A parallel between democracy and shareholder democracy makes it possible to identify similar questions and answers to both spheres. Therefore, looking at shareholder engagement as a potential factor for a modern, long-term and inclusive corporate governance is a track proposed in this article. Summary of a sustained work, conducted from 2012 to 2019 while “activism” was slowly but surely rising in Europe and France, the article proposes to identify activists in France their objectives and methods and especially their interests by highlighting two particularities. One is linked to the law and a rather directive model of dominant governance: it is the questioning that is mainly used by minority shareholders to participate, the other is related to the evolution of our society: societal and social issues. The environment has been growing since 2017, driven by regulatory changes at the level of the European Union and in France and by public opinion driven by the activism of NGOs and committed investors.
DE BEAUFORT, V. (2019). L’engagement actionnarial en France, vecteur de gouvernance pérenne ? Revue des Societes, (6), pp. 375-390.