LORINO Philippe, COOREN François, ROBICHAUD Daniel
Pragmatism tends to have a mixed status in organizational communication research. While its intellectual impact is explicitly recognized by key scholars such as James R. Taylor and Elizabeth Van Every (2000, 2014) or Karl Weick (1995), its influence remains, in many respects, relatively cryptic in contemporary research. Like the character Mr. Jourdain in Molière’s 17th-century play Le – Bourgeois Gentilhomme, who didn’t know he had been speaking prose his whole life, organizational communication researchers are often speaking the language of pragmatism without knowing it. In other words, even if they are not always aware of the historical influence of this philosophical movement on,organization studies, they unknowingly tend to be guided by some of its basic tenets.
COOREN, F., LORINO, P. et ROBICHAUD, D. (2024). Pragmatist Approaches to Qualitative Organizational Communication Research. Dans: Boris H. J. M. Brummans, Bryan C. Taylor, Anu Sivunen eds. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication. 1st ed. SAGE Publications, pp. 66-81.