Conference Proceedings
Despite optimistic expectations fast diffusion of mobile payments has not taken place after a decade of trials. Several explanations to this situation have been forward using several theories and levels of analysis. Due to the complexity and dynamism of the diffusion we need multiple perspectives to account for diffusion challenge. We juxtapose three frameworks into a dynamic analysis framework. We apply the proposed framework to explain three failed introductions of mobile payments in the Swiss market. In particular, a recent ambitious trial is confronted with the proposed framework to detect roots of its failure. Our analysis suggests that market-level and behavioral facets need more attention in future in explaining mobile payment diffusion. To guide future efforts we propose several avenues for further research.
ONDRUS, J., LYYTINEN, K. et PIGNEUR, Y. (2009). Why Mobile Payment Fail? Towards a Dynamic and Multi-perspective Explanation. Dans: Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Confererence on System Sciences. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).