent postures they cannot associate with a given category."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit "
"en" => "Business Law"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:44.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 7.1679554
+"parent": null
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2244
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15119"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15119"
"slug" => "bringing-light-to-dark-spots-the-case-of-cross-border-bioprospecting"
"yearMonth" => "2022-06"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Bringing Light to Dark Spots: The Case of Cross-border Bioprospecting"
"description" => "GIULIANI, E., JACQUEMINET, A. et NIERI, F. (2022). Bringing Light to Dark Spots: The Case of Cross-border Bioprospecting. Dans: Davide Castellani, Alessandra Perri, Vittoria G. Scalera, Antonello Zanfei eds. <i>Cross-border innovation in a changing world: Players, places, and policies</i>. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 324-345."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "JACQUEMINET Anne"
"bid" => "B00330838"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GIULIANI Elisa"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "NIERI Federica"
"ouvrage" => "Cross-border innovation in a changing world: Players, places, and policies"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-12-20 11:58:50"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "324-345"
"volume" => ""
"number" => "12"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Innovation-oriented cross-border collaborations are a means through which developing countries can upgrade technologically. However, the benefits accruing from cross-border collaborations can be asymmetric: while they may possess crucial resources, the developing country may gain little from the collaboration. This chapter examines the context of bioprospecting, defined as the search for biodiversity aimed at commercial exploitation of its biochemical or genetic elements. The well-documented exploitation of developing countries’ natural resources by international partners has made bioprospecting a ‘dark spot’ in the cross-border collaboration space. The chapter adopts an abductive configurational approach to investigate the sets of conditions that allow cross-border agreements to include knowledge transfer and innovation, through crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis. Based on an empirical analysis of fifty-nine cases, some policy recommendations about the need for international collaborations and investments to include greater respect for local communities’ fundamental rights and ecosystems are provided."
"en" => "Innovation-oriented cross-border collaborations are a means through which developing countries can upgrade technologically. However, the benefits accruing from cross-border collaborations can be asymmetric: while they may possess crucial resources, the developing country may gain little from the collaboration. This chapter examines the context of bioprospecting, defined as the search for biodiversity aimed at commercial exploitation of its biochemical or genetic elements. The well-documented exploitation of developing countries’ natural resources by international partners has made bioprospecting a ‘dark spot’ in the cross-border collaboration space. The chapter adopts an abductive configurational approach to investigate the sets of conditions that allow cross-border agreements to include knowledge transfer and innovation, through crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis. Based on an empirical analysis of fifty-nine cases, some policy recommendations about the need for international collaborations and investments to include greater respect for local communities’ fundamental rights and ecosystems are provided."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit "
"en" => "Business Law"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:44.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 7.1679554
+"parent": null
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2248
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15120"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15120"
"slug" => "csr-implementation-in-mnes-the-role-of-distance-and-prioritization-of-demands"
"yearMonth" => "2017-07"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "CSR Implementation in MNEs: The Role of Distance and Prioritization of Demands"
"description" => "JACQUEMINET, A. (2017). CSR Implementation in MNEs: The Role of Distance and Prioritization of Demands. Dans: Verbeke A., Puck J. and Tulder R.v. eds. <i>Distance in International Business: Concept, Cost and Value</i>. 1st ed. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 363-378."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "JACQUEMINET Anne"
"bid" => "B00330838"
"slug" => "jacqueminet-anne"
"ouvrage" => "Distance in International Business: Concept, Cost and Value"
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "corporate social responsibility"
1 => "CSR"
"updatedAt" => "2024-09-09 12:05:06"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "363-378"
"volume" => "12"
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "How does distance influence the type of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation strategy the subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise (MNE) adopt? In this chapter, I argue that the relationship between distance and CSR relies on the subsidiaries’ relative need for internal versus external legitimacy. I propose that, on average, subsidiaries that are more distant from the MNE’s home country pay more attention to the demands of their local stakeholders compared to those of their headquarters because they want to acquire local legitimacy. I propose that this local prioritization will broaden the set of practices that distant subsidiaries implement on a certain CSR issue as they try to satisfy a larger set of stakeholders but reduce the extent to which they implement each of them. Furthermore, I expect that dependence on the parent MNE should limit the effect of distance on local prioritization, and therefore reduce the overall negative relationship between distance and CSR implementation level and focus. And finally, in case of high local stakeholders’ consensus, the overall negative relationship between distance and CSR implementation level and focus should again be assuaged. Thus, by looking at the subsidiaries’ simultaneous need for internal and external legitimacy and introducing the moderating effects of dependence on the parent and consensus among local stakeholders, this chapter nurtures the current discussions on the impact of distance on CSR implementation in MNEs."
"en" => "How does distance influence the type of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation strategy the subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise (MNE) adopt? In this chapter, I argue that the relationship between distance and CSR relies on the subsidiaries’ relative need for internal versus external legitimacy. I propose that, on average, subsidiaries that are more distant from the MNE’s home country pay more attention to the demands of their local stakeholders compared to those of their headquarters because they want to acquire local legitimacy. I propose that this local prioritization will broaden the set of practices that distant subsidiaries implement on a certain CSR issue as they try to satisfy a larger set of stakeholders but reduce the extent to which they implement each of them. Furthermore, I expect that dependence on the parent MNE should limit the effect of distance on local prioritization, and therefore reduce the overall negative relationship between distance and CSR implementation level and focus. And finally, in case of high local stakeholders’ consensus, the overall negative relationship between distance and CSR implementation level and focus should again be assuaged. Thus, by looking at the subsidiaries’ simultaneous need for internal and external legitimacy and introducing the moderating effects of dependence on the parent and consensus among local stakeholders, this chapter nurtures the current discussions on the impact of distance on CSR implementation in MNEs."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Droit "
"en" => "Business Law"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-08T20:21:44.000Z"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 7.1679554
+"parent": null
"avatar" => ""
"contributionCounts" => 7
"personalLinks" => array:2 [
0 => "<a href="" target="_blank">ORCID</a>"
1 => "<a href="" target="_blank">Google scholar</a>"
"docTitle" => "Anne JACQUEMINET"
"docSubtitle" => "Associate Professor"
"docDescription" => "Department: Public & Private Policy<br>Campus de Cergy"
"docType" => "cv"
"docPreview" => "<img src=""><span><span>Anne JACQUEMINET</span><span>B00330838</span></span>"
"academ_cv_info" => ""
#_index: "academ_cv"
+lang: "en"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.0369525
+"parent": null