The present analysis aims to assess the results and future guidelines of French legal cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe from 1990 to 2004. Starting from a practical viewpoint, it proposes to determine, on a more general level, the legal coherence of the policies of French, European and international cooperation as regards government development aid for the reinforcement of the legal and judicial systems of Central and Eastern European countries and to put forth proposais for the improvement of its current implementation. The present analysis attempts to demonstrate that partnership constitutes the new instrument of agreement between people to be taken for the development of a productive solidarity of efficient influence for the whole of the European Union’s third party countries.
BENRAIS, L. (2005). Bilan et Perspective de la Politique de Coopération Juridique et Judiciaire en Europe Centrale et Orientale : la stratégie des partenairiats. Paris: LGDJ Lextenso éditions.