More than ever, the firm managers are called into question. Flattered today, they are criticized some time later. This established fact cannot be allotted to one supposed incompetence. It is natural. It is the result of the own particular dynamics of the complex systems that are companies and which leaders have the charge of. The article describes the contributions of the theories of complexity to help us understand the reasons behind successes and failures of the firm managers. It puts in prospect the contributions of Jean-Claude Tarondeau on the matter.
THIETART, R.A. (2003). La tâche impossible du dirigeant ou comment Jean-Claude Tarondeau s’est efforcé de la rendre réalisable. Dans: Savoir gérer. Mélanges en l’honneur de Jean-Claude Tarondeau. 1st ed. Vuibert, pp. 347-354.