Scholars in business strategy research often face the challenge of obtaining the necessary empirical data to test causal relationships that form the foundation of many practitioner-oriented recommendations. About two decades ago, Priem (1992) and Priem and Harrison (1994) provided compelling introductions to and called for using vignette experiments to overcome this impasse. Yet, little is known on vignette experiments’ actual use in business strategy research. In this chapter, a search of past applications suggests little overall use, yet a broad diversity in both the themes studied with vignettes and the ways vignettes were used by scholars. These findings suggest that a number of open methodological issues likely have hampered more common use of the method so far.
LINDER, S. (2014). The Use of Vignette Experiments in Business Strategy Research. Dans: International Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship. 1st ed. IGI Global, pp. 82-94.