Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233 ▼
#_id: "B00751169"
#_source: array:40 [
"bid" => "B00751169"
"academId" => "1960"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
"fullName" => "Elise GOURIER"
"lastName" => "GOURIER"
"firstName" => "Elise"
"title" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur associé"
"en" => "Associate Professor"
"email" => ""
"status" => "ACTIF"
"campus" => "Campus de Cergy"
"departments" => []
"phone" => "+33 (0) 1 34 43 32 70"
"sites" => []
"facNumber" => "1960"
"externalCvUrl" => ""
"googleScholarUrl" => ""
"facOrcId" => ""
"career" => array:4 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2242
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2018-09-01"
"endDate" => "2021-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur assistant"
"en" => "Assistant Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2243
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2015-09-01"
"endDate" => "2017-07-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur Assistant en Finance"
"en" => "Assistant Professor in Finance"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Queen Mary"
"en" => "Université Queen Mary"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Royaume-Uni"
"en" => "United Kingdom"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2244
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2013-09-01"
"endDate" => "2015-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Post-Doctoral Fellow, Département de Recherche des Opérations et Ingénierie Financière (ORFE)"
"en" => "Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Princeton University"
"en" => "Princeton University"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2245
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2021-09-01"
"endDate" => null
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur associé"
"en" => "Associate Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"diplomes" => array:1 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2235
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "2013"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Ph.D. in Finance"
"fr" => "Ph.D. en Finance"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "University of Zurich"
"en" => "University of Zurich"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Suisse"
"en" => "Switzerland"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"bio" => array:2 [
"fr" => "<p>Elise Gourier graduated with a PhD in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute at the University of Zurich, in 2013. She spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Princeton, and was then appointed as Assistant Professor at Queen Mary University of London. She is also a Research Affiliate at the CEPR. Elise's research interests include theoretical and empirical Asset Pricing, and Financial Econometrics. She is currently working on several projects that aim to better understand returns of publicly listed indices and stocks, and private equity funds. Elise has published in top academic journals in finance, presented at major finance conferences and has been teaching asset pricing and financial economics. She has supervised theses at the Master and PhD levels.</p><p> </p>
<p>Elise Gourier graduated with a PhD in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute at the University
"en" => "<p>Elise Gourier graduated with a PhD in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute at the University of Zurich, in 2013. She spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Princeton, and was then appointed as Assistant Professor at Queen Mary University of London. She is also a Research Affiliate at the CEPR. Elise's research interests include theoretical and empirical Asset Pricing, and Financial Econometrics. She is currently working on several projects that aim to better understand returns of publicly listed indices and stocks, and private equity funds. Elise has published in top academic journals in finance, presented at major finance conferences and has been teaching asset pricing and financial economics. She has supervised theses at the Master and PhD levels.</p>
<p>Elise Gourier graduated with a PhD in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute at the University
"department" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"industrrySectors" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"researchFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "politique économique - gestion d'actifs - évaluation d'actifs"
"en" => "economic policy - asset management - asset pricing"
"teachingFields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Investissements et évaluation des actifs - Systèmes d'aide à la décision - Développement durable"
"en" => "Investments & Asset Pricing - Decision Support Systems - Sustainable development"
"distinctions" => array:3 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2246
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2020-04-06"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Grant from the Institut Europlace de Finance (EIF) and the Labex Louis Bachelier"
"en" => "Grant from the Institut Europlace de Finance (EIF) and the Labex Louis Bachelier"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Bourses"
"en" => "Grants"
"tri" => " 2 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2247
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2018-11-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Jack Treynor Prize par le Q-Group (The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance) pour l'article « How Alternative are Private Markets? »
Jack Treynor Prize par le Q-Group (The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance) pour l'articl
"en" => "Jack Treynor Prize, sponsored by the Q-Group (The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance), for the paper, "How Alternative are Private Markets?"
Jack Treynor Prize, sponsored by the Q-Group (The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance), f
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Distinction {#2248
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2019-10-30"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "2019 ICPM Research Award pour l'article "How Alternative Are Private Markets""
"en" => "2019 ICPM Research Award for l'article "How Alternative Are Private Markets""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"teaching" => array:7 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2241
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => null
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2232
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2021"
"endDate" => null
"program" => "PHD (MS BAR + PhD)"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Topics in Finance"
"en" => "Topics in Finance"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2236
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2020"
"endDate" => null
"program" => "Master in Data science and Business analytics"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Principles of Finance"
"en" => "Principles of Finance"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2234
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019"
"endDate" => null
"program" => "Grande Ecole - Master in Management"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Principles of Finance"
"en" => "Principles of Finance"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2238
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019"
"endDate" => null
"program" => "PHD (MS BAR + PhD)"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Asset Pricing 2"
"en" => "Asset Pricing 2"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2239
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2019"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing"
"en" => "Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre de jury"
"en" => "Thesis jury member"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\TeachingItem {#2240
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2018"
"program" => null
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
"otherActivities" => array:1 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2237
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2024-01-01"
"endDate" => null
"year" => null
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Co-rédacteur en chef - Journal of Financial Econometrics"
"en" => "Associate Editor - Journal of Financial Econometrics"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"theses" => array:4 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2249
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => null
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => null
"student" => "KONTOGHIORGHES A."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2250
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => null
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => null
"student" => "MIRSHAHI M."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2251
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2018"
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2018"
"student" => "VECCIO G."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur de thèse"
"en" => "Thesis director"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\These {#2252
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"year" => "2019"
"startDate" => null
"endDate" => "2019"
"student" => "WAN R. F."
"firstJob" => ""
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing"
"en" => "Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing"
"role" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre de jury"
"en" => "Thesis jury member"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"site" => array:2 [
"en" => ""
"fr" => ""
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:22.000Z"
"contributions" => array:10 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2254
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1369"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1369"
"slug" => "1369-inferring-volatility-dynamics-and-risk-premia-from-the-sp500-and-vix-markets"
"yearMonth" => "2019-03"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Inferring volatility dynamics and risk-premia from the S&P500 and VIX markets"
"description" => "BARDGETT, C., GOURIER, E. et LEIPPOLD, M. (2019). Inferring volatility dynamics and risk-premia from the S&P500 and VIX markets. <i>Journal of Financial Economics</i>, 131(3), pp. 593-618.
BARDGETT, C., GOURIER, E. et LEIPPOLD, M. (2019). Inferring volatility dynamics and risk-premia from
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "BARDGETT C."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "LEIPPOLD M."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "S&P 500 and VIX joint modeling"
1 => "Volatility dynamics"
2 => "Particle filter"
3 => "Variance risk premium"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "593-618"
"volume" => "131"
"number" => "3"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Nous estimons un modèle affine utilisant des données de rendements des indices S&P 500 et VIX ainsi que des options sur ces indices. Nous analysons la contribution des options sur le VIX à la performance du modèle.
Nous estimons un modèle affine utilisant des données de rendements des indices S&P 500 et VIX ainsi
"en" => "We estimate a flexible affine model using an unbalanced panel containing S&P 500 and VIX index returns and option prices and analyze the contribution of VIX options to the model’s in- and out-of-sample performance. We find that they contain valuable information on the risk-neutral conditional distributions of volatility at different time horizons, which is not spanned by the S&P 500 market. This information allows enhanced estimation of the variance risk premium. We gain new insights on the term structure of the variance risk premium, present a trading strategy exploiting these insights, and show how to improve S&P 500 return forecasts.
We estimate a flexible affine model using an unbalanced panel containing S&P 500 and VIX index retur
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2256
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14016"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14016"
"slug" => "14016-a-greenwashing-index"
"yearMonth" => "2022-12"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "A Greenwashing Index"
"description" => "GOURIER, E. et IUNG MATHURIN, H. (2022). A Greenwashing Index. Dans: 16th International Conference Computational and Financial Econometrics 2022. London.
GOURIER, E. et IUNG MATHURIN, H. (2022). A Greenwashing Index. Dans: 16th International Conference C
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "IUNG MATHURIN Helene"
"ouvrage" => "16th International Conference Computational and Financial Econometrics 2022"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2025-02-13 17:23:45"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2258
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14032"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14032"
"slug" => "14032-capital-commitment"
"yearMonth" => "2023-01"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Capital Commitment"
"description" => "GOURIER, E., PHALIPPOU, L. et WESTERFIELD, M. (2023). Capital Commitment. Dans: 2023 American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting. Nouvelle-Orleans.
GOURIER, E., PHALIPPOU, L. et WESTERFIELD, M. (2023). Capital Commitment. Dans: 2023 American Financ
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PHALIPPOU L"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "WESTERFIELD M"
"ouvrage" => "2023 American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-11-29 15:55:15"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2255
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14364"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14364"
"slug" => "14364-a-greenwashing-index"
"yearMonth" => "2023-10"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "A Greenwashing Index"
"description" => "GOURIER, E. et IUNG-MATHURIN, H. (2023). A Greenwashing Index. Dans: 5th International Workshop in Financial Econometrics 2023. Santo André (Bahia).
GOURIER, E. et IUNG-MATHURIN, H. (2023). A Greenwashing Index. Dans: 5th International Workshop in F
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "IUNG-MATHURIN H"
"ouvrage" => "5th International Workshop in Financial Econometrics 2023"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2025-02-13 17:23:21"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
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+"_score": 6.978916
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4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2259
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14407"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14407"
"slug" => "14407-capital-commitment"
"yearMonth" => "2023-05"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Capital Commitment"
"description" => "GOURIER, E., PHALIPPOU, L. et WESTERFEILD, M. (2023). Capital Commitment. Dans: 2023 Toulouse Financial Econometrics Conference. Toulouse.
GOURIER, E., PHALIPPOU, L. et WESTERFEILD, M. (2023). Capital Commitment. Dans: 2023 Toulouse Financ
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PHALIPPOU L"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "WESTERFEILD M"
"ouvrage" => "2023 Toulouse Financial Econometrics Conference"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2023-09-27 01:00:43"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => ""
"en" => ""
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2253
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14932"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14932"
"slug" => "14932-a-greenwashing-index"
"yearMonth" => "2024-04"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "A Greenwashing Index"
"description" => null
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MATHURIN H"
"ouvrage" => "3rd Spring Finance Workshop 2024"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-07-10 01:01:23"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
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"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
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+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2257
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10652"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10652"
"slug" => "10652-quadratic-variance-swap-models"
"yearMonth" => "2016-01"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Quadratic Variance Swap Models"
"description" => "FILIPOVIC, D., GOURIER, E. et MANCINI, L. (2016). Quadratic Variance Swap Models. <i>Journal of Financial Economics</i>, 119(1), pp. 44-68.
FILIPOVIC, D., GOURIER, E. et MANCINI, L. (2016). Quadratic Variance Swap Models. <i>Journal of Fina
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "FILIPOVIC Damir"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MANCINI Loriano"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:1 [
0 => "Stochastic volatility -Variance swap -Quadratic term structure -Quadratic jump-diffusion -Dynamic optimal portfolio
Stochastic volatility -Variance swap -Quadratic term structure -Quadratic jump-diffusion -Dynamic op
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:40"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "44-68"
"volume" => "119"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Nous introduisons une nouvelle classe de modèles quadratiques pour la variance. Les swaps de variance sont des fonctions quadratiques de la variable d'état disponibles en formule fermée, facilitant amplement l'analyse empirique. De nombreux tests montrent que cette modélisation donne de très bons résultats et représente les données sur les swaps de variance de façon précise. Nous résolvons un problème d'optimisation de portefeuille incluant des swaps de variance, une option sur l'index, l'index et le bond.
Nous introduisons une nouvelle classe de modèles quadratiques pour la variance. Les swaps de varianc
"en" => "We introduce a novel class of term structure models for variance swaps. The multivariate state process is characterized by a quadratic diffusion function. The variance swap curve is quadratic in the state variable and available in closed form, greatly facilitating empirical analysis. Various goodness-of-fit tests show that quadratic models fit variance swaps on the S&P 500 remarkably well, and outperform affine models. We solve a dynamic optimal portfolio problem in variance swaps, index option, stock index and bond. An empirical analysis uncovers robust features of the optimal investment strategy.
We introduce a novel class of term structure models for variance swaps. The multivariate state proce
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2260
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10660"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10660"
"slug" => "10660-valuation-of-options-on-discretely-sampled-variance-a-general-analytic-approximation"
"yearMonth" => "2016-12"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Valuation of options on discretely sampled variance: A general analytic approximation"
"description" => "DRIMUS, G., FARKAS, W. et GOURIER, E. (2016). Valuation of options on discretely sampled variance: A general analytic approximation. <i>Journal of Computational Finance</i>, 20(2), pp. 39-66.
DRIMUS, G., FARKAS, W. et GOURIER, E. (2016). Valuation of options on discretely sampled variance: A
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "DRIMUS Gabriel"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "FARKAS Walter"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "realized variance"
1 => "discretization frequency"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => "
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "39-66"
"volume" => "20"
"number" => "2"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La valeur des options sur la variance réalisée est impactée de façon significative par l'échantillonnage discret de la variance réalisée. Cette valeur peut être beaucoup plus élevée que la valeur d'options sur la variance continue. Nous analysons l'effet de la discrétisation et proposons une correction à appliquer afin d'obtenir la valeur d'options sur la variance discrète à partir de la valeur d'options sur la variance continue.
La valeur des options sur la variance réalisée est impactée de façon significative par l'échantillon
"en" => "The values of options on realized variance are significantly impacted by the discrete sampling of realized variance and may be substantially higher than the values of options on continuously sampled variance. Under general stochastic volatility dynamics, we analyze the discretization effect and obtain an analytical correction term to be applied to the value of options on continuously sampled variance. The result allows for a straightforward implementation in many of the standard stochastic volatility models proposed in the literature. Finally, we compare the performance of different numerical methods for pricing options on discretely sampled variance and give recommendations based on the option's characteristics.
The values of options on realized variance are significantly impacted by the discrete sampling of re
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2261
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "10662"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "10662"
"slug" => "10662-a-two-factor-cointegrated-commodity-price-model-with-an-application-to-spread-option-pricing"
"yearMonth" => "2017-04"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "A two-factor cointegrated commodity price model with an application to spread option pricing"
"description" => "FARKAS, W., GOURIER, E., HUITEMA, R. et NECULA, C. (2017). A two-factor cointegrated commodity price model with an application to spread option pricing. <i>Journal of Banking & Finance</i>, 77(C), pp. 249-268.
FARKAS, W., GOURIER, E., HUITEMA, R. et NECULA, C. (2017). A two-factor cointegrated commodity price
"authors" => array:4 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "FARKAS Walter"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "HUITEMA Robert"
3 => array:1 [
"name" => "NECULA Ciprian"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "cointegration"
1 => "commodities"
2 => "futures and options"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "249-268"
"volume" => "77"
"number" => "C"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use yet comprehensive model for a system of cointegrated commodity prices. While retaining the exponential affine structure of previous approaches, our model allows for an arbitrary number of cointegration relationships. We show that the cointegration component allows capturing well-known features of commodity prices, i.e., upward sloping (contango) and downward sloping (backwardation) term-structures, smaller volatilities for longer maturities and an upward sloping correlation term structure. The model is calibrated to futures price data of ten commodities. The results provide compelling evidence of cointegration in the data. Implications for the prices of futures and options written on common commodity spreads (e.g., spark spread and crack spread) are thoroughly investigated.
In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use yet comprehensive model for a system of cointegrated commod
"en" => "In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use yet comprehensive model for a system of cointegrated commodity prices. While retaining the exponential affine structure of previous approaches, our model allows for an arbitrary number of cointegration relationships. We show that the cointegration component allows capturing well-known features of commodity prices, i.e., upward sloping (contango) and downward sloping (backwardation) term-structures, smaller volatilities for longer maturities and an upward sloping correlation term structure. The model is calibrated to futures price data of ten commodities. The results provide compelling evidence of cointegration in the data. Implications for the prices of futures and options written on common commodity spreads (e.g., spark spread and crack spread) are thoroughly investigated.
In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use yet comprehensive model for a system of cointegrated commod
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2262
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15163"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15163"
"slug" => "15163-capital-commitment"
"yearMonth" => "2024-10"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "Capital Commitment"
"description" => "GOURIER, E., PHALIPPOU, L. et WESTERFIELD, M.M. (2024). Capital Commitment. <i>Journal of Finance</i>, 79(5), pp. 3407-3457.
GOURIER, E., PHALIPPOU, L. et WESTERFIELD, M.M. (2024). Capital Commitment. <i>Journal of Finance</i
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "GOURIER Elise"
"bid" => "B00751169"
"slug" => "gourier-elise"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "PHALIPPOU Ludovic"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "WESTERFIELD Mark M."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2024-10-31 13:51:19"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "3407-3457"
"volume" => "79"
"number" => "5"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Twelve trillion dollars are allocated to private market funds that require outside investors to commit to transferring capital on demand. We show within a novel dynamic portfolio allocation model that ex-ante commitment has large effects on investors' portfolios and welfare, and we quantify those effects. Investors are underallocated to private market funds and are willing to pay a larger premium to adjust the quantity committed than to eliminate other frictions, like timing uncertainty and limited tradability. Perhaps counterintuitively, commitment risk premiums increase with secondary market liquidity, and they do not disappear when investments are spread over many funds.
Twelve trillion dollars are allocated to private market funds that require outside investors to comm
"en" => "Twelve trillion dollars are allocated to private market funds that require outside investors to commit to transferring capital on demand. We show within a novel dynamic portfolio allocation model that ex-ante commitment has large effects on investors' portfolios and welfare, and we quantify those effects. Investors are underallocated to private market funds and are willing to pay a larger premium to adjust the quantity committed than to eliminate other frictions, like timing uncertainty and limited tradability. Perhaps counterintuitively, commitment risk premiums increase with secondary market liquidity, and they do not disappear when investments are spread over many funds.
Twelve trillion dollars are allocated to private market funds that require outside investors to comm
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Finance"
"en" => "Finance"
"indexedAt" => "2025-03-16T08:21:40.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 6.978916
+"parent": null
"avatar" => ""
"contributionCounts" => 10
"personalLinks" => array:2 [
0 => "<a href="" target="_blank">ORCID</a>"
1 => "<a href="" target="_blank">Google scholar</a>"
"docTitle" => "Elise GOURIER"
"docSubtitle" => "Professeur associé"
"docDescription" => "Département: Finance<br>Campus de Cergy"
"docType" => "cv"
"docPreview" => "<img src=""><span><span>Elise GOURIER</span><span>B00751169</span></span>
<img src=""><span><span>Elise GOUR
"academ_cv_info" => ""
#_index: "academ_cv"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 4.9067545
+"parent": null