Associate Professor
department: Finance
Campus de Cergy
+33 (0) 1 34 43 32 70
Investments & Asset Pricing – Decision Support Systems – Sustainable development

Elise Gourier graduated with a PhD in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute at the University of Zurich, in 2013. She spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Princeton, and was then appointed as Assistant Professor at Queen Mary University of London. She is also a Research Affiliate at the CEPR. Elise's research interests include theoretical and empirical Asset Pricing, and Financial Econometrics. She is currently working on several projects that aim to better understand returns of publicly listed indices and stocks, and private equity funds. Elise has published in top academic journals in finance, presented at major finance conferences and has been teaching asset pricing and financial economics. She has supervised theses at the Master and PhD levels.


  • 2013: Ph.D. in Finance (University of Zurich Switzerland)
Full-time academic appointments
    • 2021 – Now : Associate Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2018 – 2021 : Assistant Professor (ESSEC Business School France)
    • 2015 – 2017 : Assistant Professor in Finance (Université Queen Mary United Kingdom)
Other appointments
    • 2013 – 2015 : Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE) (Princeton University United States of America)


  • 2020 : Grant from the Institut Europlace de Finance (EIF) and the Labex Louis Bachelier


  • 2019 : 2019 ICPM Research Award for l’article “How Alternative Are Private Markets”
  • 2018 : Jack Treynor Prize, sponsored by the Q-Group (The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance), for the paper, “How Alternative are Private Markets?”
Research Teaching


  • 2021 – Now : Topics in Finance (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 2020 – Now : Principles of Finance (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 2019 – Now : Principles of Finance (ESSEC Business School France)
  • 2019 – Now : Asset Pricing 2 (ESSEC Business School France)

Thesis jury member

  • 2019 : Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing (ESSEC Business School France)
Other activities
Research activities
  • Editorial Board Membership
    • 2024 – Now: Associate Editor – Journal of Financial Econometrics
  • – : KONTOGHIORGHES A. , Thesis director,
  • – : MIRSHAHI M. , Thesis director,
  • 2018 : VECCIO G. , Thesis director,
  • 2019 : WAN R. F. (ESSEC Business School), Thesis jury member, Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing