Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233
#_id: "B00013767"
#_source: array:40 [
"bid" => "B00013767"
"academId" => "1927"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"fullName" => "Jérôme BARTHELEMY"
"lastName" => "BARTHELEMY"
"firstName" => "Jérôme"
"title" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur"
"en" => "Professor"
"email" => ""
"status" => "ACTIF"
"campus" => "Campus de Cergy"
"departments" => []
"phone" => "+33 (0)1 34 43 31 98"
"sites" => []
"facNumber" => "1927"
"externalCvUrl" => ""
"googleScholarUrl" => ""
"facOrcId" => ""
"career" => array:10 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2245
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2002-09-01"
"endDate" => "2004-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur assistant"
"en" => "Assistant Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2246
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2004-09-01"
"endDate" => "2008-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur associé"
"en" => "Associate Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2247
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2008-09-01"
"endDate" => null
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Positions académiques principales"
"en" => "Full-time academic appointments"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur"
"en" => "Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2248
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2019-03-01"
"endDate" => "2019-06-30"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other Academic Appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions académiques"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur Visitant"
"en" => "Visiting Professor"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "New York University"
"en" => "New York University"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2249
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2015-03-01"
"endDate" => "2015-07-01"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chercheur Invité"
"en" => "Visiting Research Scholar"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Stanford University"
"en" => "Stanford University"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2250
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2010-03-01"
"endDate" => "2010-06-30"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chercheur Invité"
"en" => "Visiting Research Scholar"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cambridge University"
"en" => "Cambridge University"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Royaume-Uni"
"en" => "United Kingdom"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2251
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2006-09-01"
"endDate" => "2006-11-30"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chercheur Invité"
"en" => "Visiting Research Scholar"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Stanford University"
"en" => "Stanford University"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2252
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2001-03-01"
"endDate" => "2001-06-30"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chercheur Invité"
"en" => "Visiting Research Scholar"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "University of California"
"en" => "University of California"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "États-Unis"
"en" => "United States of America"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2253
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "1998-09-01"
"endDate" => "2002-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other Academic Appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions académiques"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Professeur Adjoint au Département Stratégie Internationale"
"en" => "Assistant Professor at the International Strategy Departement"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Audencia Business School"
"en" => "Audencia Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\CareerItem {#2254
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:7 [
"startDate" => "2021-03-01"
"endDate" => "2024-08-31"
"isInternalPosition" => true
"type" => array:2 [
"en" => "Other appointments"
"fr" => "Autres positions"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Directeur Général adjoint en charge des programmes Post expérience"
"en" => "Other"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"diplomes" => array:3 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2235
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "2000"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Ph.D. in Strategic Management"
"fr" => "Doctorat ès Sciences de Gestion"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "HEC Paris"
"en" => "HEC Paris"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2237
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "1995"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "Master of Research in Strategic Management"
"fr" => "DEA "Stratégie et Management""
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"en" => "Université Paris X Nanterre"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Diplome {#2234
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:6 [
"diplome" => "DIPLOMA"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Diplômes"
"en" => "Diplomas"
"year" => "1993"
"label" => array:2 [
"en" => "MSc of Science in Management"
"fr" => "MSc of Science in Management (Grande Ecole)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => "ESSEC Business School"
"en" => "ESSEC Business School"
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => "France"
"en" => "France"
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"bio" => array:2 [
"fr" => """
<p>Jérôme Barthélemy est Professeur de stratégie et de management et ancien Directeur Général Adjoint (en charge des programmes post-expérience et des relations avec les entreprises) à l'ESSEC.</p>\n
<p>Il est actuellement Professeur invité à l'Ecole Polytechnique.</p>\n
<p>Dans le cadre de ses activités de recherche, il a été professeur et chercheur invité dans les universités de New York (NYU), Stanford et Cambridge. Il a aussi été rédacteur en chef de la Revue Française de Gestion.</p>\n
<p>Il intervient auprès de nombreuses entreprises en tant que conférencier et consultant.</p>\n
<p>Il est diplômé de l'ESSEC et titulaire d'un Doctoratès Sciences de Gestion d'HEC.</p>\n
<p>Ses recherches ont été publiées dans les meilleures revues académiques (Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing ...) et à destination des managers (Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review ...).</p>\n
<p>Il est l'auteur de <a href="">Myths of strategy</a> (Kogan Page, 2022), un livre dans lequel il remet en cause 35 idées reçues sur la stratégie et de <a href="" target="_blank">Tout ce que vous savez sur le management ... est faux</a> (Dunod, 2019). Son livre <a href="" target="_blank">Libérer la compétitivité</a> (Pearson, 2016) a reçu le <a href="" target="_blank">prix FNEGE / EFMD du meilleur livre de management en 2017</a>.</p>\n
<p><b>Blogs : </b></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Business Review France</a></p>\n
<p><b>Vidéos :</b></p>\n
<p><a href="">Xerfi Canal TV</a> (près de 200 vidéos au total)</p>\n
<p><b>Réseaux sociaux: </b></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">8ème contributeur francophone le plus influent sur LinkedIn en 2016 (LinkedIn Top Voice 2016) </a></p>\n
<p><b>Médias (intervention récentes) :</b></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Gazette, "Exact cause of Notre-Dame fire still unclear. But disaster perhaps could’ve been avoided" (citation), 12 December 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "La valise à roulettes : un cas d’école pour les entreprises", 31 octobre 2024, p. 12.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">France 2 (journal de 20 h), "Consommation : la valise à roulettes, l'objet fétiche des touristes", 13 juillet 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review, "All Business Strategies Fall into 4 Categories", 23 May 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Peser sur les choix", 5 et 6 mai 2024, p. 29</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "Three Timeless Entrepreneurship Lessons from the Eiffel Tower’s Tumultuous Story", 26 March 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Si l’intelligence artificielle générative présente des atouts pour les entreprises, il ne faut pas oublier qu’elle reste une boîte noire", 18 novembre 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Démêler le vrai du faux sur la guerre du talent", 2 novembre 2023, p. 14.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Academy of Management Insights, "The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing", 17 October 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Cinq personnages illustrant les virages stratégiques de Disney à travers les âges" (interview), 17 octobre 2023, p. 22-23.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Business Times, "Myths of strategy: Challenging assumptions and rethinking business", 19 August 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "A Playbook to Anticipate and Prevent Disasters", 14 August 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Blue Sky Thinking, "Can You Predict A Disaster Before It Happens?", 30 May 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">La Libre Belgique, "Voici les causes profondes qui ont favorisé l’incendie de Notre-Dame", 22 avril 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Journal Du Dimanche, "Notre-Dame : comment l'incendie aurait pu être évité", 19 avril 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">The Conversation, "Incendie de Notre-Dame : un cas de « surprise prévisible » qui aurait pu être évité", 18 avril 2023. </a></p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "Myths and Realities of the Metaverse", 4 April 2023.</a></p>\n
<p>Edge Magazine, "In search of best practice: when does it pay to hire consultants", April 2023, p. 48-49.</p>\n
<p><a href="">Forbes, "The World Is VUCA – How Are You Going To Deal With It?" (interview), 1 March 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review, "Concilier bien commun et rentabilité : réalité ou vœu pieux ?", 21 février 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde<b>, "</b>La sobriété permet de gagner le temps dont les entreprises ont besoin pour trouver des solutions technologiques", 19 décembre 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Authority Magazine, "On How To Write A Book That Sparks A Movement", 8 December 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Kogan Page, "Should Your Company Change its Strategy During a Recession?", 5 December 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Comment mieux intégrer le développement durable en trois étapes", 26 novembre 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Féminiser l’entreprise : un atout variable selon les pays", 3 novembre 2022, p.12</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "Achieving a Competitive Advantage Through Readily Available Practices", 25 October 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">EFMD blog, "Strategy misconceptions debunked in new book by ESSEC Business School’s Professor", 21 October 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Kogan Page, "Four of the Biggest Business Myths (Author Q+A)", 12 October 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Project Management Institute - UK chapter, "Has process management stifled innovation?", October 2022</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Pour innover à coup sûr, évitez la méthode test and learn", 8 septembre, p. 12</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Dans les hôpitaux, d'omniprésents consultants" (citation), 3 juillet 2022, page 14.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Plus un hôpital fait appel à des consultants, plus son efficience diminue", 26 juin 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Pour retenir vos meilleurs talents, préparez-les à partir !", 21 avril 2022, page 13.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">La Tribune, "Affaire McKinsey : pourquoi les États (et les entreprises) dépensent-ils autant pour des prestations de conseil ?", 2 avril 2022, pages 117 et 118.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">The Conversation, </a><a href="">"Pourquoi les États (et les entreprises) dépensent-ils autant pour des prestations de conseil ?", 29 mars 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Forbes. "Five management myths - busted" (interview), February 1, 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Innovation ou efficience : comment éviter le dilemme ?", 27 janvier 2022, page 13.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Capitalisme : Mettre l’intérêt général au centre du monde des affaires" (avec Pierre-André de Chalendar), 19 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Podcast : Diversité et inclusion, enjeu éthique ou levier de performance ?" </a><a href="">(avec Sophie Bellon)</a><a href="">, 16 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, " Masterclass : Diversité et inclusion, enjeu éthique ou levier de performance ?" (avec Sophie Bellon), 16 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Pourquoi y a-t-il aussi peu de diversité dans les entreprises ?", 12 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Trois idées reçues sur ce qui fait l’étoffe d’un bon dirigeant", 9 avril 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Chronique : L'intelligence émotionnelle est-elle aussi importante qu'on le dit ?", 28 juin 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Trends - Tendances, "La responsabilité des entreprises ... Si les résultats suivent" (interview), 25 mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Europe 1, "19 h-20 h - Le capitalisme responsable, un mythe ?" (interview), 22 mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Chronique : Stop au « benchmarking !", 20 mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "La performance financière reste prioritaire pour les marchés", 7 mars 2021</a>.</p>\n
<p><a href="">The Conversation, "Entreprises : l’impact de la crise n’est pas qu’une question de secteur", 1er mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Des débuts de carrière malmenés par la crise" (interview), 10 février 2021, pages 20-21.</a></p>\n
<p>Les Echos, "Digital : misez sur l'humain !". 21 janvier 2021, page 13.</p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Digital : investissez d'urgence dans la compétence humaine !". 13 janvier 2021</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Les entreprises françaises semblent avoir été aussi proactives que réactives depuis le début de la crise due au Covid-19", 31 décembre 2020</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Face à une récession, les entreprises peuvent utiliser trois stratégies", 17 mai 2020.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Masterclass ESSEC : "Entreprises: que faire pour sortir de la crise plus fortes qu'avant?"</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">HR Today, "Compte rendu du livre de Jérôme Barthélemy: Tout ce que vous savez sur le management est faux" (vidéo), 19 mars 2021</a></p>\n
<p>Management, "Remettre en question les dogmes et les habitudes", septembre 2019, page 135.</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Cadreo, "5 livres de management à lire cet été à la plage", 17 juillet 2019.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos Executive, "Management : 5 idées pour apprendre à déjouer les idées reçues", 18 juillet 2019. </a></p>\n
<p>La Tribune, "Le guide week-end du management - A lire : Tout ce que vous savez sur le management est faux", 5 juillet 2019, page 41.</p>\n
<p>Entreprises & Carrières, "Remettre en cause les idées reçues sur l'entreprise : Enfin un livre qui affûte notre esprit critique", 17 juin 2019, page 26.</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "Stratégie d'entreprise et pénalty" (interview), 17 juin 2019, page 39.</a></p>\n
<p>Challenges, "Management : en finir avec les idées reçues : Quand un professeur de l'ESSEC confronte la réalité des chiffres et des étudesà l'imaginaire qui entoure la réussite managériale", 6 juin 2019, page 80.</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Temps, "Comment l'effet Matthieu détruit le talent" (interview), 14 décembre 2018 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">, "Les écoles de commerce se disputent les gloires de la recherche" (interview), 28 octobre 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "La raison d'être donne du sens au travail", 20-22 mai 2018, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "La raison d'être, cette singularité" (interview), 19 mars 2018, Executives, page 1</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "L'intérêt collectif, new deal de l'entreprise" (interview), 19 mars 2018, Executives, pages 1 et 2 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Figaro Etudiant, "4 astuces pour plaireà son patron sans faire son lèche-bottes" (interview), 9 février 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "La saga Ikea en 4 leçons de management", 31 janvier 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">20 Minutes, "Ikea: Pourquoi l'entreprise a eu autant de succès jusqu'à; présent?" (interview), 28 janvier 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Bilan, "Il est difficile d'être en même temps inventeur et entrepreneurà succès" (interviews), 6 novembre 2017</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Temps, "Comment en finir avec les réunions qui s'éternisent" (citation), 2 novembre 2017 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Stratégies, "Les média en ligne réinventent l'entreprise" (interview),12 octobre 2017, pages 48-49</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Innovez et votre PDG sera mieux payé", 26 janvier 2017, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Business Review France, "Pourquoi la plupart des entreprises n'ont pas de stratégie", Hors série Experts 2016, 16. </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">L'Expansion, "La grande offensive commerciale de l'empire Disney" (interview), 1er décembre 2016, pages 80-83</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">C8, Focus - Inside Zara : dans les secrets du géant de la mode (interview), 5 octobre 2016</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Recruter dans les cabinets ministériels est-il efficace ?", 8 septembre 2016, Eco & Entreprise, page 7 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Pour libérer la compétitivité des entreprises françaises", 30 janvier 2016, Eco & Entreprise, page 6</a></p>\n
<p>BFM Business - BFMTV, <a href="" target="_blank">Culture Pub Saga IKEA (table ronde), 12 décembre 2015</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">, "Les rémunérations des dirigeants des grandes entreprises sont-elles justifiées ?", 3 septembre 2015</a></p>\n
<p><a href="[20150601081504_23_nl_lexpress_quotidienne_14002_00139F]-20150601-[Voir_0032V73]-[RB2D106H001OCKSL]-20150601062000#PMID=cmVub3VkQGVzc2VjLmVkdQ==" target="_blank">, "L'externalisation est devenue un grand classique du management" (interview), 1er juin 2015</a></p>\n
<p><a href="[20150601081504_23_nl_lexpress_quotidienne_14002_00139F]-20150601-[Voir_0032V73]-[RB2D106H001OCKSL]-20150601062000#PMID=cmVub3VkQGVzc2VjLmVkdQ==" target="_blank">Le Monde, "La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise n'influe pas forcément sur sa rentabilité", 25 avril 2015, Eco & Entreprise, page 7 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Les entreprises françaises sont peu compétitives parce que mal gérées, 12 novembre 2014, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Grandes entreprises et PME: beaux discours et réalités", 6 juin 2014, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Nouvel Economiste, "Bienvenue dans le monde incertain de la réflexion stratégique" (interview), 27 mars 2014</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Libération, "Qu'il est beau mon candidat!", 26 mars 2014, page 22</a></p>\n
<p>BFM Business - BFMTV, <a href="" target="_blank">"Paris està vous : L'avenir est-il dans le recrutement 2.0 ?" (table ronde)</a>, 10 mars 2014</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">France Culture, Journal de 8 h (interview), 28 janvier 2014</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "La recherche en gestion, un outil sous-utilisé : sortir les managers des idées reçues, 24 juin 2013, Eco & Entreprise, page 8</a></p>\n
"en" => """
<p>Jérôme Barthélemy is Professor of strategy and management and former Executive Vice-President, Dean for post experience programs, corporate programs and relations at ESSEC Business School.</p>\n
<p>He is currently Visiting Professor at Ecole Polytechnique.</p>\n
<p>He holds a Ph.D from HEC Paris and has been Visiting Professor and Visiting Research Scholar at New York University (NYU), Stanford University and Cambridge University.</p>\n
<p>His research has appeared in top academic journals (<i>Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management Studies</i>...) and practitioner-oriented outlets (<i>Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review...</i>).</p>\n
<p>He is also the author of <a href="">Myths of strategy</a> (Kogan Page, 2022)<a href="">,</a> a book in which he debunks the most common strategy myths.</p>\n
<p>His book <a href="" target="_blank">Libérer la compétitivité (Unleash your company's competitive spirit)</a> (Pearson, 2016) received <a href="" target="_blank">France's best management book award in 2017.</a></p>\n
<p><b>Blogs: </b></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Business Review France</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Xerfi Canal TV</a> (nearly 200 videos in French)</p>\n
<p><b>Social networks :</b></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">8th most impactful French-speaking contributor on LinkedIn in 2016 (LinkedIn Top Voice 2016) </a></p>\n
<p><b>In the news:</b></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Gazette, "Exact cause of Notre-Dame fire still unclear. But disaster perhaps could’ve been avoided" (citation), 12 December 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "La valise à roulettes : un cas d’école pour les entreprises", 31 octobre 2024, p. 12.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">France 2 (journal de 20 h), "Consommation : la valise à roulettes, l'objet fétiche des touristes", 13 juillet 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review, "All Business Strategies Fall into 4 Categories", 23 May 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Peser sur les choix", 5 et 6 mai 2024, p. 29</a>.</p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "Three Timeless Entrepreneurship Lessons from the Eiffel Tower’s Tumultuous Story", 26 March 2024.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Si l’intelligence artificielle générative présente des atouts pour les entreprises, il ne faut pas oublier qu’elle reste une boîte noire", Le Monde, 18 novembre 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Démêler le vrai du faux sur la guerre du talent", 2 novembre 2023, p. 14.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Academy of Management Insights, "The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing", 17 October 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Cinq personnages illustrant les virages stratégiques de Disney à travers les âges" (interview), 17 octobre 2023, p. 22-23.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Business Times, "Myths of strategy: Challenging assumptions and rethinking business", 19 August 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "A Playbook to Anticipate and Prevent Disasters", 14 August 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Blue Sky Thinking, "Can You Predict A Disaster Before It Happens?", 30 May 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">La Libre Belgique, "Voici les causes profondes qui ont favorisé l’incendie de Notre-Dame", 22 avril 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Journal Du Dimanche, "Notre-Dame : comment l'incendie aurait pu être évité", 19 avril 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">The Conversation, "Incendie de Notre-Dame : un cas de « surprise prévisible » qui aurait pu être évité", 18 avril 2023. </a></p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "Myths and Realities of the Metaverse", 4 April 2023.</a></p>\n
<p>Edge Magazine, "In search of best practice: when does it pay to hire consultants", April 2023, p. 48-49.</p>\n
<p><a href="">Forbes, "The World Is VUCA – How Are You Going To Deal With It?" (interview), 1 March 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review, "Concilier bien commun et rentabilité : réalité ou vœu pieux ?", 21 février 2023.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde<b>, "</b>La sobriété permet de gagner le temps dont les entreprises ont besoin pour trouver des solutions technologiques", 19 décembre 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Authority Magazine, "On How To Write A Book That Sparks A Movement", 8 December 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Kogan Page, "Should Your Company Change its Strategy During a Recession?", 5 December 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Comment mieux intégrer le développement durable en trois étapes", 26 novembre 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Féminiser l’entreprise : un atout variable selon les pays", 3 novembre 2022, p.12</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">California Management Review Insights, "Achieving a Competitive Advantage Through Readily Available Practices", 25 October 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">EFMD blog, "Strategy misconceptions debunked in new book by ESSEC Business School’s Professor", 21 October 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Kogan Page, "Four of the Biggest Business Myths (Author Q+A)", 12 October 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Project Management Institute - UK chapter, "Has process management stifled innovation?", October 2022</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Pour innover à coup sûr, évitez la méthode test and learn", 8 septembre, p. 12</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Dans les hôpitaux, d'omniprésents consultants" (citation), 3 juillet 2022, page 14.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Plus un hôpital fait appel à des consultants, plus son efficience diminue", 26 juin 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Pour retenir vos meilleurs talents, préparez-les à partir !", 21 avril 2022, page 13.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">La Tribune, "Affaire McKinsey : pourquoi les États (et les entreprises) dépensent-ils autant pour des prestations de conseil ?", 2 avril 2022, pages 117 et 118.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">The Conversation, </a><a href="">"Pourquoi les États (et les entreprises) dépensent-ils autant pour des prestations de conseil ?", 29 mars 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Forbes. "Five management myths - busted" (interview), February 1, 2022.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Innovation ou efficience : comment éviter le dilemme ?", 27 janvier 2022, page 13.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Capitalisme : Mettre l’intérêt général au centre du monde des affaires" (avec Pierre-André de Chalendar), 19 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Podcast : Diversité et inclusion, enjeu éthique ou levier de performance ?" </a><a href="">(avec Sophie Bellon)</a><a href="">, 16 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, " Masterclass : Diversité et inclusion, enjeu éthique ou levier de performance ?" (avec Sophie Bellon), 16 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Pourquoi y a-t-il aussi peu de diversité dans les entreprises ?", 12 décembre 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Harvard Business Review France, "Trois idées reçues sur ce qui fait l’étoffe d’un bon dirigeant", 9 avril 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Chronique : L'intelligence émotionnelle est-elle aussi importante qu'on le dit ?", 28 juin 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Trends - Tendances, "La responsabilité des entreprises ... Si les résultats suivent" (interview), 25 mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Europe 1, "19 h-20 h - Le capitalisme responsable, un mythe ?" (interview), 22 mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Chronique : Stop au « benchmarking !", 20 mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "La performance financière reste prioritaire pour les marchés", 7 mars 2021</a>.</p>\n
<p><a href="">The Conversation, "Entreprises : l’impact de la crise n’est pas qu’une question de secteur", 1er mars 2021.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Des débuts de carrière malmenés par la crise" (interview), 10 février 2021, pages 20-21.</a></p>\n
<p>Les Echos, "Digital : misez sur l'humain !". 21 janvier 2021, page 13.</p>\n
<p><a href="">Les Echos, "Digital : investissez d'urgence dans la compétence humaine !". 13 janvier 2021</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Les entreprises françaises semblent avoir été aussi proactives que réactives depuis le début de la crise due au Covid-19", 31 décembre 2020</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Le Monde, "Face à une récession, les entreprises peuvent utiliser trois stratégies", 17 mai 2020.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">Masterclass ESSEC : "Entreprises: que faire pour sortir de la crise plus fortes qu'avant?"</a></p>\n
<p><a href="">HR Today, "Compte rendu du livre de Jérôme Barthélemy: Tout ce que vous savez sur le management est faux" (vidéo), 19 mars 2021</a></p>\n
<p>Management, "Remettre en question les dogmes et les habitudes", septembre 2019, page 135.</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Cadreo, "5 livres de management à lire cet été à la plage", 17 juillet 2019.</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos Executive, "Management : 5 idées pour apprendre à déjouer les idées reçues", 18 juillet 2019. </a></p>\n
<p>La Tribune, "Le guide week-end du management - A lire : Tout ce que vous savez sur le management est faux", 5 juillet 2019, page 41.</p>\n
<p>Entreprises & Carrières, "Remettre en cause les idées reçues sur l'entreprise : Enfin un livre qui affûte notre esprit critique", 17 juin 2019, page 26.</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "Stratégie d'entreprise et pénalty" (interview), 17 juin 2019, page 39.</a></p>\n
<p>Challenges, "Management : en finir avec les idées reçues : Quand un professeur de l'ESSEC confronte la réalité des chiffres et des étudesà l'imaginaire qui entoure la réussite managériale", 6 juin 2019, page 80.</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Temps, "Comment l'effet Matthieu détruit le talent" (interview), 14 décembre 2018 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">, "Les écoles de commerce se disputent les gloires de la recherche" (interview), 28 octobre 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "La raison d'être donne du sens au travail", 20-22 mai 2018, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "La raison d'être, cette singularité" (interview), 19 mars 2018, Executives, page 1</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "L'intérêt collectif, new deal de l'entreprise" (interview), 19 mars 2018, Executives, pages 1 et 2 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Figaro Etudiant, "4 astuces pour plaireà son patron sans faire son lèche-bottes" (interview), 9 février 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Les Echos, "La saga Ikea en 4 leçons de management", 31 janvier 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">20 Minutes, "Ikea: Pourquoi l'entreprise a eu autant de succès jusqu'à; présent?" (interview), 28 janvier 2018</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Bilan, "Il est difficile d'être en même temps inventeur et entrepreneurà succès" (interviews), 6 novembre 2017</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Temps, "Comment en finir avec les réunions qui s'éternisent" (citation), 2 novembre 2017 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Stratégies, "Les média en ligne réinventent l'entreprise" (interview),12 octobre 2017, pages 48-49</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Innovez et votre PDG sera mieux payé", 26 janvier 2017, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Business Review France, "Pourquoi la plupart des entreprises n'ont pas de stratégie", Hors série Experts 2016, 16. </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">L'Expansion, "La grande offensive commerciale de l'empire Disney" (interview), 1er décembre 2016, pages 80-83</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">C8, Focus - Inside Zara : dans les secrets du géant de la mode (interview), 5 octobre 2016</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Recruter dans les cabinets ministériels est-il efficace ?", 8 septembre 2016, Eco & Entreprise, page 7 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Pour libérer la compétitivité des entreprises françaises", 30 janvier 2016, Eco & Entreprise, page 6</a></p>\n
<p>BFM Business - BFMTV, <a href="" target="_blank">Culture Pub Saga IKEA (table ronde), 12 décembre 2015</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">, "Les rémunérations des dirigeants des grandes entreprises sont-elles justifiées ?", 3 septembre 2015</a></p>\n
<p><a href="[20150601081504_23_nl_lexpress_quotidienne_14002_00139F]-20150601-[Voir_0032V73]-[RB2D106H001OCKSL]-20150601062000#PMID=cmVub3VkQGVzc2VjLmVkdQ==" target="_blank">, "L'externalisation est devenue un grand classique du management" (interview), 1er juin 2015</a></p>\n
<p><a href="[20150601081504_23_nl_lexpress_quotidienne_14002_00139F]-20150601-[Voir_0032V73]-[RB2D106H001OCKSL]-20150601062000#PMID=cmVub3VkQGVzc2VjLmVkdQ==" target="_blank">Le Monde, "La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise n'influe pas forcément sur sa rentabilité", 25 avril 2015, Eco & Entreprise, page 7 </a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Les entreprises françaises sont peu compétitives parce que mal gérées, 12 novembre 2014, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "Grandes entreprises et PME: beaux discours et réalités", 6 juin 2014, Eco & Entreprise, page 7</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Nouvel Economiste, "Bienvenue dans le monde incertain de la réflexion stratégique" (interview), 27 mars 2014</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Libération, "Qu'il est beau mon candidat!", 26 mars 2014, page 22</a></p>\n
<p>BFM Business - BFMTV, <a href="" target="_blank">"Paris est à vous : L'avenir est-il dans le recrutement 2.0 ?" (table ronde)</a>, 10 mars 2014</p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">France Culture, Journal de 8 h (interview), 28 janvier 2014</a></p>\n
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Le Monde, "La recherche en gestion, un outil sous-utilisé : sortir les managers des idées reçues, 24 juin 2013, Eco & Entreprise, page 8</a></p>\n
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"distinctions" => array:5 [
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"fr" => "Article Finaliste du Prix du Meilleur Article de la conférence de Strategic Management Society Best Conference Paper Prize pour son article “The Influence of Consultants on Performance: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry”."
"en" => "Finalist Paper for the Best Paper Prize at Strategic Management Society Best Conference Paper Prize for the paper, “The Influence of Consultants on Performance: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry” in Prague"
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"date" => "2002-01-01"
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"en" => "FNAC-Andersen Prize of the Company Book for "Stratégie d'externalisation" (Dunod, 2001)"
"type" => array:2 [
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"date" => "2017-01-01"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix de Recherche de la Fondation ESSEC pour "The Impact of Technical Consultants on the Quality of their Clients’ Products: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry""
"en" => "Fondation ESSEC's Prize for Research for "The Impact of Technical Consultants on the Quality of their Clients’ Products: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
"en" => "Awards"
"tri" => " 1 "
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"fr" => "Fondation ESSEC"
"en" => "Fondation ESSEC"
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"fr" => null
"en" => null
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+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
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#_source: array:6 [
"date" => "2017-01-01"
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"fr" => "Prix FNEGE / EFMD du meilleur livre de management pour "Libérer la compétitivité" (Pearson, 2016)"
"en" => "FNEGE / EFMD Prize for the best management book for "Libérer la compétitivité" (Pearson, 2016)"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Prix"
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"tri" => " 1 "
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"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
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"en" => null
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"date" => "2016-01-01"
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"en" => "8th in "LinkedIn Top Voices" for France, the ranking of the most influent francophone contributors on LinkedIn in 2016"
"type" => array:2 [
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"teaching" => []
"otherActivities" => array:9 [
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#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2000-11-28"
"endDate" => null
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"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
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"en" => "Member of an academic association"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)"
"en" => "Member of the Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
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"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'une association académique"
"en" => "Member of an academic association"
"label" => array:2 [
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"en" => "Member of the Academy of Management (AOM)"
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"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
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"fr" => "Membre d'une association académique"
"en" => "Member of an academic association"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre de Strategic Management Society (SMS)"
"en" => "Member of the Strategic Management Society (SMS)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
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"en" => "Member of a professional association, of an expert group or of a board of directors"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Expert Apm - Association Progrès du Management"
"en" => "Apm Expert - Association Progrès du Management"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
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"startDate" => "2010-01-01"
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"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Direction d'une revue - Rédacteur en chef"
"en" => "Chief Editor"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Rédacteur en chef - Revue Française de Gestion"
"en" => "Editor in chief - Revue Française de Gestion"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
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#_index: null
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"startDate" => "2016-01-01"
"endDate" => null
"year" => "2016"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Gérer et Comprendre"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Gérer et Comprendre"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
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+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2242
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2011-01-01"
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"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Management International"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Management International"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2243
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2006-01-01"
"endDate" => "2021-12-31"
"year" => "2006"
"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Revue Française de Gestion"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Revue Française de Gestion"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\ExtraActivity {#2244
#_index: null
#_id: null
#_source: array:9 [
"startDate" => "2019-01-01"
"endDate" => "2019-12-31"
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"uuid" => "103"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Activités de recherche"
"en" => "Research activities"
"subType" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre d'un comité de lecture"
"en" => "Editorial Board Membership"
"label" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Membre du comité de lecture - Revue Interdisciplinaire de Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE)"
"en" => "Editorial board membership - Revue Interdisciplinaire de Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE)"
"institution" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"country" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
+lang: "fr"
+"parent": Essec\Faculty\Model\Profile {#2233}
"theses" => []
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:23.000Z"
"contributions" => array:75 [
0 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2261
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2526"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2526"
"slug" => "strategie-croyances-et-pieges-de-limitation"
"yearMonth" => "2012-03"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Stratégie : croyances et pièges de l'imitation"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2012). Stratégie : croyances et pièges de l'imitation. <i>Expansion Management Review</i>, (144), pp. 107-114."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Imitation"
1 => "Performance"
2 => "Stratégie"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-26 14:08:01"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "107-114"
"volume" => ""
"number" => "144"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Si nombreuses entreprises cherchent à imiter leurs concurrents les plus performants, cette démarche n’est pas toujours couronnée de succès. En particulier, quatre pièges doivent être évités : (1) penser que la stratégie d’une entreprise performante est obligatoirement meilleure que celles des autres entreprises, (2) penser que la stratégie d’une entreprise performante peut être facilement décryptée, (3) penser que la stratégie d’une entreprise performante peut facilement être mise en œuvre dans une autre entreprise et (4) penser que parvenir à décrypter et mettre en œuvre la stratégie d’une entreprise performante garantit le succès."
"en" => "While many companies seek to emulate their most successful competitors, this approach is not always successful. In particular, four pitfalls must be avoided: (1) thinking that the strategy of a successful company is necessarily better than those of other companies, (2) thinking that the strategy of a successful company can be easily deciphered, (3) thinking that the strategy of a successful company can easily be implemented in another company, and (4) thinking that being able to decipher and implement the strategy of a successful company guarantees success."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
1 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2263
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2590"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2590"
"slug" => "the-administrative-productivity-of-us-franchisors-an-empirical-investigation"
"yearMonth" => "2004-04"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "The Administrative Productivity of US Franchisors: An Empirical Investigation"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2004). The Administrative Productivity of US Franchisors: An Empirical Investigation. <i>Economics Letters</i>, pp. 115-121."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "115-121"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les résultats d'une étude empirique suggèrent que la "productivité administrative" des franchiseurs nord-américains est déterminée par les quatre facteurs suivants : (1) assistance apportée aux franchisés , (2) gestion et évaluation des franchisés , (3) utilisation d'accord de "sous-franchise" et (4) taille du réseau."
"en" => "Findings from an empirical study suggest that the administrative productivity of US franchisors is determined by the provision of support activities to franchisees, the need to monitor franchisees, the use of sub-franchising agreements and the size of the network."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
2 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2265
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2621"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2621"
"slug" => "the-determinants-of-total-it-outsourcing-an-empirical-investigation-of-french-and-german-firms"
"yearMonth" => "2004-01"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "The Determinants of Total IT Outsourcing: An Empirical Investigation of French and German Firms"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et GEYER, D. (2004). The Determinants of Total IT Outsourcing: An Empirical Investigation of French and German Firms. <i>Journal of Computer Information Systems</i>, pp. 91-97."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GEYER D."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "91-97"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Deux grands types d'externalisation de l'informatique peuvent être distingués : (1) l'externalisation d'une partie de l'activité (externalisation sélective) et (2) l'externalisation de la totalité de l'activité (externalisation complète). Il a été montré, à plusieurs reprises, que l'externalisation complète donne de moins bons résultats que l'externalisation sélective. Dans cet article, nous analysons les raisons pour lesquelles certaines entreprises recourent malgré tout à l'externalisation complète."
"en" => "Firms that contemplate IT outsourcing have two alternatives: (1) outsource part of their IT activity (i.e., "selective outsourcing") or (2) outsource their entire IT activity (i.e., "total outsourcing"). It has been repeatedly reported tha total IT outsourcing efforts have far lower success rates that selective one. Using primary data collected both in France and Germany, we investigate the reasons why some firms engage in this apparently sub-optimal practice."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
3 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2262
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2624"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2624"
"slug" => "the-disney-pixar-relationship-dynamics-lessons-for-outsourcing-vs-vertical-integration"
"yearMonth" => "2011-01"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "The Disney-Pixar Relationship Dynamics: Lessons for Outsourcing vs. Vertical Integration"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2011). The Disney-Pixar Relationship Dynamics: Lessons for Outsourcing vs. Vertical Integration. <i>Organizational Dynamics</i>, 40(1), pp. 43-48."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:1 [
0 => "Externalisation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "43-48"
"volume" => "40"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet article propose un modèle de la décision d'externalisation. Il est appliqué au cas de la relation entre Disney et Pixar dans les films d'animation en 3D entre 1991 et 2006."
"en" => "This article proposes a framework that combines three approaches to capture the full richness of firm boundary decisions. The operational nature of the framework is demonstrated by applying it to a symbolic case: the relationship between Disney and Pixar in 3D animated films between 1991 and 2006."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
4 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2266
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7251"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7251"
"slug" => "the-innovate-or-die-myth"
"yearMonth" => "2016-09"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "The « Innovate or Die » Myth"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et OPERTI, E. (2016). The « Innovate or Die » Myth. Dans: 36th Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "OPERTI Elisa"
"bid" => "B00401614"
"slug" => "operti-elisa"
"ouvrage" => "36th Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
5 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2260
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2653"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2653"
"slug" => "the-experimental-roots-of-revolutionary-vision"
"yearMonth" => "2006-01"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "The Experimental Roots of Revolutionary Vision"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2006). The Experimental Roots of Revolutionary Vision. <i>Sloan Management Review</i>, pp. 81-84."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Incrémentalisme logique"
1 => "Stratégie"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:59"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "81-84"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L’histoire d’IKEA suggère que la stratégie de cette entreprise résulte plus de l’expérimentation et de l’adaptation au marché que de la planification. Dans la littérature, on parle généralement « d’incrémentalisme logique ». L’analyse du cas d’IKEA permet de formuler quatre recommandations managériales."
"en" => "By examining the history of IKEA, the author shows that many important specifics of IKEA’s strategy were developed through experimentation and adaptation to market circumstances rather than through preplanned strategy formulation. In academic literature, this approach to strategy is known as logical incrementalism. The author then suggests that IKEA’s experiences in strategy development demonstrate the importance of four lessons for managers."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
6 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2264
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2663"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2663"
"slug" => "the-hard-and-soft-sides-of-it-outsourcing-management"
"yearMonth" => "2003-10"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "The Hard and Soft Sides of IT Outsourcing Management"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2003). The Hard and Soft Sides of IT Outsourcing Management. <i>European Management Journal</i>, pp. 539-548."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "539-548"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cet article, nous montrons que le management des opérations d'externalisation de l'informatique comporte deux composantes distinctes. La composante "dure" prend la forme du contrat alors que la composante "douce" prend la forme de la confiance. Notre analyse de 50 cas d'externalisation de l'informatique montre que les deux composantes sont nécessaires si l'on veut qu'une opération d'externalisation soit couronnée de succès."
"en" => "In this paper, I contend that IT outsourcing management has two sides. While the hard side refers to the contract, the soft side refers to trust. My analysis of 50 IT outsourcing efforts shows that both the hard side and the soft side are key to success."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
7 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2267
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2664"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2664"
"slug" => "the-impact-of-economic-development-and-national-culture-on-management-consulting-expenditures-evidence-from-europe-and-north-america"
"yearMonth" => "2020-04"
"year" => "2020"
"title" => "The Impact of Economic Development and National Culture on Management Consulting Expenditures: Evidence from Europe and North America"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2020). The Impact of Economic Development and National Culture on Management Consulting Expenditures: Evidence from Europe and North America. <i>European Management Review</i>, 17(1), pp. 185-196."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2022-03-04 16:33:01"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "185-196"
"volume" => "17"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet article s'intéresse à l'impact indépendant et conjoint du développement économique et de la culture nationale sur les dépenses de conseil en management. Les résultats montrent que le développement économique et la peur de l'incertitude augmentent les dépenses de conseil en management dans les différents pays. Par ailleurs, l'intensité de la relation entre le développement économique et les dépenses de conseil en management est plus forte dans les pays où la peur de l'incertitude est plus élevée"
"en" => "This study examines the independent and joint effect of economic development and national culture on management consulting expenditures. Results indicate that economic development and uncertainty avoidance are positively related to country-level management consulting expenditures. Moreover, the relationship between economic development and management consulting expenditures is stronger in countries high on uncertainty avoidance."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
8 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2268
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7352"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7352"
"slug" => "the-impact-of-role-configurations-on-product-visibility-and-quality-ratings-in-the-video-game-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2019-07"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "The Impact of Role Configurations on Product Visibility and Quality Ratings in the Video Game Industry"
"description" => "OPERTI, E. et BARTHELEMY, J. (2019). The Impact of Role Configurations on Product Visibility and Quality Ratings in the Video Game Industry. Dans: 2019 Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "OPERTI Elisa"
"bid" => "B00401614"
"slug" => "operti-elisa"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "2019 Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
9 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2269
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7362"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7362"
"slug" => "the-influence-of-consultants-on-performance-evidence-from-the-bordeaux-wine-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2012-10"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "The Influence of Consultants on Performance: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2012). The Influence of Consultants on Performance: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry. Dans: 32nd Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference 2012."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "32nd Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference 2012"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:12"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
10 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2270
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2678"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2678"
"slug" => "the-impact-of-technical-consultants-on-the-quality-of-their-clients-products-evidence-from-the-bordeaux-wine-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2017-05"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "The Impact of Technical Consultants on the Quality of their Clients’ Products: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2017). The Impact of Technical Consultants on the Quality of their Clients’ Products: Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry. <i>Strategic Management Journal</i>, 38(5), pp. 1174-1190."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Consultants techniques"
1 => "Théorie des ressources"
2 => "Vins"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => "'_Products_Evidence_from_the_Bordeaux_Wine_Industry"
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1174-1190"
"volume" => "38"
"number" => "5"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Une hypothèse implicite de la théorie des ressources (resource-based view of the firm) est que les entreprises gèrent leurs ressources elles-mêmes. Pourtant, de nombreuses entreprises font appel à des consultants pour les aider. L’étude s’intéresse à l’impact des consultants techniques sur la qualité des produits de leurs clients. Les résultats des analyses statistiques menées sur les vins de Bordeaux montrent que les consultants techniques ont un impact positif sur la qualité des produits de leurs clients et un impact négatif sur le caractère extrême de la qualité des produits de leurs clients. Enfin, l’impact des consultants techniques est plus marqué lorsque la qualité des ressources de leurs clients est faible."
"en" => "Recent research rooted in the resource-based view of the firm suggests that resources are more likely to create value if they are effectively managed. An underlying assumption of the literature is that firms manage their resources on their own. However, many firms hire consultants to help them do so. In this study, I develop and test hypotheses regarding the impact of technical consultants on the quality of their clients’ products. Using data from the Bordeaux wine industry, I find evidence that the use of technical consultants has a positive impact on relative product quality and a negative impact on the extremeness of relative product quality. Moreover, the positive impact of technical consultants on relative product quality is stronger at lower levels of relative resource quality."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
11 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2271
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2721"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2721"
"slug" => "the-seven-deadly-sins-of-outsourcing"
"yearMonth" => "2003-05"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2003). The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing. <i>Academy of Management Executive</i>, pp. 87-100."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "87-100"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Bien que l'externalisation soit un outil puissant pour réduire les coûts, améliorer la performance et se recentrer sur son "coeur de métier", la plupart des opérations d'externalisation ne donnent pas lieu à des résultats satisfaisantds. En nous appuyant sur l'étude d'une centaine de cas en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, nous montrons que sept "péchés capitaux" sous-tendent la plupart des échecs."
"en" => "While outsourcing is a powerful tool to cut costs, improve performance and refocus on the core business, outsourcing initiatives often fall short of management's expectations. Through a survey of nearly a hundred outsourcing efforts in Europe and the United States, I found that seven "deadly sins" underlie most failed outsourcing efforts."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
12 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2272
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7512"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7512"
"slug" => "transfer-of-tacit-knowledge-chain-operator-legitimacy-and-the-price-of-franchise"
"yearMonth" => "2010-09"
"year" => "2010"
"title" => "Transfer of Tacit Knowledge, Chain Operator Legitimacy and the Price of Franchise"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2010). Transfer of Tacit Knowledge, Chain Operator Legitimacy and the Price of Franchise. Dans: 30th SMS Annual International Conference 2010."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "30th SMS Annual International Conference 2010"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
13 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2273
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3197"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3197"
"slug" => "liberer-la-competitivite"
"yearMonth" => "2016-01"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Libérer la compétitivité"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2016). <i>Libérer la compétitivité</i>. Pearson, 208 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Compétitivité"
1 => "Succès"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 16:57:02"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet ouvrage se fonde sur des recherches en management menées dans les meilleures universités et business schools du monde entier. Il remet en cause de nombreuses idées reçues et propose des pistes nouvelles pour améliorer la compétitivité des entreprises et les mener au succès."
"en" => "This book is based on research done in the best Business Schools. It challenges conventional wisdom and introduces new ways to unleash the competitiveness of firms and lead them to success."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
14 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2274
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8628"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8628"
"slug" => "introduction-general-theories-et-pratiques-en-management"
"yearMonth" => "2016-02"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Introduction général : théories et pratiques en management"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et MOTTIS, N. (2016). Introduction général : théories et pratiques en management. Dans: <i>À la pointe du management</i>. 1st ed. Dunod, pp. 1-13."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => "À la pointe du management"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1-13"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Préfaces d'un ouvrage"
"en" => "Prefaces of a book"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
15 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2275
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3316"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3316"
"slug" => "strategie-dexternalisation"
"yearMonth" => "2007-01"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Stratégie d'externalisation"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2007). <i>Stratégie d'externalisation</i>. Dunod, 204 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Externalisation"
1 => "Meilleures pratiques"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les dirigeants d'entreprises et les responsables d'activités trouveront dans cet ouvrage une méthodologie pour évaluer la pertinence d'une décision d'externalisation et les réponses à toutes les questions qu'ils peuvent se poser aux différentes étapes du processus."
"en" => "The aim of this book is to provide managers with a methodology that can help them make the outsourcing decision. The book also contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding outsourcing."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
16 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2276
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3320"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3320"
"slug" => "strategies-dexternalisation"
"yearMonth" => "2004-01"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "Stratégies d'externalisation"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2004). <i>Stratégies d'externalisation</i>. Dunod, 192 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les dirigeants d'entreprises et les responsables d'activités trouveront dans cet ouvrage une méthodologie pour évaluer la pertinence d'une décision d'externalisation et les réponses à toutes les questions qu'ils peuvent se poser aux différentes étapes du processus."
"en" => "The aim of this book is to provide managers with a methodology that can help them make the outsourcing decision. The book also contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding outsourcing."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
17 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2277
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3340"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3340"
"slug" => "tout-ce-que-vous-savez-sur-le-management-est-faux"
"yearMonth" => "2019-05"
"year" => "2019"
"title" => "Tout ce que vous savez sur le management ... est faux"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2019). <i>Tout ce que vous savez sur le management ... est faux</i>. Dunod, 160 pages."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "De la prise de décision à la stratégie d’entreprise, en passant par les dirigeant, les « gourous » du management, le recrutement, la motivation, la créativité, l’innovation… ce livre démonte une à une les idées reçues du monde de l’entreprise."
"en" => "From decision-making to corporate strategy, business leaders, management gurus, hiring, motivation, creativity, innovation etc. this book debunks all the myths of the business world."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
18 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2278
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3641"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3641"
"slug" => "externaliser-pour-innover-trois-approches-a-connaitre"
"yearMonth" => "2007-02"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Externaliser pour innover: trois approches à connaître"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2007). Externaliser pour innover: trois approches à connaître. Dans: <i>L'art de l'innovation</i>. 1st ed. L'Harmattan, pp. 51-56."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "L'art de l'innovation"
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Externalisation"
1 => "Innovation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "51-56"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Externaliser pour innover n'est pas sans danger. Pas question d'y recourir lorsque les ressources et les compétences recherchées sont nécessaires pour détenir un avantage concurrentiel. On la déconseillera aussi quand le nombre de prestataires est trop réduit. Si l'activité est entourée d'une trop forte incertitude, elle peut en revanche permettre à l'entreprise de reporter le risque sur ses prestataires."
"en" => "Firms should not outsource the resources and capabilities that are key to a competitive advantage. Outsourcing should also be avoided when the number of suppliers is too small. On the other hand, outsourcing is a good way to transfer risks to suppliers when uncertainty is high."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
19 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2279
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9880"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9880"
"slug" => "lexternalisation-au-coeur-du-metier"
"yearMonth" => "2000-03"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "L'externalisation au coeur du métier"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J. (2000). L'externalisation au coeur du métier. <i>Expansion Management Review</i>, pp. 91-98."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:22"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "91-98"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
20 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2280
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9881"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9881"
"slug" => "loutsourcing-une-approche-en-termes-de-couts-de-transaction-et-de-ressources"
"yearMonth" => "2000-11"
"year" => "2000"
"title" => "L'outsourcing : une approche en termes de coûts de transaction et de ressources"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J. (2000). L'outsourcing : une approche en termes de coûts de transaction et de ressources. <i>Gestion 2000</i>, pp. 91-109."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "91-109"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
21 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2281
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1443"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1443"
"slug" => "knowledge-in-economics-and-economic-reform-an-analysis-of-survey-data-from-a-french-business-school"
"yearMonth" => "2012-11"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Knowledge in Economics and Economic Reform: An Analysis of Survey Data from a French Business School"
"description" => "VRANCEANU, R. et BARTHELEMY, J. (2012). Knowledge in Economics and Economic Reform: An Analysis of Survey Data from a French Business School. <i>Revue Economique</i>, 63(6), pp. 1193-1208."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "VRANCEANU Radu"
"bid" => "B00000524"
"slug" => "vranceanu-radu"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Enseignement en économie"
1 => "France"
2 => "Réforme"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1193-1208"
"volume" => "63"
"number" => "6"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Un modèle de régression (IV) permet d’expliquer l’opinion sur les réformes pro-marchées, tout en prenant en compte le caractère endogène des connaissances en économie et les caractéristiques des répondants. Les résultats suggèrent que les connaissances économiques influencent effectivement l’opinion sur les réformes pro-marchées."
"en" => "An instrumental variable model of opinion on pro-market reforms was estimated, taking into account the endogenous nature of knowledge in economics, while controlling for the characteristics of the respondents. Empirical results indicate that knowledge in economics contributes significantly to explain favorable opinion on pro-market reforms."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
22 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2282
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1540"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1540"
"slug" => "la-performance-des-operations-dexternalisation-une-analyse-empirique-des-determinants"
"yearMonth" => "2004-01"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "La performance des opérations d'externalisation : une analyse empirique des déterminants"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2004). La performance des opérations d'externalisation : une analyse empirique des déterminants. <i>Economies et Sociétés</i>, pp. 1737-1757."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1737-1757"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'objectif de cet article est d'analyse l'impact de plusieurs déterminants sur la performance des opérations d'externalisation. Les quatre déterminants étudiés sont : (1) la proximité de l'activité externalisée avec le "coeur de métier" , (2) l'incertitude entourant cette activité , (3) la qualité contractuelle et (4) la qualité relationnelle. Les résultats de l'étude empirique suggèrent que le succès d'une opération d'externalisation dépend plus largement de la gestion du prestataire que du choix des activités externalisées."
"en" => "In this paper, I investigate the determinants of outsourcing success. Four determinants are studied: (1) closeness to the "core business", (2) external uncertainty, (3) contractual quality and (4) relational quality. The results of the empirical study suggest that outsourcing success is primarily determined by the way vendors are managed."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
23 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2283
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5791"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5791"
"slug" => "does-the-plural-form-enhance-performance-evidence-from-the-u-s-hotel-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2012-10"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Does the "Plural Form" Enhance Performance? Evidence from the U.S. Hotel Industry"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2012). Does the "Plural Form" Enhance Performance? Evidence from the U.S. Hotel Industry. Dans: 32nd Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference 2012."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "32nd Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference 2012"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
24 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2284
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1564"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1564"
"slug" => "la-renegociation-des-contrats-dexternalisation-une-analyse-empirique"
"yearMonth" => "2006-06"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "La renégociation des contrats d'externalisation : une analyse empirique"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2006). La renégociation des contrats d'externalisation : une analyse empirique. <i>Finance Contrôle Stratégie</i>, pp. 5-29."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Contrat"
1 => "Externalisation"
2 => "Renégociation"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "5-29"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L’objectif de cet article est d’essayer de comprendre pourquoi certaines entreprises sont amenées à renégocier leurs contrats d’externalisation. Notre postulat de départ est que le nombre de renégociations augmente avec le temps écoulé depuis la signature du contrat. Nous montrons ensuite que cette relation est modérée par le caractère spécifique des actifs utilisés pour réaliser l’activité externalisée, l’incertitude qui l’entoure, son caractère stratégique ainsi que la difficulté de mesure de la performance. En revanche, la confiance ne semble pas avoir de rôle modérateur."
"en" => "The aim of this paper is to understand why some firms renegotiate their outsourcing contracts. The relationship between the age of the outsourcing contract and the number of renegotiations is straightforward. Older contracts are more likely to require adjustments simply because of the passage of time. On the other hand, the factors that may moderate this relationship have rarely been examined. I found that the positive relationship between the age of outsourcing contracts and the number of renegotiations is moderated by asset specificity, environmental uncertainty, closeness to the « core business » and measurement difficulty. On the other hand, trust has no moderating impact."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
25 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2285
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1631"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1631"
"slug" => "le-choix-de-la-franchise-ou-de-lintegration-verticale-une-etude-empirique"
"yearMonth" => "2009-06"
"year" => "2009"
"title" => "Le choix de la franchise ou de l'intégration verticale : une étude empirique"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2009). Le choix de la franchise ou de l'intégration verticale : une étude empirique. <i>Management International</i>, 13(4), pp. 65-72."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Approche fondée sur les connaissances organisation"
1 => "Réseaux de franchise"
2 => "Théorie de l'agence"
3 => "Thèse de la rareté des ressources"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "65-72"
"volume" => "13"
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cet article, nous testons l'impact de trois approches sur le choix de la franchise ou de l'intégration verticale : (1) la thèse de la rareté des ressources, (2) la théorie de l'agence et (3) l'approche fondée sur les connaissances organisationnelles. Si les deux premières approches sont classiques dans les travaux sur la franchise, la troisième l'est beaucoup moins. Les résultats de notre étude suggèrent que l'approche fondée sur les connaissances organisationnelles permet d'améliorer sensiblement la compréhension du choix de la franchise ou de l'intégration verticale par rapport aux deux autres approches."
"en" => "The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the knowledge-based view of the firm explains variance in the decision to franchise or company-own outlets beyond what is explained by the resource scarcity and agency perspectives. While the first two approaches are common in the franchising literature, the third one has rarely been used in this context. Empirical findings suggest that the extent of tacit knowledge transfer helps better explain why chain operators expand through franchising or company ownership."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
26 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2286
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1778"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1778"
"slug" => "les-articles-les-plus-influents-de-la-revue-francaise-de-gestion"
"yearMonth" => "2015-11"
"year" => "2015"
"title" => "Les articles les plus influents de la Revue Française de Gestion"
"description" => "DENIS, J.P. et BARTHELEMY, J. (2015). Les articles les plus influents de la Revue Française de Gestion. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, (253), pp. 7-20."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "DENIS J.-P."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Impact"
1 => "Revue Française de Gestion"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "7-20"
"volume" => null
"number" => "253"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude quantitative et qualitative des articles les plus influents parus dans la Revue Française de Gestion depuis 1975."
"en" => "In this article, we present the results of a quantitative and qualitative study of the most influential papers that appeared in the Revue Française de Gestion since 1975."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
27 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2287
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1923"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1923"
"slug" => "lexternalisation-dactivites-de-service-une-analyse-en-termes-de-benefices-et-de-risques"
"yearMonth" => "2004-01"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "L'externalisation d'activités de service : une analyse en termes de bénéfices et de risques"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et CHALAYE, S. (2004). L'externalisation d'activités de service : une analyse en termes de bénéfices et de risques. <i>Gestion 2000</i>, pp. 89-103."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "CHALAYE S."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:38"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "89-103"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'objectif de cet article est de réaliser une analyse détaillée des bénéfices et des risques d'externalisation d'activités de service. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mené une analyse qualitative fondée sur des entretiens semi-directifs. Ces entretiens ont permis de faire émerger les quatre principaux bénéfices et les trois principaux risques de l'externalisation. Dans un second temps, nous avons examiné leur impact sur les comportements d'externalisation des entreprises à l'aide de techniques d'analyse statistiques. Les résultats suggèrent que la perception de bénéfices augmente la propension à externaliser. En revanche, la perception de risques ne la réduit pas sensiblement."
"en" => "In this article, we investigate the benefits and risks of service activities outsourcing. Firstly, we performed a qualitative analysis using semi-directive interviews. The interviews suggested that there are four main outsourcing benefits and three main outsourcing risks. Secondly, we performed a quantitative analysis to examine the impact of the risks and benefits on actual outsourcing behaviors. The results suggest that perceived benefits increase the outsourcing likelihood. On the other hand, perceived risks do not seem to have any clear impact on the outsourcing likelihood."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
28 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2288
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1949"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1949"
"slug" => "linfluence-du-statut-social-et-de-la-reputation-a-linternational-sur-la-capacite-a-exporter-le-cas-des-proprietes-viticoles-bordelaises"
"yearMonth" => "2014-07"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "L'influence du statut social et de la réputation à l'international sur la capacité à exporter : le cas des propriétés viticoles bordelaises"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2014). L'influence du statut social et de la réputation à l'international sur la capacité à exporter : le cas des propriétés viticoles bordelaises. <i>Management International</i>, 18(4), pp. 45-54."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Exportation"
1 => "Réputation à l’international"
2 => "Statut social"
3 => "Vins"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "45-54"
"volume" => "18"
"number" => "4"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La littérature sur l’exportation a souvent utilisé la théorie des ressources. Toutefois, elle a négligé deux ressources susceptibles d’influencer la capacité à exporter : le statut social et la réputation à l’international. Les résultats d’une étude menée dans le vignoble bordelais montrent qu’un statut social élevé et une bonne réputation à l’international améliorent la capacité à exporter. Ils indiquent également que moins le statut social est élevé, plus l’intensité de la relation entre la réputation à l’international et la capacité à exporter est forte."
"en" => "La littérature sur l’exportation a souvent utilisé la théorie des ressources. Toutefois, elle a négligé deux ressources susceptibles d’influencer la capacité à exporter : le statut social et la réputation à l’international. Les résultats d’une étude menée dans le vignoble bordelais montrent qu’un statut social élevé et une bonne réputation à l’international améliorent la capacité à exporter. Ils indiquent également que moins le statut social est élevé, plus l’intensité de la relation entre la réputation à l’international et la capacité à exporter est forte."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
29 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2289
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2149"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2149"
"slug" => "opportunism-knowledge-and-the-performance-of-franchise-chains"
"yearMonth" => "2008-01"
"year" => "2008"
"title" => "Opportunism, Knowledge and the Performance of Franchise Chains"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2008). Opportunism, Knowledge and the Performance of Franchise Chains. <i>Strategic Management Journal</i>, 29(13), pp. 1451-1463."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Connaissances"
1 => "Franchise"
2 => "Opportunisme"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1451-1463"
"volume" => "29"
"number" => "13"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La plupart des réseaux de franchise comportent à la fois des points de vente en franchise et des points de vente détenus en propre. Cette étude montre que la relation entre les ressources apportées aux responsables des points de vente et la performance financière du réseau dépend de sa structure de gouvernance."
"en" => "An important feature of most franchise chains is that they simultaneously use franchised and company-owned outlets. In this study, I show that the relationship between the resources provided to outlet managers and the financial performance of franchise chains is contingent on their governance structure."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
30 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2290
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2263"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2263"
"slug" => "pour-une-recherche-en-gestion-conciliant-rigueur-et-pertinence"
"yearMonth" => "2012-11"
"year" => "2012"
"title" => "Pour une recherche en gestion conciliant rigueur et pertinence"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2012). Pour une recherche en gestion conciliant rigueur et pertinence. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, (228), pp. 269-283."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "269-283"
"volume" => null
"number" => "228"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "On s’accorde généralement à reconnaître que la recherche en gestion est rigoureuse. Mais est-elle pertinente pour les entreprises et influence-t-elle leurs pratiques ? L’objectif de cet article est de faire le point sur une question fondamentale qui a déjà fait couler beaucoup d’encre. Après avoir constaté que la pertinence et l’influence de la recherche en gestion sont insuffisantes, nous identifions les principales sources du problème. Nous proposons également des pistes d’amélioration."
"en" => "Management research is generally thought to be rigorous. But is it relevant and does it have an impact on management practices? In this paper, I begin by noticing that management research generally lacks relevance and influence. Then, I try to explain why. Finally, I offer a few suggestions on how to improve the relevance and influence of management research."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
31 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2291
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2269"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2269"
"slug" => "pourquoi-la-plupart-des-entreprises-nont-pas-de-strategie"
"yearMonth" => "2016-12"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Pourquoi la plupart des entreprises n’ont pas de stratégie"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2016). Pourquoi la plupart des entreprises n’ont pas de stratégie. <i>Harvard Business Review (France)</i>, pp. 16."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "16"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, de nombreuses entreprises n’ont pas de stratégie, y compris les plus grands groupes internationaux. Comment expliquer ce phénomène qui peut paraître surprenant ?"
"en" => "Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, de nombreuses entreprises n’ont pas de stratégie, y compris les plus grands groupes internationaux. Comment expliquer ce phénomène qui peut paraître surprenant ?"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
32 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2292
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2354"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2354"
"slug" => "quelques-enseignements-dune-operation-dexternalisation-ratee"
"yearMonth" => "2003-03"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "Quelques enseignements d'une opération d'externalisation ratée"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2003). Quelques enseignements d'une opération d'externalisation ratée. <i>Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle</i>, pp. 47-54."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:50"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "47-54"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cet article, nous présentons et tirons les leçons d'une opération d'externalisation de la logistique ratée. Sous la pression de sa maison-mère, la filiale française d'un grand groupe américain a externalisé la quasi-totalité de sa logistique au milieu des années 1990. Cette opération s'est rapidement avérée être un échec pour plusieurs raisons que nous analysons en détail."
"en" => "In this article, I study a failed logistics outsourcing case. The French subsidiary of a large US company outsourced its entire logistics department in the early 1990s. This outsourcing effort soon turned out to be a downright failure. TYhe reasons for this failure are investigated."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
33 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2293
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2359"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2359"
"slug" => "quels-determinants-pour-les-frontieres-de-la-firme"
"yearMonth" => "2003-03"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "Quels déterminants pour les frontières de la firme ?"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et GONARD, T. (2003). Quels déterminants pour les frontières de la firme ? <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 67-80."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GONARD T."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "67-80"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cet article, nous analysons le choix d'internaliser ou d'externaliser le développement des outils de calcul scientifique dans quatre grands groupes industriels européens. L'Economie des Coûts de Transaction (ECT) est un cadre théorique utile pour analyser de telles décisions. Toutefois, certains aménagements doivent lui être apportés pour comprendre les décisions réellement prises par les entreprises."
"en" => "In this article, we study the outsourcing vs. insourcing decision of scientific computation tools in the case of four major European industrial groups. Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) is a useful framework to study such decisions. However, it must be significantly altered to account for the decisions that are actually made by firms."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
34 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2294
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "612"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "612"
"slug" => "agency-and-institutional-influences-on-franchising"
"yearMonth" => "2011-01"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "Agency and Institutional Influences on Franchising"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2011). Agency and Institutional Influences on Franchising. <i>Journal of Business Venturing</i>, 26(1), pp. 93-103."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Franchise"
1 => "Théorie de l'agence"
2 => "Théorie néo-institutionnelle"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "93-103"
"volume" => "26"
"number" => "1"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La littérature sur la franchise s'appuie généralement sur la théorie de l'agence. Dans cet article, nous utilisons la théorie néo-institutionelle pour revisiter la décision de franchiser ou de détenir les points de vente en propre."
"en" => "While the franchising literature has typically relied on agency theory, efficiency considerations may not fully explain decisions to expand through franchising or company ownership. In this study, I re-examine franchising decisions using insights from institutional theory."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
35 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2295
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "625"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "625"
"slug" => "an-empirical-investigation-of-it-outsourcing-versus-quasi-outsourcing-in-france-and-germany"
"yearMonth" => "2005-05"
"year" => "2005"
"title" => "An Empirical Investigation of IT Outsourcing Versus Quasi-outsourcing in France and Germany"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et GEYER, D. (2005). An Empirical Investigation of IT Outsourcing Versus Quasi-outsourcing in France and Germany. <i>Information and Management</i>, pp. 532-542."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GEYER D."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "532-542"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Les entreprises ont de plus en plus recours à l'externalisation de l'informatique.Elles sont face à l'alternative suivante : (1) externaliser auprès d'un prestataire ("outsourcing") , (2) créer une filiale ("quasi-outsourcing"). Cette étude examine les principaux déterminants de cette décision. Une étude empirique menée en France et en Allemagne a permis de montrer qu'elle est influencée par des facteurs internes (cf. spécificité des actifs, taille et mode d'organisation) et des facteurs externes (cf. environnement institutionnel)."
"en" => "An increasing large number of firms outsource their Information Technology (IT). Firms that contemplate IT outsourcing have two alternatives: (1) contract with a vendor (i.e., outsourcing) or (2) set up their own IT subsidiary (i.e. quasi-outsourcing). This study examines some of the determinants of the outsourcing vs. quasi-outsourcing decision. Using primary data dollected in France and Germany, we show that the outsourcing vs. quasi-outsourcing decision is strongly influenced by both internal (i.e., asset specificity, size and internal organization of IT) and external (i.e., institutional environment determinants)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
36 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2296
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1921"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1921"
"slug" => "lexternalisation-un-choix-strategique"
"yearMonth" => "2007-01"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "L'externalisation : un choix stratégique"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et DONADA, C. (2007). L'externalisation : un choix stratégique. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, 33(177), pp. 97-99."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "DONADA Carole"
"bid" => "B00000161"
"slug" => "donada-carole"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "97-99"
"volume" => "33"
"number" => "177"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
37 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2297
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2807"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2807"
"slug" => "une-approche-integree"
"yearMonth" => "2007-01"
"year" => "2007"
"title" => "Une approche intégrée"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et DONADA, C. (2007). Une approche intégrée. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 101-111."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "DONADA Carole"
"bid" => "B00000161"
"slug" => "donada-carole"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "101-111"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
38 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2298
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "824"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "824"
"slug" => "comment-reussir-une-operation-dexternalisation-une-approche-par-les-couts-de-transaction-et-les-ressources"
"yearMonth" => "2004-08"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "Comment réussir une opération d'externalisation : une approche par les coûts de transaction et les ressources"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2004). Comment réussir une opération d'externalisation : une approche par les coûts de transaction et les ressources. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 9-30."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "9-30"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "En se fondant sur une analyse de la littérature et sur une étude menée auprès de quinze entreprises, nous mettons en lumière les principaux déterminants permettant de réussir une opération d'externalisation. En matière de choix des activités externalisées, nous soulignons l'importance de l'appartenance au " coeur de métier" et du différentiel de performance par rapport aux meilleurs prestataires du marché. En ce qui concerne la gestion de la relation avec le prestataire, nous montrons le rôle central joué par les risques contractuels et nous indiquons les moyens permettant de les maîtriser."
"en" => "Based upon the analysis of the literature and on a study of 15 firms, the major determinants of out sourcing success are highlighted. Regarding the outsourcing decision, "core business" and performance gap considerations investigated. Regarding the relationship with the vendor, I explore the role played by contractual hazards and propose ways to curb them."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
39 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2299
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "2902"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "2902"
"slug" => "why-best-practices-often-fall-short"
"yearMonth" => "2018-03"
"year" => "2018"
"title" => "Why Best Practices Often Fall Short"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2018). Why Best Practices Often Fall Short. <i>MIT Sloan Management Review</i>, 59(3), pp. 85-87."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Meilleures pratiques"
1 => "Performance"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-24 10:33:27"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "85-87"
"volume" => "59"
"number" => "3"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La plupart des dirigeants sont fascinés par les "meilleures pratiques". Malheureusement, leurs attentes sont souvent irréalistes."
"en" => "For many leaders, the allure of best practices is strong and their expectations for results are unrealistic."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
40 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2300
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "842"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "842"
"slug" => "complexity-of-outsourcing-contracts-and-ex-post-transaction-costs-an-empirical-investigation"
"yearMonth" => "2006-01"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts and Ex Post Transaction Costs: An Empirical Investigation"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et QUELIN, B.V. (2006). Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts and Ex Post Transaction Costs: An Empirical Investigation. <i>Journal of Management Studies</i>, pp. 1776-1797."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "QUELIN B.V."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Contrat"
1 => "Externalisation"
2 => "Théorie de la ressource"
3 => "Théorie des coûts de transaction"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1776-1797"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cet article, nous utilisons la théorie des coûts de transaction et la théorie de la ressource pour analyser les contrats d'externalisation. Nous développons une approche originale de la complexité contractuelle et étudions les liens entre les risques contractuels, le contenu du contrat et les coûts de transaction ex post."
"en" => "In this article, we use Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource-Based View of the firm to study outsourcing agreements. We develop an original approachof contract complexity and analyse the links among exchange hazards, the contractual aspects of outsourcing and the level of ex post transaction costs."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
41 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2301
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "898"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "898"
"slug" => "creation-et-appropriation-de-la-valeur-dans-un-partenariat-le-cas-disney-pixar"
"yearMonth" => "2006-05"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "Création et appropriation de la valeur dans un partenariat : le cas Disney-Pixar"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2006). Création et appropriation de la valeur dans un partenariat : le cas Disney-Pixar. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, pp. 141-155."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Approche par les ressources et les compétences"
1 => "Relation interorganisationnelle"
2 => "Valeur"
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 17:55:06"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "141-155"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser les mécanismes de création et d'appropriation de la valeur dans les relations interorganisationnelles. La question de la création de valeur est centrale dans la recherche en management stratégique. Elle est souvent abordée à l'aide de l'approche par les ressources et les compétences. Si cette approche permet d'analyser les déterminants de la création de valeur dans une relation interoganisationnelle, elle reste muette sur la question de la répartition de la valeur. Notre analyse est illustrée par la relation entre Disney et Pixar dans les films d'animation en 3D entre 1991 et 2006."
"en" => "In this paper, I mix theoretical reasoning with empirical observation to gain a better understanding of value creation and value appropriation mechanisms in interorganizational relationships. The Resource Based View of the firm (RBV) is a useful tool to investigate value creation issues. On the other hand, value appropriation is essentially determined by the relative bargaining power of the partners. The empirical setting for the study is the relationship between Disney and Pixar from 1991 t 2006."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
42 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2302
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3676"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3676"
"slug" => "frontieres-de-lorganisation-et-de-lentreprise"
"yearMonth" => "2009-01"
"year" => "2009"
"title" => "Frontières de l'organisation et de l'entreprise"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et DONADA, C. (2009). Frontières de l'organisation et de l'entreprise. Dans: <i>Stratégies - Concepts, méthodes, mise en œuvre</i>. 2 ed. Dunod, pp. 263-277."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "DONADA Carole"
"bid" => "B00000161"
"slug" => "donada-carole"
"ouvrage" => "Stratégies - Concepts, méthodes, mise en œuvre"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "263-277"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
43 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2303
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "3975"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "3975"
"slug" => "logical-incrementalism"
"yearMonth" => "2013-04"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Logical Incrementalism"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2013). Logical Incrementalism. Dans: <i>Encyclopedia of Management Theory</i>. 1st ed. SAGE Publications."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "Encyclopedia of Management Theory"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Ce chapitre présente le concept d'incrémentalisme logique développé à l'origine par J.B. Quinn."
"en" => "This chapter describes the concept of "logical incrementalism", originally developed by J.B. Quinn."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
44 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2304
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1184"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1184"
"slug" => "externalisation-le-manque-de-contrat-tue-lexces-aussi"
"yearMonth" => "2009-12"
"year" => "2009"
"title" => "Externalisation : le manque de contrat tue, l'excès aussi"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2009). Externalisation : le manque de contrat tue, l'excès aussi. <i>L'Expansion Management Review</i>, (135), pp. 122-127."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Contrat"
1 => "Externalisation"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:30:15"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "122-127"
"volume" => null
"number" => "135"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cet article, nous étudions l'externalisation de l'informatique dans une entreprise française de 1994 à nos jours. L'entreprise a pour particularité d'être passée par trois étapes en matière de contractualisation : la quasi-absence de contrat, l'omniprésence du contrat et l'équilibre entre la quasi-absence et l'omniprésence du contrat. Le principal enseignement que l'on peut retirer du cas est la nécessité de trouver un équilibre entre le « pas assez de contrat » et le « trop de contrat ». Si les limites du « pas assez de contrat » sont claires, celles du « trop de contrat » sont moins souvent soulignées."
"en" => "While it is clearly established that the contract is key to success in IT outsourcing, there has been little investigation into its negative side effects. In this paper, I examine the potentially detrimental influence of contractual mechanisms on IT outsourcing performance. Somewhat paradoxically, overemphasizing contractual mechanisms may be just as detrimental to IT outsourcing performance as underemphasizing them."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
45 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2305
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "1266"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "1266"
"slug" => "gerer-et-comprendre-linfluence-du-critique-americain-robert-parker-dans-lunivers-du-vignoble-bordelais"
"yearMonth" => "2010-09"
"year" => "2010"
"title" => "Gérer et Comprendre : L'influence du critique américain Robert Parker dans l'univers du vignoble bordelais"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2010). Gérer et Comprendre : L'influence du critique américain Robert Parker dans l'univers du vignoble bordelais. <i>Gérer et Comprendre</i>, (101), pp. 60-71."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Critique"
1 => "Vin"
"updatedAt" => "2021-02-02 16:16:18"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "60-71"
"volume" => null
"number" => "101"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser l'influence du critique américain Robert M. Parker dans l'univers du vignoble bordelais. Après avoir rappelé le contexte et les raisons de l'ascendant pris par Parker, nous montrons qu'il a beaucoup contribué au succès des vins bordelais sur les marchés internationaux. Contrairement à certaines idées reçues, il ne semble pas avoir véritablement remis en cause la hiérarchie établie, laquelle est fondée sur les « classements ». En revanche, il a sans doute contribué à l'uniformisation du goût des vins."
"en" => "The objective of this paper is to study the influence of the U.S. wine critic Robert Parker on the Bordeaux wine industry. While Parker has contributed a lot to the success of Bordeaux wines on international markets, he does seem to have challenged the existing hierarchy of "crus classés". On the other hand, he may have led some Bordeaux châteaux to shape their wine according to his taste."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
46 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2306
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12075"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12075"
"slug" => "good-but-not-so-great-the-impact-of-chain-affiliation-on-guest-satisfaction-and-guest-satisfaction-extremeness"
"yearMonth" => "2021-04"
"year" => "2021"
"title" => "Good but not so great: The impact of chain affiliation on guest satisfaction and guest satisfaction extremeness"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J., GRAF, N. et KARABURUN, R. (2021). Good but not so great: The impact of chain affiliation on guest satisfaction and guest satisfaction extremeness. <i>International Journal of Hospitality Management</i>, 94, pp. 102828."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GRAF Nicolas"
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "KARABURUN Richie"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "Hotels"
1 => "Chain affiliation"
2 => "Guest satisfaction"
3 => "Resource based view"
4 => "Expectancy disconfirmation perspective"
"updatedAt" => "2024-06-25 10:49:43"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "102828"
"volume" => "94"
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chain affiliation is widespread in the hotel industry. It has also attracted a lot of academic attention. While a large number of studies have examined whether affiliated hotels outperform independent hotels in terms of occupancy, ADR and RevPAR, research on the chain affiliation - guest satisfaction relationship is scarce. In this study, we explore the impact of chain affiliation on guest satisfaction and guest satisfaction extremeness, which is defined as the extent to which a hotel’s guest satisfaction deviates from the industry average. We also examine whether the relationships between chain affiliation, guest satisfaction and guest satisfaction extremeness are contingent on market segments. Using a large sample of 35.000 hotels and 1.5 million bookings provided by a leading online travel agency (OTA), we find evidence that chain affiliation increases guest satisfaction, but decreases guest satisfaction extremeness. In addition, the positive chain affiliation - guest satisfaction relationship and the negative chain affiliation - guest satisfaction relationship are stronger in higher quality market segments. Taken together, our findings suggest that chain affiliation is a double-edged sword for hotels, particularly in higher quality market segments."
"en" => "Chain affiliation is widespread in the hotel industry. It has also attracted a lot of academic attention. While a large number of studies have examined whether affiliated hotels outperform independent hotels in terms of occupancy, ADR and RevPAR, research on the chain affiliation - guest satisfaction relationship is scarce. In this study, we explore the impact of chain affiliation on guest satisfaction and guest satisfaction extremeness, which is defined as the extent to which a hotel’s guest satisfaction deviates from the industry average. We also examine whether the relationships between chain affiliation, guest satisfaction and guest satisfaction extremeness are contingent on market segments. Using a large sample of 35.000 hotels and 1.5 million bookings provided by a leading online travel agency (OTA), we find evidence that chain affiliation increases guest satisfaction, but decreases guest satisfaction extremeness. In addition, the positive chain affiliation - guest satisfaction relationship and the negative chain affiliation - guest satisfaction relationship are stronger in higher quality market segments. Taken together, our findings suggest that chain affiliation is a double-edged sword for hotels, particularly in higher quality market segments."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
47 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2307
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12748"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12748"
"slug" => "the-best-broths-are-cooked-in-the-oldest-pans-an-empirical-test-of-the-practice-based-view-in-the-wine-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2024-05"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "The Best Broths Are Cooked in the Oldest Pans: An Empirical Test of the Practice-based View in the Wine Industry"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2024). The Best Broths Are Cooked in the Oldest Pans: An Empirical Test of the Practice-based View in the Wine Industry. <i>Strategic Organization</i>, 22(2), pp. 408-423."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "Business models"
1 => "Entrepreneurship"
2 => "Firm performance, -Resource-based view"
3 => "Small business"
"updatedAt" => "2024-10-31 13:51:19"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "408-423"
"volume" => "22"
"number" => "2"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The practice-based view (PBV) has recently been proposed as a counter to the resource-based view of the firm (RBV). Unlike the RBV, the PBV contends that performance differences among firms can accrue from readily available practices. Using a large sample of wines over a 20-year period, I find evidence of a significant relationship between the implementation of practices and performance. Findings also indicate that the strength of this relationship is contingent on the possession of valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (VRIN) resources (a firm-level moderator) and the prevalence of practices (an industry-level moderator). The impact of practices on performance is less pronounced when firms possess VRIN resources. It also declines as they become more widespread in an industry."
"en" => "The practice-based view (PBV) has recently been proposed as a counter to the resource-based view of the firm (RBV). Unlike the RBV, the PBV contends that performance differences among firms can accrue from readily available practices. Using a large sample of wines over a 20-year period, I find evidence of a significant relationship between the implementation of practices and performance. Findings also indicate that the strength of this relationship is contingent on the possession of valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (VRIN) resources (a firm-level moderator) and the prevalence of practices (an industry-level moderator). The impact of practices on performance is less pronounced when firms possess VRIN resources. It also declines as they become more widespread in an industry."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
48 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2308
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "12897"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "12897"
"slug" => "identite-organisationnelle-et-decisions-de-faire-ou-faire-faire-une-etude-sur-la-parfumerie-de-luxe-francaise"
"yearMonth" => "2022-04"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Identité organisationnelle et décisions de 'faire ou faire faire' : une étude sur la parfumerie de luxe française"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2022). Identité organisationnelle et décisions de 'faire ou faire faire' : une étude sur la parfumerie de luxe française. <i>Revue Française de Gestion</i>, 48(302), pp. 87-101."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "make or buy"
1 => "organizational identity"
2 => "transaction costs economics"
3 => "resource-based view of the firm"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-26 14:06:36"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "87-101"
"volume" => "48"
"number" => "302"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "La quasi-totalité des recherches sur les décisions de « faire et faire faire » s’appuient sur la théorie des coûts de transaction et sur la théorie des ressources. Dans cet article, nous réexaminons cette problématique à l’aide du concept d’identité organisationnelle. Plus précisément, nous posons la question de recherche suivante : dans quelle mesure l’identité organisationnelle permet-elle de mieux comprendre les décisions de « faire ou faire faire » ? Pour y répondre, nous avons créé une base de données unique sur la parfumerie de luxe française au 20e siècle. Les résultats des analyses statistiques menées sur plus de 100 entreprises et 1 200 parfums montrent que l’identité organisationnelle explique une partie de la variance non expliquée par les investissements dans des actifs spécifiques et les compétences."
"en" => "Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource Based View of the f rm have been used almost exclusively to guide research on “make or buy” decisions. In this study, I reexamine the determinants of “make or buy” decisions using insights from the organizational identity literature. Specif cally, I ask whether organizational identity enables us to better understand “make or buy” decisions? To answer this question, I created a unique database on the French luxury fragrance industry in the 20th century. Results from statistical analyses conducted on over 100 f rms and 1,200 fragrances indicate that organizational identity explains variance in “make or buy” decisions beyond what is explained by transaction specif c investments and capabilities."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
49 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2309
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13272"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13272"
"slug" => "does-it-pay-to-hire-consultants-evidence-from-the-bordeaux-wine-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2017-05"
"year" => "2017"
"title" => "Does It Pay to Hire Consultants? Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2017). Does It Pay to Hire Consultants? Evidence from the Bordeaux Wine Industry. <i>Harvard Business Review</i>, Digital Article."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "consulting benefits"
1 => "performance improvement"
2 => "quality enhancement"
3 => "industry-specific consulting effectiveness"
"updatedAt" => "2024-10-31 13:51:19"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => "Digital Article"
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Consulting is pervasive in many industries, yet the use of consultants remains controversial. Why would firms give away key activities to hired guns? Why would these “mercenaries” perform these activities better than in-house employees? To evaluate the impact of hiring consultants and figure out when they might offer the most value, one study examined the Bordeaux wine industry, where over two-thirds of wineries hire consultants to improve the quality of their wines. Looking at 311 wineries over a ten-year period, the study found that consultants improved wine quality at all wineries they worked with, but the ones that benefited the most were those who had the worst resources"
"en" => "Consulting is pervasive in many industries, yet the use of consultants remains controversial. Why would firms give away key activities to hired guns? Why would these “mercenaries” perform these activities better than in-house employees? To evaluate the impact of hiring consultants and figure out when they might offer the most value, one study examined the Bordeaux wine industry, where over two-thirds of wineries hire consultants to improve the quality of their wines. Looking at 311 wineries over a ten-year period, the study found that consultants improved wine quality at all wineries they worked with, but the ones that benefited the most were those who had the worst resources"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
50 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2310
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13862"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13862"
"slug" => "avoiding-predictable-surprises-lessons-from-the-fire-at-notre-dame-de-paris"
"yearMonth" => "2023-04"
"year" => "2023"
"title" => "Avoiding predictable surprises: Lessons from the fire at Notre Dame de Paris"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2023). Avoiding predictable surprises: Lessons from the fire at Notre Dame de Paris. <i>Organizational Dynamics</i>, 52(2), pp. 100966."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "Errors"
1 => "Predictable surprise"
"updatedAt" => "2024-01-12 13:51:38"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "100966"
"volume" => "52"
"number" => "2"
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "In early 2019, the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral was nearly destroyed by a fire. Unlike major disasters such as the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle explosions for instance, the fire at Notre Dame de Paris has never been thoroughly analyzed. Thus, many people still believe that it was entirely due to errors made by frontline workers. This study suggests that it actually resulted from the combination of various types of errors. It also argues that it was a predictable surprise, which is a disastrous event that could have been anticipated. Finally, it introduces a four-step playbook that can help leaders and organizations avoid predictable surprises."
"en" => "In early 2019, the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral was nearly destroyed by a fire. Unlike major disasters such as the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle explosions for instance, the fire at Notre Dame de Paris has never been thoroughly analyzed. Thus, many people still believe that it was entirely due to errors made by frontline workers. This study suggests that it actually resulted from the combination of various types of errors. It also argues that it was a predictable surprise, which is a disastrous event that could have been anticipated. Finally, it introduces a four-step playbook that can help leaders and organizations avoid predictable surprises."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
51 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2311
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "14814"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "14814"
"slug" => "all-business-strategies-fall-into-4-categories"
"yearMonth" => "2024-05"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "All Business Strategies Fall into 4 Categories"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2024). All Business Strategies Fall into 4 Categories. <i>Harvard Business Review</i>, Digital Article."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "strategy"
1 => "business strategies"
2 => "decision-making"
"updatedAt" => "2024-05-29 01:01:19"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => "Digital Article"
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "The problem with strategy frameworks is that although they can help you determine whether an opportunity is attractive or whether a given strategy is likely to work, they generally don’t help you in the task of identifying the opportunity or crafting the strategy in the first place. This article introduces a framework, built on an in-depth analysis of the creativity literature, that aims to fill that gap by providing a systematic approach to identifying potential strategies. The framework categorizes all strategies into the following four groups, from the least creative to the most creative: adapting an existing industry strategy, combining different existing industry strategies, importing strategies from other industries, and creating a brand new strategy from scratch."
"en" => "The problem with strategy frameworks is that although they can help you determine whether an opportunity is attractive or whether a given strategy is likely to work, they generally don’t help you in the task of identifying the opportunity or crafting the strategy in the first place. This article introduces a framework, built on an in-depth analysis of the creativity literature, that aims to fill that gap by providing a systematic approach to identifying potential strategies. The framework categorizes all strategies into the following four groups, from the least creative to the most creative: adapting an existing industry strategy, combining different existing industry strategies, importing strategies from other industries, and creating a brand new strategy from scratch."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
52 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2312
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9561"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9561"
"slug" => "disney-pixar"
"yearMonth" => "2010"
"year" => "2010"
"title" => "Disney-Pixar"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2010). Disney-Pixar. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Partenariats"
1 => "Externalisation"
2 => "Strategy and General Management"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:16"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Etudes de cas déposées"
"en" => "Published cases"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le cas retrace l’évolution de la relation de partenariat entre Disney et Pixar de 1991 à 2006. En 1991, Disney décide d'externaliser la production des films d'animation en 3D auprès de Pixar. Entre 1995 et 2005, les films issus du partenariat connaissent un succès considérable. En 2006, Disney finit par racheter son partenaire pour 7,4 milliards de dollars. Steve Jobs devient alors le premier actionnaire individuel de Disney. Comment expliquer le succès du partenariat entre Disney et Pixar ? Pourquoi Disney finit-il par racheter son partenaire ?"
"en" => "Le cas retrace l’évolution de la relation de partenariat entre Disney et Pixar de 1991 à 2006. En 1991, Disney décide d'externaliser la production des films d'animation en 3D auprès de Pixar. Entre 1995 et 2005, les films issus du partenariat connaissent un succès considérable. En 2006, Disney finit par racheter son partenaire pour 7,4 milliards de dollars. Steve Jobs devient alors le premier actionnaire individuel de Disney. Comment expliquer le succès du partenariat entre Disney et Pixar ? Pourquoi Disney finit-il par racheter son partenaire ?"
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
53 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2313
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9570"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9570"
"slug" => "ikea-les-fondements-dune-strategie-revolutionnaire"
"yearMonth" => "2009"
"year" => "2009"
"title" => "Ikea: les fondements d'une stratégie révolutionnaire"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2009). Ikea: les fondements d'une stratégie révolutionnaire. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:5 [
0 => "Stratégie délibérée"
1 => "Stratégie émergente"
2 => "Expérimentation"
3 => "Ikea"
4 => "Strategy and General Management"
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:16"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Etudes de cas déposées"
"en" => "Published cases"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Le cas retrace l’histoire d’IKEA et la manière dont Ingvar Kamprad, son fondateur, a élaboré sa stratégie. Si de nombreux cas décrivent en détail les stratégies des entreprises, rares sont ceux qui s'intéressent à la façon dont elles ont été élaborées. Le cas permet également de montrer les limites de l’excès de rationalisation a posteriori. La stratégie d’IKEA doit plus à la sérendipité qu’à l’analyse rationnelle."
"en" => "Le cas retrace l’histoire d’IKEA et la manière dont Ingvar Kamprad, son fondateur, a élaboré sa stratégie. Si de nombreux cas décrivent en détail les stratégies des entreprises, rares sont ceux qui s'intéressent à la façon dont elles ont été élaborées. Le cas permet également de montrer les limites de l’excès de rationalisation a posteriori. La stratégie d’IKEA doit plus à la sérendipité qu’à l’analyse rationnelle."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
54 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2314
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "13414"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "13414"
"slug" => "myths-of-strategy"
"yearMonth" => "2022-10"
"year" => "2022"
"title" => "Myths of strategy"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2022). <i>Myths of strategy</i>. London: Kogan Page Ltd."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:2 [
0 => "strategy"
1 => "sustainable growth"
"updatedAt" => "2023-01-27 01:00:46"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Livres"
"en" => "Books"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Myths of Strategy dispels 35 of the most common strategy sagas, cutting through hyperbole and providing you with tried-and-tested business ideas that will make your company more successful."
"en" => "Myths of Strategy dispels 35 of the most common strategy sagas, cutting through hyperbole and providing you with tried-and-tested business ideas that will make your company more successful."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
55 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2315
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7594"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7594"
"slug" => "visibility-or-quality-the-influence-of-vertical-specialization-on-product-performance-in-the-video-game-industry-1980-2011"
"yearMonth" => "2014-08"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Visibility or Quality? The Influence of Vertical Specialization on Product Performance in the Video Game Industry (1980-2011)"
"description" => "OPERTI, E. et BARTHELEMY, J. (2014). Visibility or Quality? The Influence of Vertical Specialization on Product Performance in the Video Game Industry (1980-2011). Dans: 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "OPERTI Elisa"
"bid" => "B00401614"
"slug" => "operti-elisa"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
56 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2316
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7595"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7595"
"slug" => "visibilty-or-quality-the-influence-of-vertical-specialization-on-product-performance-in-the-video-game-industry"
"yearMonth" => "2014-09"
"year" => "2014"
"title" => "Visibilty or Quality? The Influence of Vertical Specialization on Product Performance in the Video Game Industry"
"description" => "OPERTI, E. et BARTHELEMY, J. (2014). Visibilty or Quality? The Influence of Vertical Specialization on Product Performance in the Video Game Industry. Dans: 34th Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "OPERTI Elisa"
"bid" => "B00401614"
"slug" => "operti-elisa"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "34th Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Communications dans une conférence"
"en" => "Presentations at an Academic or Professional conference"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
57 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2317
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "7672"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "7672"
"slug" => "a-la-pointe-du-management-label-fnege-2017"
"yearMonth" => "2016-02"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "À la pointe du management [Label FNEGE 2017]"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et MOTTIS, N. [Eds] (2016). <i>À la pointe du management [Label FNEGE 2017]</i>. Dunod, 202 pages."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTTIS N."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Pertinence"
1 => "Recherche en management"
2 => "Rigueur"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-30 13:51:42"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => ""
"volume" => ""
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Direction d'ouvrage"
"en" => "Book editor"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans monde de plus en plus concurrentiel, managers et dirigeants cherchent à élargir leur vision et agir avec un temps d'avance. Et si la recherche en management pouvait les y aider ?"
"en" => "In an increasingly competitive world, managers and leaders need to broaden their strategic vision and act as pioneers. Management research can help them do so."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
58 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2318
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "8109"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "8109"
"slug" => "knowledge-in-economics-and-economic-reform-an-analysis-of-french-survey-data"
"yearMonth" => "2011-04"
"year" => "2011"
"title" => "Knowledge in Economics and Economic Reform: An Analysis of French Survey Data"
"description" => "VRANCEANU, R. et BARTHELEMY, J. (2011). <i>Knowledge in Economics and Economic Reform: An Analysis of French Survey Data</i>. ESSEC Business School."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "VRANCEANU Radu"
"bid" => "B00000524"
"slug" => "vranceanu-radu"
1 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 21:00:33"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Documents de travail"
"en" => "Working Papers"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Building on survey data collected by Vranceanu, Laot and Dubart (2010), we study how personal characteristics, general and economics education, occupation and personal interest in economics affect knowledge in economics. We then apply factor analysis in order to build an aggregate indicator of opinion on promarket reforms. This opinion indicator becomes the dependent variable in a second multiple regression model; it turns out that knowledge in economics contributes by 3.5% to explain the favorable opinion on pro-market reforms."
"en" => "Building on survey data collected by Vranceanu, Laot and Dubart (2010), we study how personal characteristics, general and economics education, occupation and personal interest in economics affect knowledge in economics. We then apply factor analysis in order to build an aggregate indicator of opinion on promarket reforms. This opinion indicator becomes the dependent variable in a second multiple regression model; it turns out that knowledge in economics contributes by 3.5% to explain the favorable opinion on pro-market reforms."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
59 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2319
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9903"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9903"
"slug" => "it-outsourcing-findings-from-an-empirical-survey-in-france-and-germany"
"yearMonth" => "2001-04"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "IT Outsourcing: Findings from an Empirical Survey in France and Germany"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J. et GEYER, D. (2001). IT Outsourcing: Findings from an Empirical Survey in France and Germany. <i>European Management Journal</i>, pp. 195-202."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GEYER D."
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:22"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "195-202"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
60 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2320
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9907"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9907"
"slug" => "les-cooperations-inter-organisationnelles-approche-theorique-et-illustrations"
"yearMonth" => "2001-01"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "Les coopérations inter-organisationnelles : approche théorique et illustrations"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J., FULCONIS, F. et MOTHE, C. (2001). Les coopérations inter-organisationnelles : approche théorique et illustrations. Dans: <i>Stratégies : Actualité et futurs de la recherche</i>. 1st ed. Paris: Vuibert, pp. 293-302."
"authors" => array:3 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "FULCONIS F."
2 => array:1 [
"name" => "MOTHE C."
"ouvrage" => "Stratégies : Actualité et futurs de la recherche"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "293-302"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
61 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2321
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9908"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9908"
"slug" => "lexternalisation-strategique"
"yearMonth" => "2001-01"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "L'externalisation stratégique"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J. et QUELIN, A. (2001). L'externalisation stratégique. Dans: <i>L'Art de la Gestion des Risques</i>. 1st ed. Paris: Village Mondial, pp. 181-188."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "QUELIN A."
"ouvrage" => "L'Art de la Gestion des Risques"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2020-12-17 18:37:46"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "181-188"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
62 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2322
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9910"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9910"
"slug" => "outsourcing-et-creation-de-valeur"
"yearMonth" => "2001-01"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "Outsourcing et création de valeur"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J. (2001). Outsourcing et création de valeur. <i>Analyse Financière</i>, pp. 33-38."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:22"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "33-38"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
63 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2323
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9915"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9915"
"slug" => "the-hidden-costs-of-it-outsourcing"
"yearMonth" => "2001-01"
"year" => "2001"
"title" => "The Hidden Costs of IT Outsourcing"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J. (2001). The Hidden Costs of IT Outsourcing. <i>MIT Sloan Management Review</i>, pp. 60-69."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:23"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "60-69"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
64 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2324
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "9922"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "9922"
"slug" => "comment-lexternalisation-vient-aux-entreprises"
"yearMonth" => "2002-03"
"year" => "2002"
"title" => "Comment l'externalisation vient aux entreprises"
"description" => "BARTHÉLEMY, J. (2002). Comment l'externalisation vient aux entreprises. <i>Expansion Management Review</i>, pp. 44-53."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHÉLEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-07-13 14:31:23"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "44-53"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue professionnelle"
"en" => "Professional journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
65 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2325
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4078"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4078"
"slug" => "population-level-learning-and-the-evolution-of-it-outsourcing-decisions"
"yearMonth" => "2008-01"
"year" => "2008"
"title" => "Population-level Learning and the Evolution of IT Outsourcing Decisions"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2008). Population-level Learning and the Evolution of IT Outsourcing Decisions. Dans: <i>Advances in Management Information Systems - Information Technology Outsourcing</i>. 1st ed. M.E. Sharpe, pp. 25-35."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "Advances in Management Information Systems - Information Technology Outsourcing"
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Apprentissage"
1 => "Externalisation"
2 => "Informatique"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "25-35"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cet article montre que l'externalisation de l'informatique a évolué depuis le milieu des années 1980. Plus précisément, cette pratique s'est améliorée sous l'influence d'un phénomène d'apprentissage au niveau de l'ensemble des entreprises concernées par le phénomène."
"en" => "In this paper, I contend that there has been a progressive refinement of IT outsourcing since the mid-1980s. Specifically, I propose that the evolution and progressive refinement of IT outsourcing practices can be attributed to population level learning."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
66 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2326
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4255"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4255"
"slug" => "toute-la-strategie-dentreprise-lintegration-verticale-et-externalisation"
"yearMonth" => "2016-05"
"year" => "2016"
"title" => "Toute la stratégie d'entreprise - L’intégration verticale et externalisation"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2016). Toute la stratégie d'entreprise - L’intégration verticale et externalisation. Dans: <i>STRATEGOR - Toute la stratégie d'entreprise</i>. 1st ed. Dunod, pp. 183-220."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "STRATEGOR - Toute la stratégie d'entreprise"
"keywords" => array:1 [
0 => "Stratégie"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "183-220"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "STRATEGOR est l'ouvrage de stratégie le plus vendu en France. Adopté par les étudiants, c'est aussi la référence pour les consultants et pour les responsables d'entreprises."
"en" => "STRATEGOR is France's best selling strategy book. It is used by students, but also by consultants and managers."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
67 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2327
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4256"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4256"
"slug" => "toute-la-strategie-dentreprise-lexternalisation-strategique"
"yearMonth" => "2013-07"
"year" => "2013"
"title" => "Toute la stratégie d'entreprise - L'externalisation stratégique"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2013). Toute la stratégie d'entreprise - L'externalisation stratégique. Dans: <i>STRATEGOR - Toute la stratégie d'entreprise</i>. 1st ed. Dunod, pp. 200-219."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "STRATEGOR - Toute la stratégie d'entreprise"
"keywords" => array:1 [
0 => "Stratégie"
"updatedAt" => "2021-09-06 14:06:32"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "200-219"
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Chapitres"
"en" => "Book chapters"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Cette 6e édition du STRATEGOR (Toute la stratégie d'entreprise), refondue et largement enrichie, présente les développements les plus récents en matière de stratégie et de politique d’entreprise."
"en" => "This 6th edition of STRATEGOR (Toute la stratégie d'entreprise) presents the most recent advances in terms of strategic management."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
68 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2328
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4742"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4742"
"slug" => "la-performance-des-operations-dexternalisation-une-analyse-empirique-des-determinants"
"yearMonth" => "2004-06"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "La performance des opérations d'externalisation : une analyse empirique des déterminants"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2004). La performance des opérations d'externalisation : une analyse empirique des déterminants. Dans: <i>Actes de la 13ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique)</i>. Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "Actes de la 13ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "CD-Rom L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser l'impact de plusieurs déterminants sur la performance des opérations d'externalisation. Les quatre déterminants étudiés sont : (1) la proximité de l'activité externalisée avec le "coeur du métier" , (2) l'incertitude entourant cette activité , (3) la qualité contractuelle et (4) la qualité relationnelle. Les résultats de l'étude empirique suggèrent que le succès d'une opération d'externalisation dépend plus largement de la gestion du prestataire que du choix des activités externalisées."
"en" => "In this paper, I investigate the determinants of outsourcing sucess. Four determinants are studied: (1) closeness to the core business, (2) external uncertainty, (3) contractual quality and (4) relational quality. The results of the empirical study suggest that outsourcing success is primarily determined by the way vendors are managed."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
69 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2329
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4805"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4805"
"slug" => "les-mecanismes-de-creation-et-dappropriation-de-la-valeur-dans-une-relation-interorganisationnelle-une-analyse-du-cas-disney-pixar"
"yearMonth" => "2006-01"
"year" => "2006"
"title" => "Les mécanismes de création et d'appropriation de la valeur dans une relation interorganisationnelle : une analyse du cas Disney-Pixar"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2006). Les mécanismes de création et d'appropriation de la valeur dans une relation interorganisationnelle : une analyse du cas Disney-Pixar. Dans: <i>Actes de la 15ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique)</i>. Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "Actes de la 15ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique)"
"keywords" => array:3 [
0 => "Approche par les ressources et les compétences"
1 => "Relation interorganisationnelle"
2 => "Valeur"
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "CD-Rom L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un modèle de création et de répartition de la valeur dans les relations interoganisationnelles. Pour développer ce modèle, nous nous sommes appuyés sur une analyse en profondeur de la relation entre Disney et Pixar dans les films d'animation en 3D. Cette relation a été étudiée sur une période de treize années, de la signature du premier contrat (1991) à la rupture des négociations entre les deux partenaires (2004)."
"en" => "In this paper, I mix theoretical reasoning with empirical observation to gain a better understanding of value creation and value appropriation mechanisms in interorganizational relationships. The empirical setting for the study is the relationship between Disney and Pixar from 1991 to 2006."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
70 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2330
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "4810"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "4810"
"slug" => "les-renegociations-des-contrats-dexternalisation-une-etude-empirique"
"yearMonth" => "2004-06"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "Les renégociations des contrats d'externalisation : une étude empirique"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2004). Les renégociations des contrats d'externalisation : une étude empirique. Dans: <i>Actes de la 13ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique)</i>. Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "Actes de la 13ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "CD-Rom L'objectif de cette proposition de communication est d'étudier les principaux facteurs qui conduisent les entreprises à renégocier leurs contrats d'externalisation. Notre postulat de départ est que le nombre de renégociations augmente avec le temps écoulé depuis la signature du contrat. Nous montrons ensuite que la relation entre le temps écoulé depuis la signature du contrat et le nombre de renégociations est modérée positivement par la spécificité (hypothèse 1) et l'incertitude (hypothèse 2) qui caractérisent l'activité externalisée. Contrairement à notre troisième hypothèse, la confiance envers le prestataire ne semble pas avoir de rôle modérateur significatif."
"en" => "In this paper, I investigate the determinants of the renegotiation of outsourcing contracts. I show that the positive relationship between the age of the relationship and the number of contractual renegotiations is positively moderated by asset specificity (Hypothesis 1) and environmental uncertainty (Hypothesis 2). On the other hand, trust does not seem to have a moderating impact on the relationship between the age of the relationship and the number of contractual renegotiations (Hypothesis 3)."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
71 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2331
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5013"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5013"
"slug" => "quels-determinants-pourles-frontieres-de-la-firme-le-cas-du-calcul-scientifique"
"yearMonth" => "2003-06"
"year" => "2003"
"title" => "Quels déterminants pourles frontières de la firme ? Le cas du calcul scientifique"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et GONARD, T. (2003). Quels déterminants pourles frontières de la firme ? Le cas du calcul scientifique. Dans: <i>Actes de la 12ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Mangement Stratégique)</i>. Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "GONARD T."
"ouvrage" => "Actes de la 12ème Conférence de l'AIMS (Association Internationale de Mangement Stratégique)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "CD-Rom Dans cet article, nous analysons le choix d'internaliser ou d'externaliser le développement des outils de calcul scientifique dans quatre grands groupes industriels européens. L'Economie des Coûts de Transaction (ECT) est un cadre théorique utile pour analyser de telles décisions. Toutefois, certains aménagements doivent lui être apportés pour comprendre les décisions réellement prises par les entreprises."
"en" => "In this article, we study the outsourcing vs. insourcing decision of scientific computation tools in the case of four major European industrial groups. Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) is a useful framework to study such decisions. However, it must be significantly altered to account for the decisions that are actually made by firms."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
72 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2332
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5120"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5120"
"slug" => "the-determinants-of-u-s-franchisors-international-involvement"
"yearMonth" => "2004-10"
"year" => "2004"
"title" => "The Determinants of U.S. Franchisors International Involvement"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2004). The Determinants of U.S. Franchisors International Involvement. Dans: <i>Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the SMS (Strategic Management Society)</i>. Strategic Management Society (SMS)."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => "Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the SMS (Strategic Management Society)"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "CD-Rom La franchise devient un phénomène de plus en plus global. Pourtant, les recherches sur l'internationalisation des franchiseurs américains sont rares. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que le degré d'internationalisation des franchiseurs américains dans le secteur de la restauration est influencé par les facteurs suivants : (1) taille du réseau , (2) soutien apporté aux points de vente , (3) utilisation de contrats de "sous-franchise". En revanche, ni la saturation du marché domestique ni l'intensité du savoir-faire transféré n'ont d'impact significatif sur le développement international."
"en" => "In recent years, franchising has become a global phenomenon. However, there is little empirical research on the intermationalization of U.S. franchisors. Findings from an empirical study suggest that the international involvement of U.S. food franchisors is influenced by: (1) the size of their network, (2) the extent to which they provide support activities and (3) the use of sub-franchising agreements. On the other hand, neither domestic market saturation nor knowledge intensity had a significant impact on international involvement."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
73 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2333
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "5143"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "5143"
"slug" => "the-impact-of-the-three-dimensions-of-asset-specificity-on-the-complexity-of-outsourcing-contracts-an-empirical-investigation"
"yearMonth" => "2002-09"
"year" => "2002"
"title" => "The Impact of the Three Dimensions of Asset Specificity on the Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts: An Empirical Investigation"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. et QUELIN, B.V. (2002). The Impact of the Three Dimensions of Asset Specificity on the Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts: An Empirical Investigation. Dans: <i>Proceediings of the SMS 22nd Annual International Conference</i>. Strategic Management Society (SMS)."
"authors" => array:2 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
1 => array:1 [
"name" => "QUELIN B.V."
"ouvrage" => "Proceediings of the SMS 22nd Annual International Conference"
"keywords" => []
"updatedAt" => "2021-04-19 17:57:25"
"publicationUrl" => null
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => null
"volume" => null
"number" => null
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Actes d'une conférence"
"en" => "Conference Proceedings"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Editeur"
"en" => "Publisher"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Dans cet article, nous utilisons la théorie des coûts de transaction et la théorie de la ressource pour étudier les contrats d'externalisation. De manière plus précise, nous testons les liens entre différents risques contractuels et le contenu des contrats d'externalisation."
"en" => "In this paper, we use both the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Resource-based approaches (RBV) to examine outsourcing contracts. More precisely, we test the link between various contractual hazards and the actual content of outsourcing contracts."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
74 => Essec\Faculty\Model\Contribution {#2334
#_index: "academ_contributions"
#_id: "15384"
#_source: array:18 [
"id" => "15384"
"slug" => "une-origine-etrangere-est-elle-un-avantage-ou-un-desavantage-pour-un-reseau-de-franchise"
"yearMonth" => "2024-12"
"year" => "2024"
"title" => "Une origine étrangère est-elle un avantage ou un désavantage pour un réseau de franchise ?"
"description" => "BARTHELEMY, J. (2024). Une origine étrangère est-elle un avantage ou un désavantage pour un réseau de franchise ? <i>Management International</i>, In press, pp. 1-19."
"authors" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"name" => "BARTHELEMY Jérôme"
"bid" => "B00013767"
"slug" => "barthelemy-jerome"
"ouvrage" => ""
"keywords" => array:4 [
0 => "liability of foreignness"
1 => "advantage of foreignness"
2 => "franchising"
3 => "performance"
"updatedAt" => "2024-12-18 16:45:20"
"publicationUrl" => ""
"publicationInfo" => array:3 [
"pages" => "1-19"
"volume" => "In press"
"number" => ""
"type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Articles"
"en" => "Journal articles"
"support_type" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Revue scientifique"
"en" => "Scientific journal"
"countries" => array:2 [
"fr" => null
"en" => null
"abstract" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Alors que la franchise à l’international est de plus en plus répandue, on ne sait pas si les réseaux de franchise étrangers sont plus ou moins performants que les réseaux de franchise locaux lorsqu’ils sont en concurrence sur le même marché. Les résultats d’une étude menée dans le commerce de détail d’articles de mode en France indiquent que les franchiseurs étrangers ne sont ni plus ni moins performants que leurs concurrents locaux. Ils montrent également qu’accorder une grande autonomie aux franchisés accroit plus fortement la performance des franchiseurs étrangers que celle de leurs concurrents locaux. En revanche, utiliser un réseau ‘mixte’ ne permet pas aux franchiseurs étrangers d’accroître leur performance par rapport à leurs concurrents locaux."
"en" => "As international franchising becomes more popular, it is not fully clear whether foreign franchisors perform better or worse than local ones when competing in the same market. A study in the French fashion retail sector reveals that foreign franchisors perform similarly to their local counterparts. Additionally, the study shows that giving franchisees more autonomy significantly boosts the performance of foreign franchisors compared to local ones. However, using the ‘plural form’ does not improve the performance of foreign franchisors relative to their local competitors."
"authors_fields" => array:2 [
"fr" => "Management"
"en" => "Management"
"indexedAt" => "2025-01-17T15:21:42.000Z"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.1984706
+"parent": null
"avatar" => ""
"contributionCounts" => 75
"personalLinks" => array:2 [
0 => "<a href="" target="_blank">ORCID</a>"
1 => "<a href="" target="_blank">Google scholar</a>"
"docTitle" => "Jérôme BARTHELEMY"
"docSubtitle" => "Professeur"
"docDescription" => "Département: Management<br>Campus de Cergy"
"docType" => "cv"
"docPreview" => "<img src=""><span><span>Jérôme BARTHELEMY</span><span>B00013767</span></span>"
"academ_cv_info" => ""
#_index: "academ_cv"
+lang: "fr"
+"_type": "_doc"
+"_score": 5.0369525
+"parent": null