SUTAN Angela, Ajdukovic Ivan, Spiegelman Eli
Environmental protection requires costly actions taken for other people’s benefit. Those actions are irrational for selfish individuals, but may not be for those who care for the well-being of people close to them, for instance in next generations. We compare two situations of exploitation of a common resource: a situation in which individuals are members of successive generations, without dynastic link (1), and a situation in which individuals of various generations are members of dynasties (2). Our results show that individuals who know that their extraction decision will impact members of their dynasty belonging to future generations make a significantly lower extraction than others
AJDUKOVIC, I., SPIEGELMAN, E. et SUTAN, A. (2019). Égoïste maintenant, ou altruiste (pour) demain ? Stratégies inter vs intragénérationnelles pour la conservation d’une ressource commune. Revue Economique, Vol. 70(6), pp. 1153-1170.