The (uncapacitated, unrooted) Connected Facility Location Problem (ConFL) is the problem of determining a minimum-cost solution consisting of a set of open facilities used to serve a given set of clients, and to connect the open facilities using a Steiner tree. The cost of a ConFL solution consists of edge costs for building the Steiner tree, the cost for allocating the clients to open facilities, and the cost for opening the facilities. Hence, the ConFL is a generalization of two well-known combinatorial optimization problems: the uncapacitated facility location problem and the Steiner tree problem in graphs. In the past two decades there has been a considerable amount of research devoted to it. The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing methods, theoretical results, and computational studies for the ConFL and its variants.
LJUBIC, I. (2023). Connected Facility Location Problems. Dans: Pardalos P.M., Prokopyev O.A. eds. Encyclopedia of Optimization. 3rd ed. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-11.