Arriving first on the market is often said to be a way to sustain a competitive advantage both on the short term and on the middle term. This chapter analyses the empirical studies about the pioneering advantage and their methodological biases. It then provides a synthesis of the different sources of the first mover advantage: strategic advantages (patents, experience curve), consumer behavior advantages (switching costs, network externalities, top of mind, image). Advantages of being a follower are then presented, and we present a conclusion about what is the best strategy according to the competencies of the firm and the strategic context.
LE NAGARD, E. et MANCEAU, D. (2000). Faut-il être le premier à lancer une innovation ? Une analyse de l’avantage du pionnier. Dans: De l’idée au marché. Innovation et lancement de produits. 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 11-28.