Journal articles
Discourse analysis has long been exclusively in the hands of linguistic and sociolinguistic, before being sociological research objects and entering the economic research. Although the economics of central bank communication has gained importance, the regulatory authorities are mainly shrugged off. Based on the theory of acts of language, the article explores the communication and official’s speech of the French financial regulation authority’s (AMF). Given the legal duties of the regulator regarding its communication to the public, this article analyzes first, how the press produces information on the action of the AMF. It also studies via a lexicometric method, speeches released in the press by the AMF officials.
KIRAT, T., MARTY, F., BOUTHINON-DUMAS, H. et REZAEE, A. (2017). « Quand dire c’est réguler ». Discours et communication de l’Autorité des marchés financiers. Economie et Institutions, 2017(25).