Conference Proceedings
The diesel car sales in France have strongly increased over the last two decades. Most of this evolution is attributed to the taxes differences between gasoline and diesel oil and the supply of diesel cars. However, several events occur on the diesel car market during this period (announcement of diesel oil tax increases, new technology). To model the market over the last two decades, we have used sequential unit root tests allowing structural changes. Long-term relationship, with shifts in regime detected by cointegration tests taking structural breaks into consideration, is estimated.
INDJEHAGOPIAN, J.P., JUAN, S. et LANTZ, F. (2001). Analyse économétrique de la part de marché en France des voitures neuves à moteur diesel. Dans: Actes des XXXIIIèmes Journées de Statistique SFdS. SFdS, Société Française de Statistique, pp. 446.