Ignoring the complexity of our world favors emerging deleterious complexities. It is indomitably necessary to recognize the complexity of our world to – paradoxically enough – make actions and operations simpler. Now, management is concerned by a double simplism. The first one is practical, and depends on short-termist solution oriented operations. Most often, short-termist operations and actions forget about the related relevant problems to solve. The second one is related to the anthropological assumptions about homo oeconomicus. Humans are tacitly supposed to be but individuals equal to each other, free and rational, which is far from being true. Contrasted to these simplisms, the Edgar Morin thought looks as being a real and efficient means for organizations improvement, as well as their members’ happiness (at work and everywhere).
BIBARD, L. (2016). Management et complexité : un détour nécessaire. Dans: François L’Yvonnet (ed.). Morin. 1st ed. Paris: L’Herne, pp. 183-185.