For more than 20 years, the term “process” has played an important role in very diverse fields of managerial theory. Beyond the significant conceptual differences, all its uses reveal the (re)discovery of conjoint collective activity (cooperation between distinct types of activity) and its key role in forming and transforming organizations. With this discovery, a “praxeological turn” of management science is taking place, in ways previously analyzed by Jacques Girin: dialogical constitution of the sense of situation, semiotic mediation through language and tools, contestuality, emergence of the collective dimension through the reflexive assessment of activity by the actors themselves, inquiry which closely combines reflection and practical experimentation, ongoing evaluation of action. This praxeological turn responds to theorical and practical questions.
LORINO, P. (2010). Les échos de la pensée de Jacques Girin dans la recherche sur l’activité collective en gestion. Dans: Langage et organisations. Sur les traces de Jacques Girin. 1st ed. Ecole Polytechnique, pp. 59-79.