In order to avoid bankruptcies in the banking sector, the state directly acquired stakes in distressed companies, and facilitated bank mergers. This article stresses the potential negative consequences of these decisions made in emergency. For reasons developed in the article, state ownership of bank equity does not guarantee either a better performance of firms or less risk-taking, and should be transitory. Similarly, bank mergers in an already concentrated sector may lead to more costly credit consequently slowing growth and possibly favoring risky choices. A tighter control ex post by competition authorities is necessary.
CHARLETY-LEPERS, P. (2009). Eviter les défaillances bancaires en temps de crise : solutions de court terme et conséquences à long terme. Dans: Le leadership responsable. Un allié sûr contre la crise. 1st ed. Gualino. Lextenso éditions, pp. 305-314.