On October 21, 2022, Emmanuel Macron announced France’s withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), a text deemed incompatible with the objectives of the Paris Agreement because it is too protective of fossil fuels. This announcement was preceded by the publication on October 20, 2022 of the opinion of the High Council on Climate designating the ECT and its mechanism for settling disputes between investors and States as an obstacle in the development and implementation of public decarbonization policies. Several non-governmental organizations and political groups have been calling for France’s exit from the ECT for some time. But is the TCE really an obstacle to France’s energy transition?
KOROM, V. (2022). Pourquoi la France devrait-elle rester dans le Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie ? Recueil Dalloz, 198(43), pp. 2232-2240.