Effective data warehouse design requires a conceptual modeling phase. This paper describes a method for data warehouse design. The method relies on the three modeling levels that have been defined for transactional systems design : conceptual, logical and physical. The conceptual phase creates an object-oriented schema which is represented using the UML notation. To this end, UML is enriched with concepts relevant to multidimensional systems. The logical phase consists in mapping the enriched UML schema into a multidimensional one. We propose a set of rules facilitating the design process. The rules are based on a multidimensional model unifying the main decisional concepts as provided by ROLAP tools. The physical phase allows the designer to map the multidimensional schema into a physical schema, depending on the target decisional tool. We illustrate our approach on a case study and compare it to the state-of-the-art.
AKOKA, J., COMYN-WATTIAU, I. et PRAT, N. (2001). From UML to ROLAP Multidimensional Databases Using a Pivot Model. DR-01021, ESSEC Business School.